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Projects, notes, linux, privacy, etc. September 30, 2014. Cheap DIY babycam with night vision. When I did this project in 2012 babycams cost from NOK 2000 and up, so I decided to see if I could build one using a Raspberry Pi, an IR light and a very cheap webcam. This will of course only be a level 0 night vision (active). Posted by dev@falk-petersen.no. Tags: raspberrypi linux hardware webcam project. September 29, 2014. Car-logger - part 2. Read part one of Car-logger. First, if you haven’t. May 09, 2014.
graph.no - Weather forecast via finger — 0p.no
Projects, notes, linux, privacy, etc. Laquo; µg - A plugin-based replacement for gapps (updated). Google knows where you are by default. December 13, 2014. Graphno - Weather forecast via finger. Has a brilliant hour by hour. View A simple picture where you get all info you need for planning your next 48 hours. They also give out all their weather data for free. Having a special fascination for the command line, I wondered if I could represent the same information in a basic, ASCII, 80x22 terminal. Or rat...
Android with as little closed source as possible - part 2 — 0p.no
Projects, notes, linux, privacy, etc. Laquo; Your own Ruter.no realtime monitor. Μg - A plugin-based replacement for gapps (updated). February 26, 2015. Android with as little closed source as possible - part 2. Read part one of Android with as little closed source as possible. Life without US cloud services. And Androids privacy invasiveness. If you’re wondering why I’m doing this. This is an update on how to live with a free and open (Android based) phone. Is a good thing, no matter what you’re r...
Using finger service the wrong way — 0p.no
Projects, notes, linux, privacy, etc. Laquo; Weather via finger, an update. Your own Ruter.no realtime monitor. May 31, 2016. Using finger service the wrong way. If you’re doing this, you’re doing it wrong. Lots of people use the finger service @graph.no. In an automated way. That’s quite alright, it’s what it’s there for. As an example:. A likely scenario is putting it in screen. Every 30-60 minutes, and then have your status line read from that. Another scenario could be people running it in watch.
Posts tagged with finger usa election hell — 0p.no
Projects, notes, linux, privacy, etc. Posts tagged with finger usa election hell. So Hell has frozen over. Posted by dev@falk-petersen.no. Tags: finger usa election hell. So Hell has frozen over. Weather via finger, an update. Using finger service the wrong way. Your own Ruter.no realtime monitor. Android with as little closed source as possible - part 2. Μg - A plugin-based replacement for gapps (updated). Graphno - Weather forecast via finger. Google knows where you are by default.
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Home — 0p.no
Projects, notes, linux, privacy, etc. November 09, 2016. So Hell has frozen over. So here we are, Hell really has frozen over. Posted by dev@falk-petersen.no. Tags: finger usa election hell. August 17, 2016. See RadiOS part 1. Posted by dev@falk-petersen.no. Tags: projects raspberrypi python design hardware. May 31, 2016. Weather via finger, an update. I meant to write this post in Febuary, but never had the time. Something exploded at Tuesday 2016-02-16. If you like the service.). May 31, 2016. Tags: fi...
推动 长春制造 向 长春创造 转变. 暖流计划 社会力量在行动 百姓健康篇 启动. 长春市将首次举办 3 15 晚会. 让 互联网 主动 文化. 蓝天社区联合辖区 雨花祭 素食斋免费向居民、环卫工人赠送 腊八粥. 29日一早,长春评剧院近30余名演员准备好 行囊 ,开始了一天忙碌的行程 此次 我们的中国梦 201. 诗书礼乐 进校园 书法家 助学扶志. 弟子规 立规矩,经典诗词联诵重情怀,配乐 少年中国说 强士气,活动现场,一段段诵读表演精彩纷呈,一个个明星学子大谈感想。 读古诗 诵经典 让 诗书礼乐 融入校园生活. 近期,宽城区文体局在接到 有网吧非法经营 的举报后,立即派文化市场综合执法大队执法人员前往 巨阵电竞馆 进行调查。 近日,林园街道南航社区开展了 邻暖南航 微课堂 公益活动,受到居民的一致好评。 百名 长春最美女性 发布 王君正寄语全市妇女同胞. 规定 规则 的出台,一方面要贴近生活,结合实际情况 另一方面不能只是 看上去很美 ,必须狠抓.
三权分置 ,是指农村土地集体所有权、农户承包权、土地经营权 三权 分置并行。 8月30日,走好 新长征 扶贫之路论坛暨 人民网全媒体扶贫信息平台 上线仪式在人民日报社举行,活动上为人民网 全媒体扶贫信息平台基层调研行 授旗。 冬瓜 136元/公斤 茄子 2.22元/公斤. 丝瓜 343元/公斤 包菜 1.02元/公斤. 芹菜 24元/公斤 黄瓜2.7元/公斤. 山药 533元/公斤 胡萝卜2.14元/公斤. 白菜179元/公斤 青菜 2.79元/公斤. 青瓜 55元/公斤 生菜3.56元/公斤. 菠菜 595元/公斤 西兰花5.31元/公斤. 蒜苗 535元/公斤 空心菜 3.11元/公斤. 洋葱 208元/公斤 西红柿 2.22元/公斤. 扶贫,需下一番 绣花 功夫 扶贫手. 第三期 种子法 改革一周年 聚焦种业提升空间.
گالری لیدی شکلاتی
به گالری مادام لولو خ رخ ر ه خوش اومدید. اینجا مثل همه وب های دیگه رمز داره. لینک که کردی رمز رو بهت میدم. با همه هم تبادل لینک میکنم محدودیتی وجود ندار. عکس ها از سایت خارجیه. اگه خواستی تهمت بزنی سایلنت شی بهتره. هرعکسی رو که خواستید بهم بگید براتون میزارم. تاريخ یکشنبه بیستم اسفند 1391ساعت نويسنده لیدی شکلاتی. تاريخ یکشنبه بیست و ششم خرداد 1392ساعت نويسنده لیدی شکلاتی. تاريخ یکشنبه بیست و ششم خرداد 1392ساعت نويسنده لیدی شکلاتی. تاريخ یکشنبه بیست و ششم خرداد 1392ساعت نويسنده لیدی شکلاتی. ƤH õ õ ßÌ Rõñ.
安康市地处祖国内陆腹地,陕西省东南部,居川、陕、鄂、渝交接部,位于东经108 00 58 110 12 ,北纬31 42 24 33 50 34 之间,南依巴山北坡,北靠秦岭主脊,东与湖北省的郧县、郧西县接壤,东南与湖北省的竹溪县、竹山县毗邻,南接重庆市的巫溪县,西南与重庆市的城口县、四川省. 详情. 苦干实干 追赶超越 市政府2017年重点工 [详细]. 李克强主持召开 贯彻新发展理念 培育发展新动能 . 苦干实干 追赶超越 市政府2017年重点工作任务公开承诺 新闻访谈,市环保局局长陈彪 走进演播室,就今年重点工作事项做公开承诺。 2016年,我市出台了 安康市各级党委、政府及有关部门环境保护工作职责 试行 和 安康市水污染防治工作方案 ,在全省率先实施 河长制.