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- Studentsite - Gunadarma University
Http:/ 10214001.student.gunadarma.ac.id. A GALANG DWI AMANDA. Http:/ 30113001.student.gunadarma.ac.id. Http:/ 20213002.student.gunadarma.ac.id. Http:/ 50408001.student.gunadarma.ac.id. Http:/ 34109670.student.gunadarma.ac.id. A NUR MUHAMMAD ISKANDAR. Http:/ 20112001.student.gunadarma.ac.id. Http:/ 20199001.student.gunadarma.ac.id. A SYAFMITHA SUGIRATU SYAF. Http:/ 10607001.student.gunadarma.ac.id. Http:/ 18106003.student.gunadarma.ac.id. A YOGAMA ADHIKA PRAMAJA. A A GDE A. ADITYA PRATAMA. Http:/ 20204090...
October 20, 2016. Uh oh, the girl is officially 27. Another birthday in the books and I thank God that I'm lucky enough to see another year! Much has happened and changed in my life since my last update (more than a year ago 😔 let me do better this year). A. Person than that person I used to be. posting those sad-who-hurt-you mixtapes that you can find in blog posts below. lol Who was I? Anyways, 27 birthday resolutions to myself: 1). Remember Fran, put God first. Say your grace! Walk to work more.
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