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Current Range: 8 / (52340 - 52427)

About the Art Season. SHANGHAI URBAN SPACE ART SEASON 2015. About the Art Season. About the Art Season. 预告 今日中午12点,俞斯佳、伍江与您约见上海人民广播电台 市民与社会 节目. 10月25日下午, 2015上海城市空间艺术季 城市更新 主展览,迎来了青年汇智团汇智营第七次活动。 愚园路1107号草坪 愚园路.和平颂歌 纪念抗战胜利70周年草坪音乐会. 原中国实业银行仓库(OCAT上海馆) OCAT上海馆视觉艺术展( 回放 皮埃尔 于贝尔电影与录像收藏展 ). 西岸文化艺术 以 热力学唯物主义 理念的设计展. 规划馆 二楼临展厅 文化讲堂 1 后张园石库门研究. 规划馆 二楼临展厅 文化讲堂 2 公益坊往事. 规划馆五楼新闻发布厅 大师讲座 2 上海石库门的文化遗产价值. 汉斯 乌尔里希 奥布里斯特 15个房间 和龙美术馆历史性收藏展开幕式. 龙美术馆 由国际著名策展人克劳斯 比森巴赫和汉斯 乌尔里希 奥布里斯特策展的一个关于现场艺术的展览,以及对龙美术馆私人馆藏梳理的特展. 旮旯空间廊咖啡2F ...
52341. Home - Wesfarmers
THIS IS AN ARCHIVED REPORT Please click here to view the current report. Waste and water use. Home Improvement and Office Supplies. Chemicals, Energy and Fertilisers. GRI G4 Content Index. United Nations Global Compact. To continue creating value over the long term, Wesfarmers is committed to proactively managing its community and environmental impact. Click here to view our 10 principles. We maintain a relentless focus on providing safe workplaces. More. Waste and water use. View all case studies. Chair...
52342. Program | Festival Svetla 2015
Dve noci svetla a tieňa. Sprievodca festivalom na stiahnutie. Temná strana svetla Program. Primátorom mesta Banská Bystrica Jánom Noskom. POHYB VEŽE svetelná projekcia. 11 - 12. december 16:15 22:00 nonstop. Partner projektu HADVIČÁK s.r.o. 3D SKENOVANIE workshop -. 1 december 10:00 13:00. TAJOMSTVO SVETLA výstava fotografií. 7 - 14. december 9:00 18:00. Partner projektu KLEMO s.r.o. Vymetieme zlo a vpustíme svetlo. 11 - 12. december. Námestie Št. Moysesa. Partneri projektu FS URPÍN, UFS MLADOSŤ. 11 12 d...
52343. SVĚTLOVSKÝ BÁL | XI. mezinárodní folklorní festival | Bojkovice
Portoriko, Malý Světlovánek, DFS Světlovánek. Výchovné koncerty pro MŠ a ZŠ. Přijetí souborů starostou města Bojkovice. S písničkú do Pitína. Ballet Folklórico Sabor Boricua Puerto Rico. Zespół Pieśni i Tańca Bychlewianka Polsko. ŽS Čerešňa Újezdec u Luhačovic. CM Rozmarýn Újezdec u Luhačovic. Světlovský bál se stal tradicí, vstoupil do povědomí široké veřejnosti a zvýšil zájem o folklor ze strany dětí a jejich rodičů. Díky němu se staly Bojkovice místem pro setkávání kultur. DFS Venček - Poprad. DFS Svě...
52344. Home
Neue Seite (im Aufbau). Festbuch zum 100 Jährigen Jubiläum. Aktuelle Seite:  . SV Wanheim mit torlosem Remis zum Auftakt zum Auftakt. Auf unserer Homepage. Schön, dass ihr da seid! Ihr findet hier alle Informationen rund um unseren Verein. Ergebnisse, Termine, Veranstaltungen, Personalien, Neuigkeiten usw. Wenn ihr etwas vermissen oder Fragen haben solltet, schickt uns einfach eine Nachricht über das Kontaktformular. Das Wetter in Duisburg. Wind: 20.92 km/h. SV Wanheim 1900 mit acht Neuzugängen. Template...
52345. SWACYPAA 2
How Dark It Is Before The Dawn! Your Host for SWACYPAA 3 2016. The second annual Southwestern Area Conference of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous is coming to Arizona on July 23-26 2015. 25, or download a pre-reg here! At the Hyatt Regency in Phoenix for just $89. Check out the amenities. Proudly powered by WordPress. Theme: Superhero by
52346. Swancon 40
On 2-6 April, 2015 We're celebrating 40 years of Swancon. We are a speculative fiction convention that is invested in all kinds of media. You will find panels and discussion about games, film, literature, and graphic novels. If you are interested in science fiction or fantasy of almost any flavour, we will have something for you. Known for creating havoc and chaos, multiple award-winner author John Scalzi joins us in 2015. All of these panels, presentations and discussions have been suggested to us by YOU.
52347. SWC 2015
52348. Swiss Cyber Storm 2015 - International IT Security Conference
Swiss Cyber Storm 2015. Swiss Cyber Storm 2015 is over. See you at Swiss Cyber Storm 2016! Save the date - October 19, 2016. The European Cyber Security Challenge 2015 is over - The Swiss team won the bronze medal! October 23, 2015. After three days filled with networking, making new friends, some easy but also some hard challenges, success but also setbacks, the winner has been revealed at yesterday’s award ceremony in Berne. Check out the following video. September 14, 2015. August 3, 2015. May 4, 2015.
52349. SwitchMed Connect
Discover the Mediterranean networks working on. Productive, circular and sharing economies. Share and showcase your stories, expertise and experience. On eco and social innovations. Exchange and find synergies with other. Get inspired on how to scale eco and social innovations. And create actions in the Mediterranean scaling up labs.
52350. WordCamp Switzerland 2015 | September 19–20, Zurich
September 19 20, Zurich. After an amazing event in 2014, we’re happy to announce that WordCamp Switzerland 2015. Is officially on the calendar! WordCamps are the official WordPress events around the world. They are informal, community-organized events that are put together by WordPress users like you. Vitaly from Smashing Magazine speaking at our 2014 WordCamp and the great venue. Who is it for? Everyone from casual users. Small and big bloggers. This year, WordCamp Switzerland will be on September 19.
52351. Energiespartour
Energiesparende Gera te gu nstig kaufen im. Tausend Energiesparer für Sie. Energie sparen ist die einfachste Möglichkeit, unser Klima zu schützen und bares Geld zu sparen. Wir unterstützen Sie dabei mit allerlei Tipps, mit Förderprogrammen, mit günstiger Energiespartechnik und mit einem unterhaltsamen Gewinnspiel. Mehr erfahren Sie hier und auf der Energiespartour mit. Hier geht s zu den Tourdaten! Hier geht s zu den bisherigen Gewinnern! Einen von 1 000 Energie-. Gut, besser,.
52352. 人与环境摄影大赛官网
5月17日 相约辰山植物园 跑步 公益 摄影. 恩施采风 来和大自然谈一场有趣的 恋爱 (.
52353. Welcome to the Symfony CAMP UA 2015!
Symfony CAMP UA 2015. Symfony CAMP UA Conference is dedicated to web applications development using PHP Framework Symfony. Hotel Kozackiy / October 24, 2015 09:00. Symfony CAMP UA Conference is dedicated to web applications development using PHP Framework Symfony. Hotel Kozackiy / October 24, 2015 09:00. Symfony CAMP UA Conference is dedicated to web applications development using PHP Framework Symfony. Hotel Kozackiy / October 24, 2015 09:00. October 24 — Symfony CAMP day. How it was at past year 2014.
52354. Symfony Day - Reggio Emilia, 9 ottobre 2015
Associazione Gruppo Utenti Sviluppatori PHP Italiani. PHP User Group di Modena e Reggio Emilia. Reggio Emilia, 9 ottobre 2015. Symfony 2 è uno dei framework PHP più apprezzati sul mercato. 09:00 – 09:30. 09:30 – 09:45. 09:45 – 10:00. 10:05 – 10:35. Symfony3, guida alla migrazione. 10:35 – 11:00. 11:00 – 11:45. Symfony components in a microservice architecture. Daniele D'Angeli - @dangelidaniele. 11:50 – 12:20. Un nuovo standard, benvenuto PSR-7. Marco Perone - @marcoshuttle. 12:25 – 13:10. Via Danubio 7,.
52355. 2015 SYMPOSIUM – finding earth 2.0
Read more about this years Canopus Winners! We pursue an extraordinary tomorrow, in order to build a better world today. Pathway to the Stars, Footprints on Earth. Learn more about the 100YSS Public Symposium 2015. All the capabilities needed for successful human travel to another star are required to enhance and sustain human life here on Earth. Read more about our Technical Tracks. Space isn’t just for rocket scientists and billionairesit is collective human journey. Register today and join the journey!
52356. Szalone Dni Muzyki 2015 – Pasje serca i duszy / La Folle Journée de Varsovie
Pasje serca i duszy. Szalone Dni Muzyki 2014. Szalone Dni Muzyki 2013. Szalone Dni Muzyki 2012. Szalone Dni Muzyki 2011. Szalone Dni Muzyki 2010. Po Festiwalu pełnym muzycznych pasji. Ostatni weekend września wielu melomanom kojarzy się z muzyką klasyczną głównie za sprawą odbywających się w tym czasie w Warszawie Szalonych Dni Muzyki, które są polską edycją międzynarodowego festiwalu La Folle Journée. Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego – Kultura Dostępna. Spark the Classical Band.
52357. Tag der Bibliotheken 2015
Tag der offenen Tür. Wir benutzen auf unserer Webseite Cookies, um Ihnen die bestmögliche Nutzbarkeit zu ermöglichen. Indem Sie die Seite verwenden, stimmen Sie der Verwendung von Cookies zu. OK.
52358. Рейтинги и обзоры digital-рынка Тэглайн-2015
Ваш браузер не поддерживает iframe! Вероятно, вы зашли на эту страницу в поисках свежих рейтингов Тэглайн или с целью принять в них участие. Сообщаем, что с 2015 года любой из наших рейтингов будет доступен по постоянной ссылке и обновляться по ней же раз в год. Мы отменяем порочную практику создания нового сайта для свежих рейтингов каждого года, тем самым уменьшая энтропию и упрощая поиск актуальных рейтингов. Все наши актуальные рейтинги вы можете увидеть в специальном виджете справа. Русскоязычные ко...
52359. 泰安市人民政府门户网站
第三届 泰山网络文化 传播奖 颁奖. 宁阳财政改革试点PPP实现 1 1 1 3. 泰政办字 2015 46号 泰安市人民政府办公室泰安军分区司令部关于调整泰安市征兵工作领导机构成员的通知. 泰政字 2015 34号 泰安市人民政府关于2015年第1次全市整治违法排污企业保障群众健康环保专项行动检查. 泰政办字 2015 45号 泰安市人民政府办公室关于进一步加强生产安全事故报告和调查处理工作的通知. 泰政办字 2015 44号 泰安市人民政府办公室关于建立政府信息公开工作联席会议制度的通知. 泰政发 2015 5号 泰安市人民政府关于切实做好2014年冬季退役士兵接收安置工作的通知. 泰政发 2015 4号 泰安市人民政府关于进一步推进户籍制度改革的意见. 泰政发 2014 23号 泰安市人民政府关于印发泰安市居民基本医疗保险暂行办法的通知. 泰政发 2015 3号 泰安市人民政府2014年度政府信息公开工作报告. 泰政办发 2015 5号 泰安市人民政府办公室关于印发 泰安市百城技能振兴专项活动实施方案 的通知.
52360. 2015臺東元宵民俗嘉年華會
晚上7 00 9 30. 晚上7 00 9 30. 於廣播時段中CALL IN並線上回答正確謎底即贈送在地知名量販店現金禮券200元 .詳情。
52361. 第16回宝塚映画祭 – 阪神間ゆかりの文豪 谷崎潤一郎 没後50周年記念
Takarazuka Cinema Festival 2015. ザ ピーナッツの2人が出演の 若い仲間たち うちら祇園の舞妓はん. 大阪日本橋で自作の哲学書をリヤカーで売り歩く 名物おじいさん の生きざまを追ったドキュメント ろまんちっくろーど 金木義男の優雅な人生. 自由を求めてあてのない旅に出た主人公のほろ苦くも輝かしい青春の日々を描いた オン ザ ロード. 当選する見込みがほとんどない 泡沫候補 たちがなぜ闘い続けるのかに迫る選挙ドキュメント、 映画 立候補. 映画は、第一部 真鍮の砲 弾 第二部 墓畔の館 の二部構成。 吉本興業 地元制作の 地域発信型映画プロジェクト で作成した短編映画3本の上映 若手ご当地芸人による映画作品トークを実施。
52362. 一般社団法人 武雄青年会議所
一般社団法人 武雄青年会議所 2015年度 オフィシャルサイト. 青年会議所への入会案内です( . ). 経営のヒントをみつけてみませんか ビジネス基調講演 異業種交流会 今回開催するビジネス基調講演 異業種交流会は武雄市を中心とした若い社会人の交流をはかる目的で開催いたします。 TEL 0954-23-4333 FAX 0954-23-5990.
52363. Talkertain.Com | บอกเล่า…ข่าวบันเทิง
คอนเส ร ต & ม ตต ง. คล ปว ด โอ. ข าวประชาส มพ นธ. Select your Top Menu from wp menus. คอนเส ร ต & ม ตต ง. คล ปว ด โอ. ข าวประชาส มพ นธ. เอฟท ไอส แลนด พ ดไทยร วๆ น บว นรอ ‘คอนเส ร ตในเม องไทย’ เฟโอห ชวนชาวร อกปล อยพล ง [We Will] IN BANGKOK 12 ก.ย.น! Echosmith เด นทางมาพบก บแฟนๆ ชาวไทย ในงาน Echosmith Live in Bangkok เม อว นท 7 ส งหาคม 2558. SM True ท มส ดต ว! เนรม ตคอนเส ร ตส งท าย SUPER JUNIOR D&E ASIA TOUR 2015 -Present- in BANGKOK ป ดฉากเอเช ยร ท วร ในประเทศไทย ประท บใจไม ร ล ม. อ พเดทข าวล าส ด. เนรม ...
52364. Talking Peace Festival 2015
Talking Peace Festival 2015. Celebrated artists to reflect on urban conflict in #ART4PEACE campaign. Over 20 acclaimed urban and street artists from around the world are to exhibit their artworks in support of. Celebrated musicians donate tracks for global peace project. We are delighted to announce the launch of Peace Tracks, a global collaborative music project that brings together internationally celebrated. Volunteer at Talking Peace Festival. Announcing Talking Peace Festival 2015. Shop 12, Dray Walk.
52365. 2015 WordCamp Tampa | Sept 25-27 @ USF's Marshall Student Center
Sept 25-27 @ USF's Marshall Student Center. Slide Presentations from WordCamp Tampa 2015. October 3, 2015. We will publish all slides to this running post as they are provided by the Speakers. Stay Tuned! Get Your WordPress Site in Shape. Rapid Prototyping and Theme Design with Sketch. No One Cares About Your Content… Yet! The Future of Sales Understanding Information as a Currency. Be a Part of Something Bigger: Get Involved with WordPress. Streamlining the Web Design Process Using Style Tiles. Getting ...
52366. Tampere Kuplii
Tampere Kuplii sarjakuvafestivaalit 25.-29.3.2015. Vuoden 2015 Kupliin teema on Sarjakuva opettaa. Ei, tämä ei ole aprillia vaan cosplaykilpailun tulokset Aamulehden jutussa. Tarkat tulokset lisätään pian cosplaysivullemme. Jälleen kerran olemme viettäneet yhden aivan uskomattoman ja unohtumattoman Kupliin! Tunnelma, joka tämän tapahtuman valtaa vuodesta toiseen, on aivan ainutlaatuinen ja käsin kosketeltava. Kävijämäärä oli kunnioitettavat 8856 kävijää! Tunsin henkilökohtaisesti suurta haikeutta, kun vi...
52367. Moderní webhosting pro každého - GoHost
Webhosting pro tuto doménu není aktivní!
52368. 浏览出错-汤阴信息港
52369. Tante Tinte
Wir sind Tante Tinte, ein Trickfilmstudio aus Kassel mit dem Schwerpunkt Animation und Illustration. Wir erzählen gerne Geschichten, und die am liebsten mit Figuren. Sie stehen im Mittelpunkt bei der Konzeption und Umsetzung von … Weiterlesen →. ZDF – Rugby. ZDF – Rugby. Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz – Konzept. We wish you…. We wish you…. 3, 2, 1, NATIVES on the run. Rudolf, the Red Nosed Reindeer. Stilllegung des Endlagers für radioaktive Abfälle Morsleben. Was ist eigentlich Radioaktivität?
52370. phpStudy 探针 2014
Not 不想显示 phpStudy 探针. Windows NT WIN-6RGR80R0FO0 6.1 build 7601 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition Service Pack 1) i586. Apache/2.4.23 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.2j PHP/5.4.45. Core bcmath calendar ctype date ereg filter ftp hash iconv json mcrypt SPL. Odbc pcre Reflection session standard mysqlnd tokenizer zip zlib libxml dom PDO bz2. SimpleXML wddx xml xmlreader xmlwriter apache2handler Phar curl com dotnet gd mbstring mysql mysqli. POST方法提交最大限制 post max size.
Rafting na divljim vodama. Rafting Tarom i Drinom. Planinski turizam i izleti. Planinska koliba na Zelengori. ARANŽMAN I: Jedan dan za rafting. ARANŽMAN II: Dva dana i rafting. ARANŽMAN III: Tri dana I rafting. ARANŽMAN IV: Tri dana, rafting i avantura po izboru. ARANŽMAN V: SAFARI and BARBEQUE IZLET U NP SUTJESKA. EKSPEDICIJA I: Dva aktivna dana. EKSPEDICIJA II: Tri aktivna dana. EKSPEDICIJA III: Tri aktivna dana kombinovana ekspedicija. TEAM BUILDING / INCENTIVE PROGRAM. Smjernice i korisne stvari.
52372. Tarbiyah School of Delaware | Character, Creativity & Excellence - That's Tarbiyah
Tarbiyah School of Delaware. Director’s Welcome Message. Philosophy & Values. History & Growth. Faculty & Staff. News & Events. Grade 1 – Grade 5. Grade 6 – Grade 8. Before & After Care. Sports & Athletics. Tuition & Fees. Parent Student Handbook 2015. First State Islamic Foundation. Masjid Isa Ibne Maryam. August 17, 2015. Teacher Training and Classroom Preparation. August 28, 2015. Student and Parent Orientation and Open House, 5:30 - 7:00 PM. August 31, 2015. First day of school. September 7, 2015.
FESTIVAL OF CONTEMPORARY ABORIGINAL. AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER ART. Visit 22 venues across South Australia to enjoy the latest in contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art. Art Gallery of South Australia. Join us on the festival's opening weekend to buy works of art directly from artists and art centres from across Australia. Over 300 artists from around Australia come together for TARNANTHI to celebrate contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art. All Artists and Artist Map.
52374. 29. Tarnowska Nagroda Filmowa
Koncert Galowy na antenie TVP Kraków. W sobotę, 25 kwietnia, na Rynku w Tarnowie odbył się koncert galowy, podczas którego wyróżnionym polskim filmom wręczono po raz 29. nagrody tarnowskiego festiwalu. Po części oficjalnej na scenie zasiedli muzycy Orkiestry Sinfonia Viva. . więcej. Epilog 29. TNF. Pzeżyjmy to jeszcze raz, nagrodzone filmy . więcej. O 29 TNF w Panoramie. Trójkowo, filmowo podsumowuje 29. TNF - posłuchaj! Laureaci 29. TNF. Więcej aktualności ».
52375. 17th Prague International Tattoo Convention
Follow us on Facebook. Subscribe To Rss Feed. WINNER BEST OF SHOW. On Kvě 26, 2015. WINNER BEST OF SHOW. Jakub Zítka Anička Lucky Hazzard. Igor Tattoo, Czech. On Kvě 7, 2015. Igor Tattoo, Czech. State: Czech republik City: Prague Facebook: https:/ Email: Twenty five tattoo, Germany. On Kvě 7, 2015. Twenty five tattoo, Germany. State: Germany City: Töging Web: Tel.: 0171. Aslan Tattoo, Slovakia. State: Slo...
52376. Colnago Lang Team Race
Tour de Pologne amatorów. Nutella Mini Tour de Pologne. Maratony Rowerowe Lang Team. Skandia Maraton Lang Team. Colnago Lang Team Race. Gdańsk - 22.05.2016. Warszawa - 29.05.2016. Krokowa - 31.07.2016. Bytów - 28.08.2016. EMOCJONUJĄCY FINAŁ COLNAGO LANG TEAM RACE NA KASZUBACH. Fantastyczna pogoda, cudowna atmosfera i wielkie emocje na ostatniej prostej - tak wyglądały finałowe zawody Colnago Lang Team Race w Bytowie. W tym roku ponad 3000 osób wzięło udział w cyklu. KOLARSKI FINISZ WAKACJI W BYTOWIE.
52377. TaxEu Forum 2015
12 - 13 februarie 2015, Crowne Plaza Bucharest Hotel. Avand noua editii realizate, TaxEU Forum, cel mai important eveniment local de taxe si fiscalitate, a fost organizat in Bucuresti impreuna cu cele mai importante companii de consultanta fiscala din Romania. Evenimentul a avut loc in perioada 12-13 februarie 2015 la Crowne Plaza Hotel, Bucuresti, si a examinat impactul modificarilor preconizate in domeniul fiscal pentru perioada 2015-2016. DE CE SA PARTICIPI. Directori si Manageri Financiari.
52378. TaZ Corporation Official Site
National Health Security Office. New product Acoustic Solution. Malaysian International Furniture Fair (MIFF) 2014. Malaysian International Furniture Fair (MIFF) 2013.
52379. TCC 2015 Online Conference
TCC 2015 Online Conference. Hawaii 2-0 : The Future is Now March 17-19, 2015. The 20th Annual TCC Worldwide Online Conference: March 17-19, 2015. TCC, Technology, Colleges and Community, is a worldwide online conference attended by university and college personnel including faculty, academic support staff, counselors, student services personnel, students, and administrators. In celebration of our 20th year, During March 17-19, TCC sessions will be held simultaneously ONLINE and at the Univ...
52380. Twin Cities Drupal Camp 2015
Skip to main content. June 25th-28th, 2015. Drupal 8 Development Primer. Introduction to Headless Drupal. Build a Module Workshop. How to Get There. Session recordings are available! Each keynote and nearly all of the sessions from Twin Cities Drupal Camp 2015 have been successfully recorded and are now available to view online! Find the videos embedded on each session page in the camp schedule. Or browse our YouTube channel. Twin Cities Drupal Camp June 25-28, 2015. Find out more here.
52381. TCMC INTERACTIVE | Website design & development, web applications, mobile apps, social media integration
Web Design. Development. Mobile. Contact Us to Get Started on your Web Project Today! Responsive Design ensures that your website will layout elegantly regardless of the device that it is being viewed on. Responsive design can accommodate for desktop PCs, mobile devices such as cell phones and tablets or even a screen as large as a 55" HD TV. Get the latest news including blog posts, press releases, award announcements and more. Contact us. To be added to our newsletter for more industry insight. Digital...
52382. Website im Aufbau
Diese Website befindet sich gegenwärtig im Aufbau. Es sind noch keine Inhalte hinterlegt. Bitte besuchen Sie uns später erneut.
52383. Motiw
Версия 1.9.11.
52384. geecon TDD Poznan 2015
Test - Code - Refactor across languages, platforms and architectures. One day in Poznan with top speakers, sharing their knowledge and experience. Only specialized talks by experts for experts! Schedule is ready and it looks quite promising. It is high time to register. Call for papers is open. Will be open till 20th of December 2014. For 29th of January we have prepared 3 great workshops! Crafting Code" with Sandro Mancuso. Introduction to BDD using JavaScript" with Enrique Amodeo. Stick to the rules!
52385. TD Summer Reading Club
TD Summer Reading Club. A program of Canadian public libraries. Welcome to our website! The TD Summer Reading Club. Is a fun (and free! Program for kids held by participating Canadian public libraries. If you haven’t already done so, be sure to visit your local library to sign up! You’ll get a free club notebook. A chance to collect stickers, and find lots of fun all summer long! Book of the Week! By Maria Birmingham and Jamie Bennett. Joke of the Day! Whats a tornatos favrete game. Library Fairy, ON.
52386. TEC ART
Critical fun and play. Fenixloods 1, Veerlaan 9 – 13. 4-7 feb 13:00 – 22:00. 8 feb 13:00 – 19:00. Boomgaardstraat 71, Rotterdam. 4 feb 18:00 explosive opening. 6 feb 22:00 – 04:00 afterparty WORM. HACKING DE KOONING ACADEMY. Organisatie (at) 31 (0) 6 5583 0311. 2015 TEC ART 2015.
52387. Wilmington Delawares Premier Tech Event Tech2gether 2015
See the full video! Tech2gether 2015 is the second annual conference in the area highlighting local entrepreneurs and start up companies, showcasing emerging technology, and creating opportunities for connections. Tech2gether will demonstrate that there is a need and forum to recruit valuable talent in Delaware and promote the organizations and individuals on the forefront of innovation in Wilmington and surrounding areas. Events will be held at World Cafe Live at the Queen on Wednesday November 18, 2015.
52388. Techkriti'15
Innovations around the world. Goodies, Goodies and Goodies. It's all about fun. 21 years of trust.
52389. Technoport - Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Norway - Technoport
Welcome to Technoport 2015. Welcome to Technoport 2015. Trondheim's Meeting Place for Innovation. Technoport brings together researchers, investors, entrepreneurs and students from across Norway's knowledge economy to help stimulate innovation. Technoport seeks tech-addicted students! Want to stimulate innovation, learn new things and have fun? Design Thinking comes to NTNU. Do you want to learn how Silicon Valley companies like Google, Facebook and Apple create amazing user-centred products and services?
52390. Techsylvania
CODE / PRODUCT / FUNDING 6-9 June 2015 Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA. Rules & FAQs. Coaches & Judges. 6-7 June: Wearable and Connected Devices Hackathon. 8-9 June: Technology and Innovation Conference. Techsylvania 2015 will take place in Cluj-Napoca, the European Youth Capital of 2015 and Europe’s most hospitable city according to the European Commission. Techsylvania consists of two major parts: Techsylvania Hackathon and Techsylvania Conference. Wearable and connected technologies. Founding Partner GECAD Group.
52391. TEDxAUEB 2015
TEDxAUEB was an initiative of the students in Athens University of Economics and Business. For the creation of the first TEDxUniversity in Greece in 2013. After the first and second successful events, TEDxAUEB is preparing the next annual event in 2015, driven by authenticity and creativity. Lamias 6, Tavros, Athens. Under the auspices of AUEB. Το TEDxAUEB ανοίγει τις πόρτες του στο Art Factory σε λιγότερο από 24 ώρες, για να κάνει μία ανατρεπτική προσέγγιση της έννοιας Αδράνεια . Στη σκηνή.
52392. TedX Augusta 2015
Something that joins or connects two or more things. The act of connecting two or more things or the state of being connected. A situation in which two or more things have the same cause, origin, goal, etc. January 30, 2015. Click here to buy tickets now. Please sign up for our email newsletter for the latest news and follow our social media. Thank you again to all the speakers, sponsors, volunteers and team. Sign up for TEDx Augusta Fans. 2017 Crafted by NewFire Media.
52393. TEDxBozeman - March 27th, 2015
Friday, March 27th. Friday, March 27. 1:00PM-6:00PM, doors open at 12:00PM. Dinner and mixer to follow. The Commons at Baxter and Love,. 1794 Baxter Lane East, Bozeman MT. Click here for the 2015 event lineup. All tickets are sold out. We invite you to join us along with others around the globe by tuning into our live broadcast. The day of the event. If you desire a more personable and interactive experience with other TEDx fans, the Blackstone LaunchPad has offered to host a viewing party. TEDx events a...
52394. TEDxFribourg –
Vidéos des talks 2015. 17:00 (Doors open at 16:30). Place du Petit-Saint-Jean 39, Fribourg. Tickets à partir de / Ticket ab. Qu’est-ce que TEDx? Depuis 25 ans, la conférence américaine TED rassemble des esprits brillants dans leur domaine pour partager leurs idées avec le monde. C’est un événement annuel où les plus grands talents internationaux sont invités à partager leurs passions. Face à son succès, TED a voulu permettre à la communauté élargie de ses fans de diffuser l’esprit TED autour du monde.
52395. TEDxKids@Ilissos - Μια φορά κι έναν καιρό
Είναι η πρώτη ελληνική TEDx μη κερδοσκοπική πρωτοβουλία για παιδιά που θα παρουσιάζεται κάθε χρόνο στην Αθήνα. Φιλοδοξεί να γίνει το μικρό αδερφάκι της ελληνικής TEDx κοινότητας και να αποτελέσει δυναμική πλατφόρμα ανταλλαγής ιδεών και εμπειριών σε ζητήματα που αφορούν τα παιδιά (Ιdeas Worth Spreading for Kids). Τίτλος: Γρανάζια and Αισθητήρες: Μηχανικοί Ρομπότ. Συνεργάτης: International School of Piraeus. Τίτλος: Όταν ο σπόρος συνάντησε το χώμα. Συνεργάτης:(Βe the Doers) Οργάνωση Γη. Τίτλος: Foodstories...
52396. Home | TEDxSãoTomé 2015 - Ponto Sem Retorno: Tudo e Nada - Acreditar nos Sonhos!
25 de Julho de 2015 Local X. Biblioteca Nacional, São Tomé. Prof de Direito Comercial II. SãoTomé Este evento TED. Independente é organizado sob a licença do TED. Desenvolvimento e Manutenção por Karlley Frota.
52397. Make+Belief - TEDx StJohns
Join Our Mailing List. Join Our Mailing List. Architect of Fogo Island Inn. Advocate for the Blind. Entrepreneur, Founder and President of Solace Power Inc. Author, Santa’s Assistant. Join Our Mailing List. Join Our Mailing List. Thank you for those who joined us on Friday, May 22nd, 2015. We had a great night! Want to get involved for 2016? We’re always looking for new partners, speakers and performers, volunteers and eager audience members! No matter how you want to be involved, let us know now! Taking...
52398. 2015 TEDxTaipei BIG BANG | 好點子的爆炸時刻!
2015 TEDxTaipei BIG BANG. 這就是所謂的 Big Bang ,也就是 大爆炸理論。 大爆炸的同時也是混亂 chaos 的開始,主流與邊陲的價值得以交流,互換變種 混亂也破壞了僵化的秩序,開啟新的視野 如同偉大想法的出現,也是從一個好點子開始,經過無數的碰撞和重組,匯集成銀河般的智慧,最後發揮無與倫比的影響力。 10/17-18 TEDxTaipei BIG BANG,和你一起迎接這個同時屬於結束和開始的新世界。 Tom Chi / Google X共同創辦人. 陸學森 / Gogoro 創辦人暨執行長. 林昶佐 / 閃靈樂團主唱, 人權工作者. Alexander Kotouc / BMW i 產品管理部總監. Tom Chi / Google X共同創辦人. 陸學森 / Gogoro 創辦人暨執行長. 冉天豪 / 作曲家, 劇場藝術總監. 吳宗信 / ARRC 火箭計劃主持人. Michela Picchi / 插畫設計師. 手塚 貴晴 / 建築師. 林昶佐 / 閃靈樂團主唱, 人權工作者. Azizi Tucker / 賽車設計師.
52399. Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality TEEM'15 | Just another TEEM site
Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality TEEM'15. Track 1. New Technologies in Health Education and Research. Track 2. Educational innovation. Track 3. A robot in the classroom. Track 4. Gamification ecosystems. Track 5. Endless horizons? Addressing current concerns about learning analytics. Track 6. Mobile Apps and computational systems as learning tools. Track 7. Apps for Learning and Learning with Apps. Track 8. Evaluation in education and guidance. Track 11. Project presentations.
52400. Tegyünk együtt a gyermekekért
Tegyünk együtt a gyermekekért. Egészséges életmódra ösztönző program. A "Tegyünk Együtt a Gyermekekért" (TEGY) keretprogram keretében a Danone Kft. két éve egészséges életmódra ösztönző programot indított, azzal a céllal, hogy a 11-12 éves gyermekek játékos módon sajátíthassák el az egészséges életmód alapelveit. A kiegyensúlyozott, vegyes táplálkozással, a rendszeres testmozgással kapcsolatos általános és speciális ismereteket, s egészségtudatos. 2014 tavaszán a TEGY egészségprogram elsőként a vállalati...
52401. - Home
Coppa Italia: Fiorentina-Chievo . Pecchia: recuperare Gomez è . Boscagin: ripartiamo da qui. Impresa Tezenis a Treviso: rivivi . Calzedonia Verona-Ravenna 3-0: gli . Pecchia: Ganz e Pazzini? Mai stato rigido. Se non ho cambiato è perchè volevo dare continuità e certezze al gruppo. L'unica cosa che nel Verona non si . Maresca, titoli di coda. Maresca e il Verona sono ai titoli di coda. Il centrocampista ha scelto di appendere le scarpette al chiodo.In questi giorni Maresca non si . Il Verona e il terzino:.
52402. 23. telekomunikacioni forum TELFOR 2015
23 telekomunikacioni forum TELFOR 2015. Rokovi i uputstva za autore. Prijava i predaja radova. Opšte informacije o izložbi. DRUŠTVO ZA TELEKOMUNIKACIJE DT, BEOGRAD,. ETF - Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu,. IEEE Serbia and Montenegro COM CHAPTER. Organizovali su i održali. 24, 25. novembra 2015. godine. U SAVA centru u Beogradu. TELFOR JE MEĐUNARODNA REGIONALNA IEEE NAUČNA KONFERENCIJA IZ OBLASTI TELEKOMUNIKACIJA I ICT. Glavni rezultati Telfora 2015. 4 plenarne prezentacije po pozivu;.
52403. 2015 Pournami/Purnima Days Dates | 2015 Amavasya Days Dates | Telugu Calendar 2015 PDF Download | Telugu Panchangam 2015
List of Pournami (Full Moon) Days and Amsvasya (New Moon) Days 2015. Available Amavasya 2015 and Pournami 2015 Date, Month, Week and Masam @ different time zones like USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore. Pournami Dates in 2015. Amavasya Dates in 2015. Astrology Resources for Telugu People. TeluguCalendar.Org / Disclaimer. Code licensed under Apache License v2.0. Documentation under CC BY 3.0. Licensed under CC BY 3.0.
52404. Terna2015 | vota lista A
Senato e Consiglio di Amministrazione. Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Territoriale. 10 motivi per non votare terna. Riqualificazione dello spazio dell’Interfacoltà. Proseguire con l’apertura del patio 24h/7 ed inaugurare uno spazio analogo anche nel campus Bovisa. Aule dedicate esclusivamente allo studio. Ottimizzazione dei servizi di Mobility sharing. Piattaforma di ricerca abitazioni per studenti Erasmus. Semplificare la creazione di associazioni. Nuovi appalti per l’assegnazione degli spazi cartoleria.
52405. Tero Ahonen
Graphic Designer and Photographer. Tel 358 40 564 2322. A graphic designer and photographer. From Helsinki, Finland. Köydenpunojankatu 1, 00180 Helsinki, Finland. Tel 358 (0)40 564 2322. Web, Work in progress. Graphic Design, Photography. Graphic Design, Photography. Graphic Design, Photography, Web. Graphic Design, Photography, Web. Graphic Design, Photography, Web. Graphic Design, Photography, Web. Figaro Restaurant & Winebistro. Graphic Design, Logo, Photography, Web. Eva & Manu.
52406. Terres de Paroles 2015
Aller au contenu principal. Lectures et rencontres littéraires en Normandie. Cycle Jeanne d'Arc. Cycle 2 Guerre mondiale. La littérature contemporaine dans tous ses états. LE FESTIVAL EN CHIFFRES. DES IDÉES DE LECTURES. Marcial Di Fonzo Bo. DERNIÈRE SOIRÉE À LOUVIERS AVEC CÉCILE COULON. JULIE PILOD LIRA LA LOI SAUVAGE. La lecture du roman de Nathalie Kuperman. Initialement prévue par Marie Vialle, sera assurée par Julie Pilod. Ma mère aimait bien le prénom Axelle mais mon père n'appréciait pas tellement,...
52407. happy new year 2015 !
Join the numbers and get to the 2015 tile! Use your arrow keys. To move the tiles. When two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into one! Happy New Year 2015 version of Gabriele Cirulli's 2048. Which is based on 1024 by Veewo Studio. And conceptually similar to Threes by Asher Vollmer. Brought to you by
52408. Texas JavaScript Conference 2015 | TXJS
Texas JavaScript Conference 2015 TXJS. Hangout at Craft Pride. The Once and Future Web. Friday, July 24, 2015. 713 Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78701. Can I still get tickets? Tickets to the conference are sold out. Be available for purchase on the day of the conference. Node Workshop and NodeBots Day. There are still tickets available for the Node Workshop. And the NodeBots Day. Events. However, these do not provide access to TXJS. We have a Code of Conduct. St Davids Public Parking. For sponsoring fully pa...
52409. Texas Linux Fest 2015
Skip to main content. Texas Linux Fest Schedule Posted. On Wed, 07/29/2015 - 16:10. A full schedule of two days of Linux and FOSS await attendees of Texas Linux Fest, held on Aug. 21-22 in San Marcos, Texas. Texas Linux Fest, the first state-wide annual, community-run conference for Linux and Open Source software and hardware users and enthusiasts from around the Lone Star State, is a weekend event geared towards individual users. Or by clicking on "Event Schedule" above. See you in San Marcos! Texas Lin...
52410. Texas Scottish Rite
52411. THATCamp Philly 2015 | Just another THATCamp Philly site
Just another THATCamp Philly site. Skip to primary content. Skip to secondary content. Intro to geo data and web mapping with CartoDB. Introduction to Linked Data the Resource Description Framework (RDF). Introduction to Programming With Ruby. THATCamp Philly 2015 Information. September 8, 2015. For information about the location, click HERE. To register, click HERE. To read the Anti-Harassment Policy, click HERE. To propose an unconference session, click HERE. October 20, 2015. October 20, 2015. We have...
52412. The Architecture Gathering 2016
2 tracks, 2 conference days, 2 keynotes. 12th to 13th October 2016. For everyone who has a stake in software architecture. We are about to launch the second Architecture Gathering, a two-day-event for everyone who has a stake in software architecture. "The Architecture Gathering" will be a meeting place where software architects, experienced developers and other architecture-savvy people can learn from experts, exchange ideas, network and share their own practical experience. About the event this year.
52413. The Accessible World Conference 2016
Hashtag T A W 16. The Free Library of Philadelphia. 1901 Vine St. Philadelphia, PA. 28 - 29 April 2016. TAW Conference will feature TEDx-type presentations and each speaker will be given a maximum of 15 minutes to share their work. Considering the diverse audience of the conference, the presentations will take a layman's approach for maximum absorption of the ideas. The talks would not be focused on selling or advertising of products and/or services but would answer the following questions:. Director of ...
52414. The Arsies!
Feast your eyes on. The Sixth Annual Arsies Tournament Of Metal! Or peruse previous tournaments by year:.
52415. Parallels Confixx
Einloggen ins Parallels Confixx. Geben Sie Ihren Login und Ihr Passwort ein und klicken Sie dann auf "Einloggen". Haben Sie Ihr Passwort vergessen? Wenn Sie Ihr Passwort vergessen haben, wird Confixx versuchen Ihnen zu helfen, indem es Ihnen ein neues Passwort per Email zuschickt. Bei Nutzung der Anmeldemaske mit Postfachdaten (Postfachname and Passwort) erfolgt der RoundCube Webmail Login.
52416. Theater Spektakel: Home
Für Gäste mit Behinderungen. Für Gäste mit Behinderungen. Schlussbericht 2015: Schön wars. Das Zürcher Theater Spektakel fand dieses Jahr ausnahmsweise wegen der Renovation der Quaibrücke. Die PreisträgerInnen von ZKB Förderpreis und ZKB Anerkennungspreis 2015. Im Rahmen des Zürcher Theater Spektakels wurden der ZKB Förderpreis sowie der ZKB Anerkennungspreis. Produktionen aus dem Programm 2015 auf Tournee.
52417. Opéra - Théâtre des Champs Elysées
Théatre Des Champs Élysées. Récital et musique de chambre. Autres modes de réservation. Etudiants, jeunes and groupes. Public à mobilité réduite. Comment dîner avant et après. La Boutique du Théâtre. La Caisse des Dépôts. Infos légales et crédits. S'inscrire à la newsletter. Opéra mis en scène. Opéra en concert and oratorio. Lundi 8 septembre 20H. Yo Yo Ma, Silk Road Ensemble. Mardi 9 septembre 20H. Orchestre de chambre de Paris, Thomas Zehetmair, Mischa Maisky. Mercredi 10 septembre 20H. Orchestre des C...
52418. Нощ на театрите / Начало
Едно специално време-и-пространство, което излиза извън стандартните рамки, прекрачва своите собствени правила и въвлича във и чрез себе си хиляди почитатели и зрители. Градовете се превръщат в сцени и за няколко часа животът придобива други измерения и се насища с особен артистичен смисъл. НОВИНИ ВИЖ ВСИЧКИ НОВИНИ. Разходки зад кулисите в Народен театър "Иван Вазов". По традиция в Нощта на театрите Народен театър Иван Вазов организира разходки зад кулисите. Девет събития във Варна на 19 ноември.
52419. The Bayside Art Show 2016
About the Bayside Art Show. Register for Art Show. Preview Gallery - 2015. Register for Art Show. Book Art, Food and Fun Night Tickets. The Bayside Art Show. The 2016 Bayside Art Show. This year's show will be a high profile event in Bayside's newest venue, the Sandringham Yacht Club overlooking Port Phillip Bay. Check out a preview of the art works from our latest show. View the artwork which won awards. From this year's show. Artist entries for the 2017 Bayside Art Show will open in May 2017.
52420. Domain Default page
Web Server's Default Page. This page is generated by Plesk. The leading hosting automation software. You see this page because there is no Web site at this address. You can do the following:. Create domains and set up Web hosting using Plesk. Is a hosting control panel with simple and secure web server and website management tools. It was specially designed to help IT specialists manage web, DNS, mail and other services through a comprehensive and user-friendly GUI. Learn more about Plesk.
52421. The Lead Developer Conference
THE LEAD DEVELOPER 2015. The conference for technical leads. Visit the 2016 site. The Lead Developer is a conference featuring practical advice from experts on leading and motivating your team, and high-level sessions on new and disruptive technologies. The 2015 edition is over. Check out the line-up for 2016. Watch the videos from 2015. Cloning yourself isn't an option. Building happier engineering teams. Staying ahead of the curve. A primer on performance. The technical journey to microservices.
52422. 2015
52423. The Saree Festival 2015 | The endless swirl of beautyThe Saree Festival 2015 | The endless swirl of beauty
The Saree Festival 2015. The endless swirl of beauty. The Saree Festival 2015. The endless swirl of beauty. About The Saree Festival. Contact Info / Venue Addresses. Schedule at a glance. Saree ka Gunijan Khana. Type your search keyword, and press enter. Search for then press enter. Red Earth Saree Shop @ All That Jingalala Mela, Gurgaon / Sat 16 May. May 11, 2015. Red Earth Saree Shop. All That Jingalala Mela, Gurgaon. Saturday 16 May, 2015 / 11 am to 6 pm. Contemporary Banarasis by Resha. May 3, 2015.
52424. Home page
Not logged in phpbb. Recently added item(s) ×. You have no items in your shopping cart.
52425. THE Summit 2015
HERE’S WHO YOU WILL MEET. LAST YEAR’S EXHIBITORS/SPONSORS. DEG AND MESA LAUNCH NEW SUMMIT TO PROMOTE INNOVATION IN HOME ENTERTAINMENT. The Transforming Home Entertainment (THE) Summit is a new global initiative launched by MESA and the DEG to help showcase innovation and creativity that will help drive revenues and business… Read More. Hanno Basse, Twentieth Century Fox. Jim Bottoms, MESA EU. Jon Bourdillon, Signature. Matthew Brooks, BBC. Monica Chadha, Mocha 8. Spencer Chrislu, MQA. Tanja Eisen, GfK.
52426. THE Summit 2015
HERE’S WHO YOU WILL MEET. LAST YEAR’S EXHIBITORS/SPONSORS. MEDIA FIREBRAND BOB LEFSETZ ADDED AS KEYNOTE TO THE SUMMIT IN LA, SEPT 24. Outspoken music and media blogger Bob Lefsetz will be joining the stage as a keynote speaker during THE Summit on September 24th from 1 6 pm at the Luxe… Read More. JOIN THE WiTH LUNCHEON AND LEADERSHIP PRESENTATION, SEPT. 24 IN L.A. On-line Registration is now closed On-site available.
52427. The SVG Summit
WOMEN’S SPORTS MEDIA INITIATIVE (WSMI). SVG COLLEGE: NEW YORK. SPORTS ASSET MANAGEMENT & STORAGE. CLOUD WORKSHOP: MAM & NEXT-GEN WORKFLOWS. A Dozen Reasons to Register Today for the SVG Summit! Registration is now open for the 2015 SVG Summit, to be held at the New York Hilton Hotel on Dec. 14-15. This year will mark the 10th time that SVG… Read More. SVG’s Annual Summit in December Marks 10th Year Event Has Helped Shape Future of Sports Production. David S. Denenberg. Curt Gowdy, Jr.