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247747. B(ike)log | 365 Days of Cycling Denver
365 Days of Cycling Denver. So, by the way, when Bike Denver first contacted me about the heroics in December, I was like “Yeehaw, that’s me! 8221; But then, when late January rolled around and it was interview time, I was like, “Hey guys, I don’t feel like much of a bike hero, you should pick someone else.”. Ah, it’s such a relief to finally share this news with you. I found an abundance of articles in the blogosphere on my side:. Simply Bike’s Biking While Pregnant profiles. I also get a lot of lecture...
247748. 365 Rides
Jacque Anquetil's 1962 Tour de France Winning Bike. Sunday, April 1, 2012. Ride 275 began at 11:31 pm on Saturday and ended at 12:01 am on Sunday. This was a first such event. Anyway, this 30-minute trainer ride was close enough for my needs. Ride 276 was 40 minutes up the hill and back down, then on to OHDS's very cute staging of Fiddler on the Roof. 90 to go. In terms of bottles of beer countdown, this makes it 15 six-packs. Speaking of which, I'm going to start doing core training again. I did 80 minu...
247749. 365bikespace
Adventures, observations, calamities, and good times biking in the frozen north of Minnesota. Thursday, August 23, 2012. How about no helmet? I liked the combination of safety green shirt and bright orange hat but no helmet. Not sure that a helmet would help much at 60 MPH but I usually opt for the brain bucket. By the way, that is sugar cane growing in the background so you can tell I didn't fake this picture here in MN. Sunday, July 29, 2012. Bike touring, RAGBRAI style. The first day was a challenge s...
247750. My Site
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Mest minnesvärt - arkivet. Mest minnesvärt - arkivet. Fredag 15 maj 2015. Från promenaden i staden. Större bild - Klicka på bilden! Torsdag 14 maj 2015. Det växer så det knakar. Större bild - Klicka på bilden! Å nu blir´e strax en rundtur ut i naturen.frugan har semester hela denna vecka så därav blir´e inte så mycket flygfän utan lite annat som omväxling.vilket inte är helt fel! Häromdagen togs en promenix i stada.och det var fan inte igår! Ha en bra Kristiflygardag alle! Tisdag 12 maj 2015. Jag har int...
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Torsdag 9 juli 2015. 296 strandpromenad (108 av 365). Söndag 5 juli 2015. 304 syrén (107 av 365). 276 sommarnatt (106 av 365). 263 slicka (105 av 365). 109 gång (104 av 365). 62 farkost (103 av 365). Tisdag 30 juni 2015. 281 speja (102 av 365). En spaniel äter wienerbröd OCH lämnar 15! Funderar på om smaken hjortron-vaniljkräm inte passade fröken, eller om hon blev avbruten. För mätt på 25-30 wienerbröd kan väl inte en spaniel bli? 260 skärvor (100 av 365). 118 hoppfull (99 av 365). 88 fäbod (98 av 365).
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