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Current Range: 58 / (266718 - 266786)

266718. Ms. Mc Kay's Blog. | A blog I have set up for my MA in Religion and Education.
Ms Mc Kay's Blog. A blog I have set up for my MA in Religion and Education. A Lust for Life. As well as a number of different organisations. I was able to order, download and create many of the different resources which included a PowerPoint of inspirational quotes, postcards and posters with information and advice from the HSE ‘Little Things’ campaign. Postcards and green ribbons from And also Bressie’s mental health video for schools from A Lust For Life. A Lust For Life. 8217; or &#821...
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Skip to main content. Get your brand new Wikispaces Classroom now. And do "back to school" in style. Test to see wikitext work. Welcome to the Mount Waverley Primary School, 5J Wiki. This is our class Wiki where 5J will share knowledge, experiences, work, achievements and anything else they find interesting. Please have a look at the students pages to the right to view work and comments and take a step into our 'virtual classroom'. Mrs Jackson and Ms D. Help on how to format text.
266747. Celine Govern | Education from cradle to the grave!
Education from cradle to the grave! November 24, 2014. My son who is in fifth year has decided he would like to take History at leaving cert as an extra subject. His words were’ I might as well make use of you mam! 8217; I just hope it wont all end in tears. For students sitting the Leaving Certificate Exam in June 2016 the Document Based Question is. I’d love some help with LC resources particularly to enable visual learners. Also below see footage of the infamous Moscow show trial. August 18, 2014.
266748. 5j2011teide | Just another site
Just another site. April 27, 2011. Why I Love MindMapping:. 1 No more sloppy handwriting on the board. 2 An excellent and effective way to revise a topic covered in class. 3 You can make them bright and animated which encourages students to stay awake in class. 4 They’re fun to make. The Pros and Cons of Twitter. If you are undecided on Twitter check this website out. It more a less covers everything there is to do with Twitter. Why let our students blog? Definitely worth a look. :-). Web 2...
266749. 5j2012tasha | Just another site
Just another site. October 8, 2012. If at times you or your pupils feel like this:. Then what I have got for you will help! I have been away for ages and have failed at keeping my blog up and running, but I am hoping to start minding it again. I am now working and subbing so I have been readjusting to the shock to returning to school! I have found this handy site for summaries for a range of different books and Shakespeare plays. Http:/ Hope it can be of some help :).
266750. Ms. Morrison-Reilly's Blog | Just another site
Ms Morrison-Reilly's Blog. April 22, 2013 · 5:50 am. Please fill in this form click on the link. Https:/ Y/viewform. December 20, 2012 · 3:39 pm. Mobile learning for pre-service teachers- Pockets of potential…. This a the final chapter of my MA thesis on smartphones as educational tools for pre-service teachers. What do you think? 31 The aim of ITE. 32 The vision of ITE. During the last decade Irish teacher education has endured significa...
266751. Ms Tumelty's Blog
Ms Tumelty's Blog. November 29, 2015. Key Words and Terms of the Reformation. This is a handy recap for anyone doing the reformation, I came across it thanks to twitter. The original maker of it is clearly listed on the youtube page-Ms Stout’s History class! November 28, 2015. November 12, 2015. November 12, 2015. The Battle of Tsushima. November 12, 2015. November 12, 2015. November 11, 2015. Nation States and International Tensions. Key Words and Terms of the Reformation. The Battle of Tsushima. An app...
266752. Miss Doyle's Blog – All things Educational, Spiritual and Historical :) | Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world – Nelson Mandela
Miss Doyle's Blog – All things Educational, Spiritual and Historical :). Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world – Nelson Mandela https:/ Mater Dei Institute of Education. November 21st, 2014. December 25th, 2014. Merry Christmas everyone :). Follow Blog via Email. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Join 43 other followers. World Teacher’s Day 2014 – 5th October 2014. October 3, 2014.
266753. Miss Hooban's Blog | College Blog
Miss Hooban's Blog. Happy Teacher = Happy Classroom. January can sometimes be labeled a ‘depressing’ month. With tomorrow branded the most depressing day of the year I decided to rebel against the January Monday blue and write a post promoting positivity that can be used every day all year round! So how can we combat stress and increase our positivity? Here are some suggestions:. This may seem very simple but it can be very effective. The sun provides us with much needed vitamin D. Spending some ...Music...
266754. Miss O'Brien's Blog | Digital Portfolio for EDRE5J
Miss O'Brien's Blog. Digital Portfolio for EDRE5J. January 17, 2014. Leaving your Teaching Practice School: How to Say Thank You. January 17, 2014. Quick Tip: How to Assume the Role of the Teacher. January 17, 2014. Here is a quick tip video, giving you simple and straight to the point advice on how to assume the role of the teacher. Have a class management strategy. Allow students to have a voice. Change the stimuli – incorporate multi-media, web 2.0 applications etc into your lesson. January 17, 2014.
266755. Mr Donlon's Blog | The greatest site in all the land!
Skip to main content. Skip to primary sidebar. Skip to secondary sidebar. Mr Donlon's Blog. The greatest site in all the land! My First Blog Post. This is my first wordpres. S post. Just giving this bloggin’ thing a go. Not sure what I think of it really…. My First Blog Post. On My First Blog Post. Follow me on Twitter. Follow me on Twitter. Blog at Follow “Mr Donlon's Blog”. Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. Build a website with
266756. Mr. Healy blog | My teaching blog
September 18, 2014. Http:/ 1 of a 6 part documentary on the life Albrecht Durer presented by the BBC. Goes through his life, his ideals, his works and his successes. Excellent documentary that can be related to the Renaissance in the Junior Certificate History Syllabus. Celtic Art–Excellent Video on Celtic Art. August 27, 2014. January 13, 2014. Concise and excellent summary documentary on the Korean War that was a pivotal moment for both USA and USSR during the Cold War. Gives a r...
266757. Mr. Bender's Plog | A Place to blog about your blog.
Mr Bender's Plog. A Place to blog about your blog. Book Review: Meda Ryan: “The Day Micahel Collins Was Shot”. January 16, 2014. I studied history for the past 4 years as part of my undergraduate. I think thats how I became a history teacher. During this time I didnt get to read many books from cover to cover. I just had to zone in on whatever topic my assignment or essay was on and hope that the person who had the book before me had underlined the relevant parts. And even longer since the one before that.
266758. ms butler's blog | Blog for EDRE5J
Ms butler's blog. January 13, 2014. I have been very fortunate to (a) have a job and (b) given three resource classes of my own every week. I teach a variety of students in resource, a second year student, a sixth year and three first year students. Resource classes are one of the highlights of my week, the classes are a completely different challenge and thoroughly rewarding. January 11, 2014. As an RE and S.P.H.E teacher, it is of great importance to me to instill confidence. When a friend falls, dare ...
266759. Ms Conneally's EDRE5j Blog | An Educational Resource Forum
Get me outta here! Ms Conneally's EDRE5j Blog. An Educational Resource Forum. Google Sites for the classroom. January 16, 2014. I have recently become an avid fan of Google Sites! Having not been aware of its existence and invaluable use in the classroom and in education, I feel as though I must share it with all my fellow educators! As outlined by Google, there are many reasons why one should use Google Sites in the classroom, for example:. Google site is free. A site can be created for a. Create a page...
266760. Ms Keleghan's Education Blog | An apple a day keeps the Bloggers at Play
Ms Keleghan's Education Blog. Web 20 Education Tools. Junior Certificate RE: Section B Foundations of Religion: Christianity. March 18, 2015. I hope all RE teachers find this helpful. I apologies in advance as slideshare does not let you include animations or fancy fonts that I have used throughout the presentation. However, I hope the content helps. Link to download worksheets: Christianity Worksheet 1. Junior Certificate Religion Journal. March 15, 2015. I hope they help! RE Journal Student Checklist.
266761. Ms. O' Dwyers College Blog | College Blog
Get me outta here! Ms O' Dwyers College Blog. The history of technology in the classroom. January 21, 2014. A great infographic about the history of technology in the classroom. Its amazing to see the changes which have taken place so far, makes you wonder what changes are yet to come? Do you agree with me? What was the best technological introduction so far? What was the worst technological introduction so far? Teaching and Learning Resources. Technology in the Classroom. January 21, 2014. Technology in...
266762. Ms. Walsh's Blog | This is a college experiment!!
Ms Walsh's Blog. This is a college experiment! January 17, 2014. Scan to reveal my final blog post, amazing stuff! January 17, 2014. A word cloud is an image made up of words with prominence assigned to words that are used more regularly. For example an essay about Seamus Heaney which is pasted into a word cloud tool (like tagxedo or wordle) might give preference to the words Seamus and Heaney as they are likely to be most commonly used in the essay. Below are two examples of word clouds. January 17, 2014.
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