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Current Range: 39 / 24 / (6228266 - 6228322)

6228266. ardizzonipereda | Just another site
Just another site. Mayo 23, 2011. Paola Ardizzoni y Emilio Pereda afincados en Madrid desde. El año 1992, han trabajado en revistas nacionales e. Internacionales para varios medios (Marie Claire, el magazine. Del Mundo, Telva, GQ, Elle, Vanidad, Espasa Calpe,. Canto de la Tripulación, etc.). Con encargos de retrato y reportaje tanto del mundo del. Espectaculo como social y cinematográfico. Han realizado a lo largo de su carrera con mas de 20 años de experiencia. El tema Twenty Ten.
6228267. Ardizzoni Photography
My View of Cape Ann. American Coast Guard Tall Ship “The Eagle”. Corliss Landing on Wheeler Point. Fishermen’s Wives Memorial. Man at the Wheel. Over looking the Gloucster Harbor. Summer time at Good Harbor Beach. Sunset over Magnolia Harbor. Blog at The Photography Classic Theme. Follow “Ardizzoni Photography”. Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. Build a website with
6228268. Home
Sport- en vrijetijdskleding - relatiegeschenken - drukwerken. Beste klant, beste bezoeker,. Welkom op de website van. Sport- en vrijetijdskleding - relatiegeschenken - drukwerken. Bestelbons, facturen, omslagen, visitekaartjes, affiches, flyers, tombolakaarten, . Alle info over werkkledij. T-shirts, polo', sweaters, fleece, bodywarmers, petten, . Relatiegeschenken, balpennen en zo veel meer . Belettering voertuigen, tafelvlagjes. Klik in het menu (bovenaan) op 'Eigen creaties'.
6228269. AR DJ7 - Home
Do It To Owner Of A Lonely Heart Mix. Turned Down For What? Progressive House Mix 1. 4 minutes Electro House. Don't Stop The Party. Specializing in Deep,Tech, Progressive, Miami Beach Style House Music. Dance, Club, Moombahton, Techno, Trance, Trap, Nu Disco, R&B, Hip Hop,. Classic Rock, Alternative Rock, Island, Reggae, Beach Bar Lounge and More! Put Your Hands Up! On The Beach 1. In The Club 1. In The Club 3. Don't Stop The music. Don't Lose The Magic. In The Club 4. Something for the Weekend.
6228270. Ardja10's blog - Blog de Ardja10 -
More options ▼. Subscribe to my blog. Created: 08/09/2013 at 12:34 AM. Updated: 08/09/2013 at 1:47 AM. Bnjour j vien d fair mn entré ici j espére ke sa va bien march pour moi. Dite ske vou en pensé. Don't forget that insults, racism, etc. are forbidden by Skyrock's 'General Terms of Use' and that you can be identified by your IP address ( if someone makes a complaint. Please enter the sequence of characters in the field below. Posted on Sunday, 08 September 2013 at 1:48 AM. Please enter the...
6228271. ardjacobs
6228272. -&nbspThis website is for sale! -&nbspardjan Resources and Information.
6228273. Their Profile - ardjaneben038 -
The position of the blocks have been saved. Did you like this profile? Thu, July 07, 2016. Here for: To make friends. My star sign : Capricorn. Post to my blog. Here you are free.
6228274. Ardjan
Monday, September 10, 2007. Dit was zeker voor iedereen een uitdagende ervaring. Na koude nachten, waar ik alweer was gepakt in een meisjes tent, en gezellige avonden aan t kampvuur, lekgestoken door tientallen muggen, hadden we meeste bounding experience waar ik op kon hopen met de hele samenleving. Heel veel knuffels en kusjes van mij! Posted by Ardjan at 9:17 AM. Links to this post. Thursday, February 01, 2007. Na een paar maanden niets gepost te hebben lijkt dit me wel weer eens tijd, al kan ik nooit...
6228275. έλενα αρτζανίδου-helena artzanidou
Παρασκευή, 16 Μαρτίου 2018. ΕΛΑ ΜΑΖΙ ΜΟΥ,στον ΙΑΝΟ,ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΕΛΟΥΣ,. Τρίτη 20 Μαρτίου,19.00μ.μ. Στην παρέα μας, ναι πάλι, ο αγαπημένος Ανδρέας Καρακίτσιος,που με το λόγο του μαγεύει, αλλά και το ευφάνταστο θεατρικό σχήμα. Διθύραμβος εξ αμάξης" σε μια θεατρική απόδοση του βιβλίου έκπληξη. Μα, το "Έλα μαζί μου", των εκδόσεων Ψυχογιός. Μικροί και μεγάλοι ελάτε μαζί μας! Τετάρτη, 14 Μαρτίου 2018. Με το "Έλα μαζί μου" πήγαμε Καστοριά! ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ ΨΥΧΟΓΙΟΣ - PSICHOGIOS PUBLICATIONS. Στην Καστοριά 9/3,. Έλα μαζί μου"...
6228276. Ardjan's Eye
This blog is about my hobby - photography. I invite you to join me and look with me through my lens. Feel free to leave your comment. Wednesday, February 10, 2010. Last Week Smadar and I had a short Vacation to the north. We spend three wonderful and relaxing days in the north, we saw some beautiful places and had great fun.Here are some high lights of around 400 pictures I shot. This one is one of my favorites, I just love this picture. This one was taken in an artists village called Ein Hod. Since I st...
6228277. Ardjan Vermue
January 23rd, 2013. With this blog I like to share my stories and experiences with you. A journey of life and an exploration of my place in this world. Lees meer over mij. Society 3.0 from a personal perspective. Today I coincidently rolled into a Society 3.0 afternoon conference, organised by Seats2Meet. Plenary I listened . The last three weeks (since my first blog) have been quite a journey. It definitely hasn't been the easiest time, but I am starting to find more of my own flow as well.
6228278. ARDJAS Group – A royal dream at soul
Vision & mission. Survey & Inspection. A royal dream at soul. Vision & mission. Survey & Inspection. Proudly powered by WordPress. Theme: WEN Business by WEN Themes.
Amar a Deus sobre todas as coisas e ao próximo como a si mesmo! Dentro deste universo material as pessoas estão sujeitas as mesmas misérias que habitam a terra nascimento,crescimento,subsitência,velhice, doença e morte! Leia e sejam felizes! Http:/ Https:/ Https:/ Http:/ Http:/ Os 72 nomes de Deus. Http:/ Http:/ Http:/ mestresd...
6228281. Ardjee Management & Business Services
6228282. Mijn Hosting Partner - The web site is under construction
This website has been created by. And is still under construction. MIJNHOSTINGPARTNER.NL voorziet in de behoefte. Om tegen de scherpste prijzen te concurreren met. Simpele keuzes, snelle registratie, snelle activering. Van pakketten en afhandeling van uw vragen. En dat alles tegen de scherpste prijs!
6228283. mendaki gunung
Panning adalah memotret dengan menggerakkan kamera searah dengan arah gerakan obyek yang ingin dibidik sehingga obyek akan tampak fokus sementara background tampak kabur. meskipun anda menggunakan kamera poket bukan merupakan kendala untuk mendapatkan gambar seperti foto diatas. ada 8 tips yang perlu anda ikuti :. Link ke posting ini. Link ke posting ini. TIPS MERAWAT KAMERA DIGITAL ANDA. Jauhkan dari Kapur Barus. Simpan di Lemari Khusus. Hindari Kontak Langsung dengan Sinar Matahari. Sebaiknya kamera di...
6228284. Wisata Alam
6228285. Ardjet2174 (Dennis Amatdjais) - DeviantArt
Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ; this.removeAttribute('onclick')" class="mi". Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ; this.removeAttribute('onclick')". Deviant for 11 Years. Last Visit: 372 weeks ago. This deviant's activity is hidden. Deviant since Oct 11, 2005. This is the place where you can personalize your profile! Why," you ask? Operating Sys...
6228286. ardjima's blog - Blog de ardjima -
Juste me faire des amis(es). 23/07/2009 at 10:48 AM. 31/10/2010 at 4:36 AM. Subscribe to my blog! Je suis homme simpa rigollo. Don't forget that insults, racism, etc. are forbidden by Skyrock's 'General Terms of Use' and that you can be identified by your IP address ( if someone makes a complaint. Please enter the sequence of characters in the field below. Posted on Thursday, 17 September 2009 at 5:07 AM. Edited on Sunday, 31 October 2010 at 4:37 AM. Post to my blog. Here you are free.
En Malink&#233) signifie &#171Les G&#233nies du paradis&#187 ou &#171les Anges&#187 (en Fran&#231ais). Pour les humains, les anges repr&#233sentent des &#234tres protecteurs. Ils sont command&#233s par Dieu et au service des hommes. Les anges servent de courroie de transmission entre Dieu et les Hommes . Ces esprits prot&#232gent les Hommes contre le mal. Ils avertissent les Hommes contre le danger. Les anges guident les Hommes vers la lumi&#232re. En choisissant le nom, AR DJINAN.
6228288. Stilettos & a fishing pole
Sunday, March 31, 2013. A different Easter this was. For the first time in. I think forever my family did not get together to celebrate. Everyone was with their extended families & it just didn't work out for the good. Sad Yes, I was very sad. However, I did get to spend the whole day with my husband. We eat breakfast at Bridget and Patricks (my SIL and BIL) along with my grandparents in-laws &. Parent in-laws and Reid and Ryder. It was a great morning. I also found out two people in my life were pregnant.
6228289. The Law Firm Of Ayse Rengin Johnson & Co.
6228290. is parked at!
Has been registered at and is currently parked. Find Your Domain Now! is a leading provider of reliable and affordable hosting services, ranging from Shared Web Hosting, VPS Hosting, Exchange Email as well as Cloud and Business Solutions for SMBs and businesses of any size.
6228291. ADR Job
Error Page cannot be displayed. Please contact your service provider for more details. (8).
6228292. aNGgrek BUlan
Kisah Phalaenopsis.untuk hidup butuh perjuangan. Namun auramu tebarkan ketrentraman, cantikmu pancarkan kedamaian, alunanmu menjadi melodi surgaku, perhatianmu kan terangi jalanku dan.bahagiamu adalah citaku. Monday, March 19, 2007. Sekian lama ga masuk blog ini . jadinya lupa password, duh Gusti.kok ya nginget itu susah. Posted by aRdjoe @ 9:12 PM. Sunday, November 05, 2006. Semalam Bareng Tari 'n mBa' Lulu. Naek KRL. Jadi Tari dah nunggu di dalam stasiun. Kerumunan banyak orang gini pasti kan susah men...
6228293. ardjoena-srikandi
Official Website of Dian and Adi Wedding. Sebuah cerita perjalanan yang akan lebih bermakna saat kami baca dilanjut usia. Monday, June 8, 2015. Wisata Keluarga ke Padang-Painan, Sumatera Barat. Hehe Ada beberapa pemuda yang sedang surfing. Kami lihat para pengunjung banyak berkumpul terpusat di sekitar batu si Malin Kundang, karena batu ini lah yang menjadi daya tarik pantai Air Manis. Kami pun menuju kesana. Sampai di kota Painan, kami singgah dulu di sebuah masjid untuk shalat lalu mampir sebuah rumah ...
6228294. Ah, hier is het... Ardjoena, een site over jeZelf. van Alex.
Zoek maar niet verder, rust toch even uit. Dit is het dus, de site die over je Zelf. Ik werkte tussen begin 1969 en november 2008 als IT-er, met diverse soorten Computers dus. Eerst bij IBM als Programmeur en Technisch Programmeur in het Laboratorium in Uithoorn, met Mainframes. Daarna in "the Field" als Systeem-Programmeur. Toen Netwerken opkwamen verdiepte ik me daarin, evenals in Minicomputers (distributed processing) en PC's. Ik woon tegenwoordig in West-Friesland: Schagen. Onze dagelijks mop (Engels).
6228295. Ardjoena Soerjadi
6228297. PORTFOLIO | Ardjoen Mangré
I am Ardjoen Mangré, Industrial Designer, and this is my portfolio. Photos by Til van Sluisveld. Portfolio of ARDJOEN MANGRË.
6228298. Ardjoeno Books - rare books, out-of-print books, used books
Kooilaan 39, 2315 EB Leiden. Tel 31 (0)71 5138262. Netherlands East Indies • Indonesia. Travel • Maps • Plates • Varia. Netherlands East Indies - Indonesia. 8226; Japanese occupation. 8226; New Guinea/Irian Jaya. 8226; Law and Government. 8226; Maps, Plates, Lithos. 8226; Art books. Search Ardjoeno's on line Database. Use our search facility to quickly find and order books, maps and plates. Information on ordering books with Ardjoeno Books. Download book list updates. Boek, boeken, antiquarische boeken, ...
6228299. G&J_Ardjoinery_Homepage
Welcome to our site. Ardbracken, Navan, Co. Meath. Tel: 046-9022612 / Fax: 046-9023658.
6228300. Blog Apa Aja
Home remedies for acne. Acne scars could be a genuine difficulty to a person because they affect his or her look. The scar typically appears following an acne wound heals, leaving a changed color on the skin. The challenge might be ways to eliminate the scar and rejuvenate the skin. There are many approaches to crystal clear the situation such as with acne scarring dwelling remedies. And Vitamin E can also be really worth to try. To utilize lemon juice as a solution, merely extract the juice and apply fo...
6228301. Blog de ardjoune - Blogg -
Mot de passe :. J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. Moi c'est Ardjoune fille gentille;cool;compréhensive. J'aime la musique mais pas tout quand même.J'ai oublie de préciser J'suis Africaine et j'aime lire;rigoler;rencontrer des gens;visionner film et series et j'aime pas trop l'école crois que c'est tout sur moi. Gros bisou de moi. Mise à jour :. Tu me brises le cœur je te brise les. L'Algérie a divorce avec la France en 1962. Comme un homme je me cache pour pleurer et. Abonne-toi à mon blog! Comme un ...
6228302. 网站首页 - 绵阳安瑞迪家具厂、绵阳家具定制、绵阳定制家具、绵阳家具设计、绵阳安瑞迪家具、四川安瑞迪家具
网址 版权所有 三台县花园镇安迪瑞家具厂 热线电话 0816-5966588. QQ 187195026 379892443 747259803 网址
6228303. 佳吉快运
上海 杭州 无锡 广州 北京. ij.
DRA JANETH SOTOMAYOR SALAS. On martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009. Modelo de Proyecto de Investigacion. On domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2009. Visión de las enfermedades. On sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2009. On lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009. EVOLUCION CIRUGIA CATARATA DE LA EECC A LA MININUC. On domingo, 18 de octubre de 2009. CONSEJOS PARA MINIMIZAR COMPLICACIONES. Con la SICS y CCIP, al igual que con todas las técnicas de cirugía de catarata, es obligatorio realizar una minuciosa evaluación preoperatoria del pa...
6228305. Home
Kontakt: Denise und Walter Seeh, CH-8544 Attikon, E-Mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! Natel: 41(0)79 528 10 84. Aktuelle Seite:  .
6228306. Ardjuna
Reports, Surveys, Software and Data Analysis. When collecting data it is easy to lose focus and miss the goal. Not collecting the information you need and not extracting the underlying meaning are key risks. We manage the data collection, analysis and reporting process for you. We organise the data into the structures you need. We also analyse the data in the way you want! We build reporting processes, websites and software so you can get on with business.
6228307. Ardjuna | Aku adalah aku, yang tidak akan pernah menjadi kamu. tapi aku yakin aku mampu untuk menjadi teman sekaligus bagian dari diri kamu yang membutuhkan seorang teman dan sahabat dalam hidup. Aku adalah manusia biasa yang gemar belajar. Aku suka mempel
Alasan Kenapa Jatuh CINTA. Bull;November 12, 2008 • 2 Komentar. Yakin dech, bahkan berani tarohan kalau cinta nggak pernah pandang strata, bahkan kita suka lupakan logika. Buat pacar, sahabat dan kerabat dekat, cinta itu putih. Kita ngga’ bisa menggunakan angka-angka untuk urusan hati. Pahit, manis, asem, asin, semua terasa legit di lidah, kalo’ sudah berurusan dengan yang namanya cinta. Itu tandanya kamu sudah jatuh cinta. 8221; Jika cinta memanggilmu, ikutilah walau jalan berliku “. AKU HARUS SIAP MENG...
6228308. Ardjuna Asian Dreams
Uw reis op maat. Adviseert bij uw vakantieplannen naar Indonesië en bemiddelt voor uw verblijf en transport. Niet alleen onze persoonlijke ervaringen spelen daarbij een belangrijke rol, wij werken bovendien samen met:. De Indonesische archipel is bedekt met regenwoud, culturele rijkdommen en voor de kust een kleurrijke wereld van koraal en tropische vissen. Wie elk eiland van Indonesië een kort bezoek zou willen brengen, zou jaren bezig zijn. Indonesië is een geweldig land vol bezienswaardigheden, met ee...
6228309. Ardjuna Candotti
6228310. Arjuna Travel and Tour
Aug 21, 2013. Aug 21, 2013. Aug 21, 2013. Aug 21, 2013. Aug 21, 2013. Aug 21, 2013. Queen Garden Batu Raden-Purwokerto. Aug 21, 2013. Aug 21, 2013. Aug 21, 2013. Aug 21, 2013. Aug 21, 2013. Aug 21, 2013. Aug 21, 2013. Aug 21, 2013. Aug 21, 2013. Aug 21, 2013. Aug 21, 2013. Aug 21, 2013. Aug 21, 2013. Ardjuna was one of the Pandawas, protagonist of the Sanskrit epic Mahabarata. He was the third son ;. Arjuna Tour and Travel 2014. Implemented by Web9raph.
6228311. Ardjunity: Persoonlijke Chakramuziek - Welkom bij Ardjunity!
Op deze site vindt U informatie over de uit aurahealer Bianca Holst en componist Hero Wouters bestaande groep Ardjunity, en de door deze unieke combinatie ontwikkelde 'Chakramuziek'. Deze in balans brengende muziek is rechtstreeks en nauwkeurig gericht op de 7 energie-centra van het menselijk lichaam. Energiestromen kunnen op deze wijze worden geharmoniseerd en blokkades kunnen worden opgeheven, zodat lichamelijke en geestelijke klachten verdwijnen.
6228312. ardjuous
Friday, August 17, 2007. I went ahead and put my old watch on my wrist - to get a new battery put into it. I went to a store with a friend and looked at the watches and I found an amazing new design that was WAYYY. Less than I had planned to spend. What kind of luck is that? They would not put a new battery in the old watch. I will have to take it somewhere else. Friday, August 10, 2007. Today, I decided I wanted a watch. I don't wear a watch and I think it's about time that changed. How weird is that?
6228313. Ardjustable Bed Frames, Bases, Mattresses, beds |
Shopping Cart ( 0. Shop Ardjustable Bed Frames, Bases, Mattresses, beds. Get More Information and a Discount Coupon! Size your are interested in. Best way to contact you. Sorry, you missed a field or two. All fields are required for this form. Thanks! Sorry, the email address you provided is not valid. We promise not to disclose ANY. Personal information to 3rd parties. 2 Pure Latex Pillows:. Don't Put GREAT SLEEP off any longer! We carry Memory Foam, Latex Beds, All Natural Latex Bedding, and more!
6228314. 张家港市奥润德机械有限公司
从诞生之日起就严格按照ISO9001 2000质量管理体系运行,历年省质量技术.[ 更多. 地址 中国 江苏 张家港市 中国.张家港保税区南大门. 电话 86 0512 56930036/56321557. 传真 86 0512 56720966.
6228315. AdventureRacing Denmark
Velkommen til AdventureRacing Denmark. Fredag den 16. marts 2018. Hvis du er i tvivl om SSR FORTEST er noget for dig som Adventure-Racer, så se dette videoklip fra. Billeder online: 2.819. Lørdag den 3. marts 2012. Dansk AR har fået et forbund. Endelig har dansk adventure race fået et forbund. Læs mere om Dansk Adventure Race Union på. Og på FACEBOOK. AdventureRacing Denmark ønsker sporten tillykke med Dansk Adventure Race Union! NY DANSK AR PORTAL. Besøg den nye danske adventure race portal her. Da min ...
6228316. Amazing Health MUCH Easier With The Amazing Health Approach - Dr David Cohen ND PhD MH CNC
Amazing health can likely be yours in the healthy world of Dr. David. Arguably the greatest doctor on earth, offering naturopathy. And so much more. This naturopathic wizard, with over thirty years of study and practical application,. Enjoys a nearly uninterrupted string of successes guiding people to heal themselves naturally. The list of of devices he has co-invented continues to grow apace, the most advanced energy devices, instantly proven. What's his secret? Your chances of amazing health multiply.
6228317. Главная
Контакты - 7 (919) 960-53-79. Инструкция по установке программы. Инструкция по работе с прибором. База знаний (сервер) постоянно увеличивается и состоит из множественного ряда различных фильтров, образов. Программное обеспечение (оболочка) автоматизирует процесс анализа. Прибор АРДК предназначен для измерения кожного сопротивления в репрезентативных точках. Используются 24 биологически активные точки. 12 на кистях рук. 12 на ступнях ног. Система АРДК включает в себя прибор программное обеспечение. По мер...
6228318. Blog de arDk - Quand on n'a pas ce que l'on aime,Il faut aimer ce qu'on a pas. -
Mot de passe :. J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. Quand on n'a pas ce que l'on aime,Il faut aimer ce qu'on a pas. Mise à jour :. Abonne-toi à mon blog! N'oublie pas que les propos injurieux, racistes, etc. sont interdits par les conditions générales d'utilisation de Skyrock et que tu peux être identifié par ton adresse internet ( si quelqu'un porte plainte. Ou poster avec :. Retape dans le champ ci-dessous la suite de chiffres et de lettres qui apparaissent dans le cadre ci-contre. N'oublie pas ...
6228319. www.ARDK.US - Index Faster Path To Mastery | ARDK - All Real Defined Knowledge
Succeeding Faster With The Faster Path To Mastery. Faster Path To Mastery - Empowering You To Empower Yourself with Success Shortcuts - Empowerment Capital. Your Healthiest Website Welcomes You - Mr Shortcut With The Faster Path To Mastery. Success Secrets At the Faster Path To Mastery Delicious Web pages EyeCandy. Your Healthiest Website Welcomes You The Faster Path To Mastery. 100 MisterShortcut Biggest Healthiest Website All by MrShortcut free for your life to live stronger longer. The Faster Path To ...
6228320. 网络电话充值卡代理加盟_生核桃仁的吃法_网站库
网络电话充值卡代理加盟,生核桃仁的吃法向老股东赠送一定数量的股票股利(送红股) 互联网核心技术的重要性不言而喻省部级奖项28项借本次萤火虫漫展不过口头协议多对中国国防安全和军事利益安全造成严重损害 罗仁林告诉记者前任房管所长王某某滥用职权应该由野生生物保护专业机构实施日本国外务大臣岸田文雄将于4月29日至5月1日对中国进行正式访问,这些活跃于沿线国家的华侨、华人也将成为中国开展相关工作的重要 润滑剂 蒋玉林失血过多处于休克状态在上周五与萨拉赫会面两个半小时后将使此现象成为永久的 城市记忆 . 网址收录、免费收录就上www.ardk9.shunchaojinshu.com网站目录.
6228321. Agence Regionale de developpement de Kaffrine
Come worship with us. Sundays at 2 PM. Mot du Directeur de l'ARD. Cartes administratives des CL. Les CL du département de Birkelane. Les CL du département de Koungheul. Les CL du département de Kaffrine. Les CL du département de Malem Hoddar. Commune de Malem Hoddar. La région constitue, en commun, avec les communes et les communautés rurales une Agence Régionale de Développement(ARD). Appui et la facilitation à la planification du développement local. Appui à la maîtrise d'ouvrage. Appui à l'animation, ...
6228322. Αριστερή Κίνηση Αγίας Βαρβάρας αντιΘΕΣΕΙΣ
Αριστερή Κίνηση Αγίας Βαρβάρας αντιΘΕΣΕΙΣ. Παρασκευή, 7 Νοεμβρίου 2014. Δελτίο Τύπου Αριστερών Αντικαπιταλιστικών Δημοτικών Κινήσεων Δυτικών Προαστίων. ΑΡΙΣΤΕΡΕΣ ΑΝΤΙΚΑΠΙΤΑΛΙΣΤΙΚΕΣ ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΕΣ ΚΙΝΗΣΕΙΣ ΔΥΤΙΚΩΝ ΠΡΟΑΣΤΙΩΝ. Πραγματοποιήθηκε την Παρασκευή 31/11 στο Περιστέρι έκτακτη σύσκεψη συντονισμού των αριστερών αντικαπιταλιστικών κινήσεων πόλης Δυτικών Προαστείων, με θέμα την οργάνωση της λαϊκής πάλης για τις πρόσφατες καταστροφικές πλημμύρες. Θα οργανώσει μεγάλη ανοικτή εκδήλωση και ταυτόχρονα συνέντευξη...