La Nueva Visión del Entretenimiento. D&P Corp Entertainment es una empresa que se especializa en el entretenimiento del público. En las diferentes ramas como lo son la Música, el Deporte, la Radio, La televisión, el cine y la moda. Desde 1999 somos Agencia de Publicidad y Medios desarrollando marcas y produtos desde Branding hasta campañas completas de Publicidad. Disfruta de nuestra programación Onlinecon Digital Zone! Trasmitiendo en horarios específicos programas de revista, programación de videos, vi...
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DYPDC Car Design Contest 2014
Vote for the Entries. DYPDC Car Design Contest 2013. DYPDC Car Design Contest 2012. Entries would be made live soon. News › Congratulations to the Winners! First Prize Winner: Prakash Sonkamble, India. Second Prize Winner: Dong Hun Han, South Korea. Third Prize Winner: Sanjay Padvi, India. Vote for the Entries. Prizes to be Won. DYPDC Car Design Contest 2013. DYPDC Car Design Contest 2012.
DYPDC - Center For Automotive Research & Studies...
Dr Ajeenkya DY Patil. A Welcome from the Director. MDes Engineering Product Design. MDes Computer Interaction Design. MBA Business Innovation and Strategy. Meet the Admissions Team. MDes Engineering Product Design. MBA Business Innovation and Strategy. MDes Computer Interaction Design. PG Diploma in Digital Modeling. Program Interested in: *. MDes Engineering Product Design. MDes Computer Interaction Design. MBA Business Innovation and Strategy. PG Diploma in Digital Modeling. I Plan to Enrol in:.
DYPDC College | a place for design fanatics to congregate
A place for design fanatics to congregate. Stay updated via RSS. Australian firms to work with car makers in India. Automotive Sketching Workshop by DYPDC. 12 good reasons why you should choose DYPDC. Innovative Lecture organized by DYPDC. DYPDC is highly specialized and goal oriented institute for automobile design. Maruti Suzuki to supply A-star to Volkswagen for modifications. Hyundai to Launch 6 New Models in 3 years, spend Rs 200 cr on ads. Alternative presents and speculative futures. In a bid to b...