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Current Range: 10 / 19 / (929268 - 929317)

929268. Jazel | my life…
8216;Cause all of me Loves all of you. Today has finally come. Mr Hubby is off to China again. Did I mention he has to go China almost every month? This trip is the longest trip ever. Almost a month. The thought of not having him by my side is killing me. OMG. 8216;Cause all of me. Loves all of you. Love your curves and all your edges. All your perfect imperfections. Give your all to me. I’ll give my all to you. You’re my end and my beginning. Even when I lose I’m winning. 8216;Cause I give you all of me.
929269. 广州易健科技有限公司广州建站公司、广州网站制作、广州企业建站、广州做网站、广州网络公司、广州建站公司、广州网站改版_
业务咨询电话 020-82522231 13556133536 长途免费电话 400-600-5413 QQ 286108386 邮箱
929270. 亚洲城在线娱乐城_ca88亚洲城在线娱乐官网
照片叙述故事 摄影马拉松说出城市大小事 一年一度摄影玩家们引颈期盼的摄影盛事 Canon 摄影马拉松 ,昨 2 日台北、高雄两地盛大举行,1800名参赛者同步热情开跑,长达12小时的. 载App两万现金拿走 水象女最容易中奖 女生比较容易中奖 而且,还以水向星座机率最高 有这么神 没盖你 这是台湾麦当劳公布的一项统计数字。 捍卫家园而战 战争机器4 旗舰版率先上市 台湾微软宣布,Gears of War 4 战争机器4 中文版即将于10月11日正式上市,建议售价为新台币1,690元 而 战争机器4 中文版旗舰版将抢先. 游戏橘子欢庆猴年 旗下多款线上游戏春节活动开跑 游戏橘子旗下 天堂 、 CSO绝对武力 、 艾尔之光 、 新玛奇 、 跑跑卡丁车 等多款线上游戏为欢庆猴年到来特别推出一. 科技报报 IFA各类最佳设备出炉 索尼获最佳手机奖 下半年最引人关注的电子消费展会IFA已经接近尾声,众多智慧手机、电脑、家电、物联网及可穿戴产品悉数亮相,为即将到来的年末商. Windows 10 29日全球上市 线上更新起跑. 王雪红 足以取代iPhone HTC A9将发表. 电影 魔兽 崛起 更多预告片段曝光.
929272. 法教师错位摄影 将经典角色融进现实
民众除了想看到违法的 厅官 重回高墙之内,更想知道当事官员为了运作 保外 而动. 河北一房产项目停工两年 烂尾 背后谁来 买单. 二孩补贴 能解 二孩之忧 吗. 广东一 碰瓷 团伙落网 开豪车作案屡屡得手. 首搭20T 7DCT 红标哈弗H6 Coupe亮点大曝光. 鲁能 奥斯卡 签约巴甲圣保罗 租借期至年底截止. 甘肃 乡村旅游 崛起 入境游和外汇收入双增长. 重新定义 爆款 远去的包邮 近在眼前的个性化. 谷歌DeepMind AI已学会 记住 过去的知识. 香港名吃 鸡蛋仔 有了自己的 艺术节. 核 去 核 从 台当局进退两难(图). C罗西甲最大魔咒 这魔鬼主场 他3年0球 染红. 台湾参加环太平洋军演 台 防长 可以做 不能说. 长光所研制多旋翼无人机 为发展 智慧农业 添利器. 马自骑2017年度赛事发布会在沪举行 打造 骑行 旅游 赛事IP. 带芯片的信用卡大多自动开通了 闪付 功能,开通了300元以下消费可免密.[ 详细. 现实版CS AR手游 最新试玩公布. 球星生日夜表演 鲨鱼轰61 23 加内特挺进西决. 陈璞小说 关山明月 获 黄河文学奖 优秀奖.
929273. EJ
Upgrade to paid account! Apr 15th, 2011 11:15 pm. This blog is to friends only! Apr 1st, 2011 03:52 pm. Do you even cherish our relationship? Mar 25th, 2011 01:09 am. Rushing project this week! Oh man, hectic week. Please be over soon and let everything be smooth! Mar 20th, 2011 05:53 pm. Dont even understand how i feel,. And made me feel worst. You didnt make me feel any better. Mar 18th, 2011 12:49 am. But i dont know what i wanna write. Because words no longer describe how i feel. Sch is such a mess.
929274. ♚菲彩国际娱乐_菲彩国际娱乐城_菲彩国际娱乐官网
昨晚11点40分左右,中彩网官网再度发布微博,宣称 2014年双色球5亿元派奖最后一期开奖,双色球15011期 ,中奖号码为 红球14、4、15、18、17、20,蓝球15,幸运蓝球12。 该微博下有一条 广州首个亿元大奖得主年方20为外省打工仔 的链接,点开后显示, 广州首个亿元巨奖得主仅20岁 他是一个外省南方未婚年轻人,打工、住出租屋一族,中奖号码守了约半年,曾‘不敢’告诉女朋友及家人20倍倍投买彩票,感叹中奖是‘天注定’ .(2015.1.26来源京华时报). 奇偶数和大小数是我们研究3D的常规方法,相信很多朋友已经运用得比较娴熟了,但是您是否想到把两者结合起来应用呢 0 9共10个数字,我们一般将它们按奇偶划分为0、2、4、6、8是偶数,1、3、5、7、9是奇数 0、1、2、3、4是小数,5、6、7、8、9是大数。 但是我们一般习惯于二选一或三选一,对这种四选一的定位形式颇感陌生甚至不适应,那么不妨再小小变动一下.(2015.1.27来源彩经网). 会开和323.4.24,3天尾3了,肯定还会来10000000% .(2015.1.29来源大彩网).
929275. Ээжийн бүүвэйн дуу
Tuesday, October 7, 2014. Энэ жил төсөвлөж, төлөвлөөгүй олон ажил ундарч, амсxийx завгүй харайлгасаар нэг л мэдэхэд жил дуусах дөхжээ. Сонин гэвэл охиныхоо үсийг авсан, хүү 2-р ангийн сурагч болсон, гэр бүлээрээ Америк нүүсэн, ажилаасаа гарч гэртээ сууж байгаа зэрэг байна даа. Sunday, April 20, 2014. Саяхан л ээж болоод сандарч явсан санагдах юм. Гэтэл одоо хүүхдийн үсэглэлийн баярын хувцас бэлдээд гадуур манаргаж явах. Цаг хугацаа ямар хурдан юм бэ? Саяхан Хятадын намын тэргүүлэгчид(? Чи үгүй гэж эсвэл ...
929276. Дневник Новогодней Ёлки
It doesnt get any better than this. 24 января, 14:15. We can sometimes disagree with the facts'. Довлатов нас учил: Есть факт, Коля! А факт - есть факт, как его ни оворачивай. Факт -. Это реальность, Коля! То есть нечто фактическое. Пресс-секретаря Дональда нашего Трампа учили другие люди и он знает, что бывают альтернативные факты. С фактами иногда можно не соглашаться. Был А факт - он и есть факт. Перед фактом, как. Upd: и без меня это оказалось обстёбанным:. Https:/ Хорошо, что ...
929277. I Believe Music.
929278. hAlLoWeEn GiRl
WeLcOmE tO eEjIn'S WoRlD EJ! Thursday, November 29, 2012. 12304; 不是你的就不是你的,是你的走了也会回来. Tuesday, October 30, 2012. Happy halloween ♥. It's 30.10.2012,. 3 more hours to go and it's HALLOWEEN. HALLOWEEN 2012 = sweet 21 for EJ. And im gonna be 21 3 hours later. 21 years ago,. There was a cute girl born and came to this world. 3 years ago,. The girl turned 18 in taiwan,. Celebrating her halloween turn-to-adult there. This girl is waiting for 31st to reach,. 21 years old,. It's time for it! Halloween is coming *.
929279. EEJIS Estimates
EEJIS manages and processes insurance estimates for general contractors. On average, our clients see a 30-50% increase. In overall estimate value. Contact us to get started - You can't afford not to. Per estimate, giving you more time to make sales and better serve your existing clients. You submit your estimates. We scope the damage. EEJIS field inspectors, many of whom are independent insurance adjusters, come to each estimate site and use our proven scoping strategies to maximize estimate value. T...
929280. Eejit Records | イージットレコード―スコットランドと北アイルランドのインディー・ロックバンドを断然応援中!
ギグレポ The Harringtons (Pivo Pivo, Glasgow, 20/07/2008). ギグレポ The View (Liquidroom, Edinburgh, 01/09/2006). イージットレコードは スコットランドと北アイルランドの インディー ロックバンドを断然応援中. 時に国境を越えて語っちゃうイージットレコード ムダグチ 出張所 ブログ は. やっぱりロンドンは世界一カッコいい 、 最近はシェフィールドが来てる その通り、その通り。 でも、もしあなたが求めているものが、単なる”流行りの音”じゃなくて、”聴いているだけで、お腹の底からドキドキするようなもの”だったら。 The Verveが’A Northern Soul’で歌ったよりも、さらにもう少し北にあるスコットランド。 でも、ベルセバ、モグワイ、フランツ 最近じゃエル プレジデンテなんかもそうですね それらのビッグネーム、それだけがグラスゴーなんでしょうか 本当の答えは、ぜひあなた自身の耳で確かめてほしいと思います。 Eejit は、 Idiot バカ の北国訛り。
929281. eejit - the secret diary of a twisted girl -
Long time no see. Det är ett braaaaaaa tag sedan som senast bloggade. Det är mycket som hänt sedan dess. Låt oss bara säga att jag är lyckligare än någonsin. 2012-10-06 @ 18:42:35 Permalink. Worst fu* ing state. Idag mår jag verkligen skit. Att jag ens pallade mig ut är en sensation, men jag var tvungen att gå på banken. Det känns som att jag har ätit ett ton laxermedel. Bra bantningstips till er därute: Se till att pajja termostaten i kylen så att maten blir förstörd. Ät sedan maten! The date from hell.
929282. Eejit – Just another WordPress site
Just another WordPress site. How to mount an Anonymous smb share in linux. Make sure you have the cifs utils installed sudo apt-get install cifs-utils # Create the folder from which you will access the share sudo mkdir /media/smbshare/ # Do the mount of the share sudo mount -t cifs -o username=Anonymous / /media/smbshare/. Make sure you have the cifs utils installed. Create the folder from which you will access the share. Do the mount of the share. Bin/bash echo "Hello World".
929283. Eejit13 (Rita) - DeviantArt
Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ; this.removeAttribute('onclick')" class="mi". Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ; this.removeAttribute('onclick')". Join DeviantArt for FREE. Forgot Password or Username? Deviant for 10 Years. This deviant's full pageview. Last Visit: 60 weeks ago. This is the place where you can personalize your profile! LEIC (D...
929284. Eejit21 (burp....) - DeviantArt
Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) " class="mi". Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ". Join DeviantArt for FREE. Forgot Password or Username? Deviant for 10 Years. This deviant's full pageview. This is the place where you can personalize your profile! By moving, adding and personalizing widgets. You can drag and drop to rearrange. Why," you ask?
929285. Brian's Diving Blog
Monday, 1 September 2008. How the dive year is going so far. So far this year i have lost count off the number of dives i done in total so neill,rob and rab will need for you to help me get up to date please.So dont know if i have got to the big 100th dive. I did get to dive the maine on the 2nd attempt as i flooded my dry suite on the 1st attempt,yes i know poor dive admin. Originally uploaded by eejit71. Originally uploaded by eejit71. Originally uploaded by eejit71. Originally uploaded by eejit71.
929286. The Eejit Asylum
To Hear Bryan Adams- -Flying- - Press The Button Below. Kelly & Gordon McGaw. July 14th, 2006. CClo Graeme and Janise Wedding Album. Eejit on the Piss! The Other Side Of. Eejit as a wee lad! A pair of Eejits. Jimmy, Jimmy Jr. and Gordon. Love You Forever With Rosemary McGaw. The Poem By Rabbie Burns. BEST BAND IN KINGSTON: THE RAINKINGS. RAB CORBETT GLESGA CRANK CALLS. RADIO STATIONS ROON THE WORLD. AERIAL PICS OF YOUR STREET. MITCHELL LIBRARY - OLD PICS OF GLASGOW. FEAST OF ALL SAINTS. A VISIT TO GLASGOW.
929287. Robi's Dutch Pub - Accra - Robi's
Robi's Dutch Pub - Accra. How to Find Robi's. Monday to Thursday 12:00 until 22:00. Friday 12:00 until 00:00 Saturday 15:00 until 00:00. Sunday we are closed. To see what's on or view our latest gallery why not visit. Robis Dutchpub on Facebook.
929288. kahjoe : My story
Kahjoe : My story. My story of life. Wednesday, June 16, 2010. Su ZIan is awesome. Su Zian is an awesome girl. She's cool , smart and . AWESOME=). In conclusion, SU ZIAN IS AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE=). Kahjoe : My Story. Monday, February 15, 2010. Happy Chinese New Year! Happy Chinese New Year. Best of luck in the year of the tigger. Kahjoe : My Story. Tuesday, February 9, 2010. Its been a while. I got a quiz to study about. Kahjoe : My Story. Wednesday, January 13, 2010.
929289. Eejit Holiday
It is getting the time of year for traditions and holidays, so here is where eejit traditions will be shared. Friday, December 23, 2011. The elves were so tired they could barely lift their heads. came home to find Mrs. Claus had made new quilts for their beds. Poor little elves are working hard and there mittens are full of holes,. Thursday, December 22, 2011. Welcome to Elfette Secrets the North Pole Division of Victoria Secrets. The poor little elves lassie knickers are down to nothing but shreds.
929290. Eejit of Love | Billy and Eileen go to Shmokey City
A musical comedy) was originally developed at Greenwich Theatre (London) and produced as part of the Dublin Fringe Festival. RTE (Ireland’s National Broadcaster) presented the show as their 2013 Christmas Day Special. Follow the fortunes of lovable bumpkins: Billy. As they travel to Shmokey City. To audition for the dastardly Pete Popalypse. On his new TV talent show: Xposure. As Pete lures Eileen away on a perilous journey towards the stars as a broken-hearted Billy heads back to the farm. From 7th &#82...
929291. eejits | A curious collection o' creatures
News & bletherings. News & bletherings.
929292. Eejits Project ManagementAll Projects: Tasklist
Your search returned no results.
929293. Environment and Technology Guides -
Welcome to Eejits' Guides. We bring you environment and technology guides that try to cut through the hype and jargon. Want to know what carbon neutral really means, or whether putting a wind turbine on your house will be a sound investment? Check out the guides below. The Carbon Cycle Explained. The earth's carbon is endlessly cycled between the atmosphere, plants and animals. Where does fossil carbon come into the equation? Carbon Neutral- What Does It Mean? What Is A Carbon Footprint? This guide gives...
929294. eejiu.com域名出售,eejiu.com可以转让,this domain is for sale
This domain name is for sale. 您正在访问的域名可以转让!" title="点击这里给我留言" target=" blank" class="bg". 点击本页面左上方 立即出价 链接,进入域名出价页面,登陆易名中国网站后再打开域名页面点 立即出价 ,出价成功后域名立刻进入买方账号并自动过户完成交易(只有一次出价机会,先出价者先得) 如果左上方未显示价格和出价链接可进入 千百度一号店. 注 需要先注册成为易名中国(会员[ 注册帮助. 网站,登录ID账号,在 管理中心- 我的菜单- 域名管理- 模板管理 中添加模板,选择添加模板的类型 国际模板。 域名续费 在全民创业的互联网时代,域名价值不断飙升,但需要每年续费才能保证域名所有权 因此郑重提示您购买域名后提前多续费几年,防止以后万一疏忽忘记续费遭受重大损失[ 域名续费帮助. Escrow through For the detail process, you can visit here.
929295. 广州市旅游商务网络学校
929296. 长春企业宣传片_宣传片制作-长春企业宣传册制作价格
作者:admine 分类:宣传片 浏览:285 评论:0. 作者:admine 分类:长春企业 浏览:281 评论:0.
929297. ㄧ更多域名请进www.678888.comㄧ数字米专家ㄧ域名出售ㄧ域名转让ㄧ老域名ㄧ精品域名出售ㄧ平价域名转让ㄧ
Eejjcom the domain is for sale. 极品数字域名请进 极品4数字,5数字,高端数字域名. 500块数字域名请进 500个精品域名,全部只要500元,天天更新总有一个您会钟意. 2013 长坑兄弟联盟.
929298. как подключить контроллер в холодильнике
Как подключить контроллер в холодильнике. Крепления для фиксации контроллера в холодильнике либо в электрическом щитке обеспечивает надежное закрепление и защиту отДалее подключаем по схеме компрессор, вентилятор т. д. Но в моем случаем мы просто подключили вилку и начинаем процесс Описание (инструкции) контроллеров Danfoss. Зачем в закрытом холодильнике контроллеру постоянно быть начеку? Осталось подключить холодильник к wi-fi, вывести его в интернет. Прикрутить бот Telegram, повесить внутри вэбкаме...
929299. eejjcc's blog - eva,julie,claire -
30/01/2007 at 4:19 AM. 15/03/2007 at 3:53 AM. Subscribe to my blog! Couleur: noir et blanc. Don't forget that insults, racism, etc. are forbidden by Skyrock's 'General Terms of Use' and that you can be identified by your IP address ( if someone makes a complaint. Please enter the sequence of characters in the field below. Posted on Tuesday, 06 March 2007 at 1:49 AM. Dit ton signe astrologique! Please enter the sequence of characters in the field below. Posted on Wednesday, 28 February 2007 a...
929300. いぃじぃぃ & 戸室仙人
929301. 别人的微信聊天内容内容记录怎样才能查到?_【waoadmin888】_2015-08-18
929302. EEJJGG (Eustace-Jacob Goddart (EEJJGG)) - DeviantArt
Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) " class="mi". Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ". Join DeviantArt for FREE. Forgot Password or Username? Deviant for 3 Years. This deviant's full pageview. Last Visit: 5 hours ago. This is the place where you can personalize your profile! By moving, adding and personalizing widgets. Why," you ask? Apr 9, 2015.
929304. 無効なURLです
929305. eejjlin - one life, one moment!familjen ♡
Babblarna teater and grillat. Publicerat 2017-05-06 20:58:51 i. Ska försöka bli bättre på att blogga 🙈 Idag har vi hunnit med mycket och solen har varit framme hela dagen, helt underbart! Jag och minsta tösen har varit ooch kollat på babblarna teater med Lina and Wiljam. Det uppskattades av barnen 😘 Hemma igen blev det grillat och lek i trädgården. Vår stora tös sover över hos min bästa kompis inatt! Där trivs hon som fisken i vattnet 😉 Imorgon väntas det äventyr med min fina familj 💕. Publicerat 201...
929306. 198网-各种云网盘商业资源资料分享下载社区! - Powered by Discuz!
查看/回复: 313/0" onmouseover="showTip(this)" target=" blank" 关于春信传媒旗下网站近期域名备 . 查看/回复: 254/0" onmouseover="showTip(this)" target=" blank" 岁月社区 临时域名发布2017年 . 查看/回复: 229/0" onmouseover="showTip(this)" target=" blank" 198账号网2017年12月1日会员签到 . 查看/回复: 280/0" onmouseover="showTip(this)" target=" blank" 岁月套图社区-秘密爱基地11月28 . 查看/回复: 230/0" onmouseover="showTip(this)" target=" blank" 198账号网2017年11月28日会员签 . 查看/回复: 223/0" onmouseover="showTip(this)" target=" blank" 198账号网2017年11月27日会员签 . 查看/回复: 149/1" onmouseover="showTip(...
929307. 您正在访问的域名可以出售
The domain name you visit is for sale! 联系QQ 869333 联系邮箱(E-Mail)
929308. BO精品域名 - 正在出售
您正在访问的域名可以转让 This domain is for sale. Q Q : 928755. 电 话 : 18181819955.
929309. EEJLA Oitavo ano 2010 - Ciências e Inglês
EEJLA Oitavo ano 2010 - Ciências e Inglês. Domingo, 21 de novembro de 2010. Os alunos do oitavo ano A selecionaram as imagens que melhor ilustraram os sentidos. Destaque para os trabalhos do(a)s aluno(a)s:. Mariana e Ana Paula que editaram um video. Carina, Ingrid e Camila que procuraram imagens do dia-a-dia das próprias alunas. Os alunos Ian, Roberto e Leonardo, que mandaram o sentido audição como um link destas músicas. Http:/ Http:/ Mariana e Ana Paula.
929311. eejlis (Silje) - DeviantArt
Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ; this.removeAttribute('onclick')" class="mi". Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ; this.removeAttribute('onclick')". Join DeviantArt for FREE. Forgot Password or Username? Deviant for 5 Years. This deviant's full pageview. March 4, 1993. Last Visit: 210 weeks ago. By moving, adding and personalizing widgets. Click...
929312. Le blog de Eric Mortreuil - Réflexions diverses tirées de mon expérience deCadre Educatif / Chef de Service
Le blog de Eric Mortreuil. Réflexions diverses tirées de mon expérience de Cadre Educatif / Chef de Service. Les écrans et les jeunes. Publié le 21 Janvier 2018. Janvier 2018: jajoute une page sur ce thème, pour présenter quelques réflexions et pistes daction sur le sujet. Internet est un bel outil… quand on parvient à le maîtriser. Ce qui sapprend. Publié le 21 Septembre 2017. Mes soucis de santé mobligent à une réorientation professionnelle. Je suis donc entré en formation pour devenir enlumineur.
929313. Vem aí o VI EEJMA-GO
Relatório Final V EEJMA-GO. Sexta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2010. Fique Atento: Vem aí o VI EEJMA-GO! Atenção juventude ambientalista, o Coletivo Jovem de Meio Ambiente de Goiás (CJ-GO) já se organiza para o VI Encontro Estadual de Juventude pelo Meio Ambiente de Goiás (VI EEJMA-GO). E, como você já sabe, o EEJMA-GO não pode parar, por isso: o 6º encontro já começou! Terça-feira, 21 de setembro de 2010. Nota: Relatório Final do V EEJMA-GO. No blog do evento ou no blog do CJ-GO. Até o VI EEJMA-GO! O evento ...
929314. BlogMede
8220;Ninguém é tão grande que não possa aprender, nem tão pequeno que não possa ensinar.” Esopo. Postado em Marcadores: Conecta Mamede. Sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2011. O Novo Blog da Escola José Mamede de Aquino Blog-se Mamede. Esteja por dentro de tudo que rola em nossa escola ;). O Blog da Escola José Mamede é um Projeto desenvolvido pela instituição e tem a supervisão de seus professores, quaisquer blogs não vinculados ao projeto desrespeitam as leis de privacidade. Postado por Diana Pilatti. Visit...
929316. home - eej! magazine
Life is like a pie. Eejtweej nu te koop. Eejtweej is on its weej. Wij omzeilen het bekende Zeeland, door onbekende Zeeuwen te belichten". Ook ik heb van die dagen dat de inspiratie ver te . Vier koppen ‘spijsvertering’ thee verder en ik voe . It’s the mooooost wonderful timeee of the yeaaaaa . Omrijden tussen Vogelwaarde en Terhole. Soms lees je de krant, en schieten de tra . Beste Berbel, wat zijn je favoriete zomernummer . Beste berbel, Nu mijn gezin en ik op vakantie . VI: Samen op vakantie.
929317. Ejmatze's Blog | Just another weblog
Just another weblog. Tweets t/m nov 11 2012. November 10, 2012. 8211; Kinderdijk 5 nov 2012 Fri Nov 09 21:07:57 0000 2012. Fri Nov 09 21:07:36 0000 2012. Video: The Kinks – A Well Respected Man (by Rmiller07) http:/ Fri Nov 09 19:34:38 0000 2012. Video: Sam The Sham and The Pharaohs RING, DANG, DOO live 1965 (by WolfEchoes) http:/ Fri Nov 09 19:19:40 0000 2012. Fri Nov 09 17:40:25 0000 2012. Fri Nov 09 12:33:04 0000 2012. On @hypem Thu Nov 08 20:53:46 0000 2012.