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268093. Welcome
在国际工程承包业务领域,作为全球知名的国际工程承包商,国机集团连续多年入选 ENR “全球225家最大国际承包商”前50强、“全球200强工程咨询设计企业”前100强,在业内具有广泛的影响力,在全球众多国家和地区的工程市场具有重要的市场地位。 2012年,国机集团名列 ENR “全球225家最大国际工程承包商”第24位、“国际工程设计企业200强”第77位。 秉承“合力同行,创新共赢”的企业理念,致力于“和”文化建设,国机集团将围绕装备制造业和现代制造服务业两大核心业务领域,努力打造具有国际竞争力的世界一流综合性装备工业跨国集团,成为中国机械工业的领跑者,人类文明和进步的推动者。 京ICP备 05005561号 京公网安备 110401300041号. 版权所有 中国机械工业集团有限公司 地址 北京市海淀区丹棱街3号国机大厦 邮编 100080.
268094. Hakkafishing!!
Här kommer det stå allt om mitt fiske. Mvh/Mikael"Hakka"Jonasson. Onsdag 3 juli 2013. Hej på er, för tillfället håller jag på med att lära mig bloggen. Det är inte det enklaste jag har gjort :). Kommer lägga upp lite bilder på fiskar m,m inomkort! Prenumerera på: Inlägg (Atom). Loggning som bar frukt. Mallen Picture Window. Drivs av Blogger.
268095. - Registered at
This domain is registered at Namecheap. This domain was recently registered at Namecheap. Please check back later! This domain is registered at Namecheap. This domain was recently registered at Namecheap. Please check back later! The Sponsored Listings displayed above are served automatically by a third party. Neither Parkingcrew nor the domain owner maintain any relationship with the advertisers.
268096. Hakka Flavours
268097. 2016臺灣客家北中南東美食料理比賽網站
最新訊息 / The Latest News.
268098. Hakka Food
Sharing delicious and hearty Hakka Cuisine with like-minded cooks and gourmets. Monday, November 12, 2012. Hakka Dishes - Index. All time favourite Hakka Food Revisited. These links would hopefully assist blog visitors to access links to various dishes :. Taro Yam Braised Belly Pork 芋头扣肉. Http:/ Another version of Yam Kou Rou. Http:/ Pork Belly with preserved mustard.
268100. Indo Chinese Hakka Cuisine | Restaurant Recipes Cooked At Home
Indo Chinese Hakka Cuisine. Restaurant Recipes Cooked At Home. A world famous rice vermicelli noodle entrée, characterized by its bright yellow hue is […]. Any eat-in or takeaway is incomplete without this simple classic. This recipe is plain […]. Spicy Szechuan Shrimp Noodles. A popular and standard menu item, this delicious dish will have you wanting more […]. Rice for Fried Rice. The secret to any fried rice entrée is the type of rice and method […]. Chilli Chicken Chow Mein. Older posts ». The ingred...
268101. 客家本色-文化餐廳
268102. 客家菜
July 11, 2008. 26448;料:菜園雞一隻(不要切,整只),胡椒,鹽. 20570;法:. 39318;先把雞洗乾淨,在雞的全身裡外均勻的塗上胡椒(3克)和適量的鹽(20克). 28982;後放進電飯煲裡,加一湯匙清水. 25353;下開關加溫,等電飯煲自動跳到保溫。 31561;五分鐘後,將雞翻過來,再按下加溫開關。 31561;再次跳到保溫,即完成。 June 18, 2008. 21407;料:豬肉,青蒜,辣椒,大蒜,豆豉。 25152;需材料]. 28921;飪過程]. 28921;製材料(四人份). 37251;料:料酒(1湯匙)、海天鐵強化金標生抽王(1湯匙)、鹽(1/3湯匙)、雞粉(1/2湯&#21273...35519;料:油(1湯匙)、鹽(1/3湯匙)、雞粉(1/2湯匙). 1 往豬絞肉內,加入1湯匙料酒、1湯匙海天&#37...2 馬蹄削皮洗淨,拍松剁碎;水髮&#...6 燒熱1湯匙油,炒香薑末、&#34...27880;意:. 1、挑選苦瓜時,要&#3698...2、選用半肥瘦&#30...3、苦瓜切&#2757...4、蝦米...June 16, 2008.
268103. 台灣客家論壇協會
客壇第七屆第一次會員大會於107.1.13(六),於台灣大學生物產業機電工程學系知武館4樓401室舉行。會中除了通過本會107年度工作計畫和107年度收支預算案,以及追認105年度決算案之外。亦於會中選出客壇第七屆新任理監事,新任理監事名單如下:. 第七屆理事當選名單,按票數高低排名如下(先由左至右,再由上至下):. 李瑞香、張森富、彭鳳貞、吳正慶、邱英政、葉倫會、詹彩虹、范姜瑞、. 田昭容、何石松、陳彩裕、邱榮舉、林光美、陳石山、馮武雄、魏德文、. 徐富昌、黃耀輝、劉邦淦、涂泰成、晁瑞明。 陳博光、黃永達、吳家昌、胡鴻仁、姜禮釷、張世賢、劉代洋。 會員大會之後舉行的農業、食品、與環境安全論壇,邀請本會理事長張森富教授、盧訓教授、陳瑞賓秘書長,三位學者專家分別就農業安全、食品安全、環境安全作專題演講。並針對上述三個主題進行座談會,由與會會員及來賓,和演講者進行意見交流與彙整。 農業、食品、與環境安全座談會,與會專家回答會員提問. 日(星期一) 12:00. 享用過張理事長精心準備的各式客家點心之後,緊接著的是由本會吳監事長家昌主持的「客家語文與俗諺」論壇&#65...12300;客家語文與俗諺&#123...
268104.  Hakka Foundation 客家基金會 - Home 首頁
Hakka Foundation 客家基金會. Hakka Foundation is established to promote Hakka Spirit. The objectives of Hakka Foundation are to maintain Hakka Heritage, to promote the practice of self-improvement, self-sufficiency and independence, to serve the community with brotherly love, and to unite with nature in harmony. In peace, therefore, all beings have better lives together. Journey on Earth,. Under the Same Sky,. 30334;年過客 天下一家. Create a free website.
268105.    客果子。嗑甜柿 - 關於客果子
23458;果子。嗑甜柿. 38364;於客果子. 38364;於甜柿. 29980;柿分級與說明. 35330;購方式. 32218;上訂購. 21608;邊景點. 10月至12月甜柿盛產期. 26032;鮮、美味、健康~歡迎團購宅配. 2014年客果子甜柿已經開始採收了. 27489;迎舊雨新知訂購! Create a free website. Start your own free website. A surprisingly easy drag and drop site creator. Learn more.
268106. 性之图吧_52生活网_8888ye.con
性之图吧 52生活网 8888ye.con.
268107. 桃園客庄遊學地圖(一)114線客庄go go go
龍星國小 中平國小 新屋國小 東明國小 永安國小 笨港國小. 網址: http:/ 10:00 海洋資源教育中心 下庄子老街 保生宮 新屋溪口紅樹林生態 藻礁生態保護區 觀光漁市. 報名表請至報名網址 http:/
268108. Hakka Furniture
268109. Hakka Fusion
Fried Spring Rolls (2). With chicken, scallion and carrots. With salt and pepper. With either honey garlic/ hot garlic/ pepper sauce. Bite-sized chicken pieces, with coriander and hot sauce. Fried with chopped onions, coriander and Indian spices. Fried with chopped onions, coriander and Indian spices. Fried with coriander and Indian spices. Fried and marinated with hot sauce. Shredded lettuce, onions and tomato tossed in sweet and spicy vinegar dressing. Chicken, shrimp and chillis. 349 (small) $5.49...
268110. Hakka Garden
Hot and Sour Soup. Homestyle Hot and Sour soup with chicken, carrot, mushroom, tofu and egg, served traditional Hakka style. A perfect blend of sweetness and spice. A new favourite for Hakka Garden fans. Tasty chicken drumsticks with a twist, Hakka Garden Style! A Hakka Garden house special. Beef served sweet, spicy, crispy and tasty. In fusion flavours to our valued customers. And one of the Top 5 Hakka Restaurants in Toronto by BlogTo. 10% OFF on pick up orders over $35.00. Cash and Debit Cards Only.
268111. lanyard,silicone bracelet,shopping bag,leather case
Custom lanyard, silicone bracelet, shopping bag, leather case with your design. Hakka gift supply high quality lanyard, silicone bracelet, shopping bag, leather case with competitive price. Silk Screen Printing Lanyard. Silicone Bracelet Logo &#9655. Color Filling Silicone Bracelet. Silicone Bracelet Color &#9655. Dual Layer Silicone Bracelet. Glow In The Dark Silicone Bracelet. Multi Color Silicone Bracelet. Segmented Color Silicone Bracelet. Solid Color Silicone Bracelet. Silicone Bracelet Style &#9655.
268112. |
A Young Girl’s Story of Her Family’s Escape from Vietnam. A Young Girl’s Story of Her Family’s Escape from Vietnam. Welcome to my website! March 29, 2015. Update:. My book was released on schedule on March 19, 2015 and it’s available now on, either as a paperback or in the Kindle version. Thanks for your interest and support. I hope you will buy a copy of Nam Moi. On, and share it with your friends and loved ones. Please contact me. With any questions or comments.
268113. Blog de hakkagirls - hakkagirls! -
Mot de passe :. J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. Voilà le skyblog des hakkagirls! Mise à jour :. Bon voilà, skyblog terminé parce que toute. Abonne-toi à mon blog! Bon voilà, skyblog terminé parce que toute bonne chose a une fin.:). N'oublie pas que les propos injurieux, racistes, etc. sont interdits par les conditions générales d'utilisation de Skyrock et que tu peux être identifié par ton adresse internet ( si quelqu'un porte plainte. Ou poster avec :. Posté le samedi 08 juillet 2006 11:45.
268114. 苗栗客家美食 - 彭屋桐花客家料理 - 張記客家菜
彭屋 桐花客家料理 訂位專線:(037)985022 苗栗縣銅鑼鄉(村)龍泉10號( 桐花樂活公園旁 ) 餐廳地圖. 張記 客家美食 訂位專線:(037)985222 苗栗縣銅鑼鄉(村)中正路19-10號 餐廳地圖.
268115. 全台油桐花祭活動報導~台北、桃園、新竹、苗栗、台中、彰化、雲林、南投、宜蘭~
彰化八卦山賞花趣http:/ 藤山步道、臥龍坡步道(八卦山脈)、永祿古道、暗坑古道(中寮鄉內城村、清水村)、國姓鄉北港村賞桐步道 石門村長北路往西沿北港溪畔 、國姓鄉北港村糯米橋附近山徑、魚池鄉五城村賞桐步道 五城村往蓮華池沿線 、台16線水里鄉頂崁村往魚池鄉武登村沿線、水里鄉新興村賞桐步道 石觀音吊橋對山 、水里鄉鉅工村二坪山、牛耳藝術公園、惠蓀林場、泰雅渡假村.
268116. 客家经济网
客家音乐 客家流行歌曲 客家影视 客家舞蹈 客家山歌 客家戏曲. 不忘初心 潮客同行 广东省客家商会 深圳市潮汕商会学习十九大精神交流座谈会成功举办. 龙岩长汀客家菜: 首府美食 全力再 出海 (图). 广东河源 夫妇返乡种百香果 月入10万 香 出致富路. 北京大学 刘水楼 揭幕仪式举行 系深圳铁汉生态捐建. 世界客属第29届恳亲大会 世客 心语 世客齐心 扬帆同行. 香港梅州联会举行 世客齐心 扬帆同行 世界客属第29届恳亲大会新闻发布会. 十三五规划 中的 双龙高铁 ,怎能辜负你对梅州之旅的期待. 央视快评 以 五个振兴 扎实推进乡村振兴战略. 不做医生做农民 澄迈 怪人 王恩武扎根乡土种植牛大力. 黄创尚 曾让阳江牛大力随 天宫二号 升空. 泉州 千年古港 海丝 门户. 传承 晋江经验 再创 晋江奇迹. 中山 科技创新 文化旅游 两区一镇协同发展的优化升级之路. 专业镇模式难以为继 中山推出 五大组团 发展战略. 叶檀 广州与深圳 近邻是仇敌 超级城市的霸主之战. 珠三角6市对口帮扶粤东西北12市 广东奏响 先富帮后富 最强音. 精准扶贫一年间 福建 山海协作 谱新曲.
268117. 學甲
住地。1661年,鄭成功入台,驅逐荷人,漳泉兩地移入人口逐漸增加,結成部落,「西拉雅族」或移居他地或與移入者通婚而逐漸漢化。1875年,台灣設台灣、台北兩府,台灣府轄有台灣、嘉義兩縣,學甲隸屬於嘉義縣。1889年台灣府新設台南府、台東直轄洲,本鎮仍隸台南府轄下嘉義。1895年日軍入台本地居民群起抵抗,紛紛組織抗日軍,在大埔口(今之平東里)與急水溪(宅港里二港子部落)兩處,作一晝夜之死鬥,終被擊敗,紛紛逃亡,而宅港與學甲之房屋悉被日軍放火焚燬,老弱婦幼即逃奔至蕭壠社(佳里)。後又遭日軍在蕭壠社大屠殺。 1896年學甲社改為學甲堡隸台南縣,同年改隸屬嘉義縣。1901年廢縣改廳,改隸屬鹽水港廳北門嶼支廳。1910年鹽水港廳合為台南廳,仍隸台南廳北門嶼支廳。至1920年十月一日實行街庄制,廢區置庄,將中洲、學甲兩區合併為「學甲庄」隸屬於台南洲北門郡。1946年改庄為鄉,稱謂學甲鄉。1968年改制設鎮。 訂閱: 文章 (Atom).
268118. index - powered by h5ai v0.28.1 (
Works best with JavaScript enabled! Works best in modern browsers.
268119. 學甲 | Just another weblog
十二月 9, 2007 at 8:03 上午. 為界,東西長為9.3817公里,南北寬為8.7190公里,全鎮面積53.9049平方公里。 十二月 8, 2007 at 8:09 下午. 在 建立免費網站或網誌. 在 建立免費網站或網誌. 透過 打造網站. Add your thoughts here. (optional).
268120. Home
Hakka Tulou slide shows. Created on Friday, 04 May 2012 21:26. Last Updated on Sunday, 19 July 2015 14:12. Published on Friday, 04 May 2012 21:26. Written by Jorg Ostrowski. For your review and use. Senator Vivienne Poy for the Opening Ceremony, and. Dr Shiu Loon Kong, Keynote Address. This will be followed by our. Video with myself and YongDing County Officials, followed by a presentation by colleague XiaoYan Li on. Hakka in China and Taiwan. Toronto Hakka Conference 2012 poster. In case you would like ...
268121. Hakka Hire
Access Equipment and Ladders. Elevating Platforms and Towers. Air Compressors and Tools. Air Tools - Other. Engine hoists, jacks and repair tools. Brick, Tiling and Paving. Tyle Cutter, Small,. Carpet Cleaning, Drying and Laying. Wet and Dry Vacume cleaner. Diggers, Excavators and Loaders. Heating, Ventilating and Cooling. Just Hakka Hire Instead! Contact Daryl or Lee for Details. 6 Durrington Street, South Murwillumbah, New South Wales, 2484, Australia. Phone: 02-6672 2006; 0412 916 376;.
268122. Hakka Hire
Access Equipment and Ladders. Elevating Platforms and Towers. Air Compressors and Tools. Air Tools - Other. Engine hoists, jacks and repair tools. Brick, Tiling and Paving. Tyle Cutter, Small,. Carpet Cleaning, Drying and Laying. Wet and Dry Vacume cleaner. Diggers, Excavators and Loaders. Heating, Ventilating and Cooling. Just Hakka Hire Instead! Contact Daryl or Lee for Details. 6 Durrington Street, South Murwillumbah, New South Wales, 2484, Australia. Phone: 02-6672 2006; 0412 916 376;.
268123. | | Ücretsiz yapım aşamasında sayfası
Lütfen en kısa sürede tekrar ziyaret ediniz. Alan Adı kaydı ve hostingi IsimTescil.NET.
Âlem-i İslam’ın bayramlarını tebrik eder, Kuran’ı yolunda beraber olmaları için niyaz ederiz. Cuma Akşamı Sohbetini İzlemek İçin Tıklayınız(internet explorer de çalışır). İzlediğiniz: Shadi105 - 714 İlahi davete hiç bir şey engel olmamalı. You need to have the Flash Player. Installed and a browser with JavaScript support. Şu an İzlenen Videolar. 717 Allah ve Res. Soru: Meşru mazaretler sebebiyle mali . Mahrem olan amca, dayı gibi yakınlarımı. Hacda kurban kesmek gerekli midir? Shadi105 - 708 İslam dinind.
268125. Anasayfa
Created jtemplate joomla templates. Vakfımız ve hizmet erlerinin hedefi herşeyden önce hizmetlerimizde, Allah'u Teâlâ'nın rızasını tercih etmektir. Diğer hizmetlerin hepisi onu kazanmak için birer vesile ve vasıtatir. Meşru olan her konuda ayet ve hadislerin ışığın da azami ihlas özveri ve fedakârlıkla geleceğimizi emanet edeceğimiz gençlerimizin eğitimlerine destek olmak, hem dünya hemde ahıretlerini kazanmaları için her ferdin anlayış kapasitesine göre yol ve yön göstermek esas amacı mızdır. Yoksul ve ...
268126. 台灣客家資訊網站 | Just another site
Just another site. 100年度 花蓮客家文化會館 客家文化推廣研習班 招生囉! 2011客庄12大節慶 歡喜鑼鼓滿客情-鼓王爭霸戰 系列活動-靚染體驗趣 第1場次 活動集錦. 落花有情有客最美 系列表演,100.6.11節目單. 落花有情有客最美 系列表演,100.6.12節目單. 為什麼是客家桐花 祭 而不是 季. 新創曼妙桐花流行舞 活化客家文化新意象 2011桐花祭 邀您一桐共舞. 客 家 花 布 簡易花布diy教學. 2011 客家兒童音樂劇-嘿 阿弟牯 12場客庄巡演表. 藝遊人間 美麗新世界 兔子捷捷DIY 花蓮縣政府客家民俗會館. 藝遊人間 美麗新世界 押花研習 花蓮縣政府客家民俗會館. 藝遊人間 美麗新世界 梯田春耕風情 花蓮客家民俗會館. 婚 姻 禮 俗 客家民俗. 迎接首屆全國客家日 花蓮縣政府今日於客家民俗會館及南埔公園園區舉辦 100年全國客家日 快樂鬧天穿活動. 100年度花蓮縣瑞穗鄉 柚香 柚樂 柚健康 柚花季系列活動. 客家美食文化概述 — 李喬. Tags: 客家 文化 藝術 民俗. Tags: 客家 文化 藝術 民俗.
268127. 客家之家 - 传承客家文明,弘扬客家文化
景点介绍 永定县王寿山国家森林公园总面积1552.3 . 本站招幕版主,邀志同道合的朋友加入,创建各市新版块 请到站务专区 版主申请 发申请贴 联系站长QQ 2937719819. GMT 8, 2017-1-14 11:12 , Processed in 0.338367 second(s), 15 queries .
268128. 客家之家 - 传承客家文明,弘扬客家文化
景点介绍 永定县王寿山国家森林公园总面积1552.3 . 本站招幕版主,邀志同道合的朋友加入,创建各市新版块 请到站务专区 版主申请 发申请贴 联系站长QQ 2937719819. GMT 8, 2017-1-12 23:57 , Processed in 0.198130 second(s), 13 queries .
268129. Homepage - Hakka Homes
Luxury Garden 2 BR Apt. Book online or via telephone. In the heart of Chengdu. Short and long term apartments in Chengdu. Each apartment has high speed internet along with modern amenities, already set up. Check in and don’t worry about the details. Whether you’re in town for a few days or a few months, no problem. We have several apartments available, with photos and floorpans. 2017 HakkaHomes Made in Chengdu, Sichuan, PRC. telephone: 86 13981909901 WeChat: Hakkaellen.
268130. hakka house
Saturday, March 31, 2012. One Night in Tokyo at Shin-Sen-Gumi (Gardena). The man behind the grill was extremely amiable and, at one point, even came over to ask if we enjoyed our meal. The course-ground sausages were Kevin's favorite. Bite into it and the delicious juices squirt out. These cocktail-sized sausages were good, too, but we preferred the course-ground sausages. Fried soft-shell crab was one of the specials. It was crisp and glazed with a sweet orange sauce. Onigiri, the original comfort food.
268131. Activity Report of Hakka Association of Houston
2013 Child Summer School. 2013-2-24 Cooking Class 2. 2013-2-24 Cooking Class 2. 2007 World Hakka Culture Conference. 我, 一位 客家女人的反思. Link between prostate cancer and omega-3 fatty acid. Bosa Nova (Dance and Teach) by Jessica Guu. Line Dance- Cha Cha Romo. Line Dance- Cha Cha Romo. Published on April 28, 2015. 請稍等幾秒鐘 (Please wait a few seconds to download). IPad User: Click Here to View Photos. 點擊相片以放大相片 (Click photo to view bigger size). 請稍等幾秒鐘 (Please wait a few seconds to download). 慶祝全國客家日 天穿日 及 新春聯歡會.
268132. 重庆幸运农场
希望工程 三星梦想课堂 武汉开课 尝鲜安卓5. 雾霾天火了空气净化器 LG Nexus 5售2150元. 盖世新旗舰 口袋购物打假后低价 正品 仍热卖. 保险 偿二代 监管规则将发布 银行间首笔人民. 支付宝流量计费 吃光 货币基金利润 前海人寿. 广西海陆并举建设 一带一路 衔接门户 悬空卡. 杜青林 北京前四月查 小官贪腐 104人. 上海 别克君越最高优惠8.5万元 现车充足可试. 温岭 74 厂房坍塌事故调查报告出炉 被. 希望工程 三星梦想课堂 武汉开课 尝鲜安. 盖世新旗舰 口袋购物打假后低价 正品 仍.
Welcome to Hakkahut. Take a look around and let us know your feedback. Journey around the world. Read journals from my travels around the globe. Born in Irvine, Scotland, on Christmas day in 1981. Support Terms and Conditions.
268134. hakkai-cosplay (simone bonanno) | DeviantArt
Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ; this.removeAttribute('onclick')". Deviant for 8 Years. This deviant's full pageview. Last Visit: 302 weeks ago. This is the place where you can personalize your profile! By moving, adding and personalizing widgets. You can drag and drop to rearrange. You can edit widgets to customize them. The bottom has widgets you can add! Some widgets you can only access when you get Core Membership.
268135. Hakkai-Duo (Kellie) - DeviantArt
Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) " class="mi". Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ". Join DeviantArt for FREE. Forgot Password or Username? Deviant for 10 Years. This deviant's activity is hidden. Deviant since Mar 8, 2005. This is the place where you can personalize your profile! By moving, adding and personalizing widgets. Why," you ask? Anyway,...
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268138. Hakkai-hakase (Cho Gono) - DeviantArt
Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ; this.removeAttribute('onclick')" class="mi". Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ; this.removeAttribute('onclick')". Join DeviantArt for FREE. Forgot Password or Username? Deviant for 6 Years. This deviant's activity is hidden. Deviant since Apr 19, 2010. This is the place where you can personalize your profile!
268139. Hakkai-no-Oh's blog - Blog de Hakkai-no-Oh -
Alors voila je me suis décidé à tenir un blog sur mes passions c'est à dire les mangas, les dessins, doctor who, l'écriture, la lecture et beaucoup d'autres choses. 27/07/2013 at 10:43 AM. 31/07/2013 at 8:55 AM. Subscribe to my blog! Il y a un commencement à tout, il faut d'abord une question avant une réponse. Yosh, alors voila le première article de mon blog! Oui seulement alors que dire lors de ce premier contact? Allez je remonte dans mon Tardis et je vous dit à bientôt! Don't forget that insults, ra...
268140. 八海山麓サイクリングターミナル
10月1日には八海山麓自然体験学校主催の稲刈り体験が実施されます 今年のお米は美味しく出来たでしょうか 多分、いえ絶対美味しいと思います 新米楽しみですね(* *).