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Enter the World Of Shinobi. The latest entry in the thrilling 16th century Japanese mystery series, featuring ninja detective Hiro Hattori and Portuguese Jesuit Father Mateo! Flask of the Drunken Master. Will Hiro and Father Mateo unravel the clues in time to save Ginjiro’s life, or will the shadows gathering over Kyoto consume the detectives as well as the brewer? Preorder Now–Releases July 14! How Did Real Ninjas Train? 8230;but how did. Ninjas live and train? Many people don’t realize that ninjas.
94453. Spann of Time | History and fiction, occasionally complicated by fact. And murder.
Enter the World Of Shinobi. The latest entry in the thrilling 16th century Japanese mystery series, featuring ninja detective Hiro Hattori and Portuguese Jesuit Father Mateo! Flask of the Drunken Master. Will Hiro and Father Mateo unravel the clues in time to save Ginjiro’s life, or will the shadows gathering over Kyoto consume the detectives as well as the brewer? Preorder Now–Releases July 14! How Did Real Ninjas Train? 8230;but how did. Ninjas live and train? Many people don’t realize that ninjas.
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