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3345565. Intermediate Unit 1, A regional educational service agency
Skip to main content. Intermediate Unit 1 is a regional educational agency that strives to provide educational support to the students, parents, educators, school administrators, and the communities throughout southwestern Pennsylvania. Monday, August 10. Emergency Substitute Teacher Training. Saturday, August 15. Observing, Planning, Implementing, and Managing Instruction. Introduction to Teaching English as a Second Language (online). Israel and Middle East Issues. Wednesday, August 19. July 29, 2015.
3345566. Intermediate Unit 1, A regional educational service agency
Skip to main content. Intermediate Unit 1 is a regional educational agency that strives to provide educational support to the students, parents, educators, school administrators, and the communities throughout southwestern Pennsylvania. IU1 Summer Institute: June 12-14, 2018. Friday, March 30. Reading Strategies for the Content Area Teacher. Beginner iPad Resources for Educators. Writing Strategies for the Content Area Teacher. Using Microsoft Publisher in the Classroom. Saturday, March 31. Check out the...
3345567. Innovation Unit | Transforming public services
The leading innovation partner for public services. Long Term Health Conditions. People Powered Health services build on the concept of co-production to improve the quality of life for patients. It has the potential to save the NHS 4.4bn annually. REAL Projects is an innovative approach to teaching in which students design, plan and carry out projects based on real world issues, developing skills fit for the 21st century. Children's Social Care. Prototyping Change I Municipal Journal.
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3345572. IU1010
A platform that has been designed to instill state-of-the-art abilities into an individual. It takes personality development to the next level. At IU1010, only 10 people are selected per season out of a pool of many applicants. Over a period of 5-6 weeks of activities/tasks with different wings of IU, strong exposure to diversity and practical enhancement of A, S and K is observed. The competitive world expects performance. It's all about results and achieving objectives. One who comes out from I...
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3345576. Co-Teaching - home
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3345577. Differentiating Instruction - home
Skip to main content. Instruction in the Classroom. Directions for Cubing.doc. RAFT Writing Prompts for Math. RAFT Writing Prompts for History/Social Studies. RAFT Writing Prompts for Science. Directions for Think Dots.doc. Formative Assessment 1.docx. Formative Assessment 2.docx. Formative Assessment 3.docx. Formative Assessment 4.docx. Formative Assessment 5.docx. Tech and DI Wikispace. Differentiating Instruction with Technology. Differentiating Instruction with Technology - Nicholson. Http:/ www....
3345578. IU12-Math - home
Skip to main content. April 15, 2009. Attacking open ended problems.pdf. Bank of word problems. 5 step plan.doc. Problem Solving Strategies.doc. Creating open ended.doc. Reflect and Check.doc. Problem solving must dos.doc. QAR in Math.doc. Reciprocal teaching in math cards.doc. Scholastic Math Think Alouds. Integrating Technology in Math Instruction. Math Playground Manipulatives Index of math games. Videos of alternative algorithms. Demonstrations of Alternative Algorithms. Countdown - Quicktime Movies.
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3345582. IU 12 Coaching Network - home
Skip to main content. Get your Wikispaces Classroom now:. The easiest way to manage your class. IU 12 Coaching Network. Welcome to the IU 12 Coaching Network Wiki! We will use this wiki to share and communicate resources and ideas! Feel free to join so you can add to the wiki too! Technology Integration Educator Network). Created at with text from. Http:/ ten roles of coaches/291286. Wiki title created at http:/
3345583. IU12 Computer Fairs - home
Skip to main content. Wikispaces Classroom is now free, social, and easier than ever. Try it today. HS Web Page Design. Congratulations to our winners at the recent MS/HS State Computer Fair Competition that was held recently at Dickinson College. *. Middle School State Competition Winners:. Animation: 1st place Ryan Brockington, Central York SD. Computer Fair Logo: 2nd place Caroline Blalock, Central York SD. Programming: 2nd place Peter Junkin, Central York SD. High School State Competition Winners:.
3345584. IU12EP - home
Skip to main content. Assistive Technology 2011 Julie Cunninham. I pod applications for education. Social and Emotional Learning. Summer Institute 2011 - Assistive Technology. WIN Career Readiness Courseware. Welcome to the LIU12 Equitable Participation Resource Wiki! Create an account if you do not have one and then click Join this Wiki to the left. Click on the edit button above to put your own content on this page. Screen shot explanations of starting a new page, editing, inserting links, and more.
3345585. IU 12 Math Coaching Network - home
Skip to main content. Get your Wikispaces Classroom now:. The easiest way to manage your class. IU 12 Math Coaching Network. IU 12 Math Coaching Network. IU #12 Math Coaching Network. March 18, 2010. REL RTII Practice Guide. RTII Math Event Registration. QAR in Math.doc. Reciprocal Teaching in Mathematics.doc. October 13, 2009. Data coach notes.doc. Puzzle Team Challenge.doc. April 15, 2009. The Last Five Minutes.ppt. Math Success 4 All. November 19, 2008. Data coach notes.doc. Fact of the Day.
3345586. Mastering the Basic Math Facts - home
Skip to main content. Mastering the Basic Math Facts. Mastering the Basic Math Facts. Dot Card and Ten Frame Activities. Jerome School District, Idaho. Activities that Build Number Sense. Kathy Cheval, 2004. Http:/ Dot Card Activities.doc. Pre-K and K Number Development.doc. Number Relationship Activities.doc. More or Less cards.doc. Blank number grid.doc. Number Grid Puzzles.doc. Number grid cards.xls. Create own grid cards.xls. On-Line Number Grid Puzzles.
Friday, September 5, 2014. Digital Passport by Common Sense Media Digital Passport. Teach and test the basics of online life" Great site where teachers can set up their class to earn their own digital passport. Free–teachers can track individual student progress through the lessons, games, and assessments found online. Works great on computer/Chromebook but it is Flash based and only works on iPad with a paid app. The rest of TIEnet. Thursday, August 28, 2014. Classcraft - Make learning an adventure.
3345588. IU 12 Title 1 Parent Gathering - home
Skip to main content. IU 12 Title 1 Parent Gathering. IU 12 Title 1 Parent Gathering. December 10, 2010. December 3, 2009. December 5, 2008. LIU #12 Title 1 Parent Workshop. December 12, 2011 How to Help Your Child Focus. Presenter: Mr. Michael Brandt, Principal, West York Area School District. 5 Big Ideas.doc. Attention Games: 101 Fun, Easy Games That Help Kids Learn to Focus. One Strategy - Two Weeks.doc. Session A: Raising T(w)eens in this Digital Age World (Grades 4-8). Session D: Fun Games. Presente...
3345589. IU 12 - Teaching With Primary Sources - home
Skip to main content. Create interactive lessons using any digital content including wikis with our free sister product TES Teach. Get it on the web. IU 12 - Teaching With Primary Sources. IU 12 - Teaching With Primary Sources. Primary Sources - The Basics. Teaching with Primary Sources. Teaching with the Library of Congress. Explore Presidential Inaugurations with Library of Congress Primary Sources. Looking for ideas on how to help students understand this important event? May the new year bring you pe...
3345590. IU12WorkExperience - home
Skip to main content. Some reasons to use Wikis. To easily create a webpage. To collaborate with collegues or students. To collect and share information. Help on how to format text. Contributions to http:/ are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 License. TES: The largest network of teachers in the world. Turn off "Getting Started".
3345591. Untitled Document
3345592. IU 13
Javascript is disabled in your browser, please enable it to continue further. Click here. To find how Javascript can be enabled. Skip to Tab Navigation. Skip to main content. Skip to Tab Navigation. Skip to Main Contents. Secondary Comprehension Strategy (25). Human Resource Solutions (30). Common Core State Standards. 51 min 31 sec. Add to Viewing Plan. 1 hr 38 min 45 sec. Learning More about PVAAS Tea. Add to Viewing Plan. 1 hr 2 min 43 sec. PVAAS Account Management Trai. Add to Viewing Plan.
3345593. IU13 WAN
IU13 Wide Area Network. Learn how One Call Now notification services can help you.