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7152554. Don't Get Snipped and Sold
Wednesday, October 21, 2009. The Music Data Problem. John Loken’s blog post. A couple weeks back got me thinking about a post I’ve been meaning to do for months, but have been too swamped to actually spit out. The post, titled “More Metrics Please,” is, as the title suggests, a plea for metrics on par with the TV business. Put simply: music data is both more important and more available than ever before. Are helping bands organize their own data. Companies like HypeMachine. Help fans track basic concert ...
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7152556. Outside The Box Office
Outside The Box Office. February 26, 2015. Understanding “Venture Scale”. Let’s look at what it takes to be a “venture scale” startup. Being venture scale, at its core, means being a business capable of growing quickly enough to give VC backers a potentially huge return on their investment in a fairly short timeframe ( 10 years, ideally 5-7). In order to do so, you’ll need to be pulling in about $100M in revenue in 5-7 years. Now, obviously, a lot of these sorts of numbers are unknowable up front, so you...
7152557. 썬&화이트비치
7152558. Ty Whiting
Welcome to my life. Thoughts From My Brain. Posted on Jan 12. Me before making an impulsive decision i’ll ultimately regret later:. Posted on Jan 1. Stevie nicks wrote landslide in 1973 and she still sings it in 2016 and the line i'm getting older too just makes me emotional, i wonder if she now relates to the song in a very different way because she's sang it thousands of times over 43 years of her life with her former boyfriend almost always by her side. Posted on Dec 31. Posted on Dec 31.
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Croeso i wefan Canolfan Tywi. Mae Canolfan Tywi yn ganolfan gwybodaeth a hyfforddiant treftadaeth yn Sir Gaerfyrddin. Maer ganolfan yn darparu hyfforddiant mewn sgiliau traddodiadol, gwybodaeth a grantiau yn ymwneud â threftadaeth adeiledig, naturiol a diwylliannol Cymru.
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7152582. Dentist in Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire, South Wales - cosmetic dentistry including tooth whitening, crowns, bridges, veneers, white fillings, composite fillings - Deintyddfa Tywi Dental Practice.
Sorry, you don"t appear to have frame support. Go here instead - Dentist in Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire, South Wales - cosmetic dentistry including tooth whitening, crowns, bridges, veneers, white fillings, composite fillings - Deintyddfa Tywi Dental Practice.
7152583. Dentist in Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire, South Wales - cosmetic dentistry including tooth whitening, crowns, bridges, veneers, white fillings, composite fillings - Deintyddfa Tywi Dental Practice.
Sorry, you don"t appear to have frame support. Go here instead - Dentist in Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire, South Wales - cosmetic dentistry including tooth whitening, crowns, bridges, veneers, white fillings, composite fillings - Deintyddfa Tywi Dental Practice.
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7152585. Glendon & Kylie
Tuesday, September 27, 2011. Our Wedding August 27, 2011. We have been married for just over a month now and we love married life! I love Glendon so much, I have no idea what I would do without him in my life. Im so lucky to be married to a wonderful man! Here are a few pictures from our wedding! I love them and I hope you all do also. These are all my sister in-laws and neice's to the left. Below are all the kids, So dang cute I love them all. My dad and My father in-law! Posted by Kylie Ann. The Tree p...
7152586. The Tywi Gateway at the Bishop's Park – Abergwili near Carmarthen
The Bishop’s Park History. Abergwili and The Bishops of St David’s. The Bishop’s Palace. The Bishop’s Park. Carmarthenshire County Museum and Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society. Saving the Bishop’s Park. Restoring the Garden of Bishop Jenkinson. Map of the Site. Shop and Coffee Shop. Images of the Park. Photographs from the 1980s. The Tywi Gateway Project. Historic Parkland and Walks. The Bishop's Palace Garden is a tranquil oasis on the banks of the River Tywi just outside Carmarthen. How You Can Help.
7152587. Ty Wiggins
Thursday, November 20, 2008. Welcome to my Blog. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). View my complete profile.
7152588. Ty Wiggins
Consulting Work & Clients. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. DBA Rating = 5. How am I feeling about my DBA? 1 = feeling negative about my studies, 5 = feeling neutral about my studies, 10 = feeling positive about my studies. Offshoring AND maintaining work motivation. Road less travelled; SELF-DEVELOPMENT AT WORK. 3 Rules to Make a Company Great. Posted by Ty Wiggins. Continue reading →. 3 Rules to Make a Company Great. Posted by Ty Wiggins.
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7152590. Ty Wiggins' Business Coaching Blog | Business coaching techniques & applications
Ty Wiggins' Business Coaching Blog. Business coaching techniques and applications. Global Growth of the Business Coaching Industry. July 27, 2009. The Global Coaching Survey 2008/2009, for the first time, examined the situation of business coaching in the world overall, in each continent, region and country. The project covered 162 countries. Middot; There are about 43,000-44,000 business coaches minimum operating in the world. Middot; In 33 countries, coaching is already in the growth phase. In a fu...
7152591. 一戸建てやマンション等の不動産を買う時に覚えておきたいこと
Posted on 3月 4th, 2014. Posted on 2月 25th, 2014. Posted on 2月 25th, 2014. Posted on 2月 25th, 2014.