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19632. kjzxgogo
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Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page. This is the default welcome page used to test the correct operation of the Apache2 server after installation on Ubuntu systems. It is based on the equivalent page on Debian, from which the Ubuntu Apache packaging is derived. If you can read this page, it means that the Apache HTTP server installed at this site is working properly. You should replace this file. Before continuing to operate your HTTP server. Package was installed on this server. Is always included from the main...
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19638. Gameblog René Naus
Mijn volledige profiel weergeven. Donderdag 20 januari 2011. Charsky, Dennis - “From Edutainment to Serious Games: A Changein the Use of Game Characteristics”. Games and Culture . Vol. 5 Iss. 2, 2010. pp. 177-198). Is het mogelijk om bij Serious Games op basis van reconstructive, danwel deconstructie, de game te veranderen of aan te passen? Rodriguez, Hector (2006). “The Playful and the Serious: An approximation to Huizinga's Homo Ludens ”.Game Studies. Vol. 6,Iss. 1). Dinsdag 18 januari 2011. 8220;Syner...
19639. Welcome to Hudi Wiro Sasongko | Hudi Wiro Sasongko
Skip to main content. Welcome to Hudi Wiro Sasongko. No front page content has been created yet.
19640. This Web site coming soon
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19641. Logboek
Het actuele debat van de nieuwe media en digitale cultuur. Ik verklaar dit debat geopend. Dit digitale logboek is tot stand gekomen in de cursus Nieuwe Media in het Actuele Debat. Hierin werd van de student verwacht zijn ontwikkeling te beschrijven in bovenstaand logboek. Dit is gedurende zeven weken bijgehouden. Op deze manier is er een chronologische volgorde ontstaan. Alle posts zijn onder elkaar te vinden, dit voor de volledigheid. Uiteraard kan per week bekeken worden. ANP "Hyves verovert plek in da...
I have been a Ham Radio Operator for 57 years. My first call in 1953 was WN1YZL and later W1YZL. I operated from Salem and Plaistow NH until 1962 and later moved to Haverhill, Ma. I Hold an Extra Class License W1RQ.I was employed for AT&T for 40 years and held positions in Testing, Quality, Standards Engineering, and Product and Market Management. In 1996 I retired and worked as a Contractor/Consulant. At Bruce Technologies, Eaton Corporation and Lucent Technologies until June of 2000. WESTERN NY DX ASSN.
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19650. Home | W1RYE --> .-- .---- .-. -.-- . Weldon Rye --> .-- . .-.. -.. --- -. .-. -.-- . | Weldon Rye | Seth Rye
The Offical Website of W1RYE - - . . - - .-. .-. . -.-. .- .-. .- . -. . . - . - - .-. .- .- - .-. -.- . Button below to hear message from Weldon. Morse Code to Music. US Army Morse Code Practice. Thank you for visiting the offical website of W1RYE. Here you can visit and ask Weldon questions. Say - - . .- -.-. Hello- - . . .-. .-. - -. Weldon Rye; 246 Polk Road 15; Cove, Arkansas 71937.
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19658. W1S – Sistemas de Gestão Empresarial
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Bull;December 31, 2012 • Leave a Comment. Soft, icy crystals cover the. Neat green grass as warning. Of the massive blizzard yet to come. Bull;November 30, 2012 • Leave a Comment. Fall is almost over. Gone are the pumpkins. On the porches and. The trees, once full of. Orange leaves, are now. Frost layers the ground. Cover the sky in their. Grey bulkiness, ready to. Snow that heralds winter’s arrival. Bull;October 28, 2012 • Leave a Comment. Clawing their way out of graves long buried,. Just across the ya...
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Kizmit the Cat, the wonderful wonderful cat. You'll laugh so hard your sides will ache, your heart'll go pitter-pat, when you're watch-ing. Kizmit The Cat. Preparing to take down the Rohn 25 tower that is now in our back yard. You can always get a tower for free, but then it costs you a thousand dollars for the additional stuff you need to actually put it back up and equip it with aluminum. Powered by CentOS 6 / Web Design 2012 by W1SDM via
19676. Whiskey One Sierra Delta Mike
Kizmit the Cat, the wonderful wonderful cat. You'll laugh so hard your sides will ache, your heart'll go pitter-pat, when you're watch-ing. Kizmit The Cat. Preparing to take down the Rohn 25 tower that is now in our back yard. You can always get a tower for free, but then it costs you a thousand dollars for the additional stuff you need to actually put it back up and equip it with aluminum. Powered by CentOS 6 / Web Design 2012 by W1SDM via
19677. Whiskey One Sierra Delta Mike
Kizmit the Cat, the wonderful wonderful cat. You'll laugh so hard your sides will ache, your heart'll go pitter-pat, when you're watch-ing. Kizmit The Cat. Preparing to take down the Rohn 25 tower that is now in our back yard. You can always get a tower for free, but then it costs you a thousand dollars for the additional stuff you need to actually put it back up and equip it with aluminum. Powered by CentOS 6 / Web Design 2012 by W1SDM via