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Skip to main content. Dr Greg Davis on Medicine. I'm Just Sayin' by Ken Kurtz. Speak Up For WUKY. The Crunkadelic Funk Show. KY Theatre Classic Movie Series. WUKY presents. tadoo Lounge. WUKY LexPride Karaoke Contest. Support WUKY Through Amazon. Business in the Bluegrass. Dr Greg Davis on Medicine. I'm Just Sayin' by Ken Kurtz. Speak Up For WUKY. The Crunkadelic Funk Show. KY Theatre Classic Movie Series. WUKY presents. tadoo Lounge. WUKY LexPride Karaoke Contest. Support WUKY Through Amazon. When stude...
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2963581. Wukyanos - Wukyanos Corner
May 14, 2015. Welcome to A corner for my stuff. From random photos I take to…. May 14, 2015.
2963582. Home -
Saturday, 15 August 2015. Ethiopia: Hacking Team Lax on Evidence of Abuse – Human Rights Watch. Update: Hacking Team provided further comment to this release, which can be found here. (New…. Ethiopia: Hacking Team Lax on Evidence of Abuse – Human Rights Watch. August 15, 2015. Transformation for Health in Rural Ethiopia – World Bank Group. August 14, 2015. Why Did Ethiopia Become Focal Point for World Leaders to Come? 8211; Awramba Times. August 14, 2015. 8211; Awramba Times. August 14, 2015. July 3, 2015.
2963583. I'm Just Sayin'
Kentucky Hall of Fame Journalist Ken Kurtz opines about the political landscape and state of local media. Sunday, August 9, 2015. NOTES ON NEWS ITEMS:. 1- -If Mr. Webb has finally found a financing source he can tell us for CentrePointe, the guiding principle for the Mayor and city council should be “Show us the Money! Problems, including costs, remain, but this report, which ought to be a major issue in the fall campaign, is encouraging. 3- -If you thought there were more mass public shootings these day...
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