Weco-Travel International
Your Partner In Smarter local/ Regional /Global Travel Management. With its base in Danish business and leisure travel for 40 years, online travel for a decade and travel agencies in Poland and Central Europe since 1992. WTI is determined to become market leader in the fast growing Central European countries having its offices in Poland, Czech Republic. Hungary and Romania , with 175 strong professional’s delivering corporate travel services local/regional and global to multinational corporations. We are...
Weco-Travel International
Weco Travel is a member and sole representative. Of Radius Travel in CEE region. The company is managing regional and global programs for customers headquartered in the Asia Pacific, EMEA, Latin America and North America regions. Radius members are on the ground in more than 3,300 locations throughout the world.
Weco-Travel International
The first company in the Group was established In 1971 by Mr. Wedellsborg. Weco-AirCargo a/s / United Air Services ab. From the Copenhagen, Stockholm and Helsinki Airport office, Weco-AirCargo/ United Air Services operates as General Sales Agent in Scandinavia , handling freight activities on behalf of foreign airlines. The companies represent air freight companies with router to all parts of the word, among these Cargolux Airlines, Cyprus Airlines, Qantas, Varig, Australian Airlines etc. Dane-Tours is o...
Weco Travel
Üzletági irodák, vezetők. Irodánk 2006 óta a dán Weco-Travel Central Eastern Europe többségi tulajdonában álló vállalkozás. A dán anyacég az elsősorban turisztikai és közlekedési befektetéseket preferáló, gazdaságilag stabil Weco Invest Group tagja. Tulajdonosai több évtizedes corporate utaztatási tapasztalattal rendelkező, elismert szereplői a skandináv piacnak. A prágai cég elődjét a 90-es években alapították, amely 2006-ra Weco-Travel International tulajdona lett, a nevét is felvéve. Üzleti utazta...
Weco-Travel International