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weddingstuff - Home
All items listed below are new and have never been used, we unfortunately have decided to cancel our wedding but this could be your opportunity to grab some great items at great prices! If you have any questions or need more information please email me at All prices are negotiable and if your interested in buying multiple items we may be able to work out a deal. I also have 3 dresses available, please see links for dress information. Size 6 : $70.00. Size 12 $75.00. Hurricane Va...
Wedding Goodies For Sale! - Home
Wedding Goodies For Sale! Message me on weddingbee (limebling44) if interested.thanks! Silver heart dish (can be used for jewelry or photo ops): $15. Tall spray of silk flowers that are darker lavender/gray in color: 2 shorter stems $3 each and 3 longer stems $5 each. Hydrangeas silk flowers bundle: 12 short stems in a steel blue/gray color: $15 for all. 5 short Hydrangeas bundle in a light lavender/gray color: $5 each. Create a free website. Start your own free website.
WEDDING GOODIES FOR SALE! We were married in 2010 and I did mostly everything myself in terms of decor. Everything looked stunning and now its time to pass it along to another bride! Please email me at to purchase or ask questions. I will delete sold items once they are paid for. Also make sure to check out for Bridal Party Towel Wrap sets, they are our top seller! Friday, July 16, 2010. Items for Sale: Attire, Accessories, Linens, Chargers, Candles and More!
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Wedding Shop and web portal. Here you can find thousands of great wedding accessories, bid on the wedding auction, view great videos. Designed by:
The Divine Guide is that inner wisdom, inner guidance, intuition, inner voice, or Spirit that guides us on our life journey to enlightenment. Some people call that inner voice God, others label it according to their own belief systems. Whatever labels we use, we all have this Divine Guide within us to help us along our spiritual journey.
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