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Sydney Wedding Photojournalism : Documentary Wedding Photography : Real Unscripted Moments. August 30, 2016. Jones Bay Wharf Doltone House. A lovely multicultural wedding at Jones Bay Wharf Doltone House. The wedding reception was in The Loft Room at Doltone House, it is great for smaller intimate weddings, it is two level room with a huge dance floor on the ground level. The civil wedding ceremony was at the Hall of Longevity in the Chinese Garden of Friendship Darling Harbour. Bull; • •. August 23, 2016.
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Wedding Photojournalist - reportage wedding photography by Simon Atkins photographer
Wedding Photojournalist reportage wedding photographer Simon Atkins Photography. Wedding Photojournalist, reportage wedding photography by Simon Atkins. Wedding Photojournalist – Reportage wedding photography by Simon Atkins. Timeless story telling reportage wedding photography. I’m Simon Atkins, a Northamptonshire wedding photographer working. Recent posts from the blog. Jewish wedding at Hedsor House – Emily & Dan’s wedding. Saint Sophia Cathedral wedding in London, reception at Kew gardens. You only g...
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