Welcome - We Do CareProviding a support service to children, young people and vulnerable adults.
Providing a support service to children, young people and vulnerable adults.
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Welcome - We Do Care | wedocare.co.uk Reviews
Providing a support service to children, young people and vulnerable adults.
Activities - We Do Care
Activities - We Do Care. Activities Click on the buttons below for our latest activities. Young People schedule July 2016. Adult activities evening July August 2016(1). Young People schedule June 2016. Page 2 June 2016. Working at We Do Care. Simply means We Do Care. About you and those you support. Our activities not only range from helping out with domestic chores to development of life skills but include a range of activities enjoyed by all, including:. Yoga and Zumba class. Attending a dance class.
Aims & Ethics - We Do Care
Aims and Ethics - We Do Care. Have a small team of support workers who are experienced and qualified to work with you and those that matter to you. All staff are rigourously assessed, have enhanced CRB disclosures and are trained to meet the needs of the people they support. Our aims are simple:. Provides a high quality service. Tailor the service to the needs of the individual. Will maintain respect and dignity of the service user at all times. Will maintain confidentiality at all times.
Links Page - We Do Care
Links Page - We Do Care. Have pleasure in working with a number of organisations. Above are several links which may be able to assist you. Hertfordshire Additional Needs Database. If your child has additional needs then you can register on the HAND database. HAND offers a newsletter each term, some concessions on leisure faciltities, parent/carer forums, an opportunity to influence planning of future services. Free to join. Herts Parent Carer Involvement. An informal, friendly group supporting parents of...
Young People Sessions - We Do Care
Young People Sessions - We Do Care. Young Peoples Day Sessions. Offer day time activities to young people aged 16 to 24 with learning difficulties to supplement college or day services. Our aim is to provide a range of activities that are not only enjoyable but assist with essential life skills. Our activity page has more information on our programme for young people. We can also offer:. Job matching and searching. Assistance with work placement searches. You are viewing the text version of this site.
Vacancies - We Do Care
Vacancies - We Do Care. Are recruiting the following:. Untingford (to cover Letchworth, Stevenage, Baldock, Hertford, Bishops Stortford). Supporting people with a disability to access community activities. Work can fit in with other jobs or commitments and we can offer both full and part time hours. Rates from 7.50 per hour. (Rates negotiable for self employed workers.). Mileage - 40p p m. Please give us a call should you wish to discuss our future recruitment needs. Recruitment Form Appendix A.
Additional Needs Events - aspects
Phone: 01279 696 842. How to access our service. Local activities and events. Free Cakes for kids. Child Drug/ Alcohol Issues. Jobs in Bishop's Stortford and East Herts. Grove cottage the home of bishops stortford mencap - what we do.pdf. Working at We Do Care simply means We Do Care about you and those you support. Our activities not only range from helping out with domestic chores to development of life skills but include a range of activities enjoyed by all, including:. Yoga and Zumba class. Offer sup...
Issue 16: July - October 2015
Issue 16: July - October 2015. Welcome to your summer HAND News. Dear parents and carers. Welcome to the summer 2015 edition of HAND News. You can find important information from the Money Advice Unit in the. Section as well as lots of information on events and courses for parents and carers and summer holiday activities for children and young people. Football fans are very well catered for this summer and there are plenty of other activities to choose. With very best wishes. HCC Youth Connexions news.
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We Do Care - Supporting and Thanking out Troops!
Welcome To We Do Care. Barrington High School Football. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 2011. The Broncos home opener against Elk Grove will feature a special military appreciation event. ACTIVE DUTY - RETIRED MILITARY, MILITARY VETERANS, AND MILITARY FAMILIES ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE GAME AS GUESTS OF THE QUARTERBACK CLUB AND WE DO CARE. Who is serving or has served, should register by clicking on the link below:. Stay In Touch and Or Volunteer At One Of Our Events. Two easy ways to let us know. Send Us A Note.
Welcome - We Do Care
Welcome - We Do Care. Welcome to We Do Care. Are a specialist support care company based in Hertfordshire who are passionate about providing an excellent service to young people and adults who are making their own decisions and choices about what they want to do in their lives and to be able to be involved in opportunites and activities of their choice. Development of life skills. Young people activity sessions. Holiday support and assistance. Home help service including domestic chores, laundry.
Charity Fund - People Who Care | Welcome to our site!
Exodus and the War. Children in the War. August, 15 - 2015 August, 15 - 2015. Welcome to our site! Welcome to our site! For more than 17 years, activities of our team have involved diverse programs of rendering support to poor Jewish people in Ukraine, as follows:. Jewish orphan children;. Humanity aid to low-income Jewish families, children and single ageing Jews;. Jewish culture events;. The fund PWC has got representatives and partners in all the regions of Ukraine. Charity Fund People Who Care .
Associazione WeDoCARE
Jewish Museum of Trieste. SEPTEMBER 5-6, 2009 10th EUROPEAN DAY OF JEWISH CULTURE. KNOWING AND WELCOMING THE OTHER. You must not molest the stranger or oppress him, for you lived as strangers in the land of Egypt" (Ex 22,20). The Lord, your god. it is he who sees justice done for the orphan and the widow, who loves the stranger and gives him food and clothing." (Dt 10,18)". Scarica il libretto completo. This extraordinary success was the result of the 10th anniversary of the European Jewish Culture Day.
WeDoCare é um projecto formado por uma equipa multidisciplinar com o objectivo de corresponder ás diferentes necessidades das pessoas que nos procuram, não descurando a nossa visão da pessoa como um todo. A nossa actuação pretende ser tão precoce quanto possível, no sentido de minimizar os efeitos de todos os factores que são deixados ao acaso.
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