Using Windows Home Server Site Move | Using Windows Home Server
Using Windows Home Server. All about Windows Home Server, the Digital Home and Security. Using Windows Home Server Site Move. Leave a comment ». I figured that it was about time to move the Using Windows Home Server site to a new server, which I plan to do this weekend. When this happens you will also see a new look and feel to the site, with lots of new content coming up along with loads of competitions and giveaways. Thank you for your continued support and see you on the flip side 🙂. Notify me of new...
Tentacle Software Blog - Thursday, September 06, 2012 Entries
Because eight arms are better than two. Thursday, September 06, 2012. DataBinding: 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.EntityDataSourceWrapper' does not contain a property with the name 'xxxx'. This one’s for my reference, mostly; hopefully I don’t spend hours trying to debug this error next time. Using the EntityDataSource in its default state gives you this:. DataBinding: 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.EntityDataSourceWrapper' does not contain a property with the name 'CustomerOrderLine'. And a nice big stack trace.
Guide: unRAID Server – Part 1 The Journey to unRAID — MediaSmartServer.net
The Windows Home Server Enthusiast Community. Guide: unRAID Server – Part 1 The Journey to unRAID. May 18, 2011. Middot; 21 comments. This is part one of a three part series of articles serving as a review and basic install walk-through for the storage server unRAID. It attempts to explain the tradeoffs and install details of the popular storage alternative to Windows Home Server (WHS). This guide is something like “I wish I had known this before I started.”. Is actually going to save us money. That offe...
Tentacle Software Blog - Windows Home Server
Because eight arms are better than two. Self-signing a Windows Server Solutions Add-In Package (*.wssx). Posted @ Sunday, May 13, 2012 1:50 PM. Filed Under [ Windows Home Server. Automating Windows Server Solutions Add-In Package (*.wssx) Builds to Support In-Place Upgrades. Posted @ Friday, July 01, 2011 4:26 PM. Filed Under [ Windows Home Server. Windows Server Solutions Add-In Package Project (*.wssx) for Visual Studio 2010. Posted @ Friday, June 24, 2011 4:41 PM. Filed Under [ Windows Home Server.
Can’t run Unit Tests with Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 and ReSharper 7.1.2
Because eight arms are better than two. Visual Studio 2010 and 2012 .sqlproj interoperability. Disabling Smart Quotes in Rich Edit controls. Can’t run Unit Tests with Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 and ReSharper 7.1.2. ReSharper 7.1.3 has been released. See JetBrain's release notes. After installing Visual Studio 2012 Update 2. The unit test runner in ReSharper. Fails to run tests all unit tests display pending status and never complete. Http:/ youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RSRP-339546. Please enter a title.
Tentacle Software Blog - WSSX
Because eight arms are better than two. Self-signing a Windows Server Solutions Add-In Package (*.wssx). Posted @ Sunday, May 13, 2012 1:50 PM. Filed Under [ Windows Home Server. Automating Windows Server Solutions Add-In Package (*.wssx) Builds to Support In-Place Upgrades. Posted @ Friday, July 01, 2011 4:26 PM. Filed Under [ Windows Home Server. Windows Server Solutions Add-In Package Project (*.wssx) for Visual Studio 2010. Posted @ Friday, June 24, 2011 4:41 PM. Filed Under [ Windows Home Server.
Kjaer Skarbye
Welcome to www.Skarbye.dk. Speed Test (Internet Connection).
keenLog: I Made Some Stickers!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009. I Made Some Stickers! So if you're like me and you use Adobe Premiere Pro a lot, then you probably know that keyboard shortcuts save you a lot of time. That could be said for almost any application, like Photoshop, Word, or Final Cut Pro. I've got the former two pretty much memorized from years of use, but my Premiere keyboard skills are a little lacking. For $130 or even the ASK keyboard sticker set. And a Countour Shuttle-Express. So I didn't want to take either of those options.
keenLog: The Light Side of the Dark Side
Tuesday, June 9, 2009. The Light Side of the Dark Side. In July of 2007 I purchased a MacBook Pro. At the time it was because I believed there was no better looking. Laptop out there. I had no intentions of switching to MacOS. BootCamp had just become available and I was going to run Vista on my MacBook. For the last 2 years I have been running Vista with little to no problem at all. Either I could cave in and switch to Office 2008 for Mac and Quicken, or I could go for a virtual machine. Boy was I p...
keenLog: Commentary From My Sexy Heart
Wednesday, February 11, 2009. Commentary From My Sexy Heart. Hello again. This is my first post in a long time. The last time I wrote on RazzoPazzo. Was March of 2007. It seems like just yesterday, but sadly it was almost two years ago. I'm starting this new blog because I thought it was about time to start documenting my travels through the new millennium. I only fear it's too late to capture the most important parts of my quest to do something and nothing at the same time. The picture above is of my po...