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1164384. Whippet Racing - Yarra Valley Whippet Social Racing Club
We are a group of people who love whippets and enjoy watching them do what they were made for (other than being a bed warmer) - running fast. We are loosely based in the Yarra Valley Victoria, but we have members from all over Melbourne who come for a great day out with their beloved whippets. With our drag-lure setup, most dogs take little convincing to get into the action, as there is no scary noise, and it apparently looks reasonably convincing to a whippet. The dogs are hand-slipped and races are...
1164385. Yadkin Valley Wine Trail Blog
Yadkin Valley Wine Trail Blog. Tuesday, May 12, 2009. Come Taste The Wines of the Yadkin Valley. Links to this post. Saturday, September 27, 2008. Benny Parsons Rendezvous Ridge - Methanol and Ethanol *DO* Mix. Chardonnay - While barrel fermented, this chard was not at all overly oaked, and had the right amount of creamy finish that did not conceal the fruit forward taste. Merlot - Lots of zip in this merlot, with fruit and soft and pleasant wood hints. The combination of warm hospitality and history by ...
1164386. Yadkin Valley Wine Trail - 'The Heart of North Carolina Wine Country'
Yadkin Valley Wine Trail - Home Page. The Heart of North Carolina Wine Country'. Website was established in 2002 to provide a single site for wine lovers seeking information about the wine, wines, wineries, vineyard, vineyards, bed and breakfasts, hotels and other lodging, restaurants and other dining, antiques and antique stores, art galleries, winery tours and other businesses selected to enhance your visit to the Yadkin Valley. Open to the public for some combination of winery or vineyard tours, tasti...
1164387. Yadkin Valley Wine Trail - 'The Heart of North Carolina Wine Country'
Yadkin Valley Wine Trail - Home Page. The Heart of North Carolina Wine Country'. Website was established in 2002 to provide a single site for wine lovers seeking information about the wine, wines, wineries, vineyard, vineyards, bed and breakfasts, hotels and other lodging, restaurants and other dining, antiques and antique stores, art galleries, winery tours and other businesses selected to enhance your visit to the Yadkin Valley. Open to the public for some combination of winery or vineyard tours, tasti...
1164388. Yadkin Valley Wine Trail - 'The Heart of North Carolina Wine Country'
Yadkin Valley Wine Trail - Home Page. The Heart of North Carolina Wine Country'. Website was established in 2002 to provide a single site for wine lovers seeking information about the wine, wines, wineries, vineyard, vineyards, bed and breakfasts, hotels and other lodging, restaurants and other dining, antiques and antique stores, art galleries, winery tours and other businesses selected to enhance your visit to the Yadkin Valley. Open to the public for some combination of winery or vineyard tours, tasti...
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