UCC Library Catalogue
To search for a phrase include quotes, for example:. WebPAC PRO Innovative Interfaces, Inc.
NUST Library Catalog
Advanced Keyword Search Tips. Welcome to the NUST Library Catalog. NUST Library, 114 Fort Street, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Tel: 263-9-796-79/86, Fax: 263-9-796-71. Library@nust.ac.zw http:/ library.nust.ac.zw.
Millennium Web Catalogue
Resource / Database Title. MyLibrary / Renewals / Login. Suggest a book purchase. Request a Literature Search. Search for Information Resources. Training and Events Calendar. RSS Feeds - New Library Material. Guidelines for workstation settings (pdf). Unisa Library Encore Quick Search Guide (pdf). UNISA Theses and Dissertations. Encore Quick and Easy Search:. WebPAC PRO Innovative Interfaces, Inc.
University of Johannesburg / UJ Library and Information Centre
University of Johannesburg / UJ Library and Information Centre. In the box below then press Enter or click the Submit button. Type the keyword you want to find. For example:. Multiple words are searched together as one phrase. Words may be right-hand truncated using an asterisk. '*' for 1-5 characters, '* ' for open-ended truncation, '? To replace a single character anywhere within a word. Environment* polic*, comput* , wom? Alaska or canada) and (adventure and not vacation). Sociology and Social Work.
UNC Coastal Library Consortium Catalog
UNC Library Express (FSU). UNC Library Express (UNCP). UNC Library Express (UNCW). Advanced Keyword Search Tips. UNCP Help by Email, Phone, Chat or Text. UNCW Help by Email, Phone, Chat or Text. UNCW Students, Staff and Faculty:. Your library catalog has moved to http:/ libcat.uncw.edu. To learn more, please visit: http:/ library.uncw.edu/news/update links march2014. UNCP Students, Staff and Faculty. Your library catalog has moved to http:/ bravecat.uncp.edu/search s3. FSU Students, Staff and Faculty.
Cedar Valley Library Consortium Main Menu
Cedar Falls Public Library. UNI Instruct Resources and Tech Services. UNI Literacy Education Library. UNI Rod Library (UNISTAR). Qualify search with language, publication type, year, etc. Search for an author, composer, or organization. Search for titles beginning with . Renew books, save searches, change email address. Search for CDs, videos, dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc. Search for periodical titles beginning with . Regional, national, and international catalogs. Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613.
UCC Library Catalogue
To search for a phrase include quotes, for example:. WebPAC PRO Innovative Interfaces, Inc.
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You are here: University home. This item has moved. This item has moved. The online content you are trying to access has permanently moved. The old link no longer works:. 0-jrmmedicaljournals.se.alpha2.latrobe.edu.au/. The online content is now located here:. Http:/ ez.library.latrobe.edu.au/login? Url=http:/ jrm.medicaljournals.se/. Staff: Update your links NOW. Staff members should update existing links (in Moodle, in reading lists, etc) with the new link. More information about the new Library Search.
Millennium Web Catalog
Please select your institution to continue using the system:. Davis and Elkins College. University of the Cumberlands. West Virginia Wesleyan College. For assistance in searching the catalog, contact your library. For technical questions about the catalog, contact Dianne Schaefer. WebPAC PRO Innovative Interfaces, Inc.