Millennium Web Catalogue
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University of Johannesburg / UJ Library and Information Centre
University of Johannesburg / UJ Library and Information Centre. In the box below then press Enter or click the Submit button. Type the keyword you want to find. For example:. Multiple words are searched together as one phrase. Words may be right-hand truncated using an asterisk. '*' for 1-5 characters, '* ' for open-ended truncation, '? To replace a single character anywhere within a word. Environment* polic*, comput* , wom? Alaska or canada) and (adventure and not vacation). Sociology and Social Work.
UNC Coastal Library Consortium Catalog
UNC Library Express (FSU). UNC Library Express (UNCP). UNC Library Express (UNCW). Advanced Keyword Search Tips. UNCP Help by Email, Phone, Chat or Text. UNCW Help by Email, Phone, Chat or Text. UNCW Students, Staff and Faculty:. Your library catalog has moved to http:/ libcat.uncw.edu. To learn more, please visit: http:/ library.uncw.edu/news/update links march2014. UNCP Students, Staff and Faculty. Your library catalog has moved to http:/ bravecat.uncp.edu/search s3. FSU Students, Staff and Faculty.
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Millenium Web Catalog
Advanced Keyword Search Tips. Search Remote Library Catalogs. El Centro W. Dallas. Best Viewed in Internet Explorer 8.x or Firefox 4.x. 2012 Dallas County Community College District. Privacy and Security Policy Commitment. WebPAC PRO Innovative Interfaces, Inc.
HCC Library Catalog
Search the HCC Library Catalog: Basic Search. Type the search term(s) in the box below then press Enter or click the Submit button. Type the search term(s) you want to find. Search for words, names, or phrases. Publisher Number for media. Over 170,000 e-books available! Type the search term(s) in the box below then, click the option of your choice. Click to choose: HCC Only. Search for eBooks at Hathi Trust. Search the HathiTrust Digital Library Catalog. Copy 2016 Houston Community College.
This item has moved
You are here: University home. This item has moved. This item has moved. The online content you are trying to access has permanently moved. The old link no longer works:. 0-onlinelibrary.wiley.com.alpha2.latrobe.edu.au/. The online content is now located here:. Http:/ ez.library.latrobe.edu.au/login? Url=http:/ onlinelibrary.wiley.com/. Staff: Update your links NOW. Staff members should update existing links (in Moodle, in reading lists, etc) with the new link.
University of Denver Libraries
Classic Catalog: The Library Catalog. Use the library catalog to locate books, videos, government documents, maps,. Periodicals (not articles), microforms, databases, and more. Univ of Denver University Libraries. Go to Advanced Keyword Search. Marketing and latin america. Y 4L 11/4:S.HRG.107-86. Mas 2000 no. 5. Hound of the baskervilles. Journal of the academy of management. U s news and world report. WebPAC PRO Innovative Interfaces, Inc.
MELcat: UNH Law Library's Online Catalog
Donate to UNH Law. Or, search UNH. MELcat: UNH Law Library's Online Catalog. Search holdings for books, eBooks, digital records, periodicals, and more. New Materials - feed builder. UNH Law Curriculum Topics. Other catalogs (Z39.50 search). My MELcat (personalized services). Make a general suggestion. ABOUT UNH Law Library. UNH Law Library info. Powered by Innovative Interfaces, Inc. WebPAC PRO Innovative Interfaces, Inc.
Advanced Keyword Search Tips. THE COMBINED LIBRARY CATALOG OF. Author (last name, first name). Alaska or canada) and environment*. Allow you to find words and phrases in author names, titles, subjects, notes, and other fields. Keyword searching permits boolean searching, adjacency and proximity searching, and several truncation options. See here for advanced search, limit, and sort options. Type as much of the TITLE. As you want, starting with the. Initial articles are not necessary), for example:. Type ...
[ FAMA, Catálogo de la Biblioteca de la Univ. Sevilla ]
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla. Fama - Catálogo de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla. Artículos, libros, capítulos, materiales audiovisuales y mucho. Fondo Antiguo Digital US. Tesis y Proyectos FC US. B C Económicas. B C Educación. B Centros de la Salud. B Derecho y C. Trabajo. B Ing Agronómica. B Turismo y Finanzas. Mostrar sólo títulos con documentos disponibles. Cursos y Eventos RSS. Uacute;ltimas adquisiones en RSS. Boletines de últimas adquisiciones por biblioteca.