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UCC Library Catalogue
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Lyman Beecher Brooks Library
Not Sure Where to Start Your Research? Journals Listed by College/School. Library Resources and Services. Herbert A. Marshall Collection. Archives and Art Gallery. About Dr. Lyman Beecher Brooks. Harrison B. Wilson Archives. Herbert A. Marshall Collection. For the Virtual Tour! For This Is Your Library! To take the survey for Faculty/Staff and here. For the Students Survey! Where to Start Your Research. What's the best database, journal, website to finish my work? Norfolk, VA 23504.
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University of Arkansas Library Catalog
Search the Library Catalog. All UofA Campus Libraries. UA Theses and Dissertations. University of Arkansas Libraries. 365 N McIlroy Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701-4002. See us on Instagram. Follow us on Twitter. Like us on Facebook. Watch us on YouTube. Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter. Watch us on YouTube. See us on Instagram. Connect with us on Google. Join us on Pinterest. Connect with us on LinkedIn. Find us on FourSquare. 1 University of Arkansas. Fayetteville, AR 72701.
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Millennium Web Catalog
Faculty,Staff and Student Publications. WebPAC PRO Innovative Interfaces, Inc.
Millennium Web Catalog
Skip to main content. Torofind Online Catalog of Books and other Materials. Search the CSUDH Library Catalog for books, eBooks, periodicals, and more:. Please type the search term you want to find. Examples:. Eng 101 (for course reserve readings). Smith, jane (last name first for author search). Search for, or Request Books and Articles NOT in CSUDH Library:. WebPAC PRO Innovative Interfaces, Inc.
University of Johannesburg / UJ Library and Information Centre
University of Johannesburg / UJ Library and Information Centre. In the box below then press Enter or click the Submit button. Type the keyword you want to find. For example:. Multiple words are searched together as one phrase. Words may be right-hand truncated using an asterisk. '*' for 1-5 characters, '* ' for open-ended truncation, '? To replace a single character anywhere within a word. Environment* polic*, comput* , wom? Alaska or canada) and (adventure and not vacation). Sociology and Social Work.
Millennium Web Catalog
Journals A-to-Z List (Off Campus). Journals A-to-Z List (On Campus). A-to-Z Journals and Books - SFX. A-to-Z Journals - WorldCat Discovery Services. A-to-Z Databasis - WorldCat Discovery Services. Basic Medical Sciences and Dentistry Library. Economic and Management Sciences Library. Engineering, Built Environment and IT. Natural and Agricultural Sciences. Oliver R. Tambo Law Library. Veterinary Science Library (Jotello F. Soga Library). New Materials at UP. New Multimedia Items at UP. University of the ...
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