Millennium Web Catalog
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Catalogue: State Library of WA & WA Health Libraries Network
Welcome to the State Library of WA Library Catalogue Network. State Library of Western Australia. Western Australia Health Libraries Network. WebPAC PRO Innovative Interfaces, Inc.
Catalogue: State Library of WA & WA Health Libraries Network
Welcome to the State Library of WA Library Catalogue Network. State Library of Western Australia. Western Australia Health Libraries Network. WebPAC PRO Innovative Interfaces, Inc.
NEWCAT - the Library Catalogue of the University of Newcastle, Australia
NEWCAT : a new way to search for Library resources. Type keyword(s) in the box below, then press Enter or click the Submit button. Limit search to available items. Central Coast Campus Library. Theses of University of Newcastle. Type the keywords you want to find. For example:. Install the Library search toolbar. Multiple words are searched together as one phrase. Words may be right-hand truncated using an asterisk. '*' for 1-5 characters, '* ' for open-ended truncation, '? Create / Reset your PIN.
University of Johannesburg / UJ Library and Information Centre
University of Johannesburg / UJ Library and Information Centre. In the box below then press Enter or click the Submit button. Type the keyword you want to find. For example:. Multiple words are searched together as one phrase. Words may be right-hand truncated using an asterisk. '*' for 1-5 characters, '* ' for open-ended truncation, '? To replace a single character anywhere within a word. Environment* polic*, comput* , wom? Alaska or canada) and (adventure and not vacation). Sociology and Social Work.
Pelletier Library Catalog
Print Reserves - Professor. Print Reserves - Department. Allegheny College Film Library. Campus Center Game Room. Language Learning Center - Ruter. Merrick Historic Archival Center. Type the search term you want to find. Examples:. For a more detailed search try Advanced Keyword. WebPAC PRO Innovative Interfaces, Inc.
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Saint Paul Public Library Web Catalog
1-16: All locations closed; no Bookmobile service. Advanced Keyword Search Tips. New and Upcoming for Adults. New and Upcoming for Teens. New and Upcoming for Kids. Databases and Websites by Subject. Other Library Websites and Catalogs. MNLINK Discovery- Borrow from Other Libraries. MnLINK Gateway - Borrow from Other Libraries (classic interface). George Latimer Central Library. MN Library Access Center. Rondo Community Outreach Library. ISBN, ISSN or Music Number. Most Popular Items of 2016.
University of Denver Libraries
Classic Catalog: The Library Catalog. Use the library catalog to locate books, videos, government documents, maps,. Periodicals (not articles), microforms, databases, and more. Univ of Denver University Libraries. Go to Advanced Keyword Search. Marketing and latin america. Y 4L 11/4:S.HRG.107-86. Mas 2000 no. 5. Hound of the baskervilles. Journal of the academy of management. U s news and world report. WebPAC PRO Innovative Interfaces, Inc.
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Millennium Web Catalog
My Library Account Login. Best Sellers: New York Times Fiction. Best Sellers: New York Times Nonfiction. Best Sellers: New York Times Advice and Misc. NEW Large Print Books. NEW DVDs: Feature Films. NEW DVDs: Foreign Films. Request a Title for Purchase. Get a Library Card. Help with searching by. Author (last name, first name). New York Times Best Sellers. Multiple formats available - select any cover). Boca Raton Public Library 561-393-7852 Feedback Form.