Lake Steward Program at Long Lake - LONG LAKE ASSOCIATION, Long lake ny
LONG LAKE ASSOCIATION, Long lake ny. 2016 Calendar of Events. Lake Steward Program at Long Lake. Boating Rules and Boat Launches in Long Lake. Board of Directors and Officers. Boat Wash Station at Kickerville Station, Long Lake - Summer 2016. Lance Goeke of Long Lake 2016 at Boat Wash Station. The Lake Steward Program at Long Lake. This program has inspected thousands of boats and educated hundreds of boaters and visitors to our lake. Since 2008, the LLA has partnered with Paul Smith's College to sta...
Fighting Invasive Species - Shore Owners' Association of Lake Placid
Shore Owners' Association History. How Can I Help? SOA Trustees and Officers. Lake Placid and the fight against aquatic invasive species. The waters and woods of the Adirondack Park are threatened by numerous aquatic and terrestrial invasive species. This problem, and the threat it causes to recreational activity and property values, is a hot topic statewide for lake associations, local governments, state agencies and conservation groups. Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Memo. The best way to fight an...
Lake Manager – Upper Saranac Foundation
Friends of Tommy’s Rock. Ice in Ice out. The Water Shield Workshop. Introducing Guy Middleton, Lake Manager, Upper Saranac Lake. Anyone with concerns regarding the possible degradation of water quality, have identified or suspect seeing aquatic invasive species such as Milfoil within the water shed or would like to share ideas or ask questions, can reach me on my cell phone (518 796-1052), or by e-mail, by clicking on the icon below. See you on the lake. Contact Guy Middleton, Lake Manager. Aug 29th 3:03...
Newsletter – Upper Saranac Foundation
Friends of Tommy’s Rock. Ice in Ice out. The Water Shield Workshop. Download (PDF, 20B). 2014 Newsletter edition 3. USF newsMay V2.pdf. 2013 Newsletter edition1 2. Uppersaranac fnd Newsletter-edition1 2013.pdf. 2013 Newsletter edition 2. Get more information from our friends:. Upper Saranac Lake Association. Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program. Aquatic Invasive Management, LLC.
Directors – Upper Saranac Foundation
Friends of Tommy’s Rock. Ice in Ice out. The Water Shield Workshop. 109;browngarcia@uslf.org. Jcrane@uslf.org. X65;kuhn@uslf.org. Paul N. Leitner. X70;leitner@uslf.org. Lperry@uslf.org. Sally B. Ritchie. Sally joined the Ritchie family who, in 1970, had already been passionate about the lake for 4 generations. Sally, her husband and children have lived in Saranac Lake since 1983. She has been a Director and Treasurer since 1989. X73;ritchie@uslf.org. James A. Schoff. Charles M. Sheerin. Ross S. Whaley.
Milfoil Control – Upper Saranac Foundation
Friends of Tommy’s Rock. Ice in Ice out. The Water Shield Workshop. There are two types of invasive Milfoil in Upper Saranac Lake. 4 feathery leaves whorled around the stem. Each leaf is finely divided, has greater than nine leaflets, and leaf tips are flat. The plant can reach lengths of 15 feet and branches near the surface. Tiny pink flowers may occur on an emergent spike during late summer. You can help in our efforts:. Clean, Drain and Dry. Any watercraft or trailers entering the lake to prevent fur...
The Water Shield Workshop – Upper Saranac Foundation
Friends of Tommy’s Rock. Ice in Ice out. The Water Shield Workshop. The Water Shield Workshop. Looking into the other side. Come aboard AWI’s boat, the. And find out what makes Upper Saranac Lake so special! Learn about the Lake’s Watershed, it’s Ecosystem, Lake Stewardship, Invasive Species, and visit with our divers, who will be harvesting Milfoil. On board, you’ll enjoy an Upper Saranac Lake hands-on experience through experiential education and engagement. Sounds like fun doesn’t it! If you were a pa...
Legacy Giving – Upper Saranac Foundation
Friends of Tommy’s Rock. Ice in Ice out. The Water Shield Workshop. Download (PDF, Unknown). Friends of Tommy’s Rock. There are several ways to make a bequest to join the Friends of Tommy’s Rock. In memory of a loved one, identify the Upper Saranac Foundation as the recipient of donations in lieu of flowers. As part of your estate plan. A named beneficiary in your will. A named beneficiary your IRA, 401 [k], or other account. A gift of stock. A named beneficiary of your life insurance plan.