SlashzeroRandom Opinions and Thoughts.
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Random Opinions and Thoughts.
Slashie's Blog | I make games and Internet things.
I make games and Internet things. A classic roguelike playable on modern devices. A low res RPG with turn based battles and random dungeons. List of all projects including frozen and finished at Denzi the Pixel Samurai. Let’s Play (4). Elite International Detective (7). Savage Empire SNES (10). Articles from the past. I was digging thru my old server content today and found the following. Three articles I wrote back on 2004-2006, the first one is pretty cool. Data Entry in Roguelikes. No CLI...
E-Commerce local pour tous. Local E-Commerce for all. May 31, 2015. Passer au mode cliquez et ramassez : une nécessité pour les détaillants d’ici. May 31, 2015. Dans le cadre d’une conférence présentée récemment. Perspectives sur le commerce de détail - Montréal 2015 ,. Conférence tenue le 19 mai 2015. Afin de souscrire aux attentes du nouveau client, qui magasine différemment. Bien sûr que non! Inutile d’en débattre, ce qui ne signifie pas pour autant que tout est joué. En effet, une stratégie émerge se...
Slashsport Blog
Is Australia's first online sports mall. Find everything for your sport, fitness and healthy lifestyle from brands big and small. Do You Even Lift, Gurl? Women, we need to bust this fear of weight training! Let’s de-bunk the myths and start picking up those weights. Let’s repeat this slowly and all together, “I will not turn into the hulk if I lift weights”. Here are 5 reason to give weights a chance. 8 Tips To Feeling Amazing. Get the most out of yourself and make every day amazing with these 8 tips.
Slashsquare [BLOG]
Slashsquare [BLOG] Facebook Group(s) Guidelines. Facebook Groups are one of the best things happened to our blog network, we got a great opportunity to meet people who love the same things we love, interacting with them, debating with them, and thus building a valuable community. There is no partiality in any of our groups, you can use it as your […]. Introducing MoviesDrop, Because Movies Are Like Gold Mine. Why Your Guest Posts Were Not Accepted On Our Blog(s). If you want to increase the probability o...
My Little Dopey Project…. March 1, 2014. A few years ago, a friend started a blog where he would take a picture every day to improve his photography skills (If it’s still online I’ll try and dig up the link). I have always found it strange that people are so into photography, I guess I am not a visual person, but the concept of trying to do something a little bit every day stuck in my mind. I figure the internet is full of junk, whats a few more bits. Problems with my Fascinate. November 30, 2011. Howeve...
Katherine Mitchell | Writing, Movement, Alexander Technique
Writing, Movement, Alexander Technique. Skip to primary content. Skip to secondary content. October 10, 2013. I had my first Alexander Technique lesson in 1981 and have been fascinated with it ever since. I trained with Joan and Alex Murray and have been lucky enough to teach the Alexander Technique as my occupation for almost twenty-five years. I have a background in dance and an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Missouri-St.Louis. My poetry can be found online at 2River View. May 29, 2014. » Sciences, foot, séries, ciné, médias, mode, manger, détester…
Slatefr » Sciences, foot, séries, ciné, médias, mode, manger, détester…. Juste la fin du monde: Xavier Dolan en famille comme à la guerre. Nathalie Baye et Gaspard Ulliel dans Juste la fin du monde de Xavier Dolan Juste la fin du monde de Xavier Dolan avec Nathalie Baye, Vincent Cassel, Marion Cotillard, Léa Seydoux, Gaspard Ulliel. Durée: 1h35. Sortie le 21 septembre 2016 Ce n’est pas une adaptation théâtrale, et pourtant le film est non seulement inspiré de la […]. Lire le billet sur Projection Publique.
Slate Afrique
Sauter vers le contenu. Slate Afrique, les blogs. Lire le billet sur Nouvelles du Caire. Hamza Namira, le chanteur des espoirs déçus des jeunes Egyptiens, interdit d’antenne. Lire le billet sur Nouvelles du Caire. Clôture de la 25eme édition des Journées Cinématographiques de Carthage. Lire le billet sur Tawa fi Tunis. Egy-leaks: une prison militaire camouflée en prison civile pour Morsi. Jeudi dernier ont surgi de vieux enregistrements de hauts gradés et de ministres égyptiens, discutant de la meilleure...
Slatebox — Visualize Everything
Slatebox — Visualize Everything. Slatebox.js 0.5.0 Released. I’m very excited to announce the inaugural open-source release of Slatebox.js 0.5.0. This brings all of the simplicity of Slatebox’s mind-mapping and concept drawing into the hands of Javascript developers, including real-time collaboration powered by the SignalR library. You can check it all out here: http:/ The latest Slatebox source can be easily served from our CDN:. October 21, 2012. September 07, 2012. But no longer wil...
The Slatecube Blog - Think BIG. Do MORE!
The Slatecube Blog Think BIG. Do MORE! 15 Apr, 2015. How to solve Albert, Bernard and Cheryl’s birthday maths problem. For all of you who have been trying to figure this out today, here’s my solution (with workings! And for those of who who’ve yet to read the problem, here it is Why this.. 15 Apr, 2015. Is That Dress White and Gold or Blue and Black? 30 Dec, 2014. A Life That Leads To Somewhere. Do you have an idea for a more productive and serviceable life? 20 Dec, 2014. 8 Dec, 2014. 19 Oct, 2014. THE M...