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Return to Zero

Tuesday, January 12, 2016. Goodbye, Farewell and Amen. Somewhere I lost connections. Ran out of songs to play. Today marks the end for me at this site. I have nothing else to say here. It is a time for me to find other avenues to wander. Thanks to those who have supported this place of mine. Blessings to each of you in your futures. Monday, January 11, 2016. My occasional blog series "Observations". I have a suggestion for a law that should be put into effect for the month of December. If someone is ...














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Return to Zero | dancarman.blogspot.com Reviews
Tuesday, January 12, 2016. Goodbye, Farewell and Amen. Somewhere I lost connections. Ran out of songs to play. Today marks the end for me at this site. I have nothing else to say here. It is a time for me to find other avenues to wander. Thanks to those who have supported this place of mine. Blessings to each of you in your futures. Monday, January 11, 2016. My occasional blog series Observations. I have a suggestion for a law that should be put into effect for the month of December. If someone is ...
1 posted by
2 daniel
3 observations 121
4 treasure island
5 quick hits 53
6 house of cards
7 confident
8 drive
9 humanity
10 crossfire
Page content here
posted by,daniel,observations 121,treasure island,quick hits 53,house of cards,confident,drive,humanity,crossfire,observations 120,older posts,about me,blog archive,october

Return to Zero | dancarman.blogspot.com Reviews


Tuesday, January 12, 2016. Goodbye, Farewell and Amen. Somewhere I lost connections. Ran out of songs to play. Today marks the end for me at this site. I have nothing else to say here. It is a time for me to find other avenues to wander. Thanks to those who have supported this place of mine. Blessings to each of you in your futures. Monday, January 11, 2016. My occasional blog series "Observations". I have a suggestion for a law that should be put into effect for the month of December. If someone is ...


dancarman.blogspot.com dancarman.blogspot.com

Return to Zero: Analytics


Thursday, August 6, 2015. Anyway, I thought that I would present some numbers that I have observed recently looking around my house. I figure that they might give you some insight into my worth. 23 - the number of bulbous 35 W light bulbs in my bathroom vanities. 9 - the number of ceiling fans in my house. 30 - the number of golden hued, albeit slightly tarnished, knobs on my kitchen cabinets. 9 - the number of framed pictures on all of my walls. View my complete profile. In the News 16. In the News 15.


Return to Zero: April 2015


Thursday, April 30, 2015. On My Own Terms. That apparently even though I am lonely and have very few friends, that clearly I will only accept relationship if it is on my very narrowly defined terms. It became immediately obvious to me why I am in the situation that I am in. Wednesday, April 29, 2015. My occasional blog series "Observations". Yesterday, for the first time ever (or at least that I can recall), I used the word bosom. Somehow this sounds vaguely dirty. I really find it odious when a marginal...


Return to Zero: August 2015


Monday, August 31, 2015. A pastor friend of mine wrote a blog on the difference between joy and happiness. He closed his piece with the question, "Do you have joy or happiness? My reply to him was, "I haven't held joy or happiness in such a long time that I am often discouraged and focus on the negative.". I will recognize it. I will make my move. I will savor success if it comes, but I will enjoy satisfaction in failure if I gave it my best shot. Friday, August 28, 2015. The Wheel of Time. As the first ...


Return to Zero: July 2015


Friday, July 31, 2015. My next stop on the George R.R. Martin express was a book he co-authored with Lisa Tuttle back in 1981 entitled Windhaven. The story of Windhaven. Thursday, July 30, 2015. Have you ever connected with someone from your past that you were once close with but the relationship ended in ugliness and harsh words? Is it healthier to deal with the past and its issues or just work to build a conflict-free path moving forward? What do you think? Wednesday, July 29, 2015. A colleague of mine...


Return to Zero: What is Love?


Tuesday, December 13, 2011. Do you know what love is? So, what do you think? I am a research scientist who lives a quiet existence. I wrote this blog from Oct. 2008 to Jan. 2016. View my complete profile. Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog. Blog 2011 Recap II. Blog 2011 Recap I. Best Books of 2011. Grind My Gears 26.





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Our Problems Are Not A Competition – robshep.com


Our Problems Are Not A Competition. August 3, 2015. You want to know what? Cecil the Lion, who was poached, life mattered. Great awareness can come from the mob mentality. The mob mentality is when a large group of people get upset about the same thing. It’s what drives so many of us crazy on Facebook. It’s when an event happens and everyone loses their mind. But now it’s not just that everyone loses their mind. Now it’s a competition. How do we know what emotions it will stir? Heck to the no. Post.

rickyanderson.net rickyanderson.net

Ricky Anderson: The Gift


Network Administrator Diaries - The Book! Evan after he's had his coffee. My son, my son. We waited for you for years. We asked God when He would give you to us. He said, "Wait.". We went to the doctor. He said, "If you give me lots of money.". God said, "Not yet.". Your mom wanted to hold you. I wanted to throw a baseball with you. The doctor said, "You can't.". Then came Christmas. That's when we found out you were on your way! I love you. And you remind me of how much my heavenly Father loves me.

rickyanderson.net rickyanderson.net

Ricky Anderson: April 2015


Network Administrator Diaries - The Book! This is how I'm convinced every doctor's appointment is going to go:. Me: Doc, what do you think could be causing this weird symptom? Me: Would you care to elaborate? Doc: Something very expensive. Doc: We'll have to run some tests. 3 weeks, 2 blood draws and a series of x-rays later*. Doc: I'm going to have to refer you to my golfing buddy. I mean, a specialist. Me: Oh, dear. What did you find? Me: Can you remove it? Me: Absolutely. Thank you! Links to this post.

rickyanderson.net rickyanderson.net

Ricky Anderson: May 2015


Network Administrator Diaries - The Book! Changeup, Chapter 28. Joe leaned on the padded fence off the third base line. It was usually his favorite part of game night, but tonight Joe stared listlessly as the kids ran the bases, shouting exuberantly. What was he thinking? He wasn't trying to buck the system, he was just doing things his way. He didn't want the other owners to fail. He had simply been given the chance of a lifetime and took it. I'm still not happy about this.". Hi, Annette.". Better get o...

rickyanderson.net rickyanderson.net

Ricky Anderson: October 2014


Network Administrator Diaries - The Book! Changeup, Chapter 27. It was the top of the 9th. Last game of the season. Two down. The runner on third inched down the line, ready to bolt for home. Joe's knees ached, but the excitement kept his mind focused on the pitch. He signaled low and in, and the pitcher complied. Sharp grounder to short. The runner's cleats kicked up dirt as he flew home. Joe jumped in front of the plate, waiting for the throw. Joe put his head down and ran like his butt was on fire.

rickyanderson.net rickyanderson.net

Ricky Anderson: My Modern Lemonade Stand


Network Administrator Diaries - The Book! My Modern Lemonade Stand. If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.". When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.". I have bad luck. I'm not talking about the major things in life. I'm blessed with a loving family, a great job and a roof over my head. I'm talking about the little things:. If I make a bet with you, I will lose. If I wash the car, it will rain (18 times in a row; ask my wife! Whichever sports team I'm rooting for will lose. On being Canad...

rickyanderson.net rickyanderson.net

Ricky Anderson: December 2014


Network Administrator Diaries - The Book! My Modern Lemonade Stand. If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.". When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.". I have bad luck. I'm not talking about the major things in life. I'm blessed with a loving family, a great job and a roof over my head. I'm talking about the little things:. If I make a bet with you, I will lose. If I wash the car, it will rain (18 times in a row; ask my wife! Whichever sports team I'm rooting for will lose. On being Canad...

rickyanderson.net rickyanderson.net

Ricky Anderson: November 2014


Network Administrator Diaries - The Book! It had been a long day. Shopping for hours. This store, then that store. One side of town to the other. Evan had done very well, all things considered. Our last stop of the day was the grocery store. He ran around like an untied balloon. Too much energy pent up for too long. I'm so sorry", I said to her. She stood there for a moment, just staring at my son. I prepared myself for a snide comment or stern admonition. So today, I'm thankful. Links to this post.

robshep.com robshep.com

The End Of Me – robshep.com


The End Of Me. August 12, 2015. I don’t think anyone likes being called selfish. Maybe that’s why we live in denial with just how truly selfish we are. I for one am selfish to the core. It is so easy to make things about me. When you follow selfishness to it’s end you always find destruction. Selfishness puts pleasure over everything. Whenever we have something in our life that we love and hate at the same time it’s a sign of selfishness. Do you ever wake up with regret? Selfishness puts me before we.

shaggykevv.blogspot.com shaggykevv.blogspot.com

Positive Plethora: September 2008


I am trying to write down some of the good things that happen each day as a reminder that even on seemingly bad days, life is good. Monday, September 15, 2008. Kneeboarding and Computer Parts. Getting to kneeboard behind Stew and Claire's new jetski! It was a lot of fun and has left me quite sore, and I am looking forward to doing it again :). Playing ultimate with 7 people between church and kneeboarding, including 2 new people who enjoyed it! I hadn't played in at least a month. Seeing at least 6 peopl...





dancarluccio.com dancarluccio.com

Dan Carluccio Dan Carluccio

Helping You Stay on Top of Insurance Industry Changes. No matter how careful you are, accidents happen. Ensure that you're always prepared for the worst with all-inclusive insurance coverage from our Insurance Agency . Our friendly agents are dedicated to helping you choose insurance plans that are right for you. From low-cost policies to employee benefit packages, our insurance company provides you with the most thorough coverage at rates that you can afford. In business since , the Insurance Agency.

dancarlyle.com dancarlyle.com

Daniel Carlyle — Toronto Webmaster. Web Designer. Web Developer.

Webmaster and Web Developer. Graphic and Web Designer. Web Design and Development. Web Designer and Developer. I maintain and design websites for clients such as: Expanse Micro. I code clean, semantic, well-coded HTML5, which pairs well with Accessibility standards and SEO best practices. I stay on track of current web standards and coding principles – keeping sites simple and easy to read, both in content and code. JavaScript and JavaScript Libraries. Modular, Agile Workflow. Front-End Web Design and De...

dancarlyle.me dancarlyle.me

Daniel Carlyle

July 28, 2015. Life Lesson #1: ALWAYS remember to put the Milk back in the Fridge. July 28, 2015. Bass Playing – Pick vs. fingers, which is better? July 28, 2015. Matt LeBlanc And Face Celebrate Respective Birthdays. July 28, 2015. John Stamos Out Of Rehab, Ready To Hit Bongos. Life Lesson #1: ALWAYS remember to put the Milk back in the Fridge. Bass Playing – Pick vs. fingers, which is better? Matt LeBlanc And Face Celebrate Respective Birthdays. John Stamos Out Of Rehab, Ready To Hit Bongos.

dancarlyon.co.uk dancarlyon.co.uk

Dan Carlyon - UK Based Magento and Wordpress Developer

You Made Me Ink. I'm a developer, I build stuff. I am a backend Magento. I work mainly with Magento but i also do a lot of wordpress PHP, CSS, JavaScript and much more. I'm well versed in Magento and it's capabilities. Theme and extension development. I focus mainly on backend development and adding functionality. I make custom wordpress plugins and build themes. From simple contact form plugins to complex payment integration plugins.

dancarlyon.com dancarlyon.com

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dancarman.blogspot.com dancarman.blogspot.com

Return to Zero

Tuesday, January 12, 2016. Goodbye, Farewell and Amen. Somewhere I lost connections. Ran out of songs to play. Today marks the end for me at this site. I have nothing else to say here. It is a time for me to find other avenues to wander. Thanks to those who have supported this place of mine. Blessings to each of you in your futures. Monday, January 11, 2016. My occasional blog series "Observations". I have a suggestion for a law that should be put into effect for the month of December. If someone is ...

dancarman.com dancarman.com

Welcome to DanCarman.com

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dancarmichael.com dancarmichael.com

Painted Photos: Artist Website

IPhone 6 Plus Cases. ORIGINAL and UNIQUE PAINTINGS. Each image begins with an original fine art photograph which is then hand-crafted into a painting, often taking hours or even days to complete. The result is a truly original work of art that can never be duplicated again - as original as a painting from a blank canvas. A work that is as unique as it is timeless. It is hoped you will find these unique images thought provoking and that the beauty you find in them will be uplifting to you. Beverly Hills, ...

dancarmichaelphotography.com dancarmichaelphotography.com

Dan Carmichael: Artist Website

Or your money back. IPhone 6 Plus Cases. Fine Art Photographer and Artist. Dan Carmichael is an award-winning, internationally-published fine art photographer and artist. His portfolio features a range of subjects and styles. In addition to offering traditional fine art photography prints, Dan will often create an original painting of a photograph, spending hours, or even days, hand-crafting a painted photo as original as a painting from a blank canvas. Black and White - Monochrome. Fall Colors - Autumn.

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Dan Carmody: Keynote Speaker, Leadership, Networking, Creativity, Career Success, Emcee, Moderator - Dan Carmody - Keynote Speaker, Business Speaker, Public Speaker

Keynote Speaker. . Dan Carmody is a great moderator. Patient. But to the point, he is also both tactful and. Firm He is also really knowledgeable. About his subject matter.".