Digidat - Photomasks and Photomask Data Services
Reverse Engineering of Photomasks. Take your design to photomask. MEMS, Medical, Solar, Photonics, IR sensors, RF amplifiers, Analog and Digital, we do it all. Send us your design in any format and we can create photomask ready GDSII data. Data Conversion done right. Conversion between GDSII, DXF, OASIS, CIF, Image files (TIFF, BMP), Gerber and Mebes, all fully checked with plots. Reverse engineering of photomasks - using our DigiRestore process we can accurately regenerate GDSII data from photomasks.
digidata | Networking and Consultation
DIGIDATA is proud to announce the launching of its new service "LIVE MOBILE TV", for more info please do not hesitate to contact us. Digidata Networking and Consultancy 2010. Designed and Developed by e-gvision.
Digidata offers operators to increase its revenues by offering movies and TV in on all 4-screens; phone, tablet, PC/MAC or TV with one subscription. We provide a complete solution including the technology and content needed. For Mobile Network Operators. This is an award winning solution sprung out of the heart of innovative mobile development Stockholm, Sweden. Major operators like Tele2, MTN and Comviq have chosen this solution for its deployments of mobile media. For Internet Service Providers. Digida...
Http:/ localhost/digidata mini/images/slide/digi1.jpg. Http:/ localhost/digidata mini/images/slide/3.jpg. Http:/ localhost/digidata mini/images/slide/1.jpg. Http:/ localhost/digidata mini/images/slide/4.jpg. Because tomorrow starts today! In dem die richtige Information beim richtigen Empfänger ist, entscheidet über vieles. Darum haben wir es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, unsere Kunden genau dann und genau dort zu unterstützen wo sie uns brauchen. Wir sind Partner von. 1050 Wien, Schönbrunnerstrasse 59-61.
Domain Parked
Afrihost - pure internet joy. Has been registered on behalf of a client. What is domain parking? Domain parking enables you to register and reserve your. Business or personal webaddress for future use. Afrihost - Pure Internet Joy.
Digidata (PTY) Ltd is coming soon
Http:/ www.digidata.co.za.
Cloud Services | Business & Personal Cloud Solutions - Synchronoss
Synchronoss Mobile Content Transfer. Empowering mobile operators to deliver a complete, seamless subscriber experience. Subscribers connect to all their smart devices. While operators sell more lines of service. Subscribers upgrade their smartphones effortlessly. While operators reduce customer service expenses. Synchronoss Mobile Content Transfer. Subscribers capture, share and engage with more content. While operators securely host this content in their cloud. Synchronoss Powers Mobile Personal Cloud S...
Tem oferecido serviços de TI desde 1986. Somos uma empresa líder e referência em gerenciamento de documentos e software de gestão de recursos humanos. Atuamos em todo o Brasil prestando serviços e disponibilizando nossas soluções tanto para o setor privado quanto público. POR QUE NOS ESCOLHER. Possuímos ampla experiência em aplicativos e processos para gestão de documentos e pessoas. Somos referência quando se trata de preparo, tratamento, digitalização, indexação e armazenamento de documentos. Somos ref...
www.digidata.cz - převod, přepis VHS na DVD, 8mm na DVD, digitalizace dat...
STĚHOVÁNÍ - ZMĚNA SÍDLA FIRMY. Rádi bychom Vás informovali, že od 20.5.2017 jsme změnili sídlo naší firmy. Najdete nás nově v obci Bášť na Praze východ v ulici. Na nové adrese budeme přijímat Vaše zakázky jak poštou tak i osobně. Samozřejmě také nadále zůstávají funkční všechna naše sběrná místa. Děkujeme za strpení v době stěhování a těšíme se na Vás na nové adrese! Digidata.cz na Facebooku. Pro zajištění bližšího kontaktu s našimi zákazníky jsme během letních práznin zřídili Facebookový profil.