Caribbean bliss in St.Lucia… | Jaja Out and About
Jaja Out and About. Just another WordPress.com site. Caribbean bliss in St.Lucia…. Back in the blogging business. Been away on holiday! Ha, ha…. ). My laptop suddenly died on me, but luckily the pc doctor managed do fix it…Which is good since I didn’t have backup of the pics we’ve been taken…… (Lesson learned, NOW I back up! StLucia – the most beautiful and romantic place on this planet, according to myself. The photos speak for themselves, really…. And the taxi driver was happy to take our photo. Welcom...
February | 2011 | Jaja Out and About
Jaja Out and About. Just another WordPress.com site. Welcome to the playground! Las Vegas was fun! Las Vegas was crazy! Las Vegas is truly a playground for adults into gambling and drinking, among other things….However, we didn’t do too bad as our balance in terms of gambling was – $3 (spent on blackjack in a bar while having drinks) when we left, ha ha…. Gambling is not our thing, I guess😉. So cheap, at least compared to Norwegian prices. He probably imitated more than 50 people and it was so so funny!
Machu Picchu! | Jaja Out and About
Jaja Out and About. Just another WordPress.com site. One cannot travel around Peru without a visit to Machu Picchu. So despite the 10 hour train ride the day before, on Monday we got up at 6 a.m, ready for a new day with bus and train. And then another bus…. Håkon is betting that within the next five years one of them will actually drive over the edge – to the life on the other side…. We did go on a guided tour, and it would have been a waste if we didn’t. Very interesting to hear what he had t...Archaeo...
Jaja Halvorsen | Jaja Out and About
Jaja Out and About. Just another WordPress.com site. Welcome to the playground! Las Vegas was fun! Las Vegas was crazy! Las Vegas is truly a playground for adults into gambling and drinking, among other things….However, we didn’t do too bad as our balance in terms of gambling was – $3 (spent on blackjack in a bar while having drinks) when we left, ha ha…. Gambling is not our thing, I guess😉. So cheap, at least compared to Norwegian prices. He probably imitated more than 50 people and it was so so funny!
Happy new year !! | Jaja Out and About
Jaja Out and About. Just another WordPress.com site. Hope you all got to enjoy lazy days over christmas with family and friends, and that you had some festive new year’s celebrations! Thanx for all your comments and emails over the holiday, was very much appreciated since, J at least, felt slightly homesick😉. Would have loved to be there for your celebrations, hope you had an amazing day! Instead, we headed for Mar Del Plata, 400 km south of Buenos Aires, and this place is FANTASTIC! Håkon and Jaja xx.
vingunn | Ingunniverset
Mitt univers i universet. Status for Sjur’s selvransaking. On: oktober 9, 2010. In: Digital kultur i sosiale medier. Legg igjen en kommentar. Jeg har ikke hatt mulighet til å teste ut om strategien jeg la opp for. Vært en ordentlig bedrift ville det vært naturlig å følge disse opp. Det jeg ser er effektivt for andre foretak på facebook er å gi bort en premie når man når et visst antall tilhengere, men igjen – det hadde ikke vært helt stuerent for dette prosjektet. Vært aktiv på Facebook-siden til restaur...
Vibecke "skuleleiar" sin blogg: oktober 2010
Vibecke "skuleleiar" sin blogg. Denne bloggen er oppretta som ein del av skoleleiarstudiet ved NTNU : IKT i administrasjon, pedagogikk og utvikling. Torsdag 28. oktober 2010. Vegen mot høg digital kompetanse? Sin blogg fekk meg til å ta fram boka til Rune J. Krumsvik igjen og lese ein gong til om dei 4 grunnkomponentane i digital kompetanse. Grunnkomponent 1 Basal IKT-ferdighet er kort oppsummert basisferdighet i håndtere ein PC, opne, lagre, laste ned, søke, kommunisere. Må det kompetanseheving til?
About | Jaja Out and About
Jaja Out and About. Just another WordPress.com site. Today is the beginning of the rest of my life! Welcome to my blog! Here you’ll find info/pics about me/hubby/family/friends, what I’m up to and areas of interest. Feel free to leave me a comment or send me an e-mail on jannecke h@hotmail.com. Photos are taken by me unless stated otherwise. Sep 08, 2010. Blir spennende når dere drar på ferie! Sep 09, 2010. Oct 18, 2010. Så morsomt å følge bloggen deres! Klem fra Son (høststorm i dag). Oct 27, 2010.