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Brookie Boo & Molly Moo

Monday, July 7, 2014. 2 months, and then some. Soooo it's been awhile! I have so many good intentions for blogging, and then life gets in the way. Life gets in the way A LOT with three kids. Paige is 2 months, and then some, now. We were at the doctor last week and she weighs 11lbs 9oz and is 23 inches long! She is growing, but not too fast. She is in 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. Life is. busy. Busy Busy. Busy. In fact, I just had to stop writing this to get a crying Paige from her room, and now...














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Brookie Boo & Molly Moo | dustinandjess.blogspot.com Reviews
Monday, July 7, 2014. 2 months, and then some. Soooo it's been awhile! I have so many good intentions for blogging, and then life gets in the way. Life gets in the way A LOT with three kids. Paige is 2 months, and then some, now. We were at the doctor last week and she weighs 11lbs 9oz and is 23 inches long! She is growing, but not too fast. She is in 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. Life is. busy. Busy Busy. Busy. In fact, I just had to stop writing this to get a crying Paige from her room, and now...
1 life
2 posted by jessica
3 1 comments
4 reactions
5 3 weeks old
6 0 comments
7 labels paige
8 paige taylor
9 the after
10 but life
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life,posted by jessica,1 comments,reactions,3 weeks old,0 comments,labels paige,paige taylor,the after,but life,labels brooke,brookie boo,molly,molly moo,paige,though,and she laughed,older posts,jessica,dustin,brooke,followers,subscribe to,posts,atom,baby

Brookie Boo & Molly Moo | dustinandjess.blogspot.com Reviews


Monday, July 7, 2014. 2 months, and then some. Soooo it's been awhile! I have so many good intentions for blogging, and then life gets in the way. Life gets in the way A LOT with three kids. Paige is 2 months, and then some, now. We were at the doctor last week and she weighs 11lbs 9oz and is 23 inches long! She is growing, but not too fast. She is in 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. Life is. busy. Busy Busy. Busy. In fact, I just had to stop writing this to get a crying Paige from her room, and now...


dustinandjess.blogspot.com dustinandjess.blogspot.com

Brookie Boo & Molly Moo: March 2013


Tuesday, March 19, 2013. Rogue is now available for Kindle. I know what you are thinking. What happened to March 22nd? Well, I was trying to make it available for Pre-Order and Amazon wasn't having it. Somehow it popped up as for sale this morning, so we are going with it. Friday, March 8, 2013. I'm not talking about the basketball brackets. SO I'm still here, just a little mad. Mad as in crazy. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). Also known as Brookie or Boo. She is a sassy, fashionable 3 year old with a lo...


Brookie Boo & Molly Moo: May 2013


Thursday, May 30, 2013. Well Things are crazy. If you don't know me, or haven't caught one of my rare "I WORK THREE JOBS AND I'M TIRED" status'. here is the sitch. Yes, I work three jobs. And I classify jobs by something I get paid for. :). We'll start with what starts first in my day, since I really can't put them in order of importance or any of that. I love them all. I am a paraprofessional in an Elementary School. What do I do? Is my Author Page on Amazon. School lets out on June 6th, which means we ...


Brookie Boo & Molly Moo: February 2012


Tuesday, February 28, 2012. Here are a few pictures of the girls. Sorry if one or two has a watermark on it, I used them on my photography facebook page. My little diva. She dressed herself for the pictures. Miss Molly 19 months. Brooke Lynn 3 years. Monday, February 27, 2012. I haven't posted since SEPTEMBER 2ND! What is up with that? Of course, I also have two toddlers keeping me busy. The older Molly gets, the busier we are! The most recent update is that I've published a book! A mom, wife, friend, Ch...


Brookie Boo & Molly Moo: 3 Weeks Old


Monday, May 12, 2014. One of these days I'll update with more than just weekly posts, but. survival mode man. Paige - or Punky as I call her - is 3 weeks old today! My how time is flying. We had a Pediatrician appointment last Wednesday and she was 9 pounds 2 ounces, which means she has gained almost a pound and a half since her appointment at 3 days old. Miss. Piggy! She is very aware of people, well faces, and will stare and stare and stare while you speak to her. And I picture many more walks to come!


Brookie Boo & Molly Moo: 2 months, and then some....


Monday, July 7, 2014. 2 months, and then some. Soooo it's been awhile! I have so many good intentions for blogging, and then life gets in the way. Life gets in the way A LOT with three kids. Paige is 2 months, and then some, now. We were at the doctor last week and she weighs 11lbs 9oz and is 23 inches long! She is growing, but not too fast. She is in 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. Life is. busy. Busy Busy. Busy. In fact, I just had to stop writing this to get a crying Paige from her room, and now...





thetimmyboytimes.com thetimmyboytimes.com

Keep Calm & Carey On: catching up


Keep Calm and Carey On. Monday, July 21, 2014. So, I haven't posted since April. Let's see. in that time this guy has turned ten months. And even started walking. Hold me! The boys went to a Cards game (a first for Henry and Flynn). Timmy finished his first year of pre-k, and grew into a huge grown up little guy. Henry turned into a dinosaur. And our roof deck was finished! Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Oh, oh HAI! Time files, am I right? Harmon and The Cupcakes. A celebration of family. School Tal...

thetimmyboytimes.com thetimmyboytimes.com

Keep Calm & Carey On: Florida - part 1


Keep Calm and Carey On. Thursday, September 4, 2014. Florida - part 1. Anyway it's safe to say that now that the boys have been to the "Florida House" there is no way we'll be able to keep them from wanting to go back every summer. And you know what? That's totally ok with me! I'm sort of thinking about looking into squatter laws in Florida and just crashing there! Come on down and join me! Ok, so I have a ton of pics, so I'll just call this part one. Come back tomorrow for more! Timmy's 1st fishing trip.

thetimmyboytimes.com thetimmyboytimes.com

Keep Calm & Carey On: Maggie's Bridal Shower


Keep Calm and Carey On. Saturday, November 15, 2014. Last weekend I had one of the greatest honors of my life, as I served as Maid (ugh, who wants to be matron? Beautiful bride Maggie, welcome sign designed by moi, balloon and fringe from one stylish party. And of course our amazing venue " the vintage house. Decor by one stylish party. Delish cake from 3 women and an oven. Cookies from my friend salsa sweets. Pink champagne baby cakes from 3 women and an oven. Just a few of the girls! شركة كشف تسربات ال...

thetimmyboytimes.com thetimmyboytimes.com

Keep Calm & Carey On: October 2013


Keep Calm and Carey On. Wednesday, October 30, 2013. I know, i know, i'm two weeks late. better late than never! Thursday, October 24, 2013. Last year Tim and I took the boys to go watch the annual Chicago marathon. One of the people we were going to cheer on was Tim's friend Jenny, who even stopped on the course to say hi, and did a burpee with Tim mid race! Headed out to cheer on our boy. I know Jenny is too. Gearing up to see our guy! Auntie Gracie and Flynn. Pink socks for jenny! So proud of him!

thetimmyboytimes.com thetimmyboytimes.com

Keep Calm & Carey On: November 2013


Keep Calm and Carey On. Sunday, November 10, 2013. Last Sunday, Nov 3, Flynn was baptized. Wearing a gown made in 1917 by my great-grandmother, surrounded by loved ones including his new Godparents, Auntie Gracie and Uncle Jim, it was a lovely day. So happy for our boy. Tuesday, November 5, 2013. It's that time of year again. The time when our family tries to come up with ridiculous group themed costumes and go around letting the boys collect candy, which will inevitably totally ruin my diet! Div align="...

paramourehouse.blogspot.com paramourehouse.blogspot.com

Paramoure House: Brainstorming a "Parents Day Out Program"


Tuesday, March 15, 2011. Brainstorming a "Parents Day Out Program". Here are some of the logistics I have been brainstorming. Every Thursday: Morning Session: 7:00am-12:00am. Tuition: $80/month for one session. 120/month for both sessions ($40/month is applied as a discount if you sign up for the full day). 75/month for 2nd child ($5 discount). No registration fee, no equipment fee, NO hidden costs. Breakfast: 7:30am- I provide if on table food. Lunch: 12:30pm - I provide if on table food. Age: 30 and 27.

paramourehouse.blogspot.com paramourehouse.blogspot.com

Paramoure House: March 2011


Friday, March 18, 2011. I am stealing this from Tiffany Marie. I love looking at houses.It's not uncommon to see our whole family driving around checking out houses for sale in our area. I drive a silver Honda Odyssey, I never thought I would be a mini-van mom, but I LOOOVE my van and will never go back! I love sci-fi movies, good or bad ones:). I am a compulsive locker, I lock every door at least twice .OCD? I talk to my sister at least 3x a day :) Love you spissy! I check facebook entirely too much.

paramourehouse.blogspot.com paramourehouse.blogspot.com

Paramoure House: December 2011


Thursday, December 15, 2011. Top Ten Guilty Pleasures. Is something one enjoys and considers pleasurable despite feeling guilt. For enjoying it. The "guilt" involved is sometimes simply fear of others discovering one's lowbrow or otherwise embarrassing. 1 Keeping up with the Kardashians and 90210 (the new one).Not sure which one is worse but I love them equally as much! Why do you ask? 3 Thats right, STARBUCKS.How did you guess? And in the summer Caramel Frappuccino. 6 Eating Out.We love to eat out&#...

paramourehouse.blogspot.com paramourehouse.blogspot.com

Paramoure House: April 2011


Friday, April 29, 2011. Since I've been meal planning I will never go back! Step 1: Look at what we have in the pantry/refrigerator to get some meal ideas. Step 2: Look at the meal list from the week before, was there anything I didn't make? Usually, I will have one or two meals I didn't make. Step 3: Look at our schedule for the week, if we have something going on in the evening I will try to plan a quick/easy meal for that night. I also plan one new meal I haven't made before:). Have a great weekend!

paramourehouse.blogspot.com paramourehouse.blogspot.com

Paramoure House: Fun Fact Friday


Friday, March 18, 2011. I am stealing this from Tiffany Marie. I love looking at houses.It's not uncommon to see our whole family driving around checking out houses for sale in our area. I drive a silver Honda Odyssey, I never thought I would be a mini-van mom, but I LOOOVE my van and will never go back! I love sci-fi movies, good or bad ones:). I am a compulsive locker, I lock every door at least twice .OCD? I talk to my sister at least 3x a day :) Love you spissy! I check facebook entirely too much.






dustinandjeanaglazier.blogspot.com dustinandjeanaglazier.blogspot.com

Life on the Run...

Life on the Run. Okay so maybe we're not technically outlaws but sometimes life in the military feels that way! Friday, January 21, 2011. This is John's class today at recess. Everyone under the age of 25 is loving the snow! John is in the back row, center (directly under the "R" in "Elementary"). November, 2010. The kids' current obsession is playing in the trees in our backyard. They've convinced several other kids on our street that it's the coolest place to be. John doing the limbo. Abbie, taking he...

dustinandjen.blogspot.com dustinandjen.blogspot.com

Dustin and Jen's Blog

Dustin and Jen's Blog. Wednesday, January 6, 2010. We've already been in our new house for 3 months and just enjoyed our first Christmas here. Between Dustin being sworn into the Michigan Bar in November, me breaking my wrist in December, and being busy with work and the holidays, time has been flying by. In front of our new house! Wheelbarrow racing in our basement. I love mystery novels and this one was a gift from Dustin and is set in Ann Arbor. Dustin with the two mamas at his swearing in ceremony.

dustinandjenfowler.blogspot.com dustinandjenfowler.blogspot.com

Son Up to Son Down Fowler Adventures

Son Up to Son Down Fowler Adventures. The Adventures of 3 Boys and a Girl. Sunday, August 2, 2015. Well, I'm a wee bit late, but better late than never! Tate turned ONE on July 11th. It seems like only yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital! It has been so fun having him in our family and watching his little personality grow. He is constantly smiling and always gets comments from random people in public about how cute he is and how happy he is. We sure love our little Tater-tot! Tate will m...

dustinandjenna.wordpress.com dustinandjenna.wordpress.com

hope in the unseen | 2 Corinthians 4:18

Hope in the unseen. The spring rains are definitely upon us. It has rained every day for quite a while, making the roads quite sloppy. This morning, however, I did see a little blue when I got out of bed. Maybe we’ll get a little sun today! Friends down the street, Haiti Endowment Fund, have been here with a bunch of high-schoolers this week, so we’ve spent some time with them. Two nights ago they invited us over for dinner, so we got some pizza! I guess that is all for now. Comments : Leave a Comment.

dustinandjerrilyn.blogspot.com dustinandjerrilyn.blogspot.com

~Elliott Family Est. 2003~

Elliott Family Est. 2003. Tuesday, August 13, 2013. Makenna found the razor. Emily is just too cute, I can't help but want to take pictures of her. As you can see, at first she was not too fond of it but then she got sleepy. Crazy Spring Break 2012. This was one of the craziest spring breaks in regards to weather! We got out of the mountains and headed back into Flagstaff. Making memories! The next day of our spring break we woke up to piles and piles of snow - it dumped! Back to Sedona Where It All Began.

dustinandjess.blogspot.com dustinandjess.blogspot.com

Brookie Boo & Molly Moo

Monday, July 7, 2014. 2 months, and then some. Soooo it's been awhile! I have so many good intentions for blogging, and then life gets in the way. Life gets in the way A LOT with three kids. Paige is 2 months, and then some, now. We were at the doctor last week and she weighs 11lbs 9oz and is 23 inches long! She is growing, but not too fast. She is in 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. Life is. busy. Busy Busy. Busy. In fact, I just had to stop writing this to get a crying Paige from her room, and now...

dustinandjessi.blogspot.com dustinandjessi.blogspot.com

The Brandon's

Dustin. Jessi. Kason. Wednesday, May 30, 2012. The Last Year [in a nutshell]. Well, it turns out I have decided to blog. Which in turn, means, I have a whole year of updating to do. Fair warning:. I am almost positive this will be a very long post, so bare with me. I will make it as simple as possible and just try updating the events that occurred month by month. Rest of May 2011. Other than our lovely anniversary we spent in Wilmington, NC, all my wonderful Georgia friends through me a baby shower!

dustinandjessica.com dustinandjessica.com

Appy Couple

November 12, 2016. Please enter your email and. REQUIRED: Your email is only shared with the event hosts. I don't have a wedding code.

dustinandjessicasparks.com dustinandjessicasparks.com

Dustin & Jessica's Journey

Dustin and Jessica's Journey. Join us in our Journey! We got back from Atlanta after a great weekend of baseball, sightseeing and Ikea. We went to Atlanta for the baseball game Emma got Dustin for Father’s Day. We went to root for the Reds, but were happy to see a good game. (In other words, the Braves won 5-2). The Steve Miller Band played after the game. We saw a fountain show in Centennial Park and walked around in the CNN building. On Sunday, we stopped by Ikea before heading by back home. Jessi, Tho...

dustinandjessourjourney.typepad.com dustinandjessourjourney.typepad.com

0 to 2 in 287 Days...and Living to Blog About It!!!

0 to 2 in 287 Days.and Living to Blog About It! Dustin and Jess Photos. Fun With Friends Photos. Living the Dream 2000. Mike and Dawn, Plus One! Our Niece, Anna's Blog. Two Romeo's and Their Juliet. Welcome to the World of Novak. On Gigi 18 Months. On Gigi 18 Months. On Gavin 2 Years Old! On Absence makes the BLOG grow fonder. On Gwyneth 11 Months. On Merry Christmas to All. On Merry Christmas to All. Subscribe to this blog's feed. December 23, 2011. Posted at 06:52 AM. September 08, 2011. 0160; Your hai...