fahambelajar.blogspot.com fahambelajar.blogspot.com


Education Made Fun

Education aid for my children - feel free to make copies. Just because i fancy writing; just because i need my space; just because i want to share . View my complete profile. Tuesday, July 28, 2015. Maths Basic - Measurement. Wednesday, July 22, 2015. I am struggling with this subject, and I'm sure Aidan and Aimar feels the same. The thing about language is to master them, you have to practice and use it in your daily routine. But trust me, this is the Qur'an language. Yes, they may not master it sooner.














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Education Made Fun | fahambelajar.blogspot.com Reviews
Education aid for my children - feel free to make copies. Just because i fancy writing; just because i need my space; just because i want to share . View my complete profile. Tuesday, July 28, 2015. Maths Basic - Measurement. Wednesday, July 22, 2015. I am struggling with this subject, and I'm sure Aidan and Aimar feels the same. The thing about language is to master them, you have to practice and use it in your daily routine. But trust me, this is the Qur'an language. Yes, they may not master it sooner.
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education made fun,about me,the chatty me,posted by,no comments,email this,blogthis,share to twitter,share to facebook,share to pinterest,labels maths primary,arabic sports,another good read,science yr 4,older posts,blog archive

Education Made Fun | fahambelajar.blogspot.com Reviews


Education aid for my children - feel free to make copies. Just because i fancy writing; just because i need my space; just because i want to share . View my complete profile. Tuesday, July 28, 2015. Maths Basic - Measurement. Wednesday, July 22, 2015. I am struggling with this subject, and I'm sure Aidan and Aimar feels the same. The thing about language is to master them, you have to practice and use it in your daily routine. But trust me, this is the Qur'an language. Yes, they may not master it sooner.


fahambelajar.blogspot.com fahambelajar.blogspot.com

Education Made Fun: May 2015


Education aid for my children - feel free to make copies. Just because i fancy writing; just because i need my space; just because i want to share . View my complete profile. Thursday, May 28, 2015. Aidan wouldn't mind reading book when he has too (that is when mama said 'read the book'). Aimar is a different case. He has difficulty reading even one page of book, and the only way to 'force' him to read is to sit next to him and listen to his reading. O, what a music to my ear! 5 He read without me asking.


Education Made Fun: June 2015


Education aid for my children - feel free to make copies. Just because i fancy writing; just because i need my space; just because i want to share . View my complete profile. Friday, June 12, 2015. Give it a try! Aidan got himself the do it yourself wimpy kid book. Aimar insisted to get his own copy and we managed to get one for him yesterday. Trust me! This boy just have zero tolerance with patience and couldn't steady still for five minutes just for good book, but he loves this book. It's not a rea...


Education Made Fun: Another good read


Education aid for my children - feel free to make copies. Just because i fancy writing; just because i need my space; just because i want to share . View my complete profile. Thursday, May 28, 2015. Aidan wouldn't mind reading book when he has too (that is when mama said 'read the book'). Aimar is a different case. He has difficulty reading even one page of book, and the only way to 'force' him to read is to sit next to him and listen to his reading. O, what a music to my ear! 5 He read without me asking.


Education Made Fun: April 2015


Education aid for my children - feel free to make copies. Just because i fancy writing; just because i need my space; just because i want to share . View my complete profile. Sunday, April 19, 2015. Science Yr 4 - Kemahiran saintifik. The sports' day are over and just as the boys wanted to have a break, mama is already in panicked mode. Exam is coming in two weeks time and they must be prepared! Anyway, we tried. On a side note, we went through series of exercises from the book. I still believe the s...


Education Made Fun: Maths Basic - Measurement


Education aid for my children - feel free to make copies. Just because i fancy writing; just because i need my space; just because i want to share . View my complete profile. Tuesday, July 28, 2015. Maths Basic - Measurement. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Maths Basic - Measurement. Watermark template. Powered by Blogger.





classychattychic.blogspot.com classychattychic.blogspot.com

Cheeky Classy Chats: my kinda guy


My channel to ramble. Tuesday, August 11, 2015. It's going to be our eleventh this month. Alhamdullillah.if ever, we are standing stronger than where we came. I wanna talk about him, the man i am completely utterly madly in love with yesteryears, today and the many more tomorrows. He makes me cry. He gives sarcastic, 'evil' remarks about me. He looks at other girls even i was next to him. He is no sane. He doesn't agree with giving me total freedom. He talks and compliments other girls to his wife. He ma...

classychattychic.blogspot.com classychattychic.blogspot.com

Cheeky Classy Chats: November 2014


My channel to ramble. Wednesday, November 26, 2014. Happy anniversary, evil you! I realized that I've 'stop' writing about my health condition for quite a while. Perhaps I'm not sure how I really feel, whether I'm healthy or not. Perhaps I'm not sure how I would react, whether to laugh or cry. Perhaps I'm not sure how I should be, whether to endure or surrender. Fact is - it's everything and anything. It's been a year! It was these time, last year. Now I know why I can't write about my health updates!

classychattychic.blogspot.com classychattychic.blogspot.com

Cheeky Classy Chats: January 2015


My channel to ramble. Tuesday, January 20, 2015. So, it was supposed to be easy? It has been a week since my husband is off for his routine work duties. that means, it has been a week that i became a 'full time 100% mom' taking care of the kids. and today, i am posting to blog how ashamed i am to myself! After a decade being a mother, appreciating motherhood and what-so-ever, i broke down! Somehow, after a week, i was haunted with my own shadows. I have to constantly told them 'stop giving mama headaches...

classychattychic.blogspot.com classychattychic.blogspot.com

Cheeky Classy Chats: why? why? why?


My channel to ramble. Thursday, July 23, 2015. Why must people made it difficult to others? Don't they think before they decided to react such ways? The low yatt brawl - it's a not a racial issue. never. But people made it as a racial issue. Is diplomacy is too difficult to work with? The attention is so much more if it is a racial issue rather than just a dissatisfied customer who didn't know to deal with his frustration the proper way. Orang cakap 'kerana nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga'. Feel asham...

classychattychic.blogspot.com classychattychic.blogspot.com

Cheeky Classy Chats: February 2015


My channel to ramble. Friday, February 27, 2015. I wanted to remain anonymous about the famous tudung store when i wanted to write about this. But, i guess some of you might be able to make a wild guess. After all, what i wrote is what had happened to me, and it was not fabricated and it might be a once-off unfortunate occasion and it did not happened to others, hopefully. I insisted of writing because i find it an insult to customer's rights by such a prestigious mentioned-company. I'm not complaining a...

classychattychic.blogspot.com classychattychic.blogspot.com

Cheeky Classy Chats: Book Review: Dahsyatnya Doa Isteri


My channel to ramble. Thursday, July 23, 2015. Book Review: Dahsyatnya Doa Isteri. This book is beautiful. It made me realized that small things matters. The storyline is nicely put and the reading is easy for such a topic. I must admit, I am no expert when it comes to the islamic knowledge. Astaghfirullahhalazim, how ashamed I am to admit that. I'm learning. We all are. Bila kita berdoa,. 1 Mungkin Allah akan makbulkan. 2 Jika tidak serta-merta, akan tiba masa yang sesuai. Saya mahu ikhlas seperti Siti ...

classychattychic.blogspot.com classychattychic.blogspot.com

Cheeky Classy Chats: August 2015


My channel to ramble. Friday, August 21, 2015. Over a decade, 11 yrs to be exact. 4015 days, 96360 hours,346896000 seconds. Two houses, five cars, one 4wd. 3 great kids, two smart sons one charming daughter. Millions of laughters, arguments,i love yous and i miss yous. The cancer, the pains, the blessings, the awakening. The least, let me share this and no, you do not have to agree with everything. just my two cents, in no particular orders:. 5 Tak baik buruk sangka. Tanyalah jika ada yang kurang nya...

classychattychic.blogspot.com classychattychic.blogspot.com

Cheeky Classy Chats: October 2014


My channel to ramble. Thursday, October 9, 2014. Been thinking about my parents lately. It was the eid, and as my hubby was not around, i followed abah celebrated raya haji in jitra. truth is, i don't really look forward to go back to kedah. it has always been like that since like forever. the journey was long hours, dragging and tiring. and there were no good source of entertainment back in that small kampung of mine. All the boys get nowadays is just a rnr pitstop. how boring! I am still crying. Nanti,...

classychattychic.blogspot.com classychattychic.blogspot.com

Cheeky Classy Chats: May 2015


My channel to ramble. Friday, May 29, 2015. Book review: Perang Salib Pertama. I have lots of book to read, but somehow, I've picked this book for the past weeks to be read. Tajuk: Perang Salin Pertama, Jatuhnya Baitulmuqaddis. Author: Abdul Latip Talib. Publisher: PTS Sdn Bhd. Well, I'll read the 2nd crusaders.but maybe not in a near time. Friday, May 29, 2015. Friday, May 22, 2015. As much as I hate writing about the HR in the company I still bind to, I just have to blog this down, today. 5 I know this...

classychattychic.blogspot.com classychattychic.blogspot.com

Cheeky Classy Chats: August 2014


My channel to ramble. Tuesday, August 19, 2014. Vv ni manje sangat lah". Vv tak manje, mama manje". Aboh" (a going-to-be-three-year old girl's answer, trying to tell her mama that was what her father's called her mom, 'manje'. Tomorrow, it will mark our tenth year wedding anniversary, the day i was officially his wife, the day he was my 'abang', and we pray it's for eternity, insyaallah. I was soaked with emotions lately. It's been a decade. Of course i've imagined this day will come. There were times we...





faham.wordpress.com faham.wordpress.com

faham.wordpress.com | Tugas pertama kita adalah memahami Islam, bukan sekedar mengetahui dalilnya

Tugas pertama kita adalah memahami Islam, bukan sekedar mengetahui dalilnya. October 31, 2009. Mempermanis keangkuhan dengan berlindung di balik netralitas. Posted by e0d0i under Cara beragama yang benar. Ada saja orang-orang ringkih yang melihat carut-marut kondisi umat Islam sebagai kesalahan adanya madzhab dalam ilmu fiqih. Mereka melempar kesalahan itu kepada para ulama besar pendiri madzhab fiqih itu. Lalu dengan gagah mengatakan bahwa madzhab dirinya adalah “tidak bermadzhab”. Yang disebut sebagai ...

fahama.skyrock.com fahama.skyrock.com

fahama's blog - Blog de fahama-maroc-rifi-pure - Skyrock.com

More options ▼. Subscribe to my blog. Bigg - mgharba tal moute. Created: 22/03/2011 at 2:18 PM. Updated: 07/09/2011 at 10:00 AM. Fnaire hamra o khadra (2011). Fnaire hamra o khadra (2011). Dans ce blogAmisArticlesSonsGroupesPhotosVidéos. Via: radiokayna.skyrock.com. The author of this blog only accepts comments from friends. You haven't logged in. Click here to post a comment using your Skyrock username. And a link to your blog, as well as your photo, will be automatically added to your comment. The auth...

fahamafzal.wordpress.com fahamafzal.wordpress.com

Faham Afzal's Blog | Just another WordPress.com weblog

Faham Afzal's Blog. Just another WordPress.com weblog. Windows Server 2008 R2 Beta. June 5, 2009 by Faham Afzal. Windows Server 2008 R2 Beta Product Keys for Evaluation. Windows Server 2008 R2 Beta Enterprise (7000.0.081212-1400 server en-us-GB1SXFRE EN DVD.iso). Windows Server 2008 R2 Beta Standard (7000.0.081212-1400 server en-us-GB1SXFRE EN DVD.iso). Windows Server 2008 R2 Beta Datacenter (7000.0.081212-1400 server en-us-GB1SXFRE EN DVD.iso). Tagged Windows Server 2008 R2 Beta.

fahamanakecil.blogspot.com fahamanakecil.blogspot.com

fahaman anak kecil

Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009. Okay jom bercakap pasal politik. Oh lupa, kita semua pandang politik secara bertentangan antara satu sama lain. Aku pula tak pernah ikut gosip- gosip politik pondan. So let's just skip that. Okay jom cakap pasal falsafah diri. Oh lupa, ramai yang masih belum ada maruah diri jadi tak perlu pergi lebih jauh ke dalam falsafah. Sekali lagi kita skip ok? Seperti almari ketakutan yang kamu beli. Aku, beli almari di Ikea. Kejadian Isnin, 26 Oktober 2009; Inglourious Basterds. Yang hanya...

fahamariana1993.blogfa.com fahamariana1993.blogfa.com

طنین زندگی

بنام آنکه آغاز عشق است وبنام عشق که سرآغاز هستی است. به وبلاگ خودتون خوش اووووووووووووووومدین لطفا بعد از خوندن مطالب حتما نظر بذارید ومنو در بهبود کیفیت وبلاگ یاری کنید ممنون. نوشته شده در چهارشنبه دوم آذر ۱۳۹۰ساعت 4:18 توسط آریانا. وقتی یک ریاضیدان عاشق می شود! شعری از پروفسور هشترودی). منحنی قامتم، قامت ابروی توست. خط مجانب بر آن، سلسله گیسوی توست. حد رسیدن به او، مبهم و بی انتهاست. بازه تعریف دل، در حرم کوی توست. چون به عدد یک تویی من همه صفرها. آن چه که معنی دهد قامت دلجوی توست. هزار تا نامه داری.

fahambelajar.blogspot.com fahambelajar.blogspot.com

Education Made Fun

Education aid for my children - feel free to make copies. Just because i fancy writing; just because i need my space; just because i want to share . View my complete profile. Tuesday, July 28, 2015. Maths Basic - Measurement. Wednesday, July 22, 2015. I am struggling with this subject, and I'm sure Aidan and Aimar feels the same. The thing about language is to master them, you have to practice and use it in your daily routine. But trust me, this is the Qur'an language. Yes, they may not master it sooner.

fahamed.sa fahamed.sa


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fahameh.blogfa.com fahameh.blogfa.com

تیکه پاره های آلبوم من

تیکه پاره های آلبوم من. نوشته شده در یکشنبه بیست و نهم آذر 1388ساعت 18:46 توسط فهيرا مشایخی. نوشته شده در سه شنبه دهم آذر 1388ساعت 16:4 توسط فهيرا مشایخی. نوشته شده در چهارشنبه هشتم مهر 1388ساعت 23:55 توسط فهيرا مشایخی. آلبوم عکس خونه ها دفتر زندگانیه. شیرین ترین خاطره ها ،خاطره جوانیه. عکسهای موندگار ما،از غم و شادی با همه. این نقش جاودانگی،نشون شادی و غمه. بعد ما یادبودمون بهر تماشا می مونه. وقتی ما از نظر می ریم،عکس ما بر جا می مونه. چهره دوستانتان را طراحي كنيد. خيانت مرغي (خيلي جالبه).

fahameh.com fahameh.com

بازرسی،بازرسی فنی وکالا،نظارت بر طرح ها،کنترل پروژه، امکا ن سنجی | شرکت مهندسی صنعتی فهامه

قوانین - مقررات - بخشنامه ها. ارتباط مستقیم با مدیرعامل. صدور گواهی استفاده از علامت CE mark. صدور گواهی استفاده از علامت E-MARK. صدور گواهی COI برای کالا. صدور COP برای خطوط تولید خودرو و موتور سیکلت. مشاوره و مهندسی طرح ها. مهندسی طرح ها و سیستم های مدیریت. نظارت بر طرح ها و کنترل پروژه. چشم انداز ، ارزشهای سازمانی و ماموریت ما. مجوز و عضویت ها. فهامه، حافظ کیفیت و سرمایه. بازرسی و ارزیابی انطباق، نظارت بر طرح ها و کنترل پروژه، امکان سنجی و مشاوره مدیریت، آموزش. مشاوره و مهندسی طرح ها. فهامه در یک نگاه.

fahamerica.blogspot.com fahamerica.blogspot.com

Fah America

Wednesday, June 4, 2014. Tour Eiffel and Disney land. Tuesday, June 3, 2014. At all time in bus I slept with Sky all day is so funny. Monday, June 2, 2014. Last night we departure at'00.05 all the time I in airplane I watch 2 movie 1.Toy story 3 2.Rio . I sat at BC I slept so longggggggg timeeeeeee.I woke up at 2 hours for landing.Next we go to the bus and we go to Millennium hotel.And we ate breakfast next I and mom go to louvre. Sunday, June 1, 2014. Today I'm go to Paris! Monday, May 12, 2014.

fahamforoodi.com fahamforoodi.com

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