feralbiologist.blogspot.com feralbiologist.blogspot.com


Home of a Feral Biologist

Home of a Feral Biologist. San Marcos, Texas, United States. Feral Biologist is a nickname given to me by a friend while I was in graduate school. I teach General Biology and Environmental Science at a community college in Central Texas. At home I like to grow my own food, save my own seeds, cook the food I grow, and appreciate the wild plants an animals I share my habitat with. View my complete profile. Bountiful Gardens is Going out of Business. Wednesday, November 29, 2017. When I first got into seed-...














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Home of a Feral Biologist | feralbiologist.blogspot.com Reviews
Home of a Feral Biologist. San Marcos, Texas, United States. Feral Biologist is a nickname given to me by a friend while I was in graduate school. I teach General Biology and Environmental Science at a community college in Central Texas. At home I like to grow my own food, save my own seeds, cook the food I grow, and appreciate the wild plants an animals I share my habitat with. View my complete profile. Bountiful Gardens is Going out of Business. Wednesday, November 29, 2017. When I first got into seed-...
1 about me
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3 current moon
4 moon info
5 local weather
6 blog archive
7 october
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9 baking
10 beans
Page content here
about me,amanda,current moon,moon info,local weather,blog archive,october,labels,baking,beans,birds,books,canning,cats,cooking,corn,cucumbers,eggplant,fermentation,flowers,fruit,full moon,garden,garlic,greens,harvest,herbs,herps,insects,landscaping,meat

Home of a Feral Biologist | feralbiologist.blogspot.com Reviews


Home of a Feral Biologist. San Marcos, Texas, United States. Feral Biologist is a nickname given to me by a friend while I was in graduate school. I teach General Biology and Environmental Science at a community college in Central Texas. At home I like to grow my own food, save my own seeds, cook the food I grow, and appreciate the wild plants an animals I share my habitat with. View my complete profile. Bountiful Gardens is Going out of Business. Wednesday, November 29, 2017. When I first got into seed-...


feralbiologist.blogspot.com feralbiologist.blogspot.com

Home of a Feral Biologist: May 2011


Home of a Feral Biologist. San Marcos, Texas, United States. Feral Biologist is a nickname given to me by a friend while I was in graduate school. I teach General Biology and Environmental Science at a community college in Central Texas. At home I like to grow my own food, save my own seeds, cook the food I grow, and appreciate the wild plants an animals I share my habitat with. View my complete profile. Wednesday, May 25, 2011. Then Dad Cardinal has to go back to the feeder and get some more seeds.


Home of a Feral Biologist: July 2010


Home of a Feral Biologist. San Marcos, Texas, United States. Feral Biologist is a nickname given to me by a friend while I was in graduate school. I teach General Biology and Environmental Science at a community college in Central Texas. At home I like to grow my own food, save my own seeds, cook the food I grow, and appreciate the wild plants an animals I share my habitat with. View my complete profile. The Peach Harvest and Salsa Amarillo. Monday, July 26, 2010. I'm not very optimistic about the corn&#...


Home of a Feral Biologist: September 2010


Home of a Feral Biologist. San Marcos, Texas, United States. Feral Biologist is a nickname given to me by a friend while I was in graduate school. I teach General Biology and Environmental Science at a community college in Central Texas. At home I like to grow my own food, save my own seeds, cook the food I grow, and appreciate the wild plants an animals I share my habitat with. View my complete profile. A Cold Front and Pictures of my Toads. The Full Harvest Moon and Autumn Equinox. As usual, I'm having...


Home of a Feral Biologist: February 2010


Home of a Feral Biologist. San Marcos, Texas, United States. Feral Biologist is a nickname given to me by a friend while I was in graduate school. I teach General Biology and Environmental Science at a community college in Central Texas. At home I like to grow my own food, save my own seeds, cook the food I grow, and appreciate the wild plants an animals I share my habitat with. View my complete profile. Welcome to my garden! Giving Up Meat for Lent. Friday, February 19, 2010. Tamatar Jhinga (beginner al...


Home of a Feral Biologist: June 2011


Home of a Feral Biologist. San Marcos, Texas, United States. Feral Biologist is a nickname given to me by a friend while I was in graduate school. I teach General Biology and Environmental Science at a community college in Central Texas. At home I like to grow my own food, save my own seeds, cook the food I grow, and appreciate the wild plants an animals I share my habitat with. View my complete profile. Renewing Americas Food Traditions. Rain for the Summer Solstice! Sunday, June 26, 2011. Well, this is...





neohippie.livejournal.com neohippie.livejournal.com

Doctor Who: The Almost People - the neo-hippie


Home of a Feral Biologist. May 31st, 2011 @ 01:44 pm. Doctor Who: The Almost People. Yes, I was a bad girl and let Daniel steal this episode off the internets because I didn't think Memorial Day weekend was sufficient reason to go Who-less. But I'll probably watch it again when BBC America plays it next week, because I AM SO CONFUSED. I don't even know if I liked that episode or not. And yes, I was a sucker for him speaking in Tom Baker's voice. Squee! Other than that though. WTF? I'm kind of being gener...

neohippie.livejournal.com neohippie.livejournal.com

In loving memory... - the neo-hippie


Home of a Feral Biologist. Feb 29th, 2012 @ 07:21 pm.

neohippie.livejournal.com neohippie.livejournal.com

My bad for missing the royal wedding. I'm all, "that was already on?"… - the neo-hippie


Home of a Feral Biologist. Apr 29th, 2011 @ 05:37 pm. My bad for missing the royal wedding. I'm all, "that was already on? Facebook is catching me up. I apparently missed a lot of crazy hats. Seriously? Some of these folks look like they're wearing toilet seats on their heads. (Edit: with dead birds stuck on too! Maybe I'm behind the times on wedding fashions. Maybe at MY wedding people will come wearing crazy hats, and now I'll know why, so I won't be insulted! April 30th, 2011 12:23 am (UTC).

neohippie.livejournal.com neohippie.livejournal.com

Doctor Who: The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon - the neo-hippie


Home of a Feral Biologist. Apr 30th, 2011 @ 10:20 pm. Doctor Who: The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon. Ok, lemmie just clarify something here. Why did Our Heroes have to fake their deaths at the beginning of the second episode? They were already cool with the President and the FBI and everybody. Gah, those guys are creepy! There could be one behind me RIGHT NOW! Well, this season is off to a good start, I say. May 1st, 2011 12:54 pm (UTC). Re: your second paragraph: I thought the same thing.

neohippie.livejournal.com neohippie.livejournal.com

The Rebel Flesh - the neo-hippie


Home of a Feral Biologist. May 23rd, 2011 @ 05:16 pm. BBC America is skipping Doctor Who next week because it's Memorial Day weekend. So much for seeing Doctor Who on the same day the Brits do. It was nice while it lasted. And it's right in the middle of a two-parter. Why is it ok to show Doctor Who on Easter weekend but not Memorial Day? How could that possibly go wrong? Sounded like a Sound Plan to me! Rory was extra-nurturing this time around, wasn't he?

neohippie.livejournal.com neohippie.livejournal.com

the neo-hippie


Home of a Feral Biologist. Aug 28th, 2011 @ 10:03 am. I don't know if I should even bother posting about Doctor Who on here anymore. I don't think anyone really cares anymore. There wasn't really all that much Hitler in it, was there? Which is probably a good thing, because going back in time to kill Hitler is such a cliche. I like how they ended up accidentally saving. Him from assassination, and then just locked him in a closet and forgot about him. So why only 53 minutes this time? Those were the days.

neohippie.livejournal.com neohippie.livejournal.com

the neo-hippie


Home of a Feral Biologist. Feb 29th, 2012 @ 07:21 pm. Aug 3rd, 2007 @ 02:28 pm. Tommy, can you hear me? I was a bit too sober for this. Pete Townshend is one twisted MF, but in a cool way, I guess. This is the first real rock opera/musical, isn't it? So we can blame Pete for that whole genre, yeah? I must say I liked it quite a bit better than Jesus Christ Superstar. Spoiler cut for 30 year old movie. So now I can mark another hippie cult movie off my To See list.

neohippie.livejournal.com neohippie.livejournal.com

Let's Kill Hitler - the neo-hippie


Home of a Feral Biologist. Aug 28th, 2011 @ 10:03 am. I don't know if I should even bother posting about Doctor Who on here anymore. I don't think anyone really cares anymore. There wasn't really all that much Hitler in it, was there? Which is probably a good thing, because going back in time to kill Hitler is such a cliche. I like how they ended up accidentally saving. Him from assassination, and then just locked him in a closet and forgot about him. So why only 53 minutes this time? Those were the days.

neohippie.livejournal.com neohippie.livejournal.com

Writer's Block: 9/11 - the neo-hippie


Home of a Feral Biologist. Sep 11th, 2011 @ 06:05 pm. I turned on the Today Show at about 9 am as I was getting ready to go to class at Collin County Community College, like any other morning. Except this time they had live footage of one of the World Trade Center Towers on fire, and were talking about how a plane had hit it. I thought to myself "what idiot would run their plane into a tower? I guess I thought it was a private plane that had accidentally crashed or something. After that sunk in, I decide...





feralbenevolence.deviantart.com feralbenevolence.deviantart.com

FeralBenevolence - DeviantArt

Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ; this.removeAttribute('onclick')" class="mi". Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ; this.removeAttribute('onclick')". Join DeviantArt for FREE. Forgot Password or Username? Deviant for 3 Years. This deviant's full pageview. Last Visit: 6 weeks ago. This is the place where you can personalize your profile! The Walki...

feralberyl.blogspot.com feralberyl.blogspot.com

Beryl does Brisbane

A single girl, kissing a lot of frogs. Monday, February 28, 2011. Oldy but a goody. Sunday, February 27, 2011. I know women have been screaming this from the hilltops since the dawn of time, but let me repeat myself. MEN ARE ASSHOLES! What is it about the lesser sex of our species (ignorant fucks that they are) that makes the most simple situation so ridiculously complicated? No It's Bullshit. I don't concurr. Where do I lodge my application for appeal? Sunday, December 19, 2010. 6'0 or 183 cm. Hi, I am ...

feralberyl.co.uk feralberyl.co.uk

Feral Beryl

Well we did say we should get out more. Feral finally got out of the house and played support set for Lords of Thyme at Rook Lane Chapel last Thurs. A lovely old party on Sat. and tomorrow they will be supporting Jan Vaisey and Ian Harvey at The lovely old Village Pump Folk Club. Trowbridge. Village Pump Folk Club. Trowbridge. Friday 5th December. 8.00 start. Come out and have a listen if you fancy. Feral on the move . . . at last. Behind The Lamb Inn. Seldom truer than when Sue, Gem and Lucy perform tog...

feralberyl.com feralberyl.com

Feral Beryl

If you can see this, your browser does not support frames. Please click the link below. Http:/ www.feralberyl.co.uk/. Feral Beryl, feral, beryl, feralberyl, songwriter, songwriters, resonator, resonator ukelele, ukelele, violin, music, original music, musicians, sue clare, gemma white, peter dunn, pete dunn, guitar.

feralberyltravels.com feralberyltravels.com

Feral Beryl Travels - Feral Beryl Travels Blog

Travelling To The Island Of Capri. I love to travel. Currently, I'm travelling at 292 km/h. That's faster than a single engine light aircraft. I’m on the train from Rome to Naples; 110-120 miles at the bargain price of £12. You'd pay more to do the comparable journey of London to Birmingham, and it would probably take you twice as long. But what a view. It may not have the exclusivity of a private jet, but it's not far off in terms of a pleasant ride. Soon we'll be pulling into Naples. When I arrived, I ...

feralbiologist.blogspot.com feralbiologist.blogspot.com

Home of a Feral Biologist

Home of a Feral Biologist. San Marcos, Texas, United States. Feral Biologist is a nickname given to me by a friend while I was in graduate school. I teach General Biology and Environmental Science at a community college in Central Texas. At home I like to grow my own food, save my own seeds, cook the food I grow, and appreciate the wild plants an animals I share my habitat with. View my complete profile. Bountiful Gardens is Going out of Business. Wednesday, November 29, 2017. When I first got into seed-...

feralbirdgirl-teamtularemia.blogspot.com feralbirdgirl-teamtularemia.blogspot.com

Caveat Lepus

Wednesday, February 11, 2009. Somewhere in the ocean. A huge ship unleashes its might. The fury hits the city. Doves fly up from the mosque. Smoke slithers through the streets. Like a dying snake. Now there is fire. No song in the City. It is just the beginning. Someday we will see what. The enlightened already do. When the birds of peace rise. Towards a sky ablaze with nothing. But the colors of dawn. Sunday, January 4, 2009. Sunday, December 28, 2008. Immature female Northern Goshawk. Today Bird Boy an...

feralbirdgirl.livejournal.com feralbirdgirl.livejournal.com

loch ness gull: right-side-up and not-so-backwards

Loch ness gull: right-side-up and not-so-backwards. A page upon which is written. 10 year summary, ish - work in progress. Mar 8th, 2014 at 10:18 AM. Probably to be edited. Well, hello there. Dec 26th, 2016 at 1:18 PM. Fall birds were. a lot. a lot, lot. my ABA article finally hit the press after the body count ended. WSP is an uphill battle, we took the election pretty hard. And then i was nabbed to chair the safe passage committee for DAS. Sep 1st, 2016 at 6:38 PM. I do think ive definitely conditioned...

feralbirdmanagement.com.au feralbirdmanagement.com.au

Feral Bird Management Perth | Bird Proofing & Control Services

Our Expertise Will Save You Money. Birds & Associated Problems. We are the leading bird control specialists in Australia. Call Feral Bird Management before wasting time and money on inferior methods and practices. Feral Bird Management Perth. Feral Bird Management covers the full spectrum of bird related issues including:. Removal of Problem Birds and Associated Debris(e.g. faeces). Anti-roosting, Visual and Audible Deterrents. Stainless Steel Bird Spikes. Keep bird pests off their normal roosting areas ...

feralbit.com feralbit.com

Feralbit | DIY · design · bicycles · urban farming · cooperative communities · freelancing · technology

DIY design bicycles urban farming cooperative communities freelancing technology. February 19, 2013. Setting the Title of a Navigation Item from a View Controller nested inside a PageViewController nested inside the Navigation Controller. Yep, I’m still doing my one thing per day. And lots of days, it’s about writing Objective C for the app I’m building. I wrestled with this problem for a stupid number of hours so hopefully my solution can help someone else. iOS SDK 6.1, by the way. Then, I merely needed...

feralblackdragon.deviantart.com feralblackdragon.deviantart.com

FeralBlackDragon - DeviantArt

Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ; this.removeAttribute('onclick')" class="mi". Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ; this.removeAttribute('onclick')". Join DeviantArt for FREE. Forgot Password or Username? Deviant for 1 Year. This deviant's full pageview. April 22, 1989. This is the place where you can personalize your profile! Why," you ask?