furtheradventuresofindigored.blogspot.com furtheradventuresofindigored.blogspot.com


Further Adventures of Indigo Red

Hear me now oh thou bleak and unbearable world Thou art base and debauched as can be And a knight with his banners all bravely unfurled Now hurls down his gauntlet to thee! I am I, Don Quixote, the Lord of La Mancha Destroyer of Evil am I, I will march to the sound of the trumpets of glory Forever to conquer or die Hear me heathens and wizards and serpents of sin All your dastardly doings are past For a holy endeavor is now to begin And virtue shall triumph at last!














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Further Adventures of Indigo Red | furtheradventuresofindigored.blogspot.com Reviews
Hear me now oh thou bleak and unbearable world Thou art base and debauched as can be And a knight with his banners all bravely unfurled Now hurls down his gauntlet to thee! I am I, Don Quixote, the Lord of La Mancha Destroyer of Evil am I, I will march to the sound of the trumpets of glory Forever to conquer or die Hear me heathens and wizards and serpents of sin All your dastardly doings are past For a holy endeavor is now to begin And virtue shall triumph at last!
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Further Adventures of Indigo Red | furtheradventuresofindigored.blogspot.com Reviews


Hear me now oh thou bleak and unbearable world Thou art base and debauched as can be And a knight with his banners all bravely unfurled Now hurls down his gauntlet to thee! I am I, Don Quixote, the Lord of La Mancha Destroyer of Evil am I, I will march to the sound of the trumpets of glory Forever to conquer or die Hear me heathens and wizards and serpents of sin All your dastardly doings are past For a holy endeavor is now to begin And virtue shall triumph at last!


furtheradventuresofindigored.blogspot.com furtheradventuresofindigored.blogspot.com

Further Adventures of Indigo Red: 6/2/13 - 6/9/13


Further Adventures of Indigo Red. Hear me now oh thou bleak and unbearable world Thou art base and debauched as can be And a knight with his banners all bravely unfurled Now hurls down his gauntlet to thee! I am I, Don Quixote, the Lord of La Mancha Destroyer of Evil am I, I will march to the sound of the trumpets of glory Forever to conquer or die Hear me heathens and wizards and serpents of sin All your dastardly doings are past For a holy endeavor is now to begin And virtue shall triumph at last!


Further Adventures of Indigo Red: 5/19/13 - 5/26/13


Further Adventures of Indigo Red. Hear me now oh thou bleak and unbearable world Thou art base and debauched as can be And a knight with his banners all bravely unfurled Now hurls down his gauntlet to thee! I am I, Don Quixote, the Lord of La Mancha Destroyer of Evil am I, I will march to the sound of the trumpets of glory Forever to conquer or die Hear me heathens and wizards and serpents of sin All your dastardly doings are past For a holy endeavor is now to begin And virtue shall triumph at last!


Further Adventures of Indigo Red: SNL Mocks ObamaCare


Further Adventures of Indigo Red. Hear me now oh thou bleak and unbearable world Thou art base and debauched as can be And a knight with his banners all bravely unfurled Now hurls down his gauntlet to thee! I am I, Don Quixote, the Lord of La Mancha Destroyer of Evil am I, I will march to the sound of the trumpets of glory Forever to conquer or die Hear me heathens and wizards and serpents of sin All your dastardly doings are past For a holy endeavor is now to begin And virtue shall triumph at last!


Further Adventures of Indigo Red: A Sad Tale: Syria's Children Labor in Lebanese Potato Fields to Feed Family


Further Adventures of Indigo Red. Hear me now oh thou bleak and unbearable world Thou art base and debauched as can be And a knight with his banners all bravely unfurled Now hurls down his gauntlet to thee! I am I, Don Quixote, the Lord of La Mancha Destroyer of Evil am I, I will march to the sound of the trumpets of glory Forever to conquer or die Hear me heathens and wizards and serpents of sin All your dastardly doings are past For a holy endeavor is now to begin And virtue shall triumph at last!


Further Adventures of Indigo Red: Low Information Voter v. No Information Voter v. Smartest Guy in the Room


Further Adventures of Indigo Red. Hear me now oh thou bleak and unbearable world Thou art base and debauched as can be And a knight with his banners all bravely unfurled Now hurls down his gauntlet to thee! I am I, Don Quixote, the Lord of La Mancha Destroyer of Evil am I, I will march to the sound of the trumpets of glory Forever to conquer or die Hear me heathens and wizards and serpents of sin All your dastardly doings are past For a holy endeavor is now to begin And virtue shall triumph at last!





tomsfiresidechat.wordpress.com tomsfiresidechat.wordpress.com

Super Tuesday | Tom's Fireside Chat


Tom’s Fireside Chat. Intelligent discussion, inspired ranting…. February 5, 2008 in Politics. I have no idea where everyone is at right now – the news pundits are “projecting” winners all over the place. What this means as far as number of delegates everyone gets is up in the air. We’ll see tomorrow morning who gets what. And we’ll comment tomorrow evening on the results – I’m not staying up to watch the news reports! Anna’s Clue Tank. Benning’s Writing Pad. Diary of the Mad Pigeon. Sparks from the Anvil.

tomspub.blogspot.com tomspub.blogspot.com

Tom's rants: King Obama


This is my soap box. Wednesday, January 16, 2013. The king is going to make criminals of many americans. Where do you stand? Give me Liberty, or give me death. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Just hit middle age, and am not happy about it. View my complete profile. Bill Whittle (a must read). Healing Song Home (Beatrices place). The other Toms place. The Long War Journal. Dave Freiburgers Junkyard (automotive forum).

tomsfiresidechat.wordpress.com tomsfiresidechat.wordpress.com

WOT | Tom's Fireside Chat


Tom’s Fireside Chat. Intelligent discussion, inspired ranting…. War on Terror Posts. The Definition of War. Defeating Terrorism Part 1 – Unity. Defeating Terrorism Part 2 – Intelligence. Defeating Terrorism Part 3 – Security. Defeating Terrorism Part 4 – Logistics. Defeating Terrorism Part 5 – Execution. On the Eve of Another Christmas and New Year. Iraq, Iran, al-Qaeda, and the United States. Anna’s Clue Tank. Benning’s Writing Pad. Diary of the Mad Pigeon. Dragon Lady’s Den. Sparks from the Anvil.

tomsfiresidechat.wordpress.com tomsfiresidechat.wordpress.com

New Site Launched!! | Tom's Fireside Chat


Tom’s Fireside Chat. Intelligent discussion, inspired ranting…. February 19, 2008 in Announcements. Tags: New Blog Location. Yes, it is official! All comments and posts (with very few exceptions) have been transferred to the new location. Look forward to seeing everyone there! Anna’s Clue Tank. Benning’s Writing Pad. Diary of the Mad Pigeon. Dragon Lady’s Den. Further Adventures of Indigo Red. Say No To Politically Correct B.S. Sparks from the Anvil. The Dry Bones Blog. Wake Up, America! Notify me of new...

tomspub.blogspot.com tomspub.blogspot.com

Tom's rants: Rahm


This is my soap box. Wednesday, February 23, 2011. Is Chicago really that stupid? Dude, what the f are you? It's kinda like watching a rat! Doesn't scare me but I know he aint any good at all. I am no longer surprised at anything that happens in that town. Don. Hey Tom, do you think something has happened to Indigo? Don, you caught me at not being a great friend. I havnt checked in on him in a couple of weeks. Damn life is busy. This whole being friends and having never met thing is hard sometimes.

indigocontinuum.blogspot.com indigocontinuum.blogspot.com

Indigo Continuum: March 2009


Friday, March 6, 2009. Democrat Petition to Silence Rush Limbaugh Comments. These are the comments from a DCCC petition to silence Rush Limbaugh. In the blog post Limbaugh Attacked-You Responded. Writer Brandon English tried to stir animosity against the radio talker, but only managed to excite hundreds of comments from Republicans and Conservatives. The Democrats and Liberals got burned. They even removed the petition, but not the comments. Not yet, anyway. Posted by Garfield 01/29/09, 07:20 PM EST.

tomspub.blogspot.com tomspub.blogspot.com

Tom's rants: Guns


This is my soap box. Monday, December 17, 2012. Leave me and my guns out of your plans libs. You won't get them. Period! Having said that, I'm heartbroken for the parents and families of the dead. This includes the Lanza family. Don't know what went wrong but I have some suspicions. Why after Columbine, and as far back as Lansing Everett High, do we not have someone armed in the schools! No one remembers that one, do they? Magic Johnson does I'm sure. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom).

tomspub.blogspot.com tomspub.blogspot.com

Tom's rants: August 2010


This is my soap box. Monday, August 09, 2010. So the wife had business in Austin Texas, and took me along for the ride. First impressions were 'what a nice city". Second impression was of Sixth Street. Sixth is a cross between Animal House, American Pie, all hell broke loose, with Willie Nelson thrown in for good measure. It is wall to wall bars, and every one has live music. Some not good, but most great! I met some interesting people while there, though the two that stand out were not from there. Dave ...

tomspub.blogspot.com tomspub.blogspot.com

Tom's rants: Pams Page


This is my soap box. Saturday, April 07, 2012. My Sister Pam died a week or so ago. She should have a big page on my blog but she won't. I didn't really know her. We come from a fractured family, and there was fourty years of distance between us. She called me a few years back, wanting to build something. I said no, thinking that I fealt nothing for this person that I hardley knew. I was comfortable with that until now. Hmm there it is, HINDSIGHT! Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). The other Toms place.

tomspub.blogspot.com tomspub.blogspot.com

Tom's rants: March 2010


This is my soap box. Sunday, March 21, 2010. So I hear some protesters called some members of the Congressional Black Caucus Niggers. Charlie Rangel says there are no black people in these groups. Nothing gets past him! We need our black brothers and sisters to stand with us and help lift this country, not stand and watch with your hand out. Think I'm a racist? I'm a realist. when the entitled group becomes bigger then the providers, everyone loses. Monday, March 15, 2010. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom).





furtheradventuresag.blogspot.com furtheradventuresag.blogspot.com

The Further Adventures of AG

The Further Adventures of AG. A jumble of mumblings from moi. Tuesday, 20 April 2010. Monday, 8 March 2010. I'd rather have a chilled Sancerre. Go on then, just one more. Monday, 18 January 2010. A man of the people. The right sort of people. Inspired by mydavidcameron.com. I've been doctoring Camerons this week. Or "Have you ever seen a grown man naked? I grew up on an estate too", "I can't go on with wisteria like this", "Assume the brace position" and "Toffs R Us" - slogans by Amanda Kirke via Facebook.

furtheradventuresinfirefighting.co.uk furtheradventuresinfirefighting.co.uk

Photo Gallery

Further Adventures in Fire Fighting. This site chronicles our 'adventures' with our Bedford MK 4 x 4 fire engine. This has been converted to a camper and we use it nearly every weekend. A bunch of us go off camping from time to time in different trucks, yurts and caravans. We bought the truck from Aberdeen and spent the summer of 2005 converting it into a camper. Alright, alright, we did some rubbing down and painting and Murray converted it into a camper.

furtheradventuresinthecityofpeace.blogspot.com furtheradventuresinthecityofpeace.blogspot.com

Further Adventures in the City of Peace

Further Adventures in the City of Peace. Thursday, November 09, 2006. Tis but a test. Posted by Alicia at 6:28 PM. Tis but a test. Our family in the wilds of Africa. Our family in the wilds of Brigham City. Julie of the Big Castle. Links we Like and Use. The Deseret Morning News. AES Student Loans: They own us. Pinnacle Bank of Oregon. View my complete profile.

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furtheradventuresofbethany.wordpress.com furtheradventuresofbethany.wordpress.com

the further adventures of bethany | pieces of everyday life from an adventurer at heart

The further adventures of bethany. Pieces of everyday life from an adventurer at heart. March 19, 2009. Creative spelling, part 2. Posted by anderbee under teaching. Here are a few more months from a quiz I gave the same Iraqi couple today. Unfortunately, this was. Reviewing and practicing months for about half of today’s class. Well, I’ve never claimed to have my teaching methods perfected, and this creative spelling problem calls for a little creativity of my own. Your ideas are welcome! March 18, 2009.

furtheradventuresofindigored.blogspot.com furtheradventuresofindigored.blogspot.com

Further Adventures of Indigo Red

Further Adventures of Indigo Red. Hear me now oh thou bleak and unbearable world Thou art base and debauched as can be And a knight with his banners all bravely unfurled Now hurls down his gauntlet to thee! I am I, Don Quixote, the Lord of La Mancha Destroyer of Evil am I, I will march to the sound of the trumpets of glory Forever to conquer or die Hear me heathens and wizards and serpents of sin All your dastardly doings are past For a holy endeavor is now to begin And virtue shall triumph at last!

furtheradventuresofkittenpie.blogspot.com furtheradventuresofkittenpie.blogspot.com

Life of 'Pie, cont.

Life of 'Pie, cont. Wednesday, September 11, 2013. Repost: From A Clear Blue Sky. You’re just on 3rd Ave. I used to love those days. Re after that bombing, too. Horrible, though, very sad, of course. And I dressed and went to work. Once there, I turned on the radio and told the others, who hadn’t heard at all. And then. Was the gorgeous sunny day just too bright to see ahead? No, after a few seconds, I couldn’t avoid the inevitable conclusion any further. This was intentional. How do they get it so right?

furtheradventuresofrocketbride.wordpress.com furtheradventuresofrocketbride.wordpress.com

Further Adventures of Rocketmom | sixteen years of love and rockets

Further Adventures of Rocketmom. Sixteen years of love and rockets. Wiener Town (a.k.a. the Kids). December 22, 2017. A short programming note. I’m in the process of going through my drafts folder, finishing pieces that I wrote and stashed. If you’re getting notifications whenever I publish, you’re going to be confused as to why I’ve suddenly started to talk about TCAF 2015. December 20, 2017. Thoughts on the Last Jedi (2). And Leia taking up a blaster once again was a sorely-needed punctuation. The Hitc...

furtheradventurespress.blogspot.com furtheradventurespress.blogspot.com


FURTHER ADVENTURES CHAPBOOKS and PAMPHLETS. The Internets home for the small pressings and infrequent newsings of FAC&P. Sunday, February 13, 2011. Whoa This is new. This is now. Going back to our roots, we are proud to present Book 4 in our little Further Adventures Chapbook series: "What a Lark," by Erika Jo Brown and "Excavations," by Joshua Ware. Two, two, two books in one! Get it here for only $8 and hurry, supplies are limited. This book is SOLD OUT! Monday, February 22, 2010. This book is SOLD OUT!

furtheradventuresteam91.blogspot.com furtheradventuresteam91.blogspot.com

The Further Adventures of Team 91

The Further Adventures of Team 91. Saturday, January 10, 2015. 2015 Death Valley Encounter, Day 2, 50 Miles. Day 2 was Hoss's first day at this ride. Riding fresh horses on consecutive days is a bit of a challenge, I will say. I was glad, though, to ride Hoss after having ridden DC rather than the other way around. Hoss is a seasoned horse and while bigger and stronger, he also knows what is expected of him. We took back to the trail after our hold time, moving a little slow since he'd already been in ca...

furtheradventureswithme.blogspot.com furtheradventureswithme.blogspot.com

Further Adventures with Me

Further Adventures with Me. Monday, August 8, 2011. Tuesday, August 2, 2011. Saturday, July 9, 2011. Monday, May 23, 2011. 4 Irish and ginger ales at $14/ea. = $56.00. Monday, May 16, 2011. Friday, April 22, 2011. Wires on a Bird. Sunday, April 3, 2011. Tuesday, March 22, 2011. The Father and the Son. Wednesday, March 16, 2011. Here Come The Warm Jets. Sunday, March 13, 2011. Monday, March 7, 2011. Friday, March 4, 2011. Monday, February 28, 2011. Tuesday, February 22, 2011. Thursday, February 17, 2011.