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Gifford Family

Life is right now, this moment! 27 October, 2011. Stinkin’ Cute Baby Pumpkin Pictures. I found the coolest idea for a fall time baby picture. I knew when I saw it I HAD to try it out. We found a huge pumpkin at WinCo and today we got to try it out. Surprisingly the baby loved being in the pumpkin, chewing on it and smiling like crazy! She was super cooperative and we got a ton of great shots. Here are some of the best ones. She really liked being in the pumpkin. Look at that smile! She was so good! We ha...














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Gifford Family | i-mama-n-papa-2.blogspot.com Reviews
Life is right now, this moment! 27 October, 2011. Stinkin’ Cute Baby Pumpkin Pictures. I found the coolest idea for a fall time baby picture. I knew when I saw it I HAD to try it out. We found a huge pumpkin at WinCo and today we got to try it out. Surprisingly the baby loved being in the pumpkin, chewing on it and smiling like crazy! She was super cooperative and we got a ton of great shots. Here are some of the best ones. She really liked being in the pumpkin. Look at that smile! She was so good! We ha...
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Gifford Family | i-mama-n-papa-2.blogspot.com Reviews


Life is right now, this moment! 27 October, 2011. Stinkin’ Cute Baby Pumpkin Pictures. I found the coolest idea for a fall time baby picture. I knew when I saw it I HAD to try it out. We found a huge pumpkin at WinCo and today we got to try it out. Surprisingly the baby loved being in the pumpkin, chewing on it and smiling like crazy! She was super cooperative and we got a ton of great shots. Here are some of the best ones. She really liked being in the pumpkin. Look at that smile! She was so good! We ha...


i-mama-n-papa-2.blogspot.com i-mama-n-papa-2.blogspot.com

Gifford Family: 10/1/11 - 11/1/11


Life is right now, this moment! 27 October, 2011. Stinkin’ Cute Baby Pumpkin Pictures. I found the coolest idea for a fall time baby picture. I knew when I saw it I HAD to try it out. We found a huge pumpkin at WinCo and today we got to try it out. Surprisingly the baby loved being in the pumpkin, chewing on it and smiling like crazy! She was super cooperative and we got a ton of great shots. Here are some of the best ones. She really liked being in the pumpkin. Look at that smile! She was so good! We ha...


Gifford Family: My New Gig!


Life is right now, this moment! 18 August, 2011. I have some exciting news! I am one of the new authors on Latter-DayHomeschooling.com. My articles will post on the 18th of each month. For my first I blogged about homeschooling while on vacation. Check it out! Thursday, August 18, 2011. September 23, 2011 8:10 PM. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). View my complete profile. I'm Listed on MormonBlogs! Breastfeeding Challenges- My Story. Happy Half Birthday Ginny! Eggless Challah made with Aquafaba. Baby ...


Gifford Family: Happy Half Birthday Ginny!!


Life is right now, this moment! 01 August, 2011. Happy Half Birthday Ginny! Ginny is 6 months old today! She is getting so big. well, age wise. She is still tiny! She is really loving playing with food but is not eating too much yet. She goo goo's and gaaa gaas all the time and is startingt o figure out raspberries. Why do babies learn raspberries right when they start food? We love having her in our family! Monday, August 01, 2011. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). View my complete profile. Paper-Free...


Gifford Family: Spending Time Together


Life is right now, this moment! 18 August, 2011. We are just loving this summer! There have been so many things we have done as a family. We have gone the the Grange BBQ and auction. We bided (is that even a word? On a ton of stuff and actually won most of them! Here is a shot of the kids and Daddy at the auction. There was a guy that talked really fast too. It made Bella giggle! We have been busy but I wanted to let you all know we are still here and I am hoping to get a bunch of blogging done! Bella di...


Gifford Family: Stinkin’ Cute Baby Pumpkin Pictures


Life is right now, this moment! 27 October, 2011. Stinkin’ Cute Baby Pumpkin Pictures. I found the coolest idea for a fall time baby picture. I knew when I saw it I HAD to try it out. We found a huge pumpkin at WinCo and today we got to try it out. Surprisingly the baby loved being in the pumpkin, chewing on it and smiling like crazy! She was super cooperative and we got a ton of great shots. Here are some of the best ones. She really liked being in the pumpkin. Look at that smile! She was so good! The g...





beardstheygrowonyou.blogspot.com beardstheygrowonyou.blogspot.com

One of Many "Bearded Ladies": May 2011


One of Many "Bearded Ladies". Wednesday, May 11, 2011. Should we leave the room? Finally a nurse came in and said we should gather up our stuff and go wait in the waiting room and someone would let us know when she got out of surgery. No wonder she wasn't coming out! Because of some complications Bella had to be in the NICU in an incubator which was quite a site for a baby of her size. It looked strange to see this giant baby among the teeny little ones in there but she was so beatiful! Somehow seeing th...

beardstheygrowonyou.blogspot.com beardstheygrowonyou.blogspot.com

One of Many "Bearded Ladies": October 2009


One of Many "Bearded Ladies". Saturday, October 3, 2009. Driver's License AKA the bane of my existance. I will have it this time! Could you please leave me alone? Not you readers but my stinkin crazy hormones. I find myself on a daily basis lately telling my hormones to chill out! I've been looking into herbs to try and help balance things lately but I know I shouldn't take anything unless I consult my doctor first. Only problem with that is I don't have health insurance. So what to do?

gloriousquilts.blogspot.com gloriousquilts.blogspot.com

Glorious Quilts: March 2011


Saturday, March 12, 2011. February brought our newest grandchild, and so a new quilt was in order. I just used a yard and a half of printed fabric and a jazzy color on the back. Then with a flowered overall quilting pattern I was all set for the new little one in no time at all. Actually, I hate to admit it, but it took me a month to get it done. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). I have a loving and supportive husband who always encourages me to be the best I can. View my complete profile.

gloriousquilts.blogspot.com gloriousquilts.blogspot.com

Glorious Quilts: May 2010


Thursday, May 20, 2010. Feathers, feathers and more feathers! As usual the back was a lot of fun too! Friday, May 14, 2010. Then Thursday when the show opened, I headed for the exhibit to see what everyone else's quilt looked like. There were 18 of the exact same quilt, but what a difference there was. Wow! Did they ever go all out. There were elaborate borders and crystals and all sorts of things. I looked at them and figured that my chances were just blown out of the water. Oh Well. I like to think of ...

1sharpfamily.blogspot.com 1sharpfamily.blogspot.com

Sharp Family: Ethan Broke His Leg


Saturday, November 6, 2010. Ethan Broke His Leg. September 22, 2012 at 12:35 PM. How is your son recovering? Did his break occur along the growth plate? If so, have there been any negative growth effects? My 19 mth old has a broken tibia. very concerned about long term effects. would be interested to hear more about your sons experience.) Thanks! Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Ethan Broke His Leg. View my complete profile. Stinkin’ Cute Baby Pumpkin Pictures. Remember When . . .

gloriousquilts.blogspot.com gloriousquilts.blogspot.com

Glorious Quilts: One For Me


Thursday, July 26, 2012. Glad you like it, it turned out gorgeous! December 27, 2012 at 4:40 PM. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). I like to think of myself as a 'glorious quilter'. I have been sewing and crafting most of my life. Longarm Quilting is my most recent love, mostly because the last child is married so there is finally room in the house as well as time to explore my interests! I have a loving and supportive husband who always encourages me to be the best I can. View my complete profile.

gloriousquilts.blogspot.com gloriousquilts.blogspot.com

Glorious Quilts: October 2011


Wednesday, October 12, 2011. Just finished a quilt that has frogs all over it. It turned out pretty fun, but I am seeing frogs in my sleep. This is a quilt for a customer's grandson. I think it is just the kind of quilt that a little boy would like. When you look at the back, you see froggies, froggies, froggies and the lilly pads they love to jump on all over the place. What fun! Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). I have a loving and supportive husband who always encourages me to be the best I can.

gloriousquilts.blogspot.com gloriousquilts.blogspot.com

Glorious Quilts: Back to Work!


Tuesday, May 28, 2013. I finished another quilt for Amber last week. It was one that she has worked on for quite awhile off and on (what with the move and all). It was one that she wanted to give to Kerry. She thought he would particularly enjoy it and so chose an extra soft batt so that it would have that all important "Hug" factor. Hope he enjoys it! Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). I have a loving and supportive husband who always encourages me to be the best I can. View my complete profile.

anotherwestday.blogspot.com anotherwestday.blogspot.com

another day in the life of...: October 2009


Another day in the life of. Saturday, October 31, 2009. Ctures always turn out a little interesting. i remember my own looking slightly "cheesy"? Actually, one year when i was in middle school i took my turn sitting in the chair for pictures and before the photographer could open his mouth, i put out my hand and said, "don't say anything trying to make me smile, it just makes my smile turn out fake." (i know some of you are now shaking your heads and probably think, mindy, mindy-just go with the f.

anotherwestday.blogspot.com anotherwestday.blogspot.com

another day in the life of...: school pictures 2009-2010


Another day in the life of. Saturday, October 31, 2009. Ctures always turn out a little interesting. i remember my own looking slightly "cheesy"? Actually, one year when i was in middle school i took my turn sitting in the chair for pictures and before the photographer could open his mouth, i put out my hand and said, "don't say anything trying to make me smile, it just makes my smile turn out fake." (i know some of you are now shaking your heads and probably think, mindy, mindy-just go with the f. Novem...






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I-mAlright's blog - Les mots sont plus puissants que vous le pensez. - Skyrock.com

Les mots sont plus puissants que vous le pensez. Elle avait le regard dans le vide. Assisse en tailleur sur son lit. Une larme coula sur sa joue, dévia sur sa lèvre, et vint s'écraser sur le bout de tissu que tenait fermement sa main. Elle n'y croyait pas. Pas eux. Ça ne pouvait pas être finit. Pas comme ça. Pas maintenant. L'adolescente de 17 ans mit ses mains sur son visage, s'attrapant ses magnifiques cheveux blonds. Elle voulait partir, partir de ce corps qui l'emprisonnait. La blonde posa son regard...

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Malung Sälen

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i-mama-n-papa-2.blogspot.com i-mama-n-papa-2.blogspot.com

Gifford Family

Life is right now, this moment! 27 October, 2011. Stinkin’ Cute Baby Pumpkin Pictures. I found the coolest idea for a fall time baby picture. I knew when I saw it I HAD to try it out. We found a huge pumpkin at WinCo and today we got to try it out. Surprisingly the baby loved being in the pumpkin, chewing on it and smiling like crazy! She was super cooperative and we got a ton of great shots. Here are some of the best ones. She really liked being in the pumpkin. Look at that smile! She was so good! We ha...

i-mama.com i-mama.com

i-mama.com - This website is for sale! - I mama Resources and Information.

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i-mama.cz i-mama.cz


Pohodové Vánoce a klidny rok 2017. Pohodové prožití svátků vánočních. Pevné zdraví a nám maminkám i nervy v roce 2017. Děkuji za Vaši přízeň Pavla, Luky, Konstantýna. Tuto staročeskou černou omáčku mám neodmyslitelně spjatou s Vánocemi svého dětství, které jsem trávila u babičky. Podle ní by bez této pochutiny nebyly pravými. Zimní kalhoty se sníženým sedem. Nejsou jiné kalhoty, které by nám vydržely tak dlouho! Kalhoty, které přežijí i řádění na zahradě školky. Výlet po okolí Sedlčan. Máme je dom...

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韓国アガシ ソウルアガシ 風俗情報満載! 愛ママ

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بهترین عکس ها وشعر های عاشقانه

بهترین عکس ها وشعر های عاشقانه. داستان یک آشنایی و ازدواج اینترنتی. وقتی شروع به خواندن کردم، آنفدر مطالبش مرا جذب کرد که تمام آرشیوش را هم یک به یک خواندم و وقتی به خودم اومدم دیدم سه ساعت تمام است که در حال خواندن این وبلاگ هستم. من بعد از اینکه درسم تمام شد،ازطریق یکی ازدوستانم با یک شرکت مهندسی آشنا شدم ودر آنجا شروع به کار کردم.اما ازآنجا که این شرکت تازه تاسیس شده بود ،هنوزکار خیلی جدی برای انجام دادن نداشتم واگرهم کاری بود، وقت چندانی نمیگرفت. بقیه در ادامه مطلب. سیر تکاملی دختران در ایران. مرد (ب...

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