Sudden Debt: A Blast From The Past
I HOLD THIS TRUTH TO BE SELF-EVIDENT, THAT A DEBT CRISIS CANNOT BE RESOLVED WITH MORE DEBT. Monday, May 16, 2011. A Blast From The Past. I have been re-reading Gustave LeBon's The Crowd. The 1895 classic on the psychology of herd ("crowd") behavior. The French social psychologist was the first to scientifically and methodically study crowd behavior outside the criminal classes. Here are a few bon mots:. Crowds amass mediocrity, not intelligence. Crowds cannot help but exhibit excessive credulity. A Socia...
Steuern | IMMOBILIENVORSORGE.COM - Das Informationsportal zur Anlage in Immobilien
Oft wird das Wort Spekulationssteuer verwendet, das es allderdings so im Gesetz nicht gibt. Dieser umgangssprachlich verwendete Begriff bezieht sich auf Spekulationsgeschäfte gemäß EStG 30, es handelt sich also ganz einfach um die Einkommenssteuer. Wird die im Privatbesitz befindliche Immobilie außerhalb der Spekulationsfrist veräußert, fällt keine Abgabe, insbesondere keine Einkommenssteuer für Spekulationsgeschäfte an, da diese Einkünfte von keiner Einkunftsart erfasst werden. Schenkung und die AfA.
Bau | IMMOBILIENVORSORGE.COM - Das Informationsportal zur Anlage in Immobilien
Die Sicherstellungen nach dem BTVG. Im BTVG (Bauträgervertragsgesetz) gibt es unterschiedliche Arten der Sicherstellung, welche den Käufer vor dem Verlust des bereits eingesetzten Kapitals schützen sollen. Welche Art der Sicherstellung Anwendung findet entscheidet der Bauträger und nicht jeder Käufer für sich. 8 Abs 1 BTVG) erfolgt vA durch eine Bankgarantie. Bis zur Novellierung des BTVG, welche seit 1. Juli 2008 in Kraft ist, gab es auch noch die Bürgschaft als schuldrechtliche Sicherstellung. 11 BTVG)...
Steigenden Kreditzinsen vorbeugen – Der Zinscap | IMMOBILIENVORSORGE.COM - Das Informationsportal zur Anlage in Immobilien
Steigenden Kreditzinsen vorbeugen – Der Zinscap. Aus aktuellem Anlass möchte ich auf das Risiko eines Zinsanstieges. Und den damit verbundenen höheren Ausgaben für die Bedienung eines Kredits hinweisen. Das aktuelle Zinsniveau. Von 1,108% (EURIBOR 3M). Kann auf Dauer nicht gtehalten werden. Der Spielraum nach unten ist sehr gering. Gekauft. Da der Zinscap ursprünglich als Spekulationspapier entwickelt wurde besteht auch das Risiko eines Totalverlusts des in den Cap investierten Kapitals. Sie entscheiden ...
Sudden Debt: September 2013
I HOLD THIS TRUTH TO BE SELF-EVIDENT, THAT A DEBT CRISIS CANNOT BE RESOLVED WITH MORE DEBT. Monday, September 30, 2013. Congress has not (yet) approved the Federal debt ceiling increase necessary to keep the government running. This fandango goes on regularly in the US, sometimes even resulting in shutdowns of government operations. No one really. To the indifferent public. Well, the ref always won - in the past. And I say in the past because. accidents do occur ( yes, Virginia shit happens. Err oh they ...
Sudden Debt: October 2011
I HOLD THIS TRUTH TO BE SELF-EVIDENT, THAT A DEBT CRISIS CANNOT BE RESOLVED WITH MORE DEBT. Sunday, October 30, 2011. In the last 30 years the top 1% of Americans saw their real, after-tax income increase nearly fourfold. And how about the "other" 99%? Look below (click to enlarge). One picture is worth a thousand words. The chart appears in an article in The Economist ( Income Inequality in America:The 99 Percent. Which includes the following passage:. Done by the US Congressional Budget Office . From a...
Sudden Debt: Oily Triple Top
I HOLD THIS TRUTH TO BE SELF-EVIDENT, THAT A DEBT CRISIS CANNOT BE RESOLVED WITH MORE DEBT. Friday, July 26, 2013. Still on the short post mode. Crude oil. Looks like a possible triple top going on here? The EU is entering a recession, China is slowing down, the US is producing frac shale oil at record levels. What's holding up prices? Political turmoil in the ME and the Saudis acting as swing producers. And gold, a forerunner in my opinion, has broken down most decisively. Friday, July 26, 2013. It's to...
Sudden Debt: The Big(ger) Picture
I HOLD THIS TRUTH TO BE SELF-EVIDENT, THAT A DEBT CRISIS CANNOT BE RESOLVED WITH MORE DEBT. Monday, September 2, 2013. I went on a two week sailing vacation away from it all and what do you know? No news, no market quotes and no insta-charts to clutter my brain had the usual salubrious effect. That is to say, the big picture is easier to see, from. the sea! And what IS the Big Picture? Yeah, yeah. I know:. Technical advances in oil extraction (eg frac oil) has raised non-OPEC production, particularly in ...
Sudden Debt: Ding Dong Dammit!!
I HOLD THIS TRUTH TO BE SELF-EVIDENT, THAT A DEBT CRISIS CANNOT BE RESOLVED WITH MORE DEBT. Monday, September 30, 2013. Congress has not (yet) approved the Federal debt ceiling increase necessary to keep the government running. This fandango goes on regularly in the US, sometimes even resulting in shutdowns of government operations. No one really. To the indifferent public. Well, the ref always won - in the past. And I say in the past because. accidents do occur ( yes, Virginia shit happens. Err oh they ...