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Bergeson Family

Monday, July 27, 2015. The last two months have flown by and been full of exciting changes for us! We are so thankful for the knowledge that God is mindful of our little family and ever present in our lives. There were moments of uncertainty the past few months, but He was a constant source of comfort and direction. I have no doubts that He is aware of our family and guiding our footsteps. The biggest change is that Jeremy has switched jobs and is no longer on the night shift at UPS. HUGE BLESSING! And t...














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Bergeson Family | jsbergeson.blogspot.com Reviews
Monday, July 27, 2015. The last two months have flown by and been full of exciting changes for us! We are so thankful for the knowledge that God is mindful of our little family and ever present in our lives. There were moments of uncertainty the past few months, but He was a constant source of comfort and direction. I have no doubts that He is aware of our family and guiding our footsteps. The biggest change is that Jeremy has switched jobs and is no longer on the night shift at UPS. HUGE BLESSING! And t...
1 bergeson family
2 changes
3 rough housing
4 graduation
5 first game excitement
6 team picture
7 so cute
8 cookie monster cake
9 opening presents
10 loved little lovie
Page content here
bergeson family,changes,rough housing,graduation,first game excitement,team picture,so cute,cookie monster cake,opening presents,loved little lovie,rock star,found his tongue,best smile,watching movies,brotherly love,parade time,posted by,no comments

Bergeson Family | jsbergeson.blogspot.com Reviews


Monday, July 27, 2015. The last two months have flown by and been full of exciting changes for us! We are so thankful for the knowledge that God is mindful of our little family and ever present in our lives. There were moments of uncertainty the past few months, but He was a constant source of comfort and direction. I have no doubts that He is aware of our family and guiding our footsteps. The biggest change is that Jeremy has switched jobs and is no longer on the night shift at UPS. HUGE BLESSING! And t...


jsbergeson.blogspot.com jsbergeson.blogspot.com

Bergeson Family: June 2014


Wednesday, June 18, 2014. It was a very relaxing vacation. We did not do much outside of spending time with family. I am grateful that my brother and his wife let us take cousin Kirk the whole week. We had lots of family dinners, went to little Kirk's t-ball game, had a birthday party, and took family pictures. It was wonderful. Monday and Tuesday we had down days and spent most of our time on the front porch swing watching the kids play. I LOVED THAT! Striking a pose with her ruffle bum. All in all it w...


Bergeson Family: January 2014


Monday, January 20, 2014. This month's post is going to be a catch up from last month and lots of pictures of my cute kids! After his program he was so excited to meet Santa. He told Santa that he wanted a new Ishani and Ripslinger Airplane from the movie Airplanes. He also told Santa all about his injured thumb and had to have Santa kiss it to make it feel better. Brit was watching a movie on the ipad the other day and I looked over and saw this. Why? Jeremy and I are so blessed to have these cuties&#46...


Bergeson Family: February 2014


Saturday, February 22, 2014. Mimi and Papa come to Visit with Cousin Kirk! He enjoyed having mimi's ipad, going to bed late every night, and being able to wrestle with his cousin. We took the boys swimming, to Kangaroo zoo, and they ended every night in Uncle Marty's hot tub! Needless to say they had so much fun. We were sad to see them go today! Here are some pictures of our adventures! Kids with Mimi and Papa - Kirk was thrilled to be taking more pictures. Kids with their favorite uncle- Uncle Marty.


Bergeson Family: May 2014


Wednesday, May 28, 2014. May Fun- Lots of Updates. He is one loved and one spoiled little boy. He is an absolute joy and we love him to the moon and back! The poster we made for school: His best friend Camden, he wants to be a superhero when he grows up, his stuffed dog is Scruffy, his favorite color is red, favorite book is dinosaur time, favorite food is chicken nuggets and watermelon. We love this beautiful girl and are so thankful for her! Excited to be getting dressed.little did she know. At the end...


Bergeson Family: Changes


Monday, July 27, 2015. The last two months have flown by and been full of exciting changes for us! We are so thankful for the knowledge that God is mindful of our little family and ever present in our lives. There were moments of uncertainty the past few months, but He was a constant source of comfort and direction. I have no doubts that He is aware of our family and guiding our footsteps. The biggest change is that Jeremy has switched jobs and is no longer on the night shift at UPS. HUGE BLESSING! And t...





stowellfamadventures.blogspot.com stowellfamadventures.blogspot.com

Stowell Family Adventures: November 2010


All about my life as a parent of a very adventurous toddler boy, an amazing little girl and as a wife of a truckin' man. and whatever else I seem to find amusing enough to post. Thursday, November 11, 2010. I swear I say this every post almost, but life just gets away from me. All my days are blending together and I haven't been able to keep up on the blog as well as I want to. I have been going to the Chiropractor. Multiple times a week since the beginning. Slow where we are wondering if he should just ...

stowellfamadventures.blogspot.com stowellfamadventures.blogspot.com

Stowell Family Adventures: July 2011


All about my life as a parent of a very adventurous toddler boy, an amazing little girl and as a wife of a truckin' man. and whatever else I seem to find amusing enough to post. Saturday, July 23, 2011. I don't know about your family, but for my family, summer is always so busy. I don't get a chance to post much. So here is a quick re-cap of our summer this far. Ride there - the kids love Love LOVED it! Too close for his comfort. We had a blast despite. 2 Around the 4 th. She wanted to catch some candy&#...

stowellfamadventures.blogspot.com stowellfamadventures.blogspot.com

Stowell Family Adventures: April 2011


All about my life as a parent of a very adventurous toddler boy, an amazing little girl and as a wife of a truckin' man. and whatever else I seem to find amusing enough to post. Wednesday, April 6, 2011. The last month Maysie. To say the prayer whether. Turn to say the prayer and she will just start saying her own little prayer as loud as she can to drown out the other person conversing with Heavenly Father. Lately her prayers have been something to this effect. " Heavenly. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom).

stowellfamadventures.blogspot.com stowellfamadventures.blogspot.com

Stowell Family Adventures: January 2011


All about my life as a parent of a very adventurous toddler boy, an amazing little girl and as a wife of a truckin' man. and whatever else I seem to find amusing enough to post. Monday, January 17, 2011. The Best 6 Years. Rob and I celebrated our 6 th. It was actually alot. Of fun, and we actually found a few things that we actually agreed upon. Normally we have 2 completely different tastes in this category. The view of Temple Square from the top of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building ( JSMB. We have see...

stowellfamadventures.blogspot.com stowellfamadventures.blogspot.com

Stowell Family Adventures: March 2011


All about my life as a parent of a very adventurous toddler boy, an amazing little girl and as a wife of a truckin' man. and whatever else I seem to find amusing enough to post. Friday, March 25, 2011. Happy Birthday To Camden! Then shopping at Zurchers. To complete the festivities by way of decorations. When we got home, Rob took the kids on a 4-wheeler ride around our culdasac. And then they just got to play outside. (The weather. Decided on a crocodile one the day before his big day. So it looked ok.

stowellfamadventures.blogspot.com stowellfamadventures.blogspot.com

Stowell Family Adventures: Preschool Christmas Program


All about my life as a parent of a very adventurous toddler boy, an amazing little girl and as a wife of a truckin' man. and whatever else I seem to find amusing enough to post. Sunday, December 30, 2012. This is a picture of Maysie and her preschool class (the front row) right before the program started. Little kids are the cutest! Look how cute they are! As Buddy the Elf would say. It's GINORMOUS! After the program, we took Maysie out for a celebratory dinner to the Chuck - but I am guessing since we h...

stowellfamadventures.blogspot.com stowellfamadventures.blogspot.com

Stowell Family Adventures: All Tucked In


All about my life as a parent of a very adventurous toddler boy, an amazing little girl and as a wife of a truckin' man. and whatever else I seem to find amusing enough to post. Wednesday, January 2, 2013. Last night I went to check on Maysie before I went to bed, this is what I found. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Rob is such an. Our lovable daughter is becoming quite the little. She was born in June of 2008 as. Our son is our little miracle. Born 9 weeks premature, in March of 2010 he has bec...

stowellfamadventures.blogspot.com stowellfamadventures.blogspot.com

Stowell Family Adventures: Resolutions


All about my life as a parent of a very adventurous toddler boy, an amazing little girl and as a wife of a truckin' man. and whatever else I seem to find amusing enough to post. Monday, December 31, 2012. Is it really considered a resolution if you bribe yourself to stay committed to your goals? Do we always strive for the impossible or unattainable goal? Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Rob is such an. Man He is super talented and really smart. He loves to play card games, especially Pinnacle, an...

stowellfamadventures.blogspot.com stowellfamadventures.blogspot.com

Stowell Family Adventures: Happy Happy UN-Birthday Maysie dear!


All about my life as a parent of a very adventurous toddler boy, an amazing little girl and as a wife of a truckin' man. and whatever else I seem to find amusing enough to post. Sunday, December 30, 2012. Happy Happy UN-Birthday Maysie dear! Anyways. to make this book for her, I asked her a series of questions. Here is what she answered (In the book, we added pictures of her that went along with the question). What is your favorite thing about birthdays? What is your favorite thing to do with Dad? 4th of...

stowellfamadventures.blogspot.com stowellfamadventures.blogspot.com

Stowell Family Adventures: Christmas


All about my life as a parent of a very adventurous toddler boy, an amazing little girl and as a wife of a truckin' man. and whatever else I seem to find amusing enough to post. Sunday, December 30, 2012. Its that time of year again, I guess that the end of the world didn't happen like some predicted, but that is completely alright with me because then I could have a Christmas that was super FANtabulous! So I took the kids to the in-laws for games and craziness! Here it the kids opening up their gifts fr...





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Jonathan S. Berck, LLC

Jonathan S. Berck, LLC. Jonathan S. Berck, LLC. Welcome to Jonathan S. Berck, LLC, a commercial law firm dedicated to the practice of law in the humanist tradition and located in Manhattan and Beacon, New York. Jonathan S. Berck, Esq. Manhattan and Beacon,new york. The law as humanist pursuit. This website contains attorney advertising.

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jsberge.blogspot.com jsberge.blogspot.com

Play, Eat, Work, Sleep: The Berge Way

Play, Eat, Work, Sleep: The Berge Way. No rhyme or reason, only us. Monday, December 26, 2011. 2 weeks ago, Samuel John was born! T is a great big brother and somehow I love him more even while loving this perfect newborn. John and I have had wonderful help from our parents. I'm ok with the honeymoon lasting for as long as possible. Samuel was born in 12/12/11, sharing a birthday with Ole Tobias Berge (John's grandpa) and is the 12th grandchild on John's side of the family, 2nd on my side. Our Easter Day...

jsbergerblog.blogspot.com jsbergerblog.blogspot.com

Berger Blog

Wednesday, June 27, 2012. We have been SO busy around here. Josh was out of town for 5 days last week, so I had my first solo adventure with two kids. I was exhausted by the end of each day, and even though he got back on Sunday I'm still not quite feeling fully recuperated. Last week Bon turned 2 months old! I don't love this pic, but it's the only one with all of us in it. so I'm using it. Not that you didn't do an excellent job with the picture, Rach (Ben? I've been hyping it up to him for about a mon...

jsbergeson.blogspot.com jsbergeson.blogspot.com

Bergeson Family

Monday, July 27, 2015. The last two months have flown by and been full of exciting changes for us! We are so thankful for the knowledge that God is mindful of our little family and ever present in our lives. There were moments of uncertainty the past few months, but He was a constant source of comfort and direction. I have no doubts that He is aware of our family and guiding our footsteps. The biggest change is that Jeremy has switched jobs and is no longer on the night shift at UPS. HUGE BLESSING! And t...

jsberi.com jsberi.com

Jazdecká škola Beri

Začína jar a s ňou tá najpôvabnejšia príroda, ktorú môžete sledovať z konského chrbta práve u nás! Jar je najlepším obdobím na začatie s jazdením na koni.:-). Na svoje si prídu všetci od najmenších až po dospelých.Nenechajte si ujsť tie najkrajšie vychádzky do okolia Novej Bane či absolvovanie základneho aj špecializovaného výcviku práve pod dohľadom kvalifikovaného inštruktora jedine u nás! Individuálny prístup, kone vhodné pre každú vekovú kategóriu vám zaručia nezabudnuteľný zážitok. Foto z našej školy.

jsberlin.org jsberlin.org

Eltern-Blog | …für die Eltern der Johannes-Schule Berlin

8230;für die Eltern der Johannes-Schule Berlin. Klassenspiel 12. Klasse Dez. 2015. Danke an Heléna (Kamera) und Frank von Glahn für den Schnitt! Dieser Beitrag wurde unter Allgemein. Elternabend Medienkompetenz und was können wir dafür tun? Den gemeinsamen Anfang macht ein Impulsreferat (45 min.) von Herrn Normann, zu aktuellen Fragen und Gesichtspunkten. Anschließend Fortsetzung in den Klassenelternschaften nach konkreter, altersgemäßer Sachlage. Informationen und Materialien zum EA Medienkompetenz.

jsbern.ch jsbern.ch

Home - Jagdschützen Bern

Clubs, Vereine, Partner. Rangliste Maurice Tabet 2015. Rangliste Grand Prix de Berne 2015. Wafe Wildi Trophy 2015. Neue Karte Restaurant Bergfeld. Montag, 10. August 2015. Es ist zweifellos die schönste Jagdschiessanlage der Schweiz. Im öffentlichen Restaurant "Jagdschützenstube" können Sie während der Schiesszeiten jederzeit essen und trinken, Freunde treffen und über die Jagd oder das Schiesswesen philosophieren. Für Jungjäger des Kantons Bern und der umgebenden Kantone sind sämtliche Disziplinen für e...

jsbernal.blogspot.com jsbernal.blogspot.com

La Buhardilla de Tristán

La Buhardilla de Tristán. Canción de la semana. Jueves, 4 de agosto de 2011. Existen días que son especialmente felices o que nos evocan cosas que celebrar que nos llenan como personas. Para mí, hoy es uno de estos. Y, además, lo es por un doble motivo. Por un lado, la Buhardilla hoy cumple TRES. El segundo motivo es aún más importante para mí. Hoy se cumplen los seis meses. Así que, con la sonrisa en mi rostro, os digo ¡GRACIAS! Reflexiones de hoy (XII): A vueltas con la sanidad pública. 8220;Hay más pr...

jsbernard.blogspot.com jsbernard.blogspot.com

J & S Bernard + One

J and S Bernard One. Monday, April 7, 2008. I will not begin this with an apology as i am actually early as you can tell by the post title. i said i would try to keep up atleast once a month and i am over a week early! Lots of updates to do though.i will do the weeklys first. here is 32 weeks. Next came easter-i think? Sp and papas for lunch. we had a great time and memere got him the cutest outfit. Then was our weekend away. we have been needing some family time alone as we are waiting for our house...