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n0thiNg in tHe woRld is frEe aNd monEy doeSnT brinG haPpineSs

N0thiNg in tHe woRld is frEe aNd monEy doeSnT brinG haPpineSs. Monday, June 02, 2008. Im holding on this 3 yrs promise and a yr has past. In 2 yrs time i will not be called a lady but a wife. If I and him marries though. Our relationship has gone thru alot of ups and downs, entangled love circle, happiness and sadness, scandalism, financial matters.etc. But no matter wat happens I will always love him heart and soul.To me, he is the ONE. Sunday, January 13, 2008. Tuesday, January 01, 2008. The nights tha...














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n0thiNg in tHe woRld is frEe aNd monEy doeSnT brinG haPpineSs | junaidahrahim.blogspot.com Reviews
N0thiNg in tHe woRld is frEe aNd monEy doeSnT brinG haPpineSs. Monday, June 02, 2008. Im holding on this 3 yrs promise and a yr has past. In 2 yrs time i will not be called a lady but a wife. If I and him marries though. Our relationship has gone thru alot of ups and downs, entangled love circle, happiness and sadness, scandalism, financial matters.etc. But no matter wat happens I will always love him heart and soul.To me, he is the ONE. Sunday, January 13, 2008. Tuesday, January 01, 2008. The nights tha...
1 3 yrs promise
2 posted by junaidah
3 no comments
4 27th january
5 he's getting married
6 took it seriously
7 if only
8 amin
9 thank you
10 yawn
Page content here
3 yrs promise,posted by junaidah,no comments,27th january,he's getting married,took it seriously,if only,amin,thank you,yawn,oh god,older posts,blog archive,october,about me,junaidah

n0thiNg in tHe woRld is frEe aNd monEy doeSnT brinG haPpineSs | junaidahrahim.blogspot.com Reviews


N0thiNg in tHe woRld is frEe aNd monEy doeSnT brinG haPpineSs. Monday, June 02, 2008. Im holding on this 3 yrs promise and a yr has past. In 2 yrs time i will not be called a lady but a wife. If I and him marries though. Our relationship has gone thru alot of ups and downs, entangled love circle, happiness and sadness, scandalism, financial matters.etc. But no matter wat happens I will always love him heart and soul.To me, he is the ONE. Sunday, January 13, 2008. Tuesday, January 01, 2008. The nights tha...


junaidahrahim.blogspot.com junaidahrahim.blogspot.com

n0thiNg in tHe woRld is frEe aNd monEy doeSnT brinG haPpineSs


N0thiNg in tHe woRld is frEe aNd monEy doeSnT brinG haPpineSs. Thursday, June 14, 2007. Feeling sleepy but yet couldnt sleep.Y? MY HP IS FLAT! Can u imagine that i actually forgot to bring back my charger from werk n i play game at my hp ysterday. I was so confident that i can charge wen i play Sudoku till i fell asleep.ARGH! I juz couldnt live without my HP! As imagine he msg but nvr reply wt will he tinks? That i dun want to tok to him? Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Sitting at home shake.


n0thiNg in tHe woRld is frEe aNd monEy doeSnT brinG haPpineSs


N0thiNg in tHe woRld is frEe aNd monEy doeSnT brinG haPpineSs. Tuesday, January 01, 2008. Happy New Year everyone.Its been long time that i have blog.Many thoughts in my mind but its juz cant be put into words as words are sharp like a knife that can pierced someone's heart. I had enuff of this last yr. its time to turn over. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). 27th January. The day I will always remember.pe . Happy New Year everyone.Its been long time that i . View my complete profile.


n0thiNg in tHe woRld is frEe aNd monEy doeSnT brinG haPpineSs


N0thiNg in tHe woRld is frEe aNd monEy doeSnT brinG haPpineSs. Thursday, November 01, 2007. 9 yrs past n my feelings towards him will nvr change.walaupun kita tk bertemu sua.sekadar kedengaran suara di hp.I do really miss him.Org ckp FIRST LOVE NEVER CHANGE.it will still be with you no matter where u r.Its juz he nvr. Nice words are heard for the first time from him.selama nie wt i get i kutuk2 n gurau2.WHY NOW? Oh Tuhan, kenapa dugaan yang begini Kamu berikan pada hamba? 9 yrs past n my feelings to.


n0thiNg in tHe woRld is frEe aNd monEy doeSnT brinG haPpineSs: September 2006


N0thiNg in tHe woRld is frEe aNd monEy doeSnT brinG haPpineSs. Tuesday, September 05, 2006. Dia insan pertama yang bertakhta. Dia insan pertama yang kucinta. Dia pernah membuatku bahagia. Dia yang dulu pernah kusanjungi. Pergi sehingga kini tak berganti. Hilang dari pandangan hidup ini. Membawa luka pedih tak terperi. Menjadi keruh dengan tiba-tiba. Antara aku dan dia. Cinta terhalang oleh orang tua. Kini terkilan sungguh rasa hati. Dia tak pernah lagi ku temui. Dia ku abadikan dalam jiwa.


n0thiNg in tHe woRld is frEe aNd monEy doeSnT brinG haPpineSs


N0thiNg in tHe woRld is frEe aNd monEy doeSnT brinG haPpineSs. Sunday, January 13, 2008. The day I will always remember.pe nyer tk.MY OWN BIRTHDAY! This yr i will be turning 24 and dah byk kenangan terjadi setahun yg lalu. Tinking of making a party celebration this yr but ngok budget dulu.haiz. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). 27th January. The day I will always remember.pe . Happy New Year everyone.Its been long time that i . View my complete profile. Awesome Inc. theme. Powered by Blogger.





beeutifool.blogspot.com beeutifool.blogspot.com

Seal your lips with mine: Yup, I am!


November 10, 2008. Yup, I am! Pple ard asked me if "I am" or not? Well, the answer I gave was usually a big NO. Can I take that back pls? After I returned from KT's place masa jln2 hari raya, aku bilang B yg aku nio tak puas hati, sama ada aku ni makin gemuk, ataupun ada sebab2 lain yang menunjukkan "I am". So off we went to Guardian Wlds Mart to buy the HPT. Sampai je pat umah, aku pun buatlah test tu, tak kisah hari dah jauh malam. Nak puaskan hatinye pasal kan. Sekali betul dah. I am preggie again!

beeutifool.blogspot.com beeutifool.blogspot.com

Seal your lips with mine: April 2008


April 09, 2008. Kudos to my lil' Malay dancers from Wellington Pri Sch. We managed to maintain the GOLD award this year! Tak sia-sia Ayu and Jaja (the 2 committed instructors! Datang pagi dan petang, sacrifice their Saturdays, untuk ajar and polish up the dance with budak2 WPS. Thanks again, babes! It has been wonderful working with you girls. To Sarah, thanks for taking the time to gosok budak-budaknye samping, glu the tepak, etc. To the parents, thanks for ur support. We really appreciate it! Subscribe...

beeutifool.blogspot.com beeutifool.blogspot.com

Seal your lips with mine: May 2008


May 16, 2008. Beware. This is a super-loooooong entry. It was scheduled to be on Labour Day but…. My girl decided to pop out earlier. No. Correction. The DOCTOR wanted her to come out earlier. He was worried as my girl wasn’t active and doesn’t respond even when the vibrator thingy was put on my tummy. The ctg reading wasn’t good either. Sebab belom ada tanda2 lagi. Belom ada dia kata? My parents and my MIL came and then when I was sent to the LW, they went to Tekka to eat. Geram je aku dengar. D...Was t...

beeutifool.blogspot.com beeutifool.blogspot.com

Seal your lips with mine: July 2009


July 28, 2009. It's juz suspected onli mah. Even if I do kena d H1N1, it's fine. The virus is already everywhere. Not surprised at all. And so, d Doc said if in 2 days fever is still present, do come back and get the swab test. Haiz. More money to be spent. I miss my babies! I miss Mysha, missing Irfan. like a lot! Hubby had to go work. Had to. I'm bored w/o them. My bro celebrated his b'day alone this year. Yeah, they had the same birth date. Hmm. life has to go on. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom).

beeutifool.blogspot.com beeutifool.blogspot.com

Seal your lips with mine: October 2009


October 14, 2009. Letting go of her. my pink scooter. After much consideration, I've finally decided to let go of her. My very first baby. Baby scooter not my baby girl, ok! Anyone interested or knows anyone tat mite be interested, pls PM me ya. For those of u who knows my hp no, juz gimme a ring. Bought my darling Vespa ET8 on Dec 2004 at $6.1K. Please note that the buyer can negotiate the price with me but all transfer costs will be borne by the buyer. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). And she listens to.

beeutifool.blogspot.com beeutifool.blogspot.com

Seal your lips with mine: July 2007


July 28, 2007. Syabas kepada Salifian, Khairunnisa dan Syazwani! They managed to grab the 2nd place for Bercerita Berkumpulan Kreatif at the annual N7 Malay Literacy Competition. I'm very proud of you all! Yes, Syazwani and Nisa, kalau ada lagi peraduan serupa itu, saya akan beritahu kamu ya. Love you girls! Will update the pics soon. Wan, cepat2 upload the pictures. ;). July 27, 2007. Oh ya Forgot to mention. Missing them lah. KT, i miss ur shout-outs! Wan, aku bored lah tkde teman gosip! July 24, 2007.

beeutifool.blogspot.com beeutifool.blogspot.com

Seal your lips with mine: March 2008


March 17, 2008. Congrats to my best gf, Nurul! She finally burst out a baby boy on the 16th March 2008, 0015 hrs. So, what's his name, gf? Macam mana agaknya rupa anak kau and Hairul eh? Have yet to visit her though. Sejak-semenjak ni, asyik2 noneng je kepala aku ni. Kadang-kadang tu berpeluh-peluh mcm nak pengsan! Lepas ni, kita leh bawak pram, carrier, etc, gi jalan-jalan! Anxiously waiting for my turn. March 12, 2008. I still look radiant, right? Families, friends and colleagues are predicting that I'...

beeutifool.blogspot.com beeutifool.blogspot.com

Seal your lips with mine: October 2008


October 31, 2008. It's quite a while now since my last update. Almaklum jelah. Aku sibuk with work, with family, nak social lagik. Lagipun, rumah aku dah takde internet. Bile aku dah finally have MY HOUSE, selepas si seller tu dah dihalau, I will update frequently. When I'm at my parents', malas pulak nak update. So tired lah nowadays. Baru je 4 bulan aku bawak motor, motor aku dah kena rampas by my Baba lagi. So, now, I get driven around by him. Hahaha! Tau aku tak bilang dia lah. Never give up, ya.

beeutifool.blogspot.com beeutifool.blogspot.com

Seal your lips with mine: January 2008


January 15, 2008. Ada apa pada semua ni? So wat if u're from RI, Victoria, or wateva good sch there is here? Tolong jawab. Apa yg buat kau rasa kau tu istimewa sangat? Apa kau ingat budak2 neighbourhood sch tak boleh maju? Budak2 ITE (yg habiskan ok, bukan yg separuh jalan) tu semua sampah masyarakat? Korang panggil aku bodoh, mesti tak leh make it among my other sedaras, but look what I am now and where I stand amongst you. I am so pissed off. F*ck! Wat was that you said to my brother? Happiness resides...

beeutifool.blogspot.com beeutifool.blogspot.com

Seal your lips with mine: Suspected...


July 28, 2009. It's juz suspected onli mah. Even if I do kena d H1N1, it's fine. The virus is already everywhere. Not surprised at all. And so, d Doc said if in 2 days fever is still present, do come back and get the swab test. Haiz. More money to be spent. I miss my babies! I miss Mysha, missing Irfan. like a lot! Hubby had to go work. Had to. I'm bored w/o them. My bro celebrated his b'day alone this year. Yeah, they had the same birth date. Hmm. life has to go on. View my complete profile.





junaidahjusoh.blogspot.com junaidahjusoh.blogspot.com


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MaMa MoDeN:Dunia Dah Maju Zaman Dah Berubah

MaMa MoDeN:Dunia Dah Maju Zaman Dah Berubah. Email : junemrh@yahoo.com.my. MySpace 2.0 Layouts. Selamat Datang ke Blog Mama Moden. 3 Tahun Telah Berlalu. Bagai dibawa angin lalu. Pergi menjauh pasti takkan kembali. Kenangan kan tetap menjadi kenangan. Yang indah jauh tersimpan dilubuk hati. Yang manis kan tetap bersemadi. Suka duka silih berganti. Jatuh bangun bertatih kadang rebah kembali. Hidup ini sebuah suratan. Ketentuan Tuhan bagaikan pengorbanan. Apa jua buruk baik yg Tuhan kurniakan. Sedar tak se...

junaidahmarni.com junaidahmarni.com


JUBAH/DRESS FOR BF MOM. Your Trusted SID Junaidah 016-2202565 . Powered by Blogger. MASALAH : DARAH TINGGI and KOLESTROL. Kenapa kita perlukan Omega Guard Shaklee. Kenapa kita perlukan Omega Guard Shaklee. Adalah minyak ikan terbaik di dunia. Banyak Kebaikan dan keistimewaan Omega Guard Shaklee ini. Ia boleh diamalkan untuk seisi keluarga. Sepatutnya setiap rumah mesti ada sebotol minyak ikan Omega Guard ini. Kalau sebut Omega Guard Shaklee. Sebelum itu mari kita berkenalan dulu dengan Omega-3. Kadang-ka...

junaidahmeed.wordpress.com junaidahmeed.wordpress.com

Talash تلاش | Junaid Ahmed's Blog Page

Junaid Ahmed's Blog Page. December 26, 2011. PTI Tsunami in Karachi and MQM. I need to start with so-called controversy. Why Imran Khan is not opposing MQM? In addition, MQM political control is only limited to Karachi and Hyderabad. Whereas, compared to PPP and PML-N, together they have political control in all 4 provinces including Azad Kashmir. Therefore, why should Imran Khan and its party PTI focus on MQM? PTI gave huge respect to senior political figure Javed Hashmi. When he entered the Jalsa G...

junaidahmuteh.webnode.com junaidahmuteh.webnode.com


SELAMAT DATANG KE LAMAN CIKGU JUNE. Adakah anda menhadapi masalh untuk mendapatkan nota rujukan atau ingin mendapatkan tips-tips peperiksaan dan panduan melaksanakan kerja kursus geografi? Anda boleh melayari laman ini dan mendapatkan apa yang anda perlukan. Sila kongsikan pandangan anda tentang laman Cikgu ini. Adakah saya telah membantu anda? Eventstop(event);" title="Vote for this" Ya. saya berpuas hati. Terima kasih. Eventstop(event);" title="Vote for this". Eventstop(event);" title="Vote for this".

junaidahrahim.blogspot.com junaidahrahim.blogspot.com

n0thiNg in tHe woRld is frEe aNd monEy doeSnT brinG haPpineSs

N0thiNg in tHe woRld is frEe aNd monEy doeSnT brinG haPpineSs. Monday, June 02, 2008. Im holding on this 3 yrs promise and a yr has past. In 2 yrs time i will not be called a lady but a wife. If I and him marries though. Our relationship has gone thru alot of ups and downs, entangled love circle, happiness and sadness, scandalism, financial matters.etc. But no matter wat happens I will always love him heart and soul.To me, he is the ONE. Sunday, January 13, 2008. Tuesday, January 01, 2008. The nights tha...

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Find the best information and most relevant links on all topics related to custmodcars.com. This domain may be for sale!

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:-) :-) :-)

Jom Buat Duit Dengan Jadi Affiliate :-). On Saturday, January 23, 2010. Anda tahu apa itu Affilate? Affilate adalah satu bentuk Bisness. Melalaui program affilate, kite bertindak sebagai jurujual siber kepada produk-produk yang terdapat di internet dan mendapat komisen daripadaya. kita boleh memilih sebanyak mana program yang ingin disertai serta produk yang ingin dijual kepada bakal pelanggan di seluruh dunia. Anda mesti ingin mengetahui apa yang dijual oleh kami. Herba digunakan untuk merawat:-. PE LAG...

junaidakhtar.com junaidakhtar.com

Home - Junaid Akhtar's Personal blog

I am passionate about technology and how it is changing the way we live and see information. My goal and the reason for going in to IT business was just one, I wanted to do more then what was out there. I am always looking to go to the next step and build a business, which is solid and weather tested. Create formulas for success for myself and for my precious clients. I am in control no matter what and never give up no matter the odds. MPhil in Chemical Pathology. CEO PkTeam From: 2005 - Present Day.

junaidakhtar.weebly.com junaidakhtar.weebly.com

Junaid Akhtar - Home

Welcome to Junaid Akhtar. Has worked on deputation. In the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) under Ministry of Human Resource Development as a Computer Programmer-Cum-Planning and Monitoring Officer (CPPMO). During the period, he worked as a coordinator for the NCTE online activities, and. NCTE had taken initiative in the direction of e-governance for information sharing and transparency in the dealing and functioning, streamlining the procedures and accountability to time frame execution of ...

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Junaid Alam

Travel India,Marketing news services India,business news India,SEO Services India,Health News,Latest Search Engine Marketing news strategy SEM,wildlife,Travel Information,all news. India is blessed with rich bio – diversity. India holds many travel spots,beaches,monuments,histricla plces,national parks and wildlife sanctuaries etc. Plan Your Trip Now. Contact Our Tour Consultant for Itinerary Planning, Suggestions, Price Quote, Bookings. Honeymoon Packages Offered With Unlimited Exciteme. And Kerala hone...