Inet-Pub - Web Design, Web Development, Data Warehousing/Reporting, IS Consulting, Small Business Networking, based in Lexington, Kentucky
Creative Educational Concepts, Inc. CECI is a continuing education company which provides education opportunities from medical professionals. Inet-Pub has assisted CECI in most all of their IT needs, from their website to their network setup to a comprehensive database which aids CECI in tracking their programs and participants. Just recently we have begun assisting with their live programs by providing audience response capabilities. Kentucky Association of Blood Banks. 1795 Alysheba Way Suite 7205.
Websites of Interest
Officers and Board Information. TABB Constitution and By-Laws. Clifford I. Argall Scholarship. Membership in TABB and E-Gripps - Online. Membership in TABB and E-Grips - Downloadable. Event Topics - Speakers. Hotel Info - Nashville. Fall Meeting Registration - Online. Fall Meeting Registration - Downloadable. 50th Year Anniversary (2021). The following web sites may be of sources of information to those interested in blood banking. Click on the link of your choice. American Association of Blood Banks.
General Information
Officers and Board Information. TABB Constitution and By-Laws. Clifford I. Argall Scholarship. Membership in TABB and E-Gripps - Online. Membership in TABB and E-Grips - Downloadable. Event Topics - Speakers. Hotel Info - Nashville. Fall Meeting Registration - Online. Fall Meeting Registration - Downloadable. 50th Year Anniversary (2021). The following web sites may be of sources of information to those interested in blood banking. Click on the link of your choice. American Association of Blood Banks.