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Current Range: 17 / 6 / (1902906 - 1902957)

1902906. Foodscape
At Tan Dao Coffee Shop, a Discussion About the Relations between Sexes. Inkjet on canvas, 30x40 inch. Poem by Leung Ping-kwan. English translation by Martha Cheung). Portrait of a Chopboard. Inkjet on canvas, 30x40 inch. Poem by Leung Ping-kwan. English translation by Martha Cheung). Pun Choi on New Year's Eve. Inkjet on canvas, 30x40 inch. Poem by Leung Ping-kwan. English translation by Martha Cheung). Mum says, 'Come home for dinner tonight.". Inkjet on canvas, 30x40 inch. Poem by Leung Ping-kwan.
1902908. 李家昇圖本雜事俳句 PICTURE HAIKU
Click here to view more works by Lee Ka-sing. 從MOCCA旁邊一間小屋的窗子想開去(MOCCA於今年八月,會自Queen West現址遷出). Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). 倒序讀陳黎跨世紀詩選(1974-2014)。在反清復明,或失明(正如你說)之間。唐詩不一定是甜;讀宋詞烹餸,美酒佳肴華麗,也總有人喜歡清菜淡飯。有個小秘密予你:我們喜歡的人包括你;滿腦子弧綫的Henrik Drescher;寫攝影的飯澤耕太郎(也熱衷磨菰及寫詩);講巴哈的Robert Greenberg都是出生於1954(其實我也是同年). 從MOCCA旁邊一間小屋的窗子想開去(MOCCA於今年八月,會自Queen West現址遷出). 在讀兩冊Bob Black從台北帶回來的邱剛健遺作詩集《亡妻,Z,和雜念》《再淫蕩出發的時候》。嘗試找出遠年剪存邱發表在《70雙週刊》的詩件,不獲. 圖書館借來武田雅哉《新千年圖像晚會》,早年買過他的《飛翔吧! 大清帝國》及《桃源鄕的機械學》。真像一名不結領帶愛騎單車的漢學家. 在圖書館看到《洛夫詩全集&#1229...
1902910. Lee Ka-sing (MOVIOLA)
It all began with a winged-man trying to start a conversation with Oscar, #A20160228. Size: 47x46.5 inch. Composition of 234 pieces of photo square (2.5"x2.5"x1.5" each). MOVIOLA, an installation at INDEXG, February 28, 2016. The First Story has Four Corners, #A201508. Size: 47x46.5 inch. Composition of 234 pieces of photo square (2.5"x2.5"x1.5" each). MOVIOLA, an installation at INDEXG, August, 2015. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom).
1902911. Photographs 1981-93
An Installation on Light Path. 610mm x 610mm, c-type photograph. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). The Red Thread Going from One Point to Another. The View Point From a Piece of Red Rubber Band. An Installation on Light Path. Four Stanzas of a Poem. 35 Objects and the Two Versions of Footnote. Two Objects Inside the Washroom of My Studio. A Presumed Unpolluted Period Between the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival. Hello, Hong Kong.
1902913. Polaroid, Postcard, Photograph (a picture novel 圖像話本連載)
我想採夾子裡的材料寫個話本連載。不依序次也無標點符號。你踏進來的時候也許剛才正是一個章回的段落。 Polaroid. Ka-sing, Holly and Tomio Nitto (his solo exhibition at INDEXG, 2006). Labels 名目: -PHOTOGRAPH-. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). Frog King 郭孟浩 蛙王. Leong Ka Tai 梁家泰. Leung Ping-kwan 梁秉鈞 也斯. So Hing Keung 蘇慶強. Tommy Li Kam-fai 李錦煇.
1902915. Lee Ka-sing (SMALL SONGS IN THE POCKET)
This series consists of new writes as well as works from MOUNTAIN SONG, a suite of pictures I made in 2011. Works are untitled. Somehow, these small songs were not meant for being heavy-weighted. To receive updates of New. Posts, subscribe at leekasing12345. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom).
1902917. 图花源记
65288;图花源记)一首诗是否适宜作多媒体表演我还是怀疑(当然,有种植物是培植来代替气油的那又作别论),至於它是否因此而推广了诗我想大概都不是事实。假若因此他拍了一个好电影,那原著小说当然可记一功,但毕竟好电影即是好电影,世界并没有奇迹地多人读起小说来。 65288;图花源记)八九十年代我们迷恋阳光。很多工作照片都以阳光为光源,甚至在影室也用一支很大功率的鎂光灯模拟阳光作为唯一光源。至於不想要光的地方我们就设计东西把光遮挡去了,所以拍照布灯的过程也即是布置障碍物的过程。我们称此为减光法。关於这点却后来被一些人理解成为政治觉悟。 65288;图花源记)開始迷上杜象是八十年代有一回在紐約現代美術館小賣部買了他的一組(六張)題目叫Rotoreliefs(1935)的複製品。之後,在他的不同作品裡找到了旋轉物的印證。至於後來我想的環迴使用,無終極論等等,都不外是這些複製物的引伸而已。 65288;图花源记)欲想从一尊磁器游出来的鱼。假若你没有想好,那只会是另一个花瓶而已。 65288;图花源记)今早收到姚瑞中寄来的新书作品录「恨缠绵」(姚瑞中&#6529...65288;图花源记)读&#1230...
1902918. 4 Photographs after an Invitational Tour to Xinjiang
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1902919. 李家昇博物志之「彈簧軸冊頁」
47 羽仁未央,溫子,垂水景. 90年代在香港,大概相若的一個時期認識了三位日本朋友:羽仁未央,溫子,垂水景。羽仁未央乃著名導演羽仁進之女,未央於去年(2014)不幸去世。溫子與香港的攝影朋友也較熟絡。1994「中港台當代攝影展」,飯澤耕太郎特意來港看展覽,便是由溫子當翻譯。垂水景熱衷有關電子平台創作事項,當時我們正在出版「秩智」,一份發表數碼平台創作版物。「秩智」與「女那禾多」的模式一樣,但卻是附刊在邱良出版的「攝影藝術」。垂水景訪港的時候同時也認識了設計師李永詮,他們促成了一份很好的出版物「Visual Quest」。 45 飯澤耕太郎詩集「茸日記」. 飯澤耕太郎也寫詩。他的詩集「茸日記」於1996年6月出版,是年9月他訪港的時候送了我一冊。詩集由三月兔社出版,開度130mmx214mm,內文共48頁,小巧精緻,硬皮簡精裝外有護套。卷末有自述小文,其中提到十多年來從事攝影評論工作,與詩漸漸疏遠。 44 飯澤耕太郎「寫真表現的現況」. 43 飯澤耕太郎「都市之視線」增補版袋裝本. 及後多次與荒木經惟會面也試過在不同的酒吧。酒吧彷如他的會客室,不過也有不的類型,...荒木向著我們那邊又拍了一些照片&#1...
1902920. zFICTION
In earlier days, a sky tower was built from the clouds down instead of from the ground up. The giant work of architectural was pushed downwards into soil in the same way as we drive a push-pin into drywall. In earlier days,a sky tower was built from the clouds down instead of from the ground up. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). A double-decker tram passed by the tall building which was mysteriously on fire. A metal caterpillar walking across. A tiny notebook last summer. Balloon behind window grids. He dove s...
1902921. Lee Ka-sing
1902922. 李家昇博物志之交換眼神博客
平安夜,在網誌貼了一張照片,那是關於一道,在該天剛完成了部份工程的牆。回想起來,照片正好為我在2012年寫的一首詩其中兩行扮演著一份圖本註腳。 牆所在之處,正是詩中提到的「通道」。至於「高力麥高道」,多倫多友人Gary Michael Dault 也。 Dault 算是加拿大活躍藝評人,在多倫多大報Globe and Mail 寫了十多年的藝評專欄,幾年前卻被停了。不是因為他寫得不好,時勢改變,報紙要配合網上版換個策略改變模式是也。Dault 鼓譟是想當然。他也寫詩繪畫。在我的畫廊做過好幾回展覽,包括2006年他展出了一組繪畫在食品包裝盒子的抽象山水- 「AN HOUR OF LANDSCAPE PAINTING: NEW 1-MINUTE PAINTINGS ON CEREAL BOXES」。 這句是接承上面寫到的通道。詩的一個部份是寫畫廊的狀況,提到的天氣也是精神的寒暑表罷。詩還寫到一眾友人在畫廊的不同活動:李炳,荒木經惟,杜可風,又一山人,也斯,羅輝等。 辦「火鍔」的時候我還在中學階段,沒有參與甚麼活動。後來伙關夢南辦了「秋螢&...訂閱: 文章 (Atom). 國共爭奪編輯部 考證香港報業 文&...
1902923. 李家昇 Lee Ka-sing 12345
Pointed to my blog. Scroll down to view. Of the list, use Older Posts. At bottom for previous pages. Http:/ 5.html. Http:/ Http:/ Http:/ Http:/ Https:/ TIME MACHINE 20170812-05928 (vocabulary).
生於1954年, 多年從事攝影創作。攝影刊物《女那禾多》創辦人之一。1989年, 獲香港藝術家聯盟頒發藝術家年獎,1999年獲香港藝術發展局之視藝發展獎。主要攝影出版物包括《李家昇照片冊》(影藝出版社,1993)、《Forty Poems》(奧信彭司,香港藝術發展局資助,1998)、《蔬果說話》(香港文化博物館,2004)、《東西 De ci de là des choses》(友豐出版社, 2006)。作品為私人及公共團體收藏,包括日本東京都寫真美術館,香港文化博物館等。李現於加拿大多倫多生活及工作&#12...It all began with a winged-man trying to start a conversation with Oscar, #A20160228. Size: 47x46.5 inch. Composition of 234 pieces of photo square (2.5x2.5x1.5 each). An installation at INDEXG (February, 2016). Z FICTION (2008 to present). Began in...
1902925. Lee D. Kassan, M.A. - Licensed therapist in New York City
LEE D KASSAN,. Licensed mental health counselor. Lee's new book/DVD set "Finding the Fear: A Couple Therapy Training Workshop. Is now available here. Watch video of Lee's couples therapy training workshop on the Couples. Social anxiety/relationship/intimacy group meets Tuesdays 6:30 to 8:00. If you are interested in joining. Read Lee's new article on couple therapy that appeared in the Spring 2012 issue of the journal GROUP:. Beginning Couple Therapy: Helping Couples Achieve Emotional Fluency.
1902926. Leek & Associates, PLLC
Steve Leek, Owner. Audit & Related Services. Compilation & Review Services. Payroll Processing & Tax Filings. Forensic & Litigation. Tax Deferred Retirement Planning. Systems & Business Model Planning. Steve Leek, Owner. Audit & Related Services. Compilation & Review Services. Payroll Processing & Tax Filings. Forensic & Litigation. Tax Deferred Retirement Planning. Systems & Business Model Planning. Have we properly addressed the task, the problem or the concern? Enter This Code In The Box To The Right.
1902927. Lee Kastberg - Home Inspector Denver, Thornton, Westminster, Commerce City, Broomfield, Northglenn, Arvada, Lakewood, Aurora, Parker, Highlands Ranch, & Centennial | Pillar To Post Home Inspectors
To Request a Home Inspection, click here. The Home of Home Inspection. Your Local Certified Home Inspector. Lee Kastberg is your Local Pillar To Post Home Inspector. Lee provides professional home inspection services for:. Denver, Thornton, Westminster, Commerce City, Broomfield, Northglenn, Arvada, Lakewood, Aurora, Parker, Highlands Ranch, and Centennial. Denver, CO 80207. Excellence In The Industry. Other Services We Can Provide. Mold and Allergy Testing. A professional home inspection will generally ...
L e e  K a s t e r. A  r  t  i  s  t. 160;        . 160;     . D I G I T A L    O N    M E T A L. 160;                 . 3 - D   W O R K. 160;                 . 3 - D  W O R K. 160;                 . 160;                 . 160;                 . P  A  I  N  T  I  N  G  S. 160;                 . H  A  T  S. 160;               . H  A  T  S. 160;                 . 160;                   . F  I  B  E  R. 160;               . L e e  K a s t e r. A  r  t  i  s  t. 160;      . 160;     . L e e  K a s t e r.
1902929. Lee Kaster Studio - Sensational Wearables
1902931. Leekas Travel
Friday, 7 June 2013. I wish to take the opportunity to introduce our company –. Leeka’s Travel Agency. Established over ten years ago with a view to participate in the travel sector and related industries. We run a modern, fully automated office equipped with Amadeus and Galileo reservation system to take advantage of available ticketing links and sales opportunities worldwide. We have fully experience and well trained staff ready to satisfy all your travel requirements. Vacation and Itinerary Planning.
1902932. muj blog
Přihlásit se ». Registrovat se ». GALERIE: Německé pláže zaplavila vajíčka. Rychlé vaření pro zaneprázděné matky (i otce). Nejčastější přešlapy při úpravě obočí: Neděláš je také? Ráno po dlouhé době s deštěm. 11 srpna 2009 v 9:48 Den Za Dnem. Je lepší činnost za deštivého počasí než se válet v posteli a nic nedělat? Kadopádně jsme docela zvědavá co podniknujá , doma ale sedět nebudu =). Mějte se užívejte deště. System of a Down - Vincinity of obscenity. 8 srpna 2009 v 20:56 Music.
1902933. The Audacious Adventures of Lee, Kate and Co.
The 3500 mile journey.with 4 kids and 2 dogs! Posted by Lee White. On October 01, 2014. We made it. I've no idea how we pulled it off, but we did. Myself, 4 kids and 2 dogs made it. From one side of the Atlantic to the other.just! It wasn't exactly plain sailing (or flying), however. From eleventh hour vet visits to determine if our ten year old German Shepherd was 'fit to fly,' to leaving our belongings UK side, expired passports, and holding up the plane by almost an hour. As we commenced with our.
1902934. Roadschooling 'Digital Nomad' Adventures...with Lee, Katie & Co
1902935. Leekatt, un monde imaginaire...
Le 2010-02-25 20:57:40 par Neo Klaus Trëme. Comme vous le savez, le projet Leekatt est en pause, pour une durée indéterminée. Ca me semble judicieux d'expliquer pourquoi. Tout d'abord, les habituelles raisons professionnelle : Shin et moi avons tous les deux une année chargée, des horaires aléatoires, et un besoin de changer un peu d'air. Dans tous les cas, il convenait de mettre les choses en pause. Pour le moment, nous préfèrons donc stopper là, et revenir, peut-être, un jour.
1902936. Lee Katz
Emails to "Lee Katz". Choose your own adventure. Elise Ann's Bliss Weddings and Events of Atlanta. Retrieved from " http:/ This page was last modified on 15 April 2014, at 15:56. This page has been accessed 549,091 times.
1902937. Leek Auctions Limited
Large Store Cattle Sale. Large Store Cattle Sale. Large Store Cattle Sale. Large Store Cattle Sale. Large Store Cattle Sale. Large Store Cattle Sale. Large Store Cattle Sale. Large Store Cattle Sale. Large Store Cattle Sale. Welcome to Leek Auctions. Leek Auctions is a keen, dedicated team that pride themselves on providing a professional service that is both friendly and hands on. For further details contact any of the Auction Team. Sign up to receive the. Pigs - 9:15 am. Calves - 10:00 am.
1902938. MA Real Estate | Seaport District Boston
Our mobile site is optimized for smaller screens. Realtor, SRES, Broker Associate, Seaport District Boston. Broker Associate, Seaport District Boston. Venturing into real estate as a consumer or professional can be an exciting journey. I find that for most of us it involves some of our most coveted hopes and dreams. With that in mind its no wonder this life-changing decision can sometimes involve great highs and lows depending on each individual circumstance. Create a frequent-user search account:.
1902939. Lee Kaufman Life Coach and Private Yoga
People don't rise to the level of a challenge, they fall to the level of their training.". Archilochus, Greek Poet and Soldier, Born 680BCE. 2,700 years ago it was commonly known that one's training, not their hopes or dreams, defined their level of performance. I have helped people build their businesses, find peace and clarity following attempted suicide, question their marriage, and find their life's work - and in the process find themselves again. No opportunity is too small or too big - if it's ...
1902940. TM Webhosting Default Page
This is the default page for domain If you see this page after uploading site content you probably have not replaced the. This page is autogenerated by Telekom Malaysia Berhad.
1902941. Lee Kavaljian Sacramento ceramic artist
Shifting to Medieval Japan, the same practices can be found in those imperial tombs which have been excavated. Structures that served and sheltered the living are represented in clay models buried in these tombs. Miniature clay storehouses and even boats are among the tomb objects. These too are a delight to the eye. The Spirit Houses of Lee Kavaljian -. It is said that within the walls of each piece simmers a glow of enchantment -.
1902942. LeeKav Quilts
Tuesday, May 12, 2015. When I'm sleepless, I watch Craftsy quilt classes. At 3:30, tired of tossing and turning, I decided to spend an hour getting new ideas and skills. And discovered my quilt is a finalist in a contest on using scraps! Well, that just rocks my day.week. month! You can vote for me if you like it. The others are great works using leftovers too. Beautiful paper flowers, knitting, crochet.maybe I need to relearn how to crochet? Friday, April 24, 2015. April Flowing Like a Stream. The littl...
1902943. 网站访问报错
N6705 操作 - 通过前面板存储和. N6705 操作 - 设置多路输出顺序. N6705 操作 - 将通道分组并联. N6705 操作 - 通过前面板的USB插. N6705 操作 - 在N6705A 主机中安. 34970A应用 - 测量AC DC的真有效. 广州市利嘉华测量设备有限公司是美国安捷伦 Agilent 及日本利达 Leader 电子测试仪器的授权代理商,致力于为射频及音视频等相关领域的客户提供专业的完整测试解决方案。 Keysight N9000A CXA 信号分析仪. Keysight N5181A MXG 模拟信号发生器. 电 话 020-38792840 38792842 38283079 传 真 020-38791314 粤ICP备12050016号.
1902944. - Music by LEE KAWASE
A Selection of Pieces. Back to the Roots.
1902945. Lee Kay Artist & Illustrator Home
Lee Kay is a professional Artist and Illustrator who has been at. The forefront of her trade for many years. Her work is characterised by the personality she brings to each piece, be that a private commission or commercial work. The work shown on this site is representative; comments and enquiries are always welcome. Unique and original hand painted icons reflecting figures of mythology, spiritualism and folklore. Artwork commissioned for use in product packaging and retail marketing.
1902946. strickblog, stricktreff, kostenlose strickanleitungen, - leekay's www
Blogeinträge über and mit anleitungen. Deko, Tiere, sonst. Liebe besucherin und lieber besucher. In dem es rund ums. Und was mich dabei. Viel spass beim stöbern. Find me on as. Schau dir leeanne ks Profil bei Pinterest an. Diese Webseite verwendet Cookies. Cookies werden zur Benutzerführung und Webanalyse verwendet und helfen dabei, diese Webseite besser zu machen. Mehr Infos hier: Datenschutzerklärung.
1902947. Lee Kaya Company - Since 1965 » Supplier of Kaya and Peanut Butter
Lee Kaya Company – Since 1965. Supplier of Kaya and Peanut Butter. Lee Kaya Company (S) Pte Ltd. Was established in 1965 as a leading manufacture and distributor of kaya and peanut butter products. Our goal is to provide both a superior customer experience and to produce premium and quality products and services to our customer. We love our customers and welcome your feedback and suggestions. Use our Contact Us. Page to tell us what we’re doing right or what we can improve on.
1902948. Lee Kaya Company
We manufacture kaya and peanut butter.
1902949. Lee Kay Center
Lee Kay Center News And Information. Note: Volunteers are needed to help operate the ranges. This is a great opportunity for people who have time to help others enjoy the shooting sports. Contact the Range Manager Herm Rackl at 801-972-1326 or Range rules are clearly posted and explained by range masters. Covered picnic pavilions available (two) near the main building. 50 foot) mainly used for hunter education courses is limited to .22 rimfire only. Pistol and Muzzle loader range.
1902950. leekaye (Lisa) - DeviantArt
Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ; this.removeAttribute('onclick')" class="mi". Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ; this.removeAttribute('onclick')". Join DeviantArt for FREE. Forgot Password or Username? Deviant for 10 Years. This deviant's full pageview. Last Visit: 397 weeks ago. This is the place where you can personalize your profile!
1902951. leekaygraphics (Lee Kay) - DeviantArt
Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ; this.removeAttribute('onclick')" class="mi". Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ; this.removeAttribute('onclick')". Join DeviantArt for FREE. Forgot Password or Username? Deviant for 5 Years. This deviant's full pageview. Last Visit: 1 day ago. This is the place where you can personalize your profile! Sep 11, 2016.
1902952. Someday...Sometime...Somewhere
Wednesday, December 12, 2007. Last weekend went out for makan-makan at a Taiwanese restaurant. The food wasn't very special except for the eel. so I ended up practising my photo shooting more than enjoying the food. These are 2 of the shots that I personally quite like. Some CSI effect with Photoshop. Friday, December 07, 2007. Anyway, it was really a good experience. : ). Tuesday, November 20, 2007. As I mentioned before, some shots that I took during the trip was quite disappointing. So today I tri...
1902953. LeeKAz Studio
Make your business online! Stay connected with existing customer. Welcome to LeeKAz Studio. Do you need a website that gets recognized not only in your local community but also worldwide? We are here to help you build a professional and beautiful website. Save human resource. Save papers. Go Green. Having a suitable software can help your company increase efficiency and productivity, and also save the world. Mobile : 60 16-420 8331. Email :
1902954. LeeKazlow (Andrew List) | DeviantArt
Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ; this.removeAttribute('onclick')". Traditional Art / Hobbyist. Deviant for 9 Years. This deviant's full pageview. Last Visit: 28 weeks ago. This is the place where you can personalize your profile! By moving, adding and personalizing widgets. You can drag and drop to rearrange. You can edit widgets to customize them. The bottom has widgets you can add! We've split the page into zones! Favour...
1902955. 晚间诗人◎大花白 | between kb and yingying
Between kb and yingying. What am I doing? 八月 17, 2015. 七月 3, 2015. 大佬 依家拍拖 雖然 係地下情 咁都叫避忌下工作上同事咁. 我地咁多年 吃過九萬次飯 真係冇幾次合照囉 依家唔係要 身分認同 或者係佢電話裡面有合照作 宣示主權 之類. 而係連我自己都覺得 我地似 合股 參與彼此生活 好客氣咁拍拖 哈哈. 六月 30, 2015. 五月 30, 2015. 係因為 你覺得 去爭取 的努力更甚於事物的本身. 五月 23, 2015. 五月 3, 2015. 三月 29, 2015. He’s my rock, my sword, my shield. Laquo; Older Entries. 在 建立免費網站或網誌. 透過 打造網站. Add your thoughts here. (optional).
1902956. leekbabe
Upgrade to paid account! No time to finish the dream. December 4th, 2014. Out of the university campus, lost love children began to slowly into a more emotional than rational adults. Think back to the love of the University, class together, eat together, walk together, that love, pure, beautiful, but also full of fantasy, even the mobile phone short message, can read each other's tone, feel each other's temperature, even occasionally answer phone lets the human heart suddenly terrified. Sometimes will be...
8203;Welcome to our website. Please browse through the pages to see our service times, our weekly activities and special events. Parking: Parking at the church is limited, but additional parking is available in the local area. Directions to our church are shown below. Rosebank Street, Leek, Staffordshire. ST13 6AG. Church Office: 01538 529387. Pastor Edward Gorniak: 01538 421278. For Visitors to Leek, we are behind former Waitrose, now closed (Google maps shows it as the Co-op ).