lost-in-the-darkness-pit.blogspot.com lost-in-the-darkness-pit.blogspot.com


SiBei TIred

Monday, May 28, 2012. Thx for the ai xin carbonara 3 NSS 51/75 its time to chiong for FWT le. GAMBATTE. Wednesday, April 18, 2012. How things changed so much within this 3 years, happen to drop by everyone of ur blog block de block nv update de nv update,update de update. just realise hao jiu nv update le. so many things never post. too lazy to post le ba. xlp happy 3 months. Monday, November 14, 2011. Its me thinking too much. how to not care about how others see? Thursday, October 20, 2011. Emo not bec...














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SiBei TIred | lost-in-the-darkness-pit.blogspot.com Reviews
Monday, May 28, 2012. Thx for the ai xin carbonara 3 NSS 51/75 its time to chiong for FWT le. GAMBATTE. Wednesday, April 18, 2012. How things changed so much within this 3 years, happen to drop by everyone of ur blog block de block nv update de nv update,update de update. just realise hao jiu nv update le. so many things never post. too lazy to post le ba. xlp happy 3 months. Monday, November 14, 2011. Its me thinking too much. how to not care about how others see? Thursday, October 20, 2011. Emo not bec...
1 请放过我吧我真的累了不想管了,为何又要让我沉沦在过去
2 能让我再选我不想得到这些,因为每当夜深人静时,或有人在提醒时
3 这一切就像在我伤口撒盐,一切的一切,我都以为我已经放下了
4 眼泪没流干,为何没麻木
5 everything will 淡化
6 有什么资格批评
7 乳嗅未干
8 别仗着自己有几分斤两,就
9 大言不惭
10 忘恩负义
Page content here
请放过我吧我真的累了不想管了,为何又要让我沉沦在过去,能让我再选我不想得到这些,因为每当夜深人静时,或有人在提醒时,这一切就像在我伤口撒盐,一切的一切,我都以为我已经放下了,眼泪没流干,为何没麻木,everything will 淡化,有什么资格批评,乳嗅未干,别仗着自己有几分斤两,就,大言不惭,忘恩负义,讲话有点分寸点,路还长着呢,我好难受也很难过,profile,singapore poly dcpe 1a/03 2a/05,npcc,cadc project comm,likes,goals

SiBei TIred | lost-in-the-darkness-pit.blogspot.com Reviews


Monday, May 28, 2012. Thx for the ai xin carbonara 3 NSS 51/75 its time to chiong for FWT le. GAMBATTE. Wednesday, April 18, 2012. How things changed so much within this 3 years, happen to drop by everyone of ur blog block de block nv update de nv update,update de update. just realise hao jiu nv update le. so many things never post. too lazy to post le ba. xlp happy 3 months. Monday, November 14, 2011. Its me thinking too much. how to not care about how others see? Thursday, October 20, 2011. Emo not bec...


blitz-arrivalz.blogspot.com blitz-arrivalz.blogspot.com

Blitz-Starz: March 2011


Sunday, March 6, 2011. Somehow, it just felt worse seeing others taking results then me taking my own. Ack perhaps that just means that i really din put in the effort, whereas i felt that others really did. unfortunately, they din reap the rewards of their effort. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom).

blitz-arrivalz.blogspot.com blitz-arrivalz.blogspot.com

Blitz-Starz: September 2011


Wednesday, September 28, 2011. Goals till end of the year. 1 Drop to a weight of at most 80kg [still not light enough though :( ] - (go running at least 2 times a week.). 2 start learning Japanese and Korean ( at least 3 words per week). 3 Read up on Psychology. 4 Study about trading. 5 Meet at least 10 old friends (not sure if possible. lol). Tbc and to be monitored. Tuesday, September 20, 2011. Time waits for no Man, and nothing results for waiting. So, now the plan is to do something.

kambinglam.blogspot.com kambinglam.blogspot.com

Rule the world with Cuteness !


Thursday, March 26, 2009,. Well, here i am! Back to update this blog again with a promise to fulfill. Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X Review! I got this game 2 days after the launch date and I have been playing it till date. So what is so good about it and what is so bad it? First, the story. Ok, this is one element that most games have. Why most? Ok, I have completed the game already but I still don't really get the story. However, this is a brief outline of what the game is about. Hmm, good graphics right? Basica...

kambinglam.blogspot.com kambinglam.blogspot.com

Rule the world with Cuteness !


Monday, October 27, 2008,. It has been a very long time since i last update. I know my blog will be dead if i do not update sooner or later. Now i am having my 'O' levels and i am not sure that i can score well for the papers i have taken. - -. English paper, i think i can do it? Paper 1 is just killing me. I can only hope that my paper 2 and oral can pull my grades up. I want is just an A2 or B3. Geography, one of the subject i take the most pride in. GONE! All i can do is to pray. Ya, you got it. M...

blitz-arrivalz.blogspot.com blitz-arrivalz.blogspot.com

Blitz-Starz: April 2011


Monday, April 25, 2011. Notes to self (part 1). Lol just typing this post as a reminder to myself on how to do certain things. Habits = where knowledge(what to, why to) meets skills (how to) and desire (want to). Without any of the 3, nothing that happens will really be permanent. Do things with the inside- outside approach. No matter what is to be done/changed, first think of how changing yourself can change the situation, other than asking others to change. Labels: notes to self. Notes to self (part 1).

katsugeki.blogspot.com katsugeki.blogspot.com



Sunday, May 18, 2008. Thought i should share some pics I found. In case they are too small, it reads GOAL-FAIL-PASS @ the btm of the pics. Pictures are more than a thousand words . Ps sorry for the small pictures. Saturday, May 17, 2008. Boredtried some IQ test. Not bad.127.I thought i would have something like "80".lol. Thursday, May 15, 2008. Oh well, decide. D to change another blogskin. Cause I realised the older one was too small and hard to read.so thou. Ght that this one might be better :o. To mak...

blitz-arrivalz.blogspot.com blitz-arrivalz.blogspot.com

Blitz-Starz: August 2011


Saturday, August 6, 2011. On friday, i donated my first bag of blood. or at least the blood was drawn out, dunno whether will be able to use it yet. lol. have to wait for the results that they send, who noes got problem then waste my blood. =(. Anyways, the feeling wasnt that painful anyways, dunno why was quite nervous b4 the donation though, that they had to let me rest there first b4 drawing the blood. lol. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom).

blitz-arrivalz.blogspot.com blitz-arrivalz.blogspot.com

Blitz-Starz: January 2012


Monday, January 30, 2012. 10 yrs from now. This post is here to remind myself, that for whatever i achieve in 10 yrs, it is not due to my own hard work, but due to the care and concern of those around me, especially my parents for without them, i will not be who I am today. Labels: 10 yrs from now. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). 10 yrs from now.

blitz-arrivalz.blogspot.com blitz-arrivalz.blogspot.com

Blitz-Starz: Turning point


Monday, October 24, 2011. First blog post as a 20 yr old! No more teenager liao. lol. Somehow, today felt rather different. although everything seems to be the same, the feeling is somehow different. Perhaps it is a 20yr old thing. lol. However, on a serious note, being 20 means can no longer act like a kid anymore, must start to act like an adult already. Also, for the first time in a while, im spending money on something for short term enjoyment. going to 2 concerts this yr. LIKE!

ciapok.blogspot.com ciapok.blogspot.com



Just the lady i want. 15, 190891 loves chocalates like anything else. adores the YELLOW sponge. LOVE her superwomenS. collects stickers. TRUMPETER,PIANIST. LOVEs her maple friends. ADD me :ciapok HEE HEE yam and mint and CHOCLATe ice cream. View my complete profile. JOYCE (zi liap sai) xD. My DEAR labbit (hh). PEIYI (fan de) xD. Sunday, January 21, 2007. I love to sae KAKAKAKA nowdays. Ok this blog isn't dead yet. ELICIACHUAH TO THE RECUEEE. I'll just post WAT I WANNA SAY BABYYYYYYYYYY. xD. Hmmm i have h...





lost-in-the-country.skyrock.com lost-in-the-country.skyrock.com

Blog de Lost-in-the-Country - Just lost with my balloun at Pataland. - Skyrock.com

Mot de passe :. J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. Just lost with my balloun at Pataland. On est fière de l'etre. Mise à jour :. Just A Song About Ping Pong (Just a Song About Ping Pong). Abonne-toi à mon blog! Or you the peoples. Il était une fois Camille et Maud. Deux papates jeunes très connes et pratiquement insousiante. Ou poster avec :. Retape dans le champ ci-dessous la suite de chiffres et de lettres qui apparaissent dans le cadre ci-contre. Posté le mardi 08 juillet 2008 08:46. Du goneb fa Vnagle.

lost-in-the-dark.skyrock.com lost-in-the-dark.skyrock.com

Blog de lost-in-the-dark - Darkness - Skyrock.com

Mot de passe :. J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. Ce Que Je Pense. Ce Que Je Dis. Ce Que Je vis. Ce Que Je Crois Vivre. Ce Que Je Ressens. Ce Que Je Crois Ressentir. Ce Que Je Vois. Bref je decris ma ViE.( . ). En vers et en proses! Mise à jour :. Abonne-toi à mon blog! Je pense à toi. Je pense à toi sans arrêt . Pourtant on s'était jamais. Et j'ai pas pu. Mais je suis pas assez. Pour te le dire à vive. Prise de photo : moi. Ou poster avec :. Posté le dimanche 10 décembre 2006 09:10. Y' a que du. Bleuet : Am...

lost-in-the-dark75.skyrock.com lost-in-the-dark75.skyrock.com

Blog de lost-in-the-dark75 - lost-in-the-dark - Skyrock.com

Mot de passe :. J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. Plus d'actions ▼. S'abonner à mon blog. Création : 23/06/2012 à 04:35. Mise à jour : 08/06/2014 à 09:23. N'oublie pas que les propos injurieux, racistes, etc. sont interdits par les conditions générales d'utilisation de Skyrock et que tu peux être identifié par ton adresse internet ( si quelqu'un porte plainte. Ou poster avec :. Retape dans le champ ci-dessous la suite de chiffres et de lettres qui apparaissent dans le cadre ci-contre. N'oublie...

lost-in-the-darknes.blogspot.com lost-in-the-darknes.blogspot.com

"Jeżeli poczujesz, że straciłaś grunt pod nogami - unieś dłoń ku niebu i złap się chmur"(Zawieszony)

Wykonała Zochan [ministerstwo szablonow]. Jeżeli poczujesz, że straciłaś grunt pod nogami - unieś dłoń ku niebu i złap się chmur"(Zawieszony). Niedziela, 16 listopada 2014. Moi drodzy potrzebuje edytora. Cy ktoś byłby chętny? Jeśli tak to proszę zostawić wiadomość na blogu lub na moim fanpage na Facebooku albo wysłać wiadomość na e-mail. (Link do niego jest na Tablicy pod e-mailem). 8222;Odważny, to nie ten kto się nie boi, ale ten który wie, że istnieją rzeczy ważniejsze niż strach.”. My w tym czasie ud...

lost-in-the-darkness-life.blogspot.com lost-in-the-darkness-life.blogspot.com

Nessie Cullen

Niedziela, 22 grudnia 2013. Wybaczcie , ale zawieszam bloga! Nie wiem na jak długo , ale też nie wiem czy tu wrócę już kiedykolwiek! Od jakiegoś czasu w ogóle nie mam weny! Tyczy się to moich obu blogów! Poza tym ostatnio i tak statystyki odwiedzin spadły! Nie usuwam tego bloga! Mam nadzieję , że ktoś kiedyś jeszcze przeczytam! Więc taki bloger jak ja nie ma tu nic do gadania niestety! Udostępnij w usłudze Twitter. Udostępnij w usłudze Facebook. Udostępnij w serwisie Pinterest. Love and Touch of an Angel.

lost-in-the-darkness-pit.blogspot.com lost-in-the-darkness-pit.blogspot.com

SiBei TIred

Monday, May 28, 2012. Thx for the ai xin carbonara 3 NSS 51/75 its time to chiong for FWT le. GAMBATTE. Wednesday, April 18, 2012. How things changed so much within this 3 years, happen to drop by everyone of ur blog block de block nv update de nv update,update de update. just realise hao jiu nv update le. so many things never post. too lazy to post le ba. xlp happy 3 months. Monday, November 14, 2011. Its me thinking too much. how to not care about how others see? Thursday, October 20, 2011. Emo not bec...

lost-in-the-day.deviantart.com lost-in-the-day.deviantart.com

Lost-in-the-day (Rachael Taylor) - DeviantArt

Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) " class="mi". Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ". Join DeviantArt for FREE. Forgot Password or Username? Deviant for 6 Years. This deviant's full pageview. Last Visit: 2 days ago. This is the place where you can personalize your profile! By moving, adding and personalizing widgets. We've split the page into zones!

lost-in-the-death.skyrock.com lost-in-the-death.skyrock.com

Blog de LOsT-In-ThE-DeaTh - TaiS TwA MoN c£vR - Skyrock.com

Mot de passe :. J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. TaiS TwA MoN c vR. I wILL EaT y0uR fµcKinG s0uL! Mise à jour :. Abonne-toi à mon blog! Ce blog n'a pas encore d'articles. Poster sur mon blog.

lost-in-the-desert.blogspot.com lost-in-the-desert.blogspot.com

I dream

Friday, January 28, 2011. Written in December [I publish only when the context is lost ;) ]. A single tear rolls down stealthily, deceptively. Beckoning finality for all that has been. A turn in my sojourn of life -. A hair-thin movement in space . A fraction of a second in time. The moon seemed to touched the horizon and clouds simultaneously. And cool breeze caressed my face gently. It felt like I reached my destination . ultimately. Little did I realise that it wasn’t all that fairy. Links to this post.

lost-in-the-design.deviantart.com lost-in-the-design.deviantart.com

Lost-in-the-design (Zach Craft) - DeviantArt

Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ; this.removeAttribute('onclick')" class="mi". Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ; this.removeAttribute('onclick')". Join DeviantArt for FREE. Forgot Password or Username? Deviant for 6 Years. This deviant's full pageview. Last Visit: 156 weeks ago. This is the place where you can personalize your profile! Current...

lost-in-the-dreams.skyrock.com lost-in-the-dreams.skyrock.com

lost-in-the-dreams's blog - Happyness Factory - Skyrock.com

J'ai souvent rêvéé d'un autre univers ou les gens m'aimeraient comme je suis parce que avec le temps on se comprends quand on laisse parler son coeur. Le plus beau des cadeau du ciel c'est un monde illuminer d'amour.♥. Parce que vous etes tout pour moi.♥. Ma vie,Ma famille. Sans vous je ne suis rien. Vous etes mon equilibre. Le fil qui me racroche a la vie.♥. 08/01/2008 at 11:43 AM. 22/02/2008 at 4:36 AM. Soundtrack of My Life. Subscribe to my blog! Nouveau - - -. Sans perdre le passer. La poesie du coeur.