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Midlands Midnight Runners

Tuesday, May 22, 2007. Our doughty Trailwalkers were out again last weekend. Captain L and A trogged up and down the Clent Hills until the pedometer read 10 miles. G and D walked 12 miles in Dovedale. L and A played tennis tonight and didn't feel tired or sweaty. The team minus A are off to train on the Real Thing this weekend. They are going to the steepest part. Sunday, May 13, 2007. Thank you, Eurosweepers. We really enjoyed ourselves and we appreciate your generosity and support very much. Last weeke...














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Midlands Midnight Runners | midlandsmidnightrunners.blogspot.com Reviews
Tuesday, May 22, 2007. Our doughty Trailwalkers were out again last weekend. Captain L and A trogged up and down the Clent Hills until the pedometer read 10 miles. G and D walked 12 miles in Dovedale. L and A played tennis tonight and didn't feel tired or sweaty. The team minus A are off to train on the Real Thing this weekend. They are going to the steepest part. Sunday, May 13, 2007. Thank you, Eurosweepers. We really enjoyed ourselves and we appreciate your generosity and support very much. Last weeke...
1 midlands midnight runners
2 report
3 posted by marvin
4 no comments
5 addendum
6 vive l'europe
7 labels ui
8 bargain
9 clent hills
10 photos to come
Page content here
midlands midnight runners,report,posted by marvin,no comments,addendum,vive l'europe,labels ui,bargain,clent hills,photos to come,older posts,oxfam trailwalker,blog archive

Midlands Midnight Runners | midlandsmidnightrunners.blogspot.com Reviews


Tuesday, May 22, 2007. Our doughty Trailwalkers were out again last weekend. Captain L and A trogged up and down the Clent Hills until the pedometer read 10 miles. G and D walked 12 miles in Dovedale. L and A played tennis tonight and didn't feel tired or sweaty. The team minus A are off to train on the Real Thing this weekend. They are going to the steepest part. Sunday, May 13, 2007. Thank you, Eurosweepers. We really enjoyed ourselves and we appreciate your generosity and support very much. Last weeke...


midlandsmidnightrunners.blogspot.com midlandsmidnightrunners.blogspot.com

Midlands Midnight Runners: May 2007


Tuesday, May 22, 2007. Our doughty Trailwalkers were out again last weekend. Captain L and A trogged up and down the Clent Hills until the pedometer read 10 miles. G and D walked 12 miles in Dovedale. L and A played tennis tonight and didn't feel tired or sweaty. The team minus A are off to train on the Real Thing this weekend. They are going to the steepest part. Sunday, May 13, 2007. Thank you, Eurosweepers. We really enjoyed ourselves and we appreciate your generosity and support very much. The winner...


Midlands Midnight Runners: April 2007


Monday, April 30, 2007. Last weekend's hike took us up and down the Clent Hills. We saw lots of fields full of spring flowers, admired the lambs, and some of us discussed how nice they are to eat. Two of us discovered a mutual love of Monty Python and of musicals which will sustain us through the dark hours of Trailwalker. We hope. Tuesday, April 10, 2007. Captain L and I walked 10 miles with hills with our friends, S,B,D, and A. We both felt quite good at teh end and felt like we could have done more.


Midlands Midnight Runners: March 2007


Thursday, March 29, 2007. Tonight, Captain L and I went to the Trailwalker briefing. Packed with Gurkhas in khaki and keen and fit people from the private sector who can scam sponsorship money from their procurement departments, it made the event seem scarily real. Some people are already walking 30 miles at weekends. We haven't managed 10 yet. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). Tonight, Captain L and I went to the Trailwalker b.


Midlands Midnight Runners: Addendum


Sunday, May 13, 2007. I don't want David to feel left out, so I will record that he came third becuase he backed those saucy young minxes from Russia and won a bottle of plonk also. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Trailwalker is a 62 mile hike along the South Downs Way in aid of Oxfam and the Gurkha Welfare Trust. Teams of four trek along the route, which they must complete in under 30 hours. This is the story of one team. Thank you, Eurosweepers. The winner of Eurosweepy 2007.


Midlands Midnight Runners: Report


Tuesday, May 22, 2007. Our doughty Trailwalkers were out again last weekend. Captain L and A trogged up and down the Clent Hills until the pedometer read 10 miles. G and D walked 12 miles in Dovedale. L and A played tennis tonight and didn't feel tired or sweaty. The team minus A are off to train on the Real Thing this weekend. They are going to the steepest part. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Thank you, Eurosweepers. The winner of Eurosweepy 2007. In second place because he backed the strange man .





gremlinsonline.blogspot.com gremlinsonline.blogspot.com

the blog of Marvin, who does not like tea or coffee: News flash


The blog of Marvin, who does not like tea or coffee. Searching for the ridiculous in the mundane. Our house is packed and our tenants move in next week. We are camping at friends' houses. It's strange. I gave all our bottles of sauce and stuff to Pete and he has blogged about them in rather an amusing way. What a lot of stuff! What bad housekeepers we are! Is it meant to be that colour? It must come from our last move.". Sunday, September 09, 2007. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom).

gremlinsonline.blogspot.com gremlinsonline.blogspot.com

the blog of Marvin, who does not like tea or coffee: 06/01/2007 - 07/01/2007


The blog of Marvin, who does not like tea or coffee. Searching for the ridiculous in the mundane. It has been a weird week. Our project is ending. Tomorrow most of the people I've worked with for the last 2 years will leave. Desks are being cleared and the office is emerging from its usual chaos and looking unnaturally tidy. We are having several goodbye dos. I don't like work parties. End of an era.spooky. Thursday, June 28, 2007. A rare and not very profound political comment. Thursday, June 28, 2007.

gremlinsonline.blogspot.com gremlinsonline.blogspot.com

the blog of Marvin, who does not like tea or coffee: 05/01/2007 - 06/01/2007


The blog of Marvin, who does not like tea or coffee. Searching for the ridiculous in the mundane. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would give a post this title. I have pulled a muscle at the top of my thigh. L and I walked 12 miles up most of the hills near Malvern last Thursday, including the Worcestershire Beacon, which is a massive hill. I felt very proud of myself. I have looked on NHS Direct but it's not very helpful. Tuesday, May 29, 2007. Jonathan and Dan, have you played Talisman? Just a...

gremlinsonline.blogspot.com gremlinsonline.blogspot.com

the blog of Marvin, who does not like tea or coffee: Satisfactory


The blog of Marvin, who does not like tea or coffee. Searching for the ridiculous in the mundane. James has bought a new pair of trainers. They are like trainers that skateboarders wear. They are very comfortable. They are blue. He has ordered a second pair, in black. In the sale. He now owns at least five pairs of comfortable shoes. I nearly took a photograph but perhaps that's going a bit far. Wednesday, August 15, 2007. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Our trailwalker team blog.

gremlinsonline.blogspot.com gremlinsonline.blogspot.com

the blog of Marvin, who does not like tea or coffee: 02/01/2007 - 03/01/2007


The blog of Marvin, who does not like tea or coffee. Searching for the ridiculous in the mundane. Yesterday, James spilled hot tea on my feet. Bearing in mind the title of this blog, this is adding insult to injury. Wednesday, February 28, 2007. Why is corduroy good? Asked James this evening. Although corduroy is a very popular fashion choice in my family, and today I acquired a new pair of corduroy jeans,I was not able to answer this question. Any ideas, anyone? Tuesday, February 27, 2007. On Saturday w...

gremlinsonline.blogspot.com gremlinsonline.blogspot.com

the blog of Marvin, who does not like tea or coffee: 08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007


The blog of Marvin, who does not like tea or coffee. Searching for the ridiculous in the mundane. I went to work this afternoon. It was much better than being at home in our half-packed house. I am dreading packing my wardrobe. I have too many clothes. There is an undated letter in the series I am cataloguing at the moment. It would be possible to date it, if I could discover when in 1918 the person it was written to was awarded a medal by the Queen of the Belgians. I mean, honestly. Life is too short.

gremlinsonline.blogspot.com gremlinsonline.blogspot.com

the blog of Marvin, who does not like tea or coffee: 12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007


The blog of Marvin, who does not like tea or coffee. Searching for the ridiculous in the mundane. Why there are too many boys. Some endangered species have too many males and not enough females and a scientist thinks he knows why. It's something to do with high levels of glucose. This might help save the kakapo and the black rhino. Click here, if you please. Sunday, December 31, 2006. Oh, the shame! My uncle gave me Singstar 80s for Christmas and observed that I like silly things. I intend to email it ro...

gremlinsonline.blogspot.com gremlinsonline.blogspot.com

the blog of Marvin, who does not like tea or coffee: 04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007


The blog of Marvin, who does not like tea or coffee. Searching for the ridiculous in the mundane. Why do I read about nearly extinct animals? Traditional hunting is the main reason for the species' decline. Long-beaked echidnas are highly prized game species and are hunted for food by local people with trained dogs. The other threats come from farming, logging and mining, which are causing a decline in the echidnas' forest habitat. Monday, April 30, 2007. A few lines from the Bible. Monday, April 30, 2007.

gremlinsonline.blogspot.com gremlinsonline.blogspot.com

the blog of Marvin, who does not like tea or coffee: The Enemies of Reason


The blog of Marvin, who does not like tea or coffee. Searching for the ridiculous in the mundane. The Enemies of Reason. Roused my brain from its usual torpor. I thought he chose some rather easy targets, though. Wednesday, August 15, 2007. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Our trailwalker team blog. Edge of Existence: working to save nearly extinct animals. James blogs in French! James, Will, and the robots. Jerome's blog, written by his friends, mainly me. Pete, the God of Common Sense.

gremlinsonline.blogspot.com gremlinsonline.blogspot.com

the blog of Marvin, who does not like tea or coffee: 07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007


The blog of Marvin, who does not like tea or coffee. Searching for the ridiculous in the mundane. That's July, my job, working in archives, and living in Birmingham. Tuesday, July 31, 2007. It's weird and I want it to end now. Friday, July 27, 2007. James has been given a stipend for the first 3 months of his stay in Angouleme. So no tech journalism for him for 3 months, lucky little Texan! I have bought some short trousers like what girls are wearing at the moment. With little dresses. Er, yes," I repli...





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Midlands Mews

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Midlands Midlife

The random twitterings of a midlander, midlife! Wednesday, 12 January 2011. Hello blog readers, hope you're all having a great New Year, yes I know this post is a little late to be mentioning that, but better late than never eh! Things have been a tad busy here, hence my other frizforthewin blog got abandoned too, right about the time we moved house and lost web connection for 2.5 weeks (ARGGGGHHHHHH I hear you gasp? Answers on the comments please! Anyway it's late, so I'm off to bed! Links to this post.

midlandsmidnightrunners.blogspot.com midlandsmidnightrunners.blogspot.com

Midlands Midnight Runners

Tuesday, May 22, 2007. Our doughty Trailwalkers were out again last weekend. Captain L and A trogged up and down the Clent Hills until the pedometer read 10 miles. G and D walked 12 miles in Dovedale. L and A played tennis tonight and didn't feel tired or sweaty. The team minus A are off to train on the Real Thing this weekend. They are going to the steepest part. Sunday, May 13, 2007. Thank you, Eurosweepers. We really enjoyed ourselves and we appreciate your generosity and support very much. Last weeke...

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Brent Huckabay DDS | Dentist in Midland, TX

2000 W Cuthbert Ave #b, Midland, TX 79701. A HEALTHY LIFE STARTS WITH A HEALTHY SMILE. Dental Bonding in Midland, Texas. General & Family Dentistry. Same Day Dental Crowns. We Make Your Insurance. We want investing in your family’s oral health to be simple and easy for all of our patients. We make your insurance work for you. We offer Invisalign-style clear braces to make teeth straightening a comfortable, discreet option for enhancing your smile. YOUR DENTIST IN MIDLAND, TX AND SURROUNDING AREAS. Come v...

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Davis & Davis Orthodontics

Thursday, October 28, 2010. At Davis and Davis Orthodontics, what puts you at ease? Drs Lisa and Dale Davis. And our team understand not everyone enjoys visiting their orthodontist. But we strive to bring you the best and most comforting experience at each visit. To help patients unwind, our Midland, MI. We’d like to know: What is it about Davis and Davis Orthodontics that makes you comfortable or puts you at ease? Is it something about our pleasant office environment or our unique treatment options?

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