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Mike on a Hike

Mike on a Hike. Monday, February 16, 2015. Biggest snowfall of the season. Cash is oblivious to the -5 wind chill. Looks as if I took this picture after a few Budweisers. Two-and-a-half hours of shoveling. Sundown on a cold Strafford evening. Sunday, February 15, 2015. Missouri Chili Recipe Revealed! Mike's Secret Chili Recipe Revealed. I was going to let this recipe die with my demise, but with a sudden burst of sentiment, I have decided to reveal this culinary blend so that gastric distress can prevail.














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Mike on a Hike | mikeonahike.blogspot.com Reviews
Mike on a Hike. Monday, February 16, 2015. Biggest snowfall of the season. Cash is oblivious to the -5 wind chill. Looks as if I took this picture after a few Budweisers. Two-and-a-half hours of shoveling. Sundown on a cold Strafford evening. Sunday, February 15, 2015. Missouri Chili Recipe Revealed! Mike's Secret Chili Recipe Revealed. I was going to let this recipe die with my demise, but with a sudden burst of sentiment, I have decided to reveal this culinary blend so that gastric distress can prevail.
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Mike on a Hike | mikeonahike.blogspot.com Reviews


Mike on a Hike. Monday, February 16, 2015. Biggest snowfall of the season. Cash is oblivious to the -5 wind chill. Looks as if I took this picture after a few Budweisers. Two-and-a-half hours of shoveling. Sundown on a cold Strafford evening. Sunday, February 15, 2015. Missouri Chili Recipe Revealed! Mike's Secret Chili Recipe Revealed. I was going to let this recipe die with my demise, but with a sudden burst of sentiment, I have decided to reveal this culinary blend so that gastric distress can prevail.


mikeonahike.blogspot.com mikeonahike.blogspot.com

Mike on a Hike: Hi Dad!


Mike on a Hike. Sunday, November 9, 2014. I thought with all the hiking and backpacking you were doing, it might be fun to document where you've been and what you've seen. You can dump all your pictures here and share the link for family and friends to be able to see them. You will have one faithful reader! With all your current life endeavors you could even branch out with Spider Solitaire tips, yearly garden comparisons, and teaching, refereeing and bus driving anticdotes. You could be a hit!


Mike on a Hike: Missouri Chili Recipe Revealed!


Mike on a Hike. Sunday, February 15, 2015. Missouri Chili Recipe Revealed! Mike's Secret Chili Recipe Revealed. For the first time ever, I am going to disclose my recipe for my chili that has remained a deep, dark secret for decades. The batch I am about to enumerate upon will easily feed 10 people. I usually freeze some, and keep a portion in the fridge for lunch the next two weeks. This MUST be prepared only when a severe cold snap is in progress. Brown 2 lbs. of ground beef, set aside. Better than rib...


Mike on a Hike: December 2014


Mike on a Hike. Sunday, December 21, 2014. It may interest readers that there is a significant energy savings by cutting your own firewood and burning it as an alternative to utility costs. Recently, I put together a cost analysis just to show the significant savings the consumer can make. Here is the breakdown of the cost savings of cutting your own wood:. Chainsaw: Jonsred 480 Turbo 20" saw.$650.77. 4 wheel drive pick-up.$32,005.00. Splitting maul. $39.50. Assorted wedges.$40.00.


Mike on a Hike: November 2014


Mike on a Hike. Wednesday, November 26, 2014. Horsing Around on Thanksmas. On a brisk November afternoon, the nags got a workout being ridden by the grandkids. Both Cash (on the left) and Coot and I are on diets. Our goal: Mr. Roebke 30 lbs, Cash 60 lbs. Coot 150 lbs. Sunday, November 9, 2014. With all your current life endeavors you could even branch out with Spider Solitaire tips, yearly garden comparisons, and teaching, refereeing and bus driving anticdotes. You could be a hit!


Mike on a Hike: Biggest snowfall of the season


Mike on a Hike. Monday, February 16, 2015. Biggest snowfall of the season. Cash is oblivious to the -5 wind chill. Looks as if I took this picture after a few Budweisers. Two-and-a-half hours of shoveling. Sundown on a cold Strafford evening. March 12, 2015 at 6:25 PM. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Hiker, Backpacker, Gardener, Fisherman, Equestrian, Canoer, Camper, Outdoors-man, Dad Extraordinaire. Biggest snowfall of the season. Missouri Chili Recipe Revealed! Mr Roebke and Dean go Fishing.





louiseaboutthehouse.blogspot.com louiseaboutthehouse.blogspot.com

Louise about the House: November 2016


Tuesday, November 29, 2016. At Mizzou with Buds. I had so much fun, Friends! See you next year for the comfy tiger shirts. (Maybe Amanda Stapp will be available for a reprise of this. :). Wear this every Sat? This water did not look so suspicious at the time. In case he becomes a future Tiger. Louise the Cat and Roomies. Labels: Family and Friends. Missouri with the FOMD. Hiking at Fantastic Caverns. Training with Uncle Trevor. At the Chief's and Buc's game. Some of my favorite bits of the trip:. View my...

louiseaboutthehouse.blogspot.com louiseaboutthehouse.blogspot.com

Louise about the House: Missouri with the FOMD


Tuesday, November 29, 2016. Missouri with the FOMD. Hiking at Fantastic Caverns. Training with Uncle Trevor. At the Chief's and Buc's game. Some of my favorite bits of the trip:. Silas toting a hatchet and tagging along behind Mr. Roebke on a mission to cut the tail off a dead squirrel. (Good for fly fishing hooks apparently.). Conn and I sporting our Outlaws shirts and cheering on Trenton as he flies down the field after a soccer goal. Crafting twinkly Snowman ornaments with my favorite niece.

louiseaboutthehouse.blogspot.com louiseaboutthehouse.blogspot.com

Louise about the House: January 2016


Saturday, January 2, 2016. We made our bi-yearly pilgrimage home for the holidays(ish). As always it was a fun and food filled time with my favorite people. Here are the highlights. On Sunday Silas was a car riding champion and made barely a peep except to point at every gas station and ask "Missouri? So we enjoyed spending the rest of our time in the presence of greatness. Trenton Roebke: He can weld, he can play the ukulele, and he can make movie magic! For real my brothers are the coolest! It helped t...

louiseaboutthehouse.blogspot.com louiseaboutthehouse.blogspot.com

Louise about the House: Tailgating


Sunday, November 6, 2016. Another weekend of showing up to abuse the delicious and fun fruits of another's labor. Louise the Cat and Roomies. Labels: Family and Friends. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Louise the Cat and Roomies. Reporting on my lazy life and the lives of my roomies Daron, Jess, and Silas. (also pretty lazy). View my complete profile. At Mizzou with Buds. Missouri with the FOMD. Silas First Year- Monthly Updates. Life of a Sampson. Gallery By Laura Photography. Mike on a Hike.

louiseaboutthehouse.blogspot.com louiseaboutthehouse.blogspot.com

Louise about the House: April 2016


Wednesday, April 27, 2016. Louise the Cat and Roomies. Labels: Family and Friends. Saturday, April 16, 2016. One Year of Lacy! Louise the Cat and Roomies. Labels: Family and Friends. Saturday, April 2, 2016. We squeezed every last drop of fun out of this one! First intelligible artwork.: "A rainbow! Louise the Cat and Roomies. Labels: Family and Friends. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). Louise the Cat and Roomies. View my complete profile. One Year of Lacy! Silas First Year- Monthly Updates. Life of a Sampson.

louiseaboutthehouse.blogspot.com louiseaboutthehouse.blogspot.com

Louise about the House: December 2016


Monday, December 26, 2016. We were excited to celebrate with Andrew this year! Silas had fun with the Santa bit, even though I think he had forgotten his lap request of a soccer net. Despite the picture he was pretty unimpressed. He preferred his superhero toys and finger lasers. After only the second successful nap in his new bed, we were off to the cousins for joyous displays of roughhousing. Louise the Cat and Roomies. Labels: Family and Friends. Friday, December 23, 2016. Louise the Cat and Roomies.

louiseaboutthehouse.blogspot.com louiseaboutthehouse.blogspot.com

Louise about the House: October 2016


Monday, October 31, 2016. Halloween lived up to my hype of the funnest day of the year! We went out on the town with Eleven from Stranger Things and Silas was fearless ringing doorbells and giving his lines. He ate more candy than he's ever seen in his life and probably will continue to. It remains a toss up if he likes Trick or Treating or handing out candy better. The Robin Hood/Peter Pan comments were about 49/49 with a few elves thrown in too. I'm fine with all 3. Louise the Cat and Roomies. Silas Fi...

louiseaboutthehouse.blogspot.com louiseaboutthehouse.blogspot.com

Louise about the House: August 2016


Sunday, August 7, 2016. It's back to school for everyone next week, but this sure has been the summer of our dreams! Louise the Cat and Roomies. Saturday, August 6, 2016. Happy 3rd birthday to my favorite bandit! This was the first year his party wasn't on his actual birthday. We celebrated on the second with McDonald's, a Target slushy/popcorn/present, (He chose the mini pack of bendy superheros over the large roaring dino- blessings! Louise the Cat and Roomies. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). Mike on a Hike.

louiseaboutthehouse.blogspot.com louiseaboutthehouse.blogspot.com

Louise about the House: Bat Cave


Friday, December 23, 2016. Louise the Cat and Roomies. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Louise the Cat and Roomies. Reporting on my lazy life and the lives of my roomies Daron, Jess, and Silas. (also pretty lazy). View my complete profile. Silas First Year- Monthly Updates. Life of a Sampson. Gallery By Laura Photography. Charleston Newborn Photography-Lots of Flowers! 4 months with Lilly Grace and Back to Work for Momma. 3 Williamsons and Counting. Quick update with the promise of more to come.

louiseaboutthehouse.blogspot.com louiseaboutthehouse.blogspot.com

Louise about the House: May 2016


Monday, May 30, 2016. Backyard picnics are my favorite. Also the friends that attend them. Louise the Cat and Roomies. Labels: Family and Friends. Monday, May 16, 2016. Enters the graduate. (On right). Receiving of the diploma. District track. Going to Sectionals in the 4x8! Louise the Cat and Roomies. Labels: Family and Friends. Saturday, May 7, 2016. Louise the Cat and Roomies. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). Louise the Cat and Roomies. View my complete profile. Silas First Year- Monthly Updates.





mikeonabikeblog.blogspot.com mikeonabikeblog.blogspot.com

mike on a bike

Tuesday, July 13, 2010. Epilogue (why I rode here). Here's a video of the cottage and the cove. Http:/ www.youtube.com/watch? Here are some of my songs I just sang with the ukulele. i'm glad i got it. it feels quaint and comforting. Hope you like it. So, this is what I'm doing. my family is on the ferry right now. another chapter begins in 10 minutes. Saturday, July 10, 2010. It was thoroughly delicious. Then I decided to buy a ukulele. I just really wanted an instrument, something other than a bike,...

mikeonabikeblog.wordpress.com mikeonabikeblog.wordpress.com

mikeonabikeblog | A great WordPress.com site

A great WordPress.com site. August 17, 2012. Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your very first post. Click the Edit link to modify or delete it, or start a new post. If you like, use this post to tell readers why you started this blog and what you plan to do with it. Blog at WordPress.com. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com.

mikeonabreak.blogspot.com mikeonabreak.blogspot.com

Michael on R&R

Friday, June 30, 2006. A Mid-Year Trip Home. The following pictures are just some memories of the just too short a vacation for Michael. They are not all in any proper sequence. At least you should be able to straighten them out by the dates. From time to time we'll post on our new blog pages Kaden Post. Posted by Kathy Barter and Denis Miranda at 9:27 AM. Donna loves her new playmate. 2 June 2006. Posted by Kathy Barter and Denis Miranda at 9:22 AM. Posted by Kathy Barter and Denis Miranda at 9:21 AM.

mikeonads.com mikeonads.com

Mike On Ads

Notice: This blog is no longer updated. You may find a broken link or two. You can follow my new adventures @mikeonwine. Ramblings about online advertising, ad networks and other techie randomness. To clarify a frequent confusion. While I love working with. I am not him! Laquo; Previous Entries. On Scale Webinar Recordings. November 17th, 2011. Recently I gave two webinars. On how we handle scale at AppNexus. Recording of these webinars are now available online! October 1st, 2011. 8211; No-SQL / key-valu...

mikeonafarm.blogspot.com mikeonafarm.blogspot.com

Mike. On A Farm.

Mike On A Farm. Tuesday, June 21, 2011. Nouveau Chapeau and Potaters. As you can see from the rows pictured above, the potaters. That Tim and I planted are starting to come up! But in more important news, I got a new hat. I love the ol' Blue Jays hat, but I couldn't resist this green, Cariboos Brewing hat that came free with a six-pack of Cariboos beer. Apprentice Tim is especially jealous of my new hat. I don't blame Tim for being jealous, especially because his hat. Is pretty lame, tan, and nondescript.

mikeonahike.blogspot.com mikeonahike.blogspot.com

Mike on a Hike

Mike on a Hike. Monday, February 16, 2015. Biggest snowfall of the season. Cash is oblivious to the -5 wind chill. Looks as if I took this picture after a few Budweisers. Two-and-a-half hours of shoveling. Sundown on a cold Strafford evening. Sunday, February 15, 2015. Missouri Chili Recipe Revealed! Mike's Secret Chili Recipe Revealed. I was going to let this recipe die with my demise, but with a sudden burst of sentiment, I have decided to reveal this culinary blend so that gastric distress can prevail.

mikeonahike.com mikeonahike.com

"They call me the Breeze…" | My 2015 PCT Adventure!

They call me the Breeze…. My 2015 PCT Adventure! PCT Map and Resupply Strategy. The Countdown Clock has begun! This entry was posted in Uncategorized. January 29, 2015. Pre-Hike: Beautiful weekend on the AT. One of my training hikes from earlier this year on the Georgia section of the AT. Beautiful morning on the AT. On a stretch between the NOC and Stecoah Gap. Cheoah Bald Summit on the same trip, can’t wait to see what great views the PCT has in store. The gear revamping process has begun!

mikeonamerica.com mikeonamerica.com

Mike On America

Just another WordPress weblog. March 4th, 2009. Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! Mike On America is proudly powered by WordPress.

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Michael v. valenti. Welcome to the new and official Mpyre.TV online network website. Here you can browse through videos, pictures, links, and find out more about our related companies and web shows we help produce. Michael V. Valenti. September 17, 2007.

mikeonamonday.weebly.com mikeonamonday.weebly.com

mikeonamonday - Home

MOAM Podcast 19: Scott Cooke, AKA. What do Nickelback, Florida-Georgia Line and Dallas Smith all have in common? They've all worked with this week's guest. That's right - I've got one of the guys behind Nickelback on the show! DO YOUR WORST INTERNET! Plus, he REALLY loves his garden. This is a tremendously fun conversation with a good buddy - I hope you enjoy getting to know Scotty Chops! CLICK HERE FOR THE DIRECT DOWNLOAD LINK. MOAM Podcast 18: Jojo Mason/Dan Swinimer. MOAM Podcast 17: Petric and The Ae...

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My CMS | Just another WordPress site

Just another WordPress site. October 4, 2013. Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! One comment so far. Proudly powered by WordPress.