our-little-love-ones.blogspot.com our-little-love-ones.blogspot.com


❤Our Little Love One

Saturday, August 15, 2009. Mi n mummy b4 heading out. Happy 3rd Month to Myself! Head is still not stable yet. Able to 'talk' to ppl when i'm in e mood to do so. Love to suck my fists. Still drinking about 120ml every 3-4hr. Still slp thruout e nite w/o waking up for milk. Not afraid of strangers. Dun lik to lie down. Did my jab n i vomited milk out. N dr say i'm underweight which make mummy veri worry. Wednesday, August 5, 2009. Sorry all e mummies,jiejies,korkors,meimeis n didis for not updating my blog.














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❤Our Little Love One | our-little-love-ones.blogspot.com Reviews
Saturday, August 15, 2009. Mi n mummy b4 heading out. Happy 3rd Month to Myself! Head is still not stable yet. Able to 'talk' to ppl when i'm in e mood to do so. Love to suck my fists. Still drinking about 120ml every 3-4hr. Still slp thruout e nite w/o waking up for milk. Not afraid of strangers. Dun lik to lie down. Did my jab n i vomited milk out. N dr say i'm underweight which make mummy veri worry. Wednesday, August 5, 2009. Sorry all e mummies,jiejies,korkors,meimeis n didis for not updating my blog.
1 3rd month
2 ceydante 5 34 pm
3 busy busy
4 ceydante 9 24 pm
5 2nd month
6 something to share
7 abortion
8 how terrible
9 ceydante 2 02 am
10 pics pics pics
Page content here
3rd month,ceydante 5 34 pm,busy busy,ceydante 9 24 pm,2nd month,something to share,abortion,how terrible,ceydante 2 02 am,pics pics pics,pics,but is ok,1st month,profile,*** male,growing up,at birth,height 50cm,1st month checkup,height 54cm,pictures

❤Our Little Love One | our-little-love-ones.blogspot.com Reviews


Saturday, August 15, 2009. Mi n mummy b4 heading out. Happy 3rd Month to Myself! Head is still not stable yet. Able to 'talk' to ppl when i'm in e mood to do so. Love to suck my fists. Still drinking about 120ml every 3-4hr. Still slp thruout e nite w/o waking up for milk. Not afraid of strangers. Dun lik to lie down. Did my jab n i vomited milk out. N dr say i'm underweight which make mummy veri worry. Wednesday, August 5, 2009. Sorry all e mummies,jiejies,korkors,meimeis n didis for not updating my blog.


our-little-love-ones.blogspot.com our-little-love-ones.blogspot.com

❤Our Little Love One


Monday, November 24, 2008. I'm back with a little update. I doubt so.=(. Mommy and Daddy had finally done their ROM ytd at Hilltop garden restuarant and their chinese custom. My Daddy and my Mommy has finally got married.=D. Everything was fine ytd. Expect Mommy vomited onto her gown accidentally. Daddy actually gave Mommy to use a rubbish bin which the bottom was covered with holes. Daddy was just too anxious. Mommy is tired now. So I need to be a good baby and rest in Mommy's tummy. Name : Dante Chua.


❤Our Little Love One


Tuesday, December 30, 2008. Last post of 2008! Mommy went for doc session last fri. There is no scanning done,so Mommy din get to see mi. Tis fri Mommy will be going for scanning,hopefully with Daddy. Then Mommy hope that she'll be able to know if i'm a girl or a boy. Mommy's tummy is growing alittle already and Daddy is super happy over it. I shall end here. Name : Dante Chua. Chinese Name : Chua En Yi. EDD : 17 May 2009. DOB : 15 May 2009. Gestation Period: 39 Weeks 5 Days. Weight : 3.51kg.


❤Our Little Love One


Wednesday, July 15, 2009. Happy 2nd Month to Myself! Head is still not stable yet. Able to entertain myself. Able to lie my bouncer/bed for quite some times. Still drinking about 120ml every 3-4hr. Slp thruout e nite w/o waking up for milk. Start to recognise places already. Very Kpo will keep look look look if I'm at a new place. Starting to hug my pooh bear. Wanna be wrap up then can slp at nite. Tt's all I can tink of. Saturday, July 11, 2009. A worried woman went to her gynecologist and said:. It's a...


❤Our Little Love One


Sunday, April 26, 2009. I'm officially 37wks old today. Which means i can come out anytime from now on. I've no idea too. When i feel lik coming out,then here i come! Mummy cant wait for mi to come out soon! She is getting tired from carrying mi inside her already. Thursday, April 16, 2009. I'm going to be born soon. I'm making Mummy nervous already but she is mentally prepared tt i'm b out anytime after next wk.=D. I shall update my pics once i'm born.=D. See u all soon! Name : Dante Chua.


❤Our Little Love One


Monday, September 29, 2008. Mommy is feeling very terrible these few days. So I've no chance to do blogging. Mommy vomited lots of times today. Mommy did not eat much these days. Tuesday, September 23, 2008. Mommy is feeling stress up. Mommy is worried because of Daddy's room. Daddy's room is so small to Mommy. How can the 3 of us squeeze inside the room? Mommy is really worried and stress.=(. Lots of things Mommy want to eat but Daddy,Grandmother and Grandma doesnt let her to eat. Daddy ask Mommy : "Mom...





kristine-loves.blogspot.com kristine-loves.blogspot.com



Tuesday, July 14, 2009. Brought baby lewis for his 6in1 jab yest with mom. Pd say only 10% will kana fever. My boy gt fever in e evening. We gt a hard time last night. Keep coaxing him lol. Dun feel like slp le. Pray hard tat his fever will go away real soon. Very heartbreak c him like tat :(. Shall update a little bout his progress:. No longer drinking mamex gold coz his shit always watery, changed to Friso and seems ok. No longer wearing newborn size clothes. So proud of my baby little achievement :).

kristine-loves.blogspot.com kristine-loves.blogspot.com



Saturday, December 29, 2007. Well e lack of updates juz symbolise e lack of time went out with my ex colleagues cum bestie gal friens on thurs. nth much actually. juz tat i had a fun time catching up with them. glad tat we met up as its been quite a long time since we went for our usual ktv. maybe next time which i guess probably in march. we shall go ktv okie! Thursday, December 20, 2007. Today is a public holi. Finally gt 1 day dun hav to wake up so early. A gd day for me to replenish my energy . Yest ...

kristine-loves.blogspot.com kristine-loves.blogspot.com



Friday, April 2, 2010. Its my boy's 10 months old today! He has reached the 2digit mark. Update alittle on his progress:. Can stand while holding on to support. Learning to walk with support. Crawl, flip super fast le. Always blabber in his baby language, some common words we hear are nei nei(milk) and papa. Needs alot of attention, if nv entertain him will fuss ard. Scared of the cane(i used it to scare him twice just now when he keeps screaming lol). Still wakes up for night feeds. I love my hubby.

kristine-loves.blogspot.com kristine-loves.blogspot.com



Thursday, June 11, 2009. 1045am- weekly appt with gynae. no signs of give birth yet. gynae say come back next week, which is my edd. i ask can give birth earlier? Gynae then help me check cervix. 2cm dilate. ask me admit TMC at 3pm. 330pm-reach TMC, was strap on CTG. mum and hubby was asked to go family waiting lounge. Nurse came in with documents. ask about medical history etc. 4pm- hubby and mum was asked to do the admission stuff for me. 5pm-was sent to ward to rest. Dinner served and supper too.

kristine-loves.blogspot.com kristine-loves.blogspot.com



Thursday, November 29, 2007. Morning went for tution. Almost make me vomit blood lo. Kids r adorable de. In e end still didnt scold them at all. Juz gave them more hw. Oh then i went to jp to get a present for my 专属天使. Her bdae is dis sat actually. But she is gg back to msia to celebrate with her family. So dont get e chance to celebrate with u my dear. Still all e best. hope ur mum will hav a gd impression of him. Other than tat, i was on msn chatting with my friends. And they introduced jobs to me.

kristine-loves.blogspot.com kristine-loves.blogspot.com



Monday, January 4, 2010. My baby is 7 months old! It aint fast nor slow. But time certainly only move forward and not backwards. Rainbow after the rain. Shall update alittle on his progress. Has 2 lower teeth protuding from his lower center gums. Not start on porridge yet. Feeding 200ml 4 hourly. Loves scratching his ears till can see flesh. =(. Weigh 9.4kg and 74cm. Able to sit stabily without support. Can walk in random directions in the walker. Able to crawl backwards very fast. Loving to suck on paci.

kristine-loves.blogspot.com kristine-loves.blogspot.com



Monday, May 3, 2010. Its past midnight now. And i noe my post will be dated one day late? But well, i will finish up this post before i go to slp. Most impt, happy 11 months to my baby boy! Juz one more month to his 1st bdae! Feel so happy tat at least he's more grown up. To me, sort of easier to take care ba. Coz they will learn to talk and walk indepently. Some updates on his 11mth progress:. Drinks 200ml milk 4hrly, one bowl of porridge 3hrly, brown rice ceral 4hrly. Can pull to stand in baby cot.

kristine-loves.blogspot.com kristine-loves.blogspot.com



Monday, August 3, 2009. My sis with baby. Papa take pic with baby. Baby dunwan take pic with me le, hehe. Updates on lewis 2 mths old progress:. Drinking 120ml every 3.5hr. Start to love drinking plain water. Slp yao lan in e day, night time slp on bed. 50% will suck on pacifier, i will forcefully ask him to suck paci if i wan him go slp. then i can have time for myself, haha. bad mummy. Dislikes being carried in lying down position, he wants to be carried upright. Have tried on socks for him. I wana get...

kristine-loves.blogspot.com kristine-loves.blogspot.com



Wednesday, July 8, 2009. They r so excited over baby lewis, hehe. Felice n lenice with lewis baby. He looks real blur when i put him in. e chair will vibrate de lol. Updates on my baby 1 mth old. Cries louder and shout aso. Sumtm slp 4-5hr thru e night. When we put hankerchief ard his neck, he noes milk is coming and will stop crying. More adapted to yao lan now. If place him on bed to slp, will wake up very soon. (tink he feels hot). Tats all i can tink of now. Will edit again if theres more :).





our-little-journey.blogspot.com our-little-journey.blogspot.com

*OuR sWeEet JoUrnEy - OuR liTtlE lOveS*

OuR jOuRneY cOnTiNues. TiLl tHe DaY evEryThiNg EnDs.*. Jian Han and Pei Kee*. Attached on 04.03.09*. Him, her little laogong. Sweet 19 from 05.04.90*. Loves bball and initial D*. Specially attached to her. Her, his little laopo. Sweet 19 from 08.12.90*. Loves er hu and badminton*. Specially attached to him. We, our little loves. Promise to hold our hands tight till the day everything ends*. Promise to walk down our path till the day we are old*. Images: Tang Guo Wu. Tuesday, September 15, 2009. Now it's ...

our-little-ladybug.blogspot.com our-little-ladybug.blogspot.com

Journey to our little ladybug

Tuesday, September 29, 2009. Due to the fact that I am not feeling this right now, I will no longer be posting to this blog. FOR FRIENDS AND FAMILY, I hope to set up a new blog in the near future. I will let you know when I have a new one up and running. Nothing here has changed, we are still in line to adopt,. I just do not want to use this blog for the rest of our story. Posted by Angela at 10:03 PM. Sunday, June 07, 2009. Yeah, it's quite FUN when we all get together! I was even tempted to get up befo...

our-little-learners-preschool.blogspot.com our-little-learners-preschool.blogspot.com

Little Learners Preschool

Welcome to The Little Learners Preschool! The purpose of our preschool is to learn and practice skills that will prepare the children for Kindergarten as well as foster a love for learning and develop and nurture social skills. Please contact me if you have any questions. May 10th, 17th and 19th/End of Year Celebration. Tuesday, May 10th:. We are on our last letter and number today! Eliza was our star of the week! Tuesday, May 17th:. Thursday, May 19th:. The last day is here! So hard to believe! May is o...

our-little-leprechaun.tumblr.com our-little-leprechaun.tumblr.com


Hi there. i go by Taylor on the internet and i have alot of feelings about one direction and i write fan fiction. New to this blog, not new to tumblr. Reblogged 3 years ago. With 5,043 notes. She got a new profile picture for her tumblr! Harry, stop, you're never going to meet her. Seriously, can I not go through one meal without hearing you talk about her? She doesn't have any clue you exsist. I will meet her someday. Harry, if it's meant to be it will happen. Reblogged 3 years ago. With 23,751 notes.

our-little-library.blogspot.com our-little-library.blogspot.com

Our Little Library

The BOOKS of Our Little Library. Open my eyes to see what is beautiful;. My mind to know what is true; and. My heart to love what is. The Real Mother Goose. A Collection of the World's Fairy Tales. The Baldwin Online Children's Literature Project. Andrew Lang Fairy Books. The Golden Legend or Lives of the Saints. Book and illustration blogs to note. Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast. My vintage book collection (in blog form). Vintage Kids' Books My Kid Loves. Vintage Books for the Very Young.

our-little-love-ones.blogspot.com our-little-love-ones.blogspot.com

❤Our Little Love One

Saturday, August 15, 2009. Mi n mummy b4 heading out. Happy 3rd Month to Myself! Head is still not stable yet. Able to 'talk' to ppl when i'm in e mood to do so. Love to suck my fists. Still drinking about 120ml every 3-4hr. Still slp thruout e nite w/o waking up for milk. Not afraid of strangers. Dun lik to lie down. Did my jab n i vomited milk out. N dr say i'm underweight which make mummy veri worry. Wednesday, August 5, 2009. Sorry all e mummies,jiejies,korkors,meimeis n didis for not updating my blog.

our-little-memories.skyrock.com our-little-memories.skyrock.com

Blog de our-little-memories - our-little-memories - Skyrock.com

Mot de passe :. J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. Mise à jour :. Changement de blog ces ici. Abonne-toi à mon blog! Bn jai tou recomencer voici mon new blog jesper quil vous plaira. N'oublie pas que les propos injurieux, racistes, etc. sont interdits par les conditions générales d'utilisation de Skyrock et que tu peux être identifié par ton adresse internet ( si quelqu'un porte plainte. Ou poster avec :. Posté le dimanche 03 février 2008 13:55. Ou poster avec :. Toi osiii jai passe. N'oublie pas...

our-little-moments.blogspot.com our-little-moments.blogspot.com

Our Little Moments...

Wednesday, August 12, 2015. First Day of School 2015! It was an early alarm for Miss Zoe this morning.we got a few pictures before leaving at 6:50am. Although not happy about the upcoming workload this year, she is glad to be heading back to see her friends and starting their Sophomore year. The first day is always a fun one, filled with alumni and a pep rally. She's looking forward to another good year in WSB too. I just wish these high school years weren't going by so fast! Saturday, August 8, 2015.

our-little-monkeys.blogspot.com our-little-monkeys.blogspot.com

Our Monkeys

Keep up with us and what's going on in our lives. Saturday, June 15, 2013. No, it isn't folded paper! It is my first attempt at direct sales (home parties.) and so far it is going really well. We all know this is normally not my cup of tea, at all, but something really just felt right about this opportunity. School's Out For the Summer! I am so excited that it's summer break! Friday, March 22, 2013. Merry Christmas, 2012! My first niece and nephew are all grown up now! Jackson got his dirt bike! I have b...

our-little-mystery.blogspot.com our-little-mystery.blogspot.com

Jeśli pójdziemy,to pójdziemy tylko we dwóch.

Czytam i polecam :'). Sei ein Licht in der Dunkelheit der Gedanken. 18 Oto jak utraciłem zdolność do życia z dala od wstrząsów i silnych wrażeń, przed którymi uciekłem. Nic wielkiego się nie stało — znalazłem przyjaciela — lecz w tym samym momencie wdarła się w moje życie cała podłość świata. Ich bin nicht ich wenn du nicht bei mir bist. Fang mich, wenn ich falle und bewahr mich vor mir. 121 Jesteś, wszystkim, czego nie miałem wcześniej i tym, co kiedykolwiek mógłbym mieć. Devotion 2 - 4.

our-little-pretty-blog.blogspot.com our-little-pretty-blog.blogspot.com

Our Little Pretty Blog

Jeudi 7 août 2014. Comme dans le titre, je vais vous le dire, je met le blog en pause. J'ai de nouveaux projets (me mettre au skate) , de nouvelles envies, et plus vraiment envie de parler de cosmétiques. Alors peut être que je reviendrais, peut être pas. Voilà, blog en pause :). Samedi 2 août 2014. C'est les vacances, et j'ai. Mais je le reprend, avec un rythme d'environ 2 articles par semaine! Voilà , c'est tout pour cet article, c'était juste histoire de vous dire que O.L.P.W reprend! Voilà , ma wishl...