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Our Little Tongginator

View my complete profile. Subscribe in a reader. Beloved Subjects on the Plane. I Deserved a DWC. One of the Worst Days of My Life. Starting the Day Right. We Made the Ayis Cry. Who Says Laundry Isn't Fun? Wednesday, February 3, 2016. Chinese New Year Chapter Books for Older Kids. The Chinese New Year Mystery (Nancy Drew Notebooks). Will Nancy and her friends be able to find the dragon in time for the parade? Typically second or third grade]. Happy New Year, Julie! Jackie Robinson, the first black major ...














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Our Little Tongginator | ourlittletongginator.blogspot.com Reviews
View my complete profile. Subscribe in a reader. Beloved Subjects on the Plane. I Deserved a DWC. One of the Worst Days of My Life. Starting the Day Right. We Made the Ayis Cry. Who Says Laundry Isn't Fun? Wednesday, February 3, 2016. Chinese New Year Chapter Books for Older Kids. The Chinese New Year Mystery (Nancy Drew Notebooks). Will Nancy and her friends be able to find the dragon in time for the parade? Typically second or third grade]. Happy New Year, Julie! Jackie Robinson, the first black major ...
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Our Little Tongginator | ourlittletongginator.blogspot.com Reviews


View my complete profile. Subscribe in a reader. Beloved Subjects on the Plane. I Deserved a DWC. One of the Worst Days of My Life. Starting the Day Right. We Made the Ayis Cry. Who Says Laundry Isn't Fun? Wednesday, February 3, 2016. Chinese New Year Chapter Books for Older Kids. The Chinese New Year Mystery (Nancy Drew Notebooks). Will Nancy and her friends be able to find the dragon in time for the parade? Typically second or third grade]. Happy New Year, Julie! Jackie Robinson, the first black major ...


ourlittletongginator.blogspot.com ourlittletongginator.blogspot.com

Our Little Tongginator: Sickness, Day Eleven


View my complete profile. Subscribe in a reader. Beloved Subjects on the Plane. I Deserved a DWC. One of the Worst Days of My Life. Starting the Day Right. We Made the Ayis Cry. Who Says Laundry Isn't Fun? Tuesday, January 28, 2014. Sickness, Day Eleven. We are heading into Day 11 of Sickness at Tonggu House and I'm feeling a bit twitchy. The Tongginator is back at school after a week lying on the couch, watching The Food Network. Pick Your. Battles. Rereading it, I'm thinking not. Kinda like her momma.


Our Little Tongginator: Other Mothers


View my complete profile. Subscribe in a reader. Beloved Subjects on the Plane. I Deserved a DWC. One of the Worst Days of My Life. Starting the Day Right. We Made the Ayis Cry. Who Says Laundry Isn't Fun? Monday, November 15, 2010. I remember the first time I really, truly felt jealous of one of my daughter's other mothers. We'd been home about six months. We were visiting with Rosie and her twins. Oh, how she cried. We'd been home six months at that point. One-third of the Tongginator's life. That's no...


Our Little Tongginator: Hadron Super Collider


View my complete profile. Subscribe in a reader. Beloved Subjects on the Plane. I Deserved a DWC. One of the Worst Days of My Life. Starting the Day Right. We Made the Ayis Cry. Who Says Laundry Isn't Fun? Monday, September 15, 2008. After dinner one evening last week, while the Tongginator munched on an Oreo cookie and the Husband read the paper at the kitchen table. Daddy, will you read to me? The Husband, Enginerd Extraordinaire. Head Now, I'm not saying that I have a higher IQ. Well, doodlebug, Daddy...


Our Little Tongginator: No One Talked There


View my complete profile. Subscribe in a reader. Beloved Subjects on the Plane. I Deserved a DWC. One of the Worst Days of My Life. Starting the Day Right. We Made the Ayis Cry. Who Says Laundry Isn't Fun? Monday, May 19, 2014. No One Talked There. It's been a learning curve for me, navigating parenting a child who avoids the topic rather than nearly obsessing over it. Mother's Day was a great opportunity. Llama Llama, Red Pajama;. And I Love You the Purplest. Squirt loves this book for some reason.


Our Little Tongginator: We are here!


View my complete profile. Subscribe in a reader. Beloved Subjects on the Plane. I Deserved a DWC. One of the Worst Days of My Life. Starting the Day Right. We Made the Ayis Cry. Who Says Laundry Isn't Fun? Thursday, June 9, 2011. Y’all, WE are the L family. Good thing the beds are so darn comfy here. (Heh.). I’m quite proud of myself. Just so you know.). Being on the plane. She threw up. On herself. On me. On our stuff. In the airsickness bag we finally managed to put in front of her. Oh, bless her heart!





flowerofchina.blogspot.com flowerofchina.blogspot.com

Flower of China: June 2011


Wednesday, June 29, 2011. Off off off off Broadway. No one is more surprised than me - that my shy little girl . The one who grieved in China so hard I don't know which one of us cried more. The one who didn't talk for the first month of preschool and the teachers thought she had a severe speech delay. The one who screamed and cried the entire 30 minutes of her first swimming lesson when I wasn't in the pool. The one who sat on my lap for library story time years after other friends went in by themselves.

momto3-raisingboys.blogspot.com momto3-raisingboys.blogspot.com

Adventures in Mothering: May 2010


Monday, May 3, 2010. The Smells of Boys. I remember getting excited buying baby lotion. I love the smell of that stuff. I would always rub some on the boys after their bathes when they were babies. As they got older, they didn't like it so much. Getting a shower was hard enough, let alone adding smelly lotion. They enjoy their stinky selves! Labels: teens; growing. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). Brownie Ornaments, Pantry Cheat Sheets and 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways Weekly Round-Up. PS He loves you.

momto3-raisingboys.blogspot.com momto3-raisingboys.blogspot.com

Adventures in Mothering: March 2010


Friday, March 26, 2010. One week from today, my oldest will be scheduling his classes. He will be scheduling them at school without me. It is for his freshmen year of high school - huh? When did this happen? I don't know if I'm ready for his high school years to start. It's like watching him learn to walk all over again. I want to reach out and catch him, but I know he has to learn on his own. I have to learn to let go so that he can grow. Lots of prayer time ahead for us! Tuesday, March 16, 2010. Waterm...

prayingforchina.blogspot.com prayingforchina.blogspot.com

Praying for China: My loss


Sunday, January 30, 2011. I'm reading so many books about adoption.Chinese adoption, older child adoption, attachment in adoption, etc. A theme I've been reading this week is to acknowledge my loss beforehand so I can help my child accept his/her loss. The examples given are mostly about infertility. We don't fit in that category. We're not adopting because of any loss, actually. I'm looking forward to giving words to my child's feelings and talking through the pain. It's the best I can do. Applied to Ok...

at-home-in-logs.blogspot.com at-home-in-logs.blogspot.com

At Home In Logs: January 2009


At Home in What? Monday, January 26, 2009. PART TWO . in which we find our hero hunched over a log, grinning. This post is part two of my photo essay on preparing a log to be part of a wall. I described milling and chalking the log. As promised in a previous post. Here is a step-by-step account of transforming the structural material-formerly-known-as-tree. The log is now bald, having had its bark and. Plans (almost entirely contained in his head), The Husband measures and marks the log for its cuts.

at-home-in-logs.blogspot.com at-home-in-logs.blogspot.com

At Home In Logs: June 2009


At Home in What? Saturday, June 27, 2009. Progress and Perspective, part 2. In the interests of focusing on the positive, here's my take on our progress. to give me perspective. (Second in the series. This is our (then outdoor) fireplace in October 2007:. And here's our fireplace right now:. That's progress, baby! We have a fireplace INSIDE all ready to go! Friday, June 26, 2009. There's the house, of course:. There's this stubby pile just hanging out in front of our house. What's your quirky love? The c...

at-home-in-logs.blogspot.com at-home-in-logs.blogspot.com

At Home In Logs: Wait... you thought I was done?


At Home in What? Wednesday, February 4, 2015. Wait you thought I was done? Yes, we're in The Log Highness, (pause for squealing) but that doesn't mean we're done. Lots more to do, folks. Lots and lots. And yet, this tightly-wound girl is surprisingly sanguine about it all. Yeah, I know. Crazy. I'm even attempting to blog from my phone. although this might be what pushes me right over the edge. Fair warning. The Bob has been finishing this and that as we try to stay warm in this zero degree weather. Altho...

prayingforchina.blogspot.com prayingforchina.blogspot.com

Praying for China: Let Down


Wednesday, June 9, 2010. We received an authorization! These three children, with numerous issues, need a family.and when asked if we could be their family, we had to decline. Ugh. It's just a let down. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). My wonderful husband, Michael (and me). Addyson, born 10/01. Ava, born 10/09. We discussed adoption while dating and always knew in our hearts that we'd grow our family through biology and adoption. Soaking up as much information as possible about adoption.

at-home-in-logs.blogspot.com at-home-in-logs.blogspot.com

At Home In Logs: November 2009


At Home in What? Friday, November 27, 2009. Yeah yeah yeah. great family, handsome husband, bountiful blessings, blah, blah, blah. Wanna know what I'm REALLY thankful for this year? Because once the boiler's hooked up, The Husband will be roasty toasty all winter long, as he builds the. Yes, I know that the boiler house/woodshed is a little. er. rough looking right now. It ain't gotta be pretty just yet. Pretty can come later. I need function. Wednesday, November 25, 2009. Progress and Perspective, part 5.

at-home-in-logs.blogspot.com at-home-in-logs.blogspot.com

At Home In Logs: September 2009


At Home in What? Wednesday, September 30, 2009. I got some good pictures of the house on Saturday, before this blasted rain started. The south side of the house:. Looking down into the house from the east gable (into the living and dining room):. Monday, September 28, 2009. Sunday, September 27, 2009. Progress and Perspective part III. In my never-ending struggle to be positive and not make more of those pinched little wrinkles around my mouth, I offer this installment of 'Progress and Perspective.'.





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ourlittletime's blog - On a la célébritée dans la peau ! - Skyrock.com

On a la célébritée dans la peau! Votre nouveau magazine en ligne 24h/24! Ici tout sur vos stars préféré seront mis en ligne! 02/11/2008 at 8:17 AM. 04/01/2009 at 5:07 AM. Soundtrack of My Life. Subscribe to my blog! Don't forget that insults, racism, etc. are forbidden by Skyrock's 'General Terms of Use' and that you can be identified by your IP address ( if someone makes a complaint. Please enter the sequence of characters in the field below. Posted on Sunday, 04 January 2009 at 5:07 AM.

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our little tinies

Wednesday, August 12, 2015. An Organized Craft Closet and Why Now's the Time. Cleaning out and organizing often comes on the heels of frustration. When you've thrown up your hands in exasperation because you can't find what you need to finish a project, or you go to the store to buy something you thought you were out of only to find a stash of that something in the back of the closet. I knew I had more glue gun sticks, I just didn't know where! I love her ideas for organizing her craft supplies. I have u...

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our little tinies

Thursday, January 12, 2017. 5 Ways to Make Exercise Happen When It's Cold Outside. Dogs were born to work for a living.  Beagles were bred for hunting, Collies for herding, and German Shepherds for protection.  So it is no surprise that dogs need exercise in order to be at their best.  However, our increasingly sedentary lifestyles mean dogs’ “jobs” are quite the opposite of their natural born instincts.   . So, how do we make sure our dogs are getting the exercise they need? Walk your pet month. The Thi...

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Our Little Tongginator

View my complete profile. Subscribe in a reader. Beloved Subjects on the Plane. I Deserved a DWC. One of the Worst Days of My Life. Starting the Day Right. We Made the Ayis Cry. Who Says Laundry Isn't Fun? Wednesday, February 3, 2016. Chinese New Year Chapter Books for Older Kids. The Chinese New Year Mystery (Nancy Drew Notebooks). Will Nancy and her friends be able to find the dragon in time for the parade? Typically second or third grade]. Happy New Year, Julie! Jackie Robinson, the first black major ...

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Our Family

Monday, September 29, 2008. Happy Birthday Nana and Angie! Thanks Ang for swimming with Tay! Yes, that is Pete's splash coming down the hydrotube. Gracyn's first step into the pool =). Checking out the fish and pretty scenary. Hanging out with DooDa. We had a great weekend at Suncadia Resort with Nana, DooDa, Angie and Mike. Happy Birthday Nana and Angie! Gracyn - 2 months. She is two months! Gracyn has gone from smiling to now laughing! Cuddle time with sissy ;). Still crazy hair girl! She attends the l...

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Our Little Tots Group Family Day Care - Home

Our Little Tots Group Family Day Care is committed to providing your child with quality care by encouraging each child to express themselves through language, art, music, and physical activity. With emphasis on learning through play, they are building socialization and self help skills that build up their self-esteem, which is needed to succeed in all areas of life. Believe that self-esteem is the critical component to the optimal growth in. How did you hear about this site? If Other please specify: *.

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