overtheseaandfaraway.wordpress.com overtheseaandfaraway.wordpress.com


Over the sea & far away.

Over the sea and far away. November 27, 2009 by overtheseaandfaraway. September 22, 2009 by overtheseaandfaraway. Probably my favorite part haha random guy giving me a shot. Then SHE had a shot hahahaha. Ewww thru them over balcony in ******. Hahaha had the best night haha no serious ********* tho im bummed hahaha. Off to america in 2 weeks.not excited. August 29, 2009 by overtheseaandfaraway. **** i suck sometimes, but its good to know some people suck awhole lot more than i do. Let’s be cold. I am insa...














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Over the sea & far away. | overtheseaandfaraway.wordpress.com Reviews
Over the sea and far away. November 27, 2009 by overtheseaandfaraway. September 22, 2009 by overtheseaandfaraway. Probably my favorite part haha random guy giving me a shot. Then SHE had a shot hahahaha. Ewww thru them over balcony in ******. Hahaha had the best night haha no serious ********* tho im bummed hahaha. Off to america in 2 weeks.not excited. August 29, 2009 by overtheseaandfaraway. **** i suck sometimes, but its good to know some people suck awhole lot more than i do. Let’s be cold. I am insa...
1 feeds
2 posts
3 happyhappyhappy
4 winners
5 posted in uncategorized
6 leave a comment
7 tawentywon
8 not yet drunk
9 burny sparklers
10 aaand after
Page content here
feeds,posts,happyhappyhappy,winners,posted in uncategorized,leave a comment,tawentywon,not yet drunk,burny sparklers,aaand after,stole rubber gloves,oversleepy,posted in hmf,let’s,go to war,to make peace,to create heat,we can see,as of late,i have,cute

Over the sea & far away. | overtheseaandfaraway.wordpress.com Reviews


Over the sea and far away. November 27, 2009 by overtheseaandfaraway. September 22, 2009 by overtheseaandfaraway. Probably my favorite part haha random guy giving me a shot. Then SHE had a shot hahahaha. Ewww thru them over balcony in ******. Hahaha had the best night haha no serious ********* tho im bummed hahaha. Off to america in 2 weeks.not excited. August 29, 2009 by overtheseaandfaraway. **** i suck sometimes, but its good to know some people suck awhole lot more than i do. Let’s be cold. I am insa...


overtheseaandfaraway.wordpress.com overtheseaandfaraway.wordpress.com

happyhappyhappy. | Over the sea & far away.


Over the sea and far away. November 27, 2009 by overtheseaandfaraway. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Enter your comment here. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Address never made public). You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. ( Log Out. You are commenting using your Twitter account. ( Log Out. You are commenting using your Facebook account. ( Log Out. You are commenting using your Google account. ( Log Out. Notify me of new comments via email. Blog at WordPress.com.


August | 2009 | Over the sea & far away.


Over the sea and far away. Archive for August, 2009. On August 29, 2009 Leave a Comment. I feel so overtired right now that i’m probably what most would consider drunk. so i shouldnt reallyyyy be writing a blog post but ahhhwell fuck it haha. Im that excited for america and my 21st on the 16th of sept n then i go away on the 6th of oct and am in LA for a week then i fly off to nyc and boston(going to edge day) n see ash in nj so im pretty fucking excited .haha. Read Full Post ». Read Full Post ».


overtheseaandfaraway | Over the sea & far away.


Over the sea and far away. November 27, 2009. September 22, 2009. August 29, 2009. August 10, 2009. August 10, 2009. August 4, 2009. July 28, 2009. Older Posts ». Blog at WordPress.com. Over the sea and far away. Blog at WordPress.com.


September | 2009 | Over the sea & far away.


Over the sea and far away. Archive for September, 2009. On September 22, 2009 Leave a Comment. Probably my favorite part haha random guy giving me a shot. Then SHE had a shot hahahaha. Ewww thru them over balcony in casino. Hahaha had the best night haha no serious strippers tho im bummed hahaha. Off to america in 2 weeks.not excited. Read Full Post ». Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Over the sea and far away. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com.


i have | Over the sea & far away.


Over the sea and far away. Laquo; i wish i wish i wish. July 28, 2009 by overtheseaandfaraway. Nothing to write about rrreally haha im really excited for september n october… really reeeeally excited. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Enter your comment here. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Address never made public). You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. ( Log Out. You are commenting using your Twitter account. ( Log Out. Notify me of new comments via email.





wishingwaitinglosingfading.blogspot.com wishingwaitinglosingfading.blogspot.com

Can't sleep clown will eat me: 8:39am


Can't sleep clown will eat me. Thursday, September 24, 2009. I'm not as happy here as what i thought i would be. What the hell is wrong with me? I do love love love my new adopted family though, i couldn't have asked for any more awesome people. Penny is here in two weeks, that will make me ridiculously happy and excited. Siked. I'm going to the mall to spend some hard cash. I'll post my hopefully good finds on here when i'm done. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Best bro in da world. The time has come.

crashleigh.wordpress.com crashleigh.wordpress.com

About | Mumma Crash


Prosperity vs. Tribulation. This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Enter your comment here. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Address never made public). You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. ( Log Out.

wishingwaitinglosingfading.blogspot.com wishingwaitinglosingfading.blogspot.com

Can't sleep clown will eat me: AMERICA V.2


Can't sleep clown will eat me. Sunday, September 20, 2009. So i arrived in to America on Thursday and NJ on Friday morning. My flight was delayed four hours from Sydney to San Francisco, finally arrived at San Fran at like 3, got interrogated for 45 mins by immigration, waited six hours for my connecting flight, arrived at Newark at like 7:30 Friday morning. Finally got to meet her daughter Brittany who is fourteen and so cute. Went home and started to set up for Brittany's birthday party. Now it's today...

wishingwaitinglosingfading.blogspot.com wishingwaitinglosingfading.blogspot.com

Can't sleep clown will eat me: November 2008


Can't sleep clown will eat me. Sunday, November 30, 2008. Hamish, Andy, Lauren and meeee. Today Lauren and i went to Castle Hill to meet Hamish and Andy. Stood in line for four hours. One person threw up and another fainted. It was hot as shit and i got super sunburnt but only on half my chest/one boob? How that works i have no idea. It was good to spend the day just chilling with Lauren and being excited about something for once (yes, we are losers). The cause of my future sun cancer today. The last few...

wishingwaitinglosingfading.blogspot.com wishingwaitinglosingfading.blogspot.com

Can't sleep clown will eat me: July 2009


Can't sleep clown will eat me. Wednesday, July 22, 2009. I had a very, very good weekend. Britt and Alex came down from Port for Elissas birthday. I was so, soooo excited. Party at Elissa and Garry's new house :). I'm just going to post a whole bunch of photos. I had so much fun with these amazing girls. xoxoxoxo. First photo of being 20 :). Best girls, so much fun. Happy 20th Birthday, Elissa! PS I got moved to a different section at work today which secures my job for the next month. Yayayay.

wishingwaitinglosingfading.blogspot.com wishingwaitinglosingfading.blogspot.com

Can't sleep clown will eat me: The time has come.


Can't sleep clown will eat me. Wednesday, September 16, 2009. The time has come. I'm nervous and kind of excited. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Best bro in da world. Something chronic - vintage range. My boy manny mareeesss. The time has come.

wishingwaitinglosingfading.blogspot.com wishingwaitinglosingfading.blogspot.com

Can't sleep clown will eat me: I'm really good at updating my blog


Can't sleep clown will eat me. Monday, November 2, 2009. I'm really good at updating my blog. I always forget about this thing. I'm no longer going to bother saying i'll update it because it never happens. If i update i update, whatever, no one reads this anyway. Halloween sucked. Went to so much effort to get costumes, money and time wasted because i didn't do anything. Went out for dinner with Ray and Gfern and then hung at mine. Not very exciting or interesting. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom).

wishingwaitinglosingfading.blogspot.com wishingwaitinglosingfading.blogspot.com

Can't sleep clown will eat me: September 2009


Can't sleep clown will eat me. Thursday, September 24, 2009. I'm not as happy here as what i thought i would be. What the hell is wrong with me? I do love love love my new adopted family though, i couldn't have asked for any more awesome people. Penny is here in two weeks, that will make me ridiculously happy and excited. Siked. I'm going to the mall to spend some hard cash. I'll post my hopefully good finds on here when i'm done. Sunday, September 20, 2009. Saturday morning the three of us went to starb...

crashleigh.wordpress.com crashleigh.wordpress.com

Mumma Crash | Prosperity vs. Tribulation | Page 2


Prosperity vs. Tribulation. On February 2, 2009 by crashleigh. I spent most part of the day talking to Scott on webcam, why is he so wonderful? Have been adjusting to this indecisive weather so my hay fever/asthma has been playing up. Decided at around 3pm that I would take Jen up on her offer and go down to Sydney with her and Maddy, for the red shore gig. Singa-longs in car were rad as usual, CURLS ALL GONE DUE TO WINDOWS ROLLED DOWN. We headed on to Trash for after-gig party shenanigans. She had her p...





overthesea-brazil.blogspot.com overthesea-brazil.blogspot.com


Lauantai 25. joulukuuta 2010. Feliz Natal e Hyvää Joulua! Todella hyvää joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta kaikille! Minulta on hieman tämä blogin päivittely jäänyt, Brasiliassa olen vielä kuitenkin ja pääsääntöisesti hengissäkin. Tänä aamuna heräsin samoihin ääniin kuin Suomessa: rapinaan, sutinaan ja rouskutukseen. Hetkenhän siinä tuli pohdittua mitä nyt on tapahtunut, kunnes sen sitten muisti: joululahjahan siellä elelee! Tästä lähtien tulenkin sitten jakamaan huoneeni (vielä) pienin vaavin kanssa :).

overthesea.blogfa.com overthesea.blogfa.com

آن سوی دریا

خیلی وقت بود تخم مرغ، اونم برای صبحونه ،نخورده بودم. با آبمیوه و گوجه خوردم. چسبید. روز عجیبی داشتم. هر چی بیشتر بهش فکر میکنم بیشتر گیج و گنگ میشم. تاريخ پنجشنبه بیست و نهم مرداد ۱۳۹۴ساعت 23:51 نويسنده دریا. شاید به نظر شما کار خوبیه و ما داریم سخت گیری میکنی، اما یک درصدم اینجوری نیست. اولا که هر کسی اولین مسافرت خارج از کشورش رو با خانوادش میره، کسی هم که با دوستش میره سنش خیلی بیشتر از 20 ساله! مشکل دیگه ام اینه که، خاله زهره اینجور موقع ها دل هیچکدوم از بچه های خانواده رو نمیشکنه! بعضی آهنگا آدمو می...

overthesea.blogg.se overthesea.blogg.se

overthesea - En blogg om mitt stora äventyr i USA

En blogg om mitt stora äventyr i USA. Kanske dags att göra nått åt mitt icke bloggande. Jo Carin man kan blogga även om man är hemma. Men det finns ju inte så myket att berätta om längre! Jag är iallafall hemma sedan nästan två månader tillbaka. Allt väntande. På flyglatsen i New York gick bra, men det var ett jobigt dygn. Vårt flyg från New York blev försenat, vilket innebar att vi missade. Flyget från helsingfors till Köpenhamn. Jag ville så gärna hem och det var sjukt. Med vilket ska bli otroligt skoj.

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Over the Sea and Far Away | Obsidian Portal

Sign In / Create Account. Over the Sea and Far Away. Fantasy sandbox game of exploration, horror, piracy and dark magic. Set in a barely-explored subcontinent, the characters are 0-level schlubs, transported to the Imperial Penal Colony for crimes both specified and unspecified. Over the Sea and Far Away. Over the Sea and Far Away. December 16, 2016 18:52. Over the Sea and Far Away. Over the Sea and Far Away Comments. Updated the adventure log post A quiet sail up the coast. December 16, 2016 18:52.

overtheseaandfaraway.wordpress.com overtheseaandfaraway.wordpress.com

Over the sea & far away.

Over the sea and far away. November 27, 2009 by overtheseaandfaraway. September 22, 2009 by overtheseaandfaraway. Probably my favorite part haha random guy giving me a shot. Then SHE had a shot hahahaha. Ewww thru them over balcony in casino. Hahaha had the best night haha no serious strippers tho im bummed hahaha. Off to america in 2 weeks.not excited. August 29, 2009 by overtheseaandfaraway. Fuck i suck sometimes, but its good to know some people suck awhole lot more than i do. Let’s be cold. I am insa...

overtheseaside.skyrock.com overtheseaside.skyrock.com

Blog de overtheseaside - » Hallelujah - Skyrock.com

Mot de passe :. J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. Plus d'actions ▼. S'abonner à mon blog. Marianne (Messina (Sur les Quais). Création : 30/04/2012 à 13:52. Mise à jour : 30/11/2013 à 12:28. Les articles signés Overtheseaside sont des articles rédigés par mes soins donc j'aimerais que ceci soit avant tout respecté. Sur ce bonne lecture les coupains. Posté le samedi 10 août 2013 22:32. Modifié le lundi 12 août 2013 22:03. Est-ce qu'il ressent la même chose que moi? Posté le mercredi 07 août 2013 19:54. Parce q...

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Over the Sea to Skye - Glenelg Kylerhea Ferry Action Group

Glenelg Action Group, Balcraggie, Glenelg, IV40 8LA Tel : 44 (0) 1599 522240. Email : action@overtheseatoskye.co.uk. Click HERE for our COMPETITION. GLENELG FERRY TOP PRIORITY FOR INITIATIVE AT THE EDGE. Ldquo;The proposed community buy-out of the Glenelg Ferry will be a top priority in our Initiative at the Edge projects,” promised Eddie Stiven, chairman of the Initiative at the Edge Steering Group for Glenelg and Arnisdale. The Glenelg ferry plying her trade to and from Skye. The ferry goes back.

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Over The Seize | Covering rock and metal from all over the world.

Covering rock and metal from all over the world. Live Show Review: Rush. Location: Columbus, Ohio. Date: June 8, 2015. Way back in 2008, when Rush was on tour supporting their penultimate release,. I had the pleasure of seeing them in Milwaukee. With my dad. It was my first real concert experience, one I will probably never forget. The set contained a fairly definitive list of Rush’s greatest hits, along with the best tunes from. 8220;The Way The Wind Blows” among them). We also got more of the epic.

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Mission, Vision and Values. Join Our Varsity Team. Ovarian Cancer in the News. Don't just cover it up. Join us in the fight to end ovarian cancer. This 5 minute test could save your life! 8/9/13 - NPR - Dogs Help Sniff Out Deadly Form of Cancer. 8/9/13 - USA Today - Training Dogs to Help Sniff Out Cancer. 8/8/13 - PM Live - GSK Summit Votrient for Ovarian Cancer in Europe. 8/7/13 - Baltimore Sun - Henrietta Lacks' Family to Have Say in Use of Her Genetic Material. Don't be a dummy! Listen to your tummy!

overtheseprisonwalls.tumblr.com overtheseprisonwalls.tumblr.com

Over These Prison Walls

Over These Prison Walls. Posted a nice reflection. Written by Isaac Ontiveros,. On the legacy of Herman Wallace. Who was a member of the Angola 3. After being wrongfully accused of killing a prison guard, Wallace spent 42 years in solitary confinement. Suffering from advanced cancer at age 71, he was finally released on Tuesday. He died three days later, on Friday. From the Critical Resistance piece:. Read the essay HERE. He New York Times. Good article on Wallace. Our community is made up of over 75,000...