Individual Donors « My CMS
Giving July 1, 2012, through June 30, 2013. High Peaks Club ($500,000 ). Collegiate Club ($100,000.00 -$249,999 ). Nancy and Lee Keet *. Caroline (Draper ’60) and Serge G. Lussi * *. Sharon and Jon L. Luther ’67 * *. Carole and Phil Saunders * *. Leadership Club ($50,000 – $99,999). George I. Alden Trust. Ambassadors Club ($25,000-$49,999). Donna and Paul F. Ciminelli *. Jeanne B. and Frank M. Hutchins *. Robert L. Krause ’48 * *. The A Lindsay and Olive B. O’Connor Foundation. Francine and Peter Walker *.
Paving The Way « My CMS
Supporting Paul Smith’s from the ground up. Claire St John Crull ’55. And her sister Jacqueline St John ’54. Are part of a long line of women who attended Paul Smith’s College three generations of them, in fact. So when they first heard of the Paving the Way project, a fund-raising campaign that supports student scholarships, they jumped at the chance to commemorate their legacy with a pair of bricks to be laid on academic row. And it’s a long legacy. St John Crull’s daughter, Cheryl Crull-Miller. The br...
2012-2013 Highlights « My CMS
Two New Faculty Chairs. For everything that goes into the Paul Smith’s College experience, the key ingredient will always be the people at the front of the classrooms. So we’re raising $1.9 million to endow chairs for two of our most well-respected faculty members, Curt Stager and Dan Kelting. Fundraising is ongoing for Stager’s position, the Endowed Chair in Lake Ecology and Paleoecology. A generous matching gift from former Paul Smith’s College Trustee Caroline Lussi promises to carry this campaign...
2012-2013 Fund Raising Results « My CMS
2012-2013 Fund Raising Results. That beautiful campus in the middle of the woods. shaped my outlook on the fragility of life." #Smitties. 08:49:23 AM January 10, 2017. Studying in Russia are A-Ok despite subzero temps. Follow them on Facebook at PSC's International Winter Ecology Extravaganza. 12:16:12 PM January 07, 2017. Community Spotlight: Hopefully these NCS students become #Smitties. 09:19:08 AM January 04, 2017. Route 86 and 30 P.O. Box 265. Paul Smiths, NY 12970-0265. 08:49:23 AM January 10, 2017.
A Letter from the Chairman & the President « My CMS
Chairman & President’s Letter. A Letter from the Chairman & the President. In January, President Barack Obama gathered more than 100 representatives from the higher-education community at the White House and urged them to open their doors wider to low-income students. These are worthy goals. At Paul Smith’s, though, we’re a step ahead: We’ve made these commitments years ago. And we’ve made them thanks to your generosity. None of these strides happen in a vacuum, though. When we steer more need-based ...
John W. Mills’ Legacy at Paul Smith’s College « My CMS
Chairman & President’s Letter. John W. Mills’ Legacy at Paul Smith’s College. In the 10 years since John W. Mills became president of Paul Smith’s College, the milestones have come with impressive regularity. But we have reached the end of an era. At the end of June, President Mills will retire, concluding the second-longest presidential tenure in Paul Smith’s history. The shift to offering bachelor’s degrees which 80 percent of our students now seek drove a change in our core curriculum as well. Our...