poofinginparadise.blogspot.com poofinginparadise.blogspot.com


Poofing In Paradise

Tuesday, February 17, 2009. I really miss playing Michele games! Okay, I admit that I'm not on the computer as much as I used to be, which means I don't blog as often as I used to or visit other peoples blogs that much either.but I must admit that when I do get online the first thing I miss is Michele Agnew. I rocked at it! Well, Michele retired from her blog. I understand that it took up a lot of her time and that she had to attend to her real life. (Go Michele! So I am not mad at her, at all. Now I am ...














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Poofing In Paradise | poofinginparadise.blogspot.com Reviews
Tuesday, February 17, 2009. I really miss playing Michele games! Okay, I admit that I'm not on the computer as much as I used to be, which means I don't blog as often as I used to or visit other peoples blogs that much either.but I must admit that when I do get online the first thing I miss is Michele Agnew. I rocked at it! Well, Michele retired from her blog. I understand that it took up a lot of her time and that she had to attend to her real life. (Go Michele! So I am not mad at her, at all. Now I am ...
1 poofing in paradise
2 posted by
3 flleenie
4 8 comments
5 2 comments
6 one wish
7 any takers
8 1 comment
9 cutting back sucks
10 we'll see
Page content here
poofing in paradise,posted by,flleenie,8 comments,2 comments,one wish,any takers,1 comment,cutting back sucks,we'll see,6 comments,historical election,4 comments,my response,please help me,you know what,history repeats itself,heck no,dang,older posts

Poofing In Paradise | poofinginparadise.blogspot.com Reviews


Tuesday, February 17, 2009. I really miss playing Michele games! Okay, I admit that I'm not on the computer as much as I used to be, which means I don't blog as often as I used to or visit other peoples blogs that much either.but I must admit that when I do get online the first thing I miss is Michele Agnew. I rocked at it! Well, Michele retired from her blog. I understand that it took up a lot of her time and that she had to attend to her real life. (Go Michele! So I am not mad at her, at all. Now I am ...


poofinginparadise.blogspot.com poofinginparadise.blogspot.com

Poofing In Paradise: Historical Election


Tuesday, November 04, 2008. This was a historical election no matter which side was victorious. If McCain had won, then it would have been the first time a woman was elected as a vice-president. Sorry, but DENIED! On the other hand, Barrack Obama won, so it is the first time that an African-American has been elected president. Awesome! Personally, I don't care about his race, but I do care about what he can do for me, my family and my country. Hi Fleenie. Michele sent me to see you. Hello, Michele sent me.


Poofing In Paradise: 39 Days & Counting


Thursday, October 23, 2008. 39 Days and Counting. This week, Thursday, is my Friday. I just completed my 2nd 4 day work week and I'm tired. One thing that stinks about a 4-day work week is getting up at 5:15 every morning. I am still trying to get used to that, and I am yawning by 3pm every day. It took a lot of work, but I finally cleaned out the AP office. Now, there are only 5 files that require additional documentation to update. If it isn't my old bladder saying, "Pee now! 38 days and counting.


Poofing In Paradise: March 2008


Thursday, March 27, 2008. What Are Teachers Supposed To Teach? If you have read my blogs in the past then you will remember the tirades I have had regarding the property tax issue in Florida. Well, the f'ing amendment passed. Governor Charlie Crist, who by the way, does NOT own a house in Florida, called it a victory. I ask, "For Whom"? Not him obviously, as HE DOESN'T PAY PROPERTY TAX! AND, it wasn't necessary to do explain at this time! Why would he think it is okay to upset and worry a 10 year old?


Poofing In Paradise: November 2008


Tuesday, November 04, 2008. This was a historical election no matter which side was victorious. If McCain had won, then it would have been the first time a woman was elected as a vice-president. Sorry, but DENIED! On the other hand, Barrack Obama won, so it is the first time that an African-American has been elected president. Awesome! Personally, I don't care about his race, but I do care about what he can do for me, my family and my country. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). View my complete profile.


Poofing In Paradise: Cutting Back Sucks!


Tuesday, December 02, 2008. I know that the economy really sucks right now. I also understand that companies are looking for ways to cut back and that sometimes that means laying off staff. I know cause I was laid off! I was also fortunate enough to get another job. But do you know what really sucks? My favorite Blog site, "Ask Michelle", has decided to discontinue the interactive blog and games that they have been doing for quite some time. I will miss it. Say it isin't so! Give it a shot-. That totally...





milkbrain.blogspot.com milkbrain.blogspot.com

In the Mind of a Mom: junior prom: revisited


In the Mind of a Mom. They say that when you nurse a baby, you lose your mind, getting forgetful and spacey. I've had that problem for a long time , and now I have a real excuse: Milk Brain. Jason and I went to the junior prom last night and had a nice time. my first prom was back in 1997, and my god, have things changed. I realized that i also fell off the fashion bandwagon, and half the prom dresses worn, i didn't classify as prom dresses. when did the mini prom dress become the latest style? Something...

milkbrain.blogspot.com milkbrain.blogspot.com

In the Mind of a Mom: May 2009


In the Mind of a Mom. They say that when you nurse a baby, you lose your mind, getting forgetful and spacey. I've had that problem for a long time , and now I have a real excuse: Milk Brain. Jason and I went to the junior prom last night and had a nice time. my first prom was back in 1997, and my god, have things changed. I realized that i also fell off the fashion bandwagon, and half the prom dresses worn, i didn't classify as prom dresses. when did the mini prom dress become the latest style? At the un...

milkbrain.blogspot.com milkbrain.blogspot.com

In the Mind of a Mom: I'm so smart


In the Mind of a Mom. They say that when you nurse a baby, you lose your mind, getting forgetful and spacey. I've had that problem for a long time , and now I have a real excuse: Milk Brain. My complete and utter inability to focus at work has to do with the simple fact that I'm bored. what's more interesting than weighing and labeling 100's of vials, peeling tape off of 4000 test tubes, and washing (then acid washing) dishes? This post was amazingly added by Milk Brain. At the unruley hour of. Located i...

milkbrain.blogspot.com milkbrain.blogspot.com

In the Mind of a Mom: I yam who I yam.. rootbeer anyone?


In the Mind of a Mom. They say that when you nurse a baby, you lose your mind, getting forgetful and spacey. I've had that problem for a long time , and now I have a real excuse: Milk Brain. I yam who I yam. rootbeer anyone? Can you pinpoint at least 1 specific event from your youth, that has made you the way you are as an adult? Who would've thought that such an event would have such an impact in my life? This post was amazingly added by Milk Brain. At the unruley hour of. I use either Peaches 'n Cream ...

milkbrain.blogspot.com milkbrain.blogspot.com

In the Mind of a Mom: a richie's life


In the Mind of a Mom. They say that when you nurse a baby, you lose your mind, getting forgetful and spacey. I've had that problem for a long time , and now I have a real excuse: Milk Brain. Don't get me wrong I wish I did) but there would be so much I would do with that money, including helping my family and my husband family as priorities. This post was amazingly added by Milk Brain. At the unruley hour of. Awww thanks for the sentiments directed my way! N why you wouldn't hang onto a pile long either!

milkbrain.blogspot.com milkbrain.blogspot.com

In the Mind of a Mom: A meme to do, thanks to Mom


In the Mind of a Mom. They say that when you nurse a baby, you lose your mind, getting forgetful and spacey. I've had that problem for a long time , and now I have a real excuse: Milk Brain. A meme to do, thanks to Mom. You must link back to the origin blog (I linked. Post 7 facts about yourself, whatever you choose, long, short, ect. Post the rules, so they know what to do. Tag 7 folks, n link them so everyone can hurry up n visit. When you're done posting your facts, go comment on their blogs,. I find ...

milkbrain.blogspot.com milkbrain.blogspot.com

In the Mind of a Mom: September 2008


In the Mind of a Mom. They say that when you nurse a baby, you lose your mind, getting forgetful and spacey. I've had that problem for a long time , and now I have a real excuse: Milk Brain. So I was driving, well stopped at a stop light, in fact, in Westfield, in my truck. Windows open, like usual (Love to have the windows open). Hungry Eyes. Best known fromt he Dirty Dancign soundtrack. The light turned, and I drove away in hysterics. This post was amazingly added by Milk Brain. At the unruley hour of.

milkbrain.blogspot.com milkbrain.blogspot.com

In the Mind of a Mom: October 2008


In the Mind of a Mom. They say that when you nurse a baby, you lose your mind, getting forgetful and spacey. I've had that problem for a long time , and now I have a real excuse: Milk Brain. I had a dream. and then I woke up. His reply- "I'm Mr. Turlik here", "oh crap", I say, " I forgot", he says, "many other students are forgetting to call me that too". I wanted to ask him when he left Blue-Man Group,and went back to teaching, but he was gone. I can't remember anything after that. I think I woke up.

milkbrain.blogspot.com milkbrain.blogspot.com

In the Mind of a Mom: holy long time, Batman!


In the Mind of a Mom. They say that when you nurse a baby, you lose your mind, getting forgetful and spacey. I've had that problem for a long time , and now I have a real excuse: Milk Brain. Holy long time, Batman! Yup I haven't blogged all summer. holy bejeezus. not like I have tons of readers anyway. I mostly post on facebook these days, but usually I copy the post here, for my loyal fans. Thanks mom. :P. Leaves are are in peak color, not at bright as other years, but nice none the less. So much has be...

milkbrain.blogspot.com milkbrain.blogspot.com

In the Mind of a Mom: July 2009


In the Mind of a Mom. They say that when you nurse a baby, you lose your mind, getting forgetful and spacey. I've had that problem for a long time , and now I have a real excuse: Milk Brain. How did mom's do it back in the day. staying home with the kids for so long. We also enjoyed the parks at North Parish, Green River School, and Unity Park. Another day I dragged the gang to Yankee Candle, not so shop, but to play. They have never been! Let's rub mud on each other. Evan and James were pretty much inse...





poofinboots.blogspot.com poofinboots.blogspot.com

Poof In Boots

This is the journal of an insane poof, this journal may contain random bouts of swearing, sex, drugs and other immoral but fun things. Sunday, January 15, 2006. What type of dragon are you? Beautiful pics- for girls and guys). Brought to you by Quizilla. Posted by Poof In Boots at 00:21. There's a Dragon in your soul. You are very wise. And like to give people advice. You mostly feel. Like you are misunderstood and don't like a lot. Of people around you. 2 or 3 friends are. Brought to you by Quizilla.

poofindi.deviantart.com poofindi.deviantart.com

Poofindi (. . A̷͉̱͎̰̱͎̖̱̗̪͌́̅̄̀ǔ̲̦̼̰̰͆̌͊͠) - DeviantArt

Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ; this.removeAttribute('onclick')" class="mi". Window.devicePixelRatio*screen.width 'x' window.devicePixelRatio*screen.height) :(screen.width 'x' screen.height) ; this.removeAttribute('onclick')". Join DeviantArt for FREE. Forgot Password or Username? I'm gay af. Digital Art / Hobbyist. Deviant for 1 Year. This deviant's full pageview. Last Visit: 12 hours ago. I'm gay af. Why," you ask?

poofine.com poofine.com


October 15th, 2014. Fire-engine Themed rainbow cupcakes. Hope he had a blast! January 21st, 2014. January 20th, 2014. February 28th, 2013. May the Force be with You! October 10th, 2012. October 9th, 2012. September 26th, 2012.

poofingbloglist.blogspot.com poofingbloglist.blogspot.com

Poofing the Pillows Blog Friends

Poofing the Pillows Blog Friends. Friday, May 16, 2014. This page accompanies my regular blog,. This is a list of the many blogs I visit for inspiration. I'd love for you to visit me. :). Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). Beautiful Blue and White. Beautiful blue and white makes me happy. It was a dreary day yesterday and there was a bag from HomeGoods in the corner of the room staring at me, saying, . Adding Charm to Your Home. It’s Michaela. I love being here at the Inspired. Living on Cloud Nine. Our neighbo...

poofinger.com poofinger.com

Ethics Reloaded! - The Fastest Way to Moral Certainty, Guaranteed!

The Fastest Way to Moral Certainty, Guaranteed! The Philosophy of Moral Armor. Books and CD’s. All 12 Episodes of A Bridge Between Us All are Now on iTunes and Stitcher! A Bridge Between Us All. As the most condensed version of. The world’s first fully-integrated moral philosophy based on nature itself,. A Bridge Between Us All. A healthy outlook for an individual requires a stress-free relationship with existence itself. We then bring our peaceful, productive energy to our experiences with others&#4...

poofinginparadise.blogspot.com poofinginparadise.blogspot.com

Poofing In Paradise

Tuesday, February 17, 2009. I really miss playing Michele games! Okay, I admit that I'm not on the computer as much as I used to be, which means I don't blog as often as I used to or visit other peoples blogs that much either.but I must admit that when I do get online the first thing I miss is Michele Agnew. I rocked at it! Well, Michele retired from her blog. I understand that it took up a lot of her time and that she had to attend to her real life. (Go Michele! So I am not mad at her, at all. Now I am ...

poofingthepillows.blogspot.com poofingthepillows.blogspot.com

Poofing the Pillows

Tuesday, August 11, 2015. I didn't mean to ignore you but there are adventures to be had this summer. I'm off to visit my girlfriend in New York. :). I hope you all are having an absolutely wonderful end to your summer. Someone needs to tell Mother Nature that it's too hot here. How is it at your place? Tuesday, July 28, 2015. Road Trips, Ball Jars, and Young Love. He's there working for a few months and we've used any and all excuses to go see him. I really enjoy road trips with my husband. Treasure Hun...

poofingthepillows.com poofingthepillows.com

Poofing the Pillows

Tuesday, January 10, 2017. A Snack That is Delicious and Inexpensive. January 10, 2017. Hey y'all welcome to the very first Ten on the 10th. Today I'm joining a few blogging friends to share affordable and fun ideas for life. Are you trying to eat in a more healthy way this new year? One too many slices of pie and sides of mashed potatoes have taken their toll on my waistline and energy level. So right now this is my go to snack. Now mind you, this suggestion comes to you from a girl who kind of hates.

poofinmovement.blogspot.com poofinmovement.blogspot.com

Poof!! In Movement

This is a blog set up for information regarding the performance project, Poof! In Movement. This project is one of several projects to be featured in The University Co-op Presents the Cohen New Works Festival at the University of Texas at Austin. To read more about The University Co-op Presents the Cohen New Works Festival, please visit: www.coopnwf.org. Thanks for your support. Saturday, May 30, 2009. Watch Party . . . Wednesday, April 15, 2009. Performance DVDs available soon! Sunday, April 5, 2009.

poofish.com poofish.com

poofish dot com

There once was a moo named FooMoo . and there many ridiculous souls played in the ether. If you are curious, perverted, or for any other reason wish to poke, please do:. Use any modern moo/mud client ( tf. And hit moo.poofish.com at port 4242. Come in to say hi, the old fashioned way. Use the fumanchu moo portal. Using anyterm and tf). Use the java-moo connection! Or, read some history. Also, for programmers:. LambdaMOO programmers manual (march97 - 1.8.0p6). Manual tree in tar.gz ball.

poofishdotcom.tumblr.com poofishdotcom.tumblr.com


Kate, 25, short, loud, cuddly. Loves glitter and kitties. On my life adventure. 1 year ago on. Im sick and tired of fuckin frozen everywhere like “do you wanna bui-” NO BITCH I DONT WANNA BUILD NO MOTHERFUCKIN SNOWMAN ITS FUCKING SUMMER THIS SHIT CAME OUT IN GODDAMN NOVEMBER STOP FUCKING SHOVING IT DOWN OUR THROATS I SHOULD PUNT YOU ACROSS THE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES AND INTO FUCKING RUSSIA BUILD A FUCKING SNOWMAN THERE IN THE GULAG YOU WANKSTAIN. It doesn’t have to be a snowman. 1 year ago on. When is...