randomramblingofaragingraven.blogspot.com randomramblingofaragingraven.blogspot.com


Rantings of a Raging Raven

Wednesday, October 31, 2012. Religion, Politics and Civility. The past week was General Conference and I spent some time pondering Elder Cook’s talk and his call for civility in all things, especially in civil discourse. http:/ www.lds.org/general-conference/2012/10/can-ye-feel-so-now? In 1835 at a general assembly the Church adopted by unanimous vote a “Declaration of Belief regarding Governments and Laws in general,” which was to become the 134. When members of the flock returned for an afternoon sessi...














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Rantings of a Raging Raven | randomramblingofaragingraven.blogspot.com Reviews
Wednesday, October 31, 2012. Religion, Politics and Civility. The past week was General Conference and I spent some time pondering Elder Cook’s talk and his call for civility in all things, especially in civil discourse. http:/ www.lds.org/general-conference/2012/10/can-ye-feel-so-now? In 1835 at a general assembly the Church adopted by unanimous vote a “Declaration of Belief regarding Governments and Laws in general,” which was to become the 134. When members of the flock returned for an afternoon sessi...
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Rantings of a Raging Raven | randomramblingofaragingraven.blogspot.com Reviews


Wednesday, October 31, 2012. Religion, Politics and Civility. The past week was General Conference and I spent some time pondering Elder Cook’s talk and his call for civility in all things, especially in civil discourse. http:/ www.lds.org/general-conference/2012/10/can-ye-feel-so-now? In 1835 at a general assembly the Church adopted by unanimous vote a “Declaration of Belief regarding Governments and Laws in general,” which was to become the 134. When members of the flock returned for an afternoon sessi...


randomramblingofaragingraven.blogspot.com randomramblingofaragingraven.blogspot.com

Rantings of a Raging Raven: November 2009


Thursday, November 26, 2009. Tuesday, November 24, 2009. Today my little girl turns 6. It's hard to believe she's grown up so fast. It seems like yesterday we just brought her home from the hospital. The next day was Thanksgiving and it was nice to go to my dads house and be taken care of for the holiday and I got to relax and play with my new little girl. I am so proud of all of her accomplishments that I could burst if I tried to recount them all. Saturday, November 21, 2009. Friday, November 20, 2009.


Rantings of a Raging Raven: October 2009


Friday, October 30, 2009. Naomi's school didn't even really celebrate Halloween. They did have a pumpkin festival and the parents brought treats made of pumpkin. I brought Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies. The kids showed us their projects for the month and then sang some songs. We all had a lot of fun. Tuesday, October 27, 2009. Sunday, October 25, 2009. Saturday, October 24, 2009. Friday, October 23, 2009. It's been 10 yrs and boy what an adventure! Tonight I actually got a date night! 9th and 12th - Fal...


Rantings of a Raging Raven: Is this year over yet?


Thursday, December 31, 2009. Is this year over yet? Good bye 2009, I don't think I will miss you much. I hope that everything is ok. You know I am always here if you ever need to talk. I miss the old BBC days where we could vent. Feel free to send a message if you ever need to! January 1, 2010 at 7:46 PM. I felt similarly about bidding farewell to 2009. I hope youre doing okay.homesickness is brutal :(. January 6, 2010 at 1:32 AM. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). View my complete profile.


Rantings of a Raging Raven: Speaking in Church


Sunday, January 24, 2010. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). View my complete profile. She just does it. Deep Cleaning Week 3 - Living Room and Dining Room. Dentist Appt Round 2. Deep Cleaning week 2 - The Bedrooms. Deep cleaning Week 1. First Day in Primary. She is mine afterall. Happy Blogaversary to me! Buy Blog Reviews in Detail. A Second Thanksgiving Dinner. Rantings of a Raging Raven. I have so much to say but. Shark/ Superman Birthday Party. Jacelyn lost her first tooth! Check out The Squish.


Rantings of a Raging Raven


Wednesday, October 31, 2012. Religion, Politics and Civility. The past week was General Conference and I spent some time pondering Elder Cook’s talk and his call for civility in all things, especially in civil discourse. http:/ www.lds.org/general-conference/2012/10/can-ye-feel-so-now? In 1835 at a general assembly the Church adopted by unanimous vote a “Declaration of Belief regarding Governments and Laws in general,” which was to become the 134. When members of the flock returned for an afternoon sessi...





connie-onedayatatime.blogspot.com connie-onedayatatime.blogspot.com

One Day at a Time...: December 2009


One Day at a Time. Life is to short. I have lived and learned and realized that there is no other way to live except for one day at a time. Each day has a new beginning nomatter how it ends. Wednesday, December 30, 2009. Our Christmas was wonderful. The morning was very peaceful, although Kenzie's excitement was enough for 10 kids. (Faith was at egg donors this year for Christmas morning) Thalan once he started opening presents he didn't want to stop so he played in the wrapping paper. I love Christmas&#...

connie-onedayatatime.blogspot.com connie-onedayatatime.blogspot.com

One Day at a Time...: January 2010


One Day at a Time. Life is to short. I have lived and learned and realized that there is no other way to live except for one day at a time. Each day has a new beginning nomatter how it ends. Thursday, January 21, 2010. As I have posted before I love to read. it's something I have always relied on to let me escape anything. Into another world somewhere e lse's. Lately' I have been reading Jodi Piccoults. Now I am almost done with Handle with Care, which follows suit to the other two books simply amazing.

connie-onedayatatime.blogspot.com connie-onedayatatime.blogspot.com

One Day at a Time...: October 2008


One Day at a Time. Life is to short. I have lived and learned and realized that there is no other way to live except for one day at a time. Each day has a new beginning nomatter how it ends. Thursday, October 23, 2008. Sunday, October 19, 2008. I am so grateful. Well, I know I don't get on here much but I wanted to take some time today. My family will always be my life and I will be forever grateful that this is the life I have. Sunday, October 5, 2008. We have named our little boy! The thing is we decid...

connie-onedayatatime.blogspot.com connie-onedayatatime.blogspot.com

One Day at a Time...: November 2008


One Day at a Time. Life is to short. I have lived and learned and realized that there is no other way to live except for one day at a time. Each day has a new beginning nomatter how it ends. Saturday, November 8, 2008. Not really sure what to do from here. I will update later on my family just wanted to get that out. Connie. Labels: what to do? Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). View my complete profile. Sidewalk Chalk and Sippy Cups. Proud Moments in Parenting - Christmas Edition. A Second Thanksgiving Dinner.

connie-onedayatatime.blogspot.com connie-onedayatatime.blogspot.com

One Day at a Time...: February 2011


One Day at a Time. Life is to short. I have lived and learned and realized that there is no other way to live except for one day at a time. Each day has a new beginning nomatter how it ends. Saturday, February 5, 2011. I always watched the world growing up not to. Understand Love and all it's elements. At almost 30 I am realizing it's alot. Of hard work to stay in love and keep your soul mate. Silly as it sounds right. Soul mate means your meant for each other. At the end of the day that is not me. N...

connie-onedayatatime.blogspot.com connie-onedayatatime.blogspot.com

One Day at a Time...: August 2009


One Day at a Time. Life is to short. I have lived and learned and realized that there is no other way to live except for one day at a time. Each day has a new beginning nomatter how it ends. Saturday, August 22, 2009. Even though I know you all can I can't believe how long it's been sense I posted last. Sorry. Just a quick update. Still have to put pics on the computer:(. Faith in 2 weeks will be a 3rd grader, and in 3 weeks will be 8 years old! I'll beback to update more with pics soon. Baptism and we a...

connie-onedayatatime.blogspot.com connie-onedayatatime.blogspot.com

One Day at a Time...: March 2009


One Day at a Time. Life is to short. I have lived and learned and realized that there is no other way to live except for one day at a time. Each day has a new beginning nomatter how it ends. Friday, March 27, 2009. I am fnally am almost 100% back to my ol self. Anyway I never got to post certain things and wanted to update you all. Thalan had his 3 month checkup on Tuesday. My little guy is now 13lbs 8oz and 23 3/4 inches long. The docter said he is absolutly perfect. I seem to think so too b...Finally, ...

connie-onedayatatime.blogspot.com connie-onedayatatime.blogspot.com

One Day at a Time...: February 2010


One Day at a Time. Life is to short. I have lived and learned and realized that there is no other way to live except for one day at a time. Each day has a new beginning nomatter how it ends. Saturday, February 20, 2010. My entire life I have always been the one who worries more than I should, the one that thinks the worst will happen when anything is going on. I have always doubted myself as a person , because I have never had the emotional strength to do other wise. Butt I have learned to just breath.

connie-onedayatatime.blogspot.com connie-onedayatatime.blogspot.com

One Day at a Time...: November 2009


One Day at a Time. Life is to short. I have lived and learned and realized that there is no other way to live except for one day at a time. Each day has a new beginning nomatter how it ends. Tuesday, November 24, 2009. Sean and I have been together for well just about 5 years. Although. It seems like yesterday we just meet. I am amazed on how far we have become. And to be honest everyday I am in disbelief how I have someone that completes me so well. Maybe your wondering why I am writing. There is a life...

connie-onedayatatime.blogspot.com connie-onedayatatime.blogspot.com

One Day at a Time...: September 2010


One Day at a Time. Life is to short. I have lived and learned and realized that there is no other way to live except for one day at a time. Each day has a new beginning nomatter how it ends. Monday, September 6, 2010. I wish I could say that it's endless like the possibilities that I have with where I am going to take this post. I think though I jsut needed to write something, anything and it would help me feel like I am not neglecting my blog:(. I am forcing myself to take time for me.YOU'LL see:).





randomramblinganna.blogspot.com randomramblinganna.blogspot.com

Random Rambling

Wednesday, January 14, 2009. Ok so lately, I have been noticing a VERY disturbing trend. I keep seeing people writing that they love peoples guts? Now the first time I saw this I spent 20 minutes studying the keyboard on my phone and trying to figure out what word they meant to type. I was certain that it had to be a mistake! However, as time has gone on I have noticed this disgusting thing creeping up all over the place! So now I ask you - WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? Now for those of you who were not fortunate...

randomramblingmom.wordpress.com randomramblingmom.wordpress.com

randomramblingmom | Just one mom trying to survive through the darkness of depression and anxiety.

Just one mom trying to survive through the darkness of depression and anxiety. January 3, 2017. So ….I’m working like a dog on some homemade ornaments for close family and friends. I’m getting all crafty and shit with some mod podge and glitter. Thankfully the vertigo flare didn’t last past this morning. I got my prednisone script and took one as directed. Oops…speaking of which I was supposed to take dose two a half hour ago. Any who, my back, hips, and legs are killing me now. I’ve basically ...Maybe y...

randomramblingmommy.blogspot.com randomramblingmommy.blogspot.com

Ramblings of a Mommy

Sunday, June 3, 2012. We've completed the move! We have been in our new house for two weeks. Move day was crazy.move weekend was crazy, but we're in and we're getting settled. I'm trying to sign the girl up for local activites for the summer to get her acclimated. Today we had a family birthday party for her.and she had a great time with her cousins. Again this year I made her cake. Posted using BlogPress from my iPad. Sunday, April 15, 2012. Posted using BlogPress from my iPad. Friday, April 13, 2012.

randomramblingofabroadwayfilmtvfan.blogspot.com randomramblingofabroadwayfilmtvfan.blogspot.com


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randomramblingofaragingraven.blogspot.com randomramblingofaragingraven.blogspot.com

Rantings of a Raging Raven

Wednesday, October 31, 2012. Religion, Politics and Civility. The past week was General Conference and I spent some time pondering Elder Cook’s talk and his call for civility in all things, especially in civil discourse. http:/ www.lds.org/general-conference/2012/10/can-ye-feel-so-now? In 1835 at a general assembly the Church adopted by unanimous vote a “Declaration of Belief regarding Governments and Laws in general,” which was to become the 134. When members of the flock returned for an afternoon sessi...

randomramblingofmymind.blogspot.com randomramblingofmymind.blogspot.com

Random Rambling of My Mind

Random Rambling of My Mind. May is Martian Month. Adventures of a silly, silly girl. In a worrisome, troubled world, people took comfort when President Hinckley said, in his fatherly, assuring way, "It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out.". Tuesday, April 27, 2010. Ok, I decided to back track and post my Easter projects. Pillowcase, I even added yellow piping to the pink border. Close up of the fabric. Again I was trying to walk the line between boyish and girly. So that meant a r...

randomramblingphilosophy.blogspot.com randomramblingphilosophy.blogspot.com

A Jedi and a Philosopher Walk into a Bar

A Jedi and a Philosopher Walk into a Bar. It's all g(r)eek to me! Friday, May 27, 2011. The Scary Old Couple. Spring is still springing, but the days are getting warmer. While my mulberry tree is still berrying (somewhat), the days are warm enough now that the berries rot before they ripen (or ferment, which is always funny when the birds and squirrels get drunk! I still have little kids knocking on my door asking if they can pick mulberries; but I have to tell them the mulberries are bad now. I think I'...

randomramblingruminations.blogspot.com randomramblingruminations.blogspot.com

Have you spoken with God today?

Have you spoken with God today? View my complete profile. How do you eat yours? Is that the best we can do? 1 : 6,716,117,644. Who ate all the oil? Or The Artificial Sun). What difference does God make in your life? If God is Sovereign and the world is like it is, H. Tuesday, January 19, 2010. How do you eat yours? Just on a practical note - do you know when you boil and egg and pop it into your egg cup? Posted by sharath 14:54. Tuesday, January 12, 2010. Is that the best we can do? Well how about our ne...

randomramblings-absentmindedprofessor.blogspot.com randomramblings-absentmindedprofessor.blogspot.com

Random Ramblings of an Absent-Minded Professor

The Prof's Pull List. Friday, July 24. The Little Way of Ruthie Leming: A Southern Girl, a Small Town, and the Secret of a Good Life (2013). On EWTN. That night, host Raymond Arroyo was interviewing guest Dreher, specifically about his most recently published book, How Dante Can Save Your Life. Which I am currently reading). Kent G. Hare. Links to this post. How Dante Can Save Your Life. The Little Way of Ruthie Leming. Tuesday, July 21. The King’s Deryni: A Novel of the Deryni (2014). Kent G. Hare.

randomramblings-cherie.blogspot.com randomramblings-cherie.blogspot.com

Cherie's Random Ramblings

Http:/ www.learning2liveagain.weebly.com. Http:/ www.cnbe1.com. Wednesday, 25 December 2013. There was also the fear of ‘going it alone’ again. After all, it hadn’t worked so well those first few years after Butch passed away. Would I end up ‘losing myself’ again, or struggling to look after and nurture me? So many questions and so many ‘I don’t know’ answers! Having always been a ‘list’. My first night with Karen, Johno and their family, was nerve-racking…for about five minutes! There have been quite a ...