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Undertaking Grace

A simple woman's journey into the depths of God's grace. Friday, August 7, 2015. Politics, Media and Perspective.oh my! Instead of 'what's in it for us. Or I wonder if because of the instant access via social media to every idea and opinion that I now realize just how depraved we humans really are? And you know what? We aren't guaranteed our next breath much less 16 months. So, what's my plan? Until that time.I've got more important things to do. Friday, August 07, 2015. Thursday, July 2, 2015. Sometimes...














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Undertaking Grace | randomthoughtsbycarla.blogspot.com Reviews
A simple woman's journey into the depths of God's grace. Friday, August 7, 2015. Politics, Media and Perspective.oh my! Instead of 'what's in it for us. Or I wonder if because of the instant access via social media to every idea and opinion that I now realize just how depraved we humans really are? And you know what? We aren't guaranteed our next breath much less 16 months. So, what's my plan? Until that time.I've got more important things to do. Friday, August 07, 2015. Thursday, July 2, 2015. Sometimes...
1 undertaking grace
2 posted by
3 carla ewing
4 jehovah shalom
5 heartbreaking
6 brokenness
7 hearts unto wisdom
8 be present
9 lessons from jehovah jireh
10 gooseberries
Page content here
undertaking grace,posted by,carla ewing,jehovah shalom,heartbreaking,brokenness,hearts unto wisdom,be present,lessons from jehovah jireh,gooseberries,moments,why undertaking grace,older posts,about me,thoughts

Undertaking Grace | randomthoughtsbycarla.blogspot.com Reviews


A simple woman's journey into the depths of God's grace. Friday, August 7, 2015. Politics, Media and Perspective.oh my! Instead of 'what's in it for us. Or I wonder if because of the instant access via social media to every idea and opinion that I now realize just how depraved we humans really are? And you know what? We aren't guaranteed our next breath much less 16 months. So, what's my plan? Until that time.I've got more important things to do. Friday, August 07, 2015. Thursday, July 2, 2015. Sometimes...


randomthoughtsbycarla.blogspot.com randomthoughtsbycarla.blogspot.com

Undertaking Grace: Taking a deep breath


A simple woman's journey into the depths of God's grace. Thursday, July 2, 2015. Taking a deep breath. And the smattering of passive aggressive posts by people that make a regular habit of doing so. Quickly, I knew that I needed to have face time with my Creator or I was in serious peril of spiraling down into the abyss of worldly nonsense. Simple, grounding truth. As I come through a struggle, this certainty cuts through the feelings, vain imaginations and lies that anyone but the Jesus is Lord and ...


Undertaking Grace: May 2014


A simple woman's journey into the depths of God's grace. Tuesday, May 20, 2014. The wind whipping through the trees at Gibson Woods. Yesterday on my morning walk, I was blessed with a cool breeze to keep the heat and bugs at bay. As I was walking north for my first mile, that wind was at my back, scooting me along at a pretty good pace. I was making good time and got to the turn around point, only to find a fierce, stiff wind blowing h-a-r-d! Tuesday, May 20, 2014. Sunday, May 4, 2014. I thought I was do...


Undertaking Grace: May 2015


A simple woman's journey into the depths of God's grace. Tuesday, May 5, 2015. Change is inevitable but growth is intentional. Welcome to the "new" endeavor. I've taken a bit of a step back from my normal routine, a sabbatical of sorts, to pause to listen to the Lord. The noise of life was crowding out that still small voice that I wanted to hear. Oh how He loves to meet us in those times! Why the change in the blog? I will leave you today with this tweet from Carlos Rodriguez:. If your theology makes yo...


Undertaking Grace: July 2015


A simple woman's journey into the depths of God's grace. Thursday, July 2, 2015. Taking a deep breath. And the smattering of passive aggressive posts by people that make a regular habit of doing so. Quickly, I knew that I needed to have face time with my Creator or I was in serious peril of spiraling down into the abyss of worldly nonsense. Simple, grounding truth. As I come through a struggle, this certainty cuts through the feelings, vain imaginations and lies that anyone but the Jesus is Lord and ...


Undertaking Grace: June 2015


A simple woman's journey into the depths of God's grace. Tuesday, June 30, 2015. That moment of undiluted conviction. That burn in the depths of my heart because I know I've sinned against the Lord. Comprehending the depths of my depravity. That's when He nudged me and stirred up these words in my heart. Hey sweet girl. Do you see my grace? Yes, you've failed, but you are not a failure. The all loving gift of My blood on the cross makes that so. Do you see my grace? Tuesday, June 30, 2015. If I live to b...





joyfulnonconformist.com joyfulnonconformist.com

A Joyful Nonconformist: February 2012


Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2a. Wednesday, February 29, 2012. February 29th: Something I'm Listening To. Life is funny stuff. I woke up this morning with my day all planned out, including what I was going to do for my final February Photo-a-Day Challenge blog post. Sometimes I crack me up! This is well-traveled territory for us. Jim has gone on at least one mission trip every year since 2003. And this mission t...And n...

joyfulnonconformist.com joyfulnonconformist.com

A Joyful Nonconformist: August 2014


Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2a. Tuesday, August 26, 2014. Musical Monday: Share and Tell. But I brought absolutely nothing to the table musically. YeahI gave him tomatoes and bleu cheese and cream in his coffee, but he mainly rolls his eyes any time I think I've discovered a song he has never heard of. That's what makes my recent find so extra fun for me! So maybe you are abundantly familiar with "Break Up the Concrete...

joyfulnonconformist.com joyfulnonconformist.com

A Joyful Nonconformist: March 2012


Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2a. Wednesday, March 21, 2012. Take that, Laundry Monster! If this is all a re-run for you, you are welcome to use this time to throw in a load of laundry. First…a before shot. There is no picture. I don’t need that kind of humiliation. But allow me to describe the situation:. I have a laundry room. Ugh…that’s a story unto itself! So picture the scene:. And the worst part is that the pile wa...

joyfulnonconformist.com joyfulnonconformist.com

A Joyful Nonconformist: February 2011


Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2a. Saturday, February 26, 2011. May I Have Your Attention, Please? It has come to my attention that I'm not very good at sitting still. This is not a surprise to some of you. In my defense, I do have eight children in the house, seven of whom are being homeschooled to some degree. If I don't keep moving, I sometimes fall asleep.and then I'm just a ridiculously easy target! Trust me.so a...

joyfulnonconformist.com joyfulnonconformist.com

A Joyful Nonconformist: February 7, 2015: Button


Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2a. Sunday, February 8, 2015. February 7, 2015: Button. Sometimes, when I look back at old blog posts, I get the chance to relive an event that had managed to fall right out of my long-term memory storage. Sometimes I even crack me up! Occasionally, I am pleasantly surprised to discover a nugget of insight. And often I wonder what in the world I was thinking. Today was just such a day. Some ...

joyfulnonconformist.com joyfulnonconformist.com

A Joyful Nonconformist: Musical Monday: Share and Tell


Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2a. Tuesday, August 26, 2014. Musical Monday: Share and Tell. But I brought absolutely nothing to the table musically. YeahI gave him tomatoes and bleu cheese and cream in his coffee, but he mainly rolls his eyes any time I think I've discovered a song he has never heard of. That's what makes my recent find so extra fun for me! So maybe you are abundantly familiar with "Break Up the Concrete...

joyfulnonconformist.com joyfulnonconformist.com

A Joyful Nonconformist: February 2015


Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2a. Sunday, February 8, 2015. February 7, 2015: Button. Sometimes, when I look back at old blog posts, I get the chance to relive an event that had managed to fall right out of my long-term memory storage. Sometimes I even crack me up! Occasionally, I am pleasantly surprised to discover a nugget of insight. And often I wonder what in the world I was thinking. Today was just such a day. Some ...

joyfulnonconformist.com joyfulnonconformist.com

A Joyful Nonconformist: February 2, 2015: Words


Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2a. Monday, February 2, 2015. February 2, 2015: Words. My whole life is Words! I've got handwriting practice, spelling tests, Hooked on Phonics (Worked for me! Historical fiction, fairy tales, and instructions for science experiments. And I've got my personal favorite: story problems! Don't be a hater. It's like I tell my kids.story problems are like a puzzle. Puzzles are fun! Today, however...

joyfulnonconformist.com joyfulnonconformist.com

A Joyful Nonconformist: October 2013


Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2a. Thursday, October 31, 2013. What's Cooking Wednesday: A Recipe Fail (or not! I never claimed to be perfect.but in the kitchen, I come remarkably close! Bad Very bad. Both very, really bad. However, I don't think it constitutes a recipe FAIL when nothing went wrong! Some things are just plain ol' disgusting! My only error was in judgment.not in execution. I love cheese! But not a fail.

joyfulnonconformist.com joyfulnonconformist.com

A Joyful Nonconformist: February 4, 2015: A stranger


Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2a. Wednesday, February 4, 2015. February 4, 2015: A stranger. I hate to admit this, but I'm not very smart. Welcome back to the Midwest! And we really, really couldn't make the trip without that. Fortunately, our neighbor (a big, bloggy Thank You to Brad Clark! Was able to tape the thing on well enough to get us to the nearest Auto Zone. But first.the children had been promised a McDona...





randomthoughtsbouncedoffawall.blogspot.com randomthoughtsbouncedoffawall.blogspot.com


Sunday, July 6, 2008. Today I finally saw Stranger Than Fiction. I really loved it, in fact, it's been a long time since I enjoyed a movie that much. That's all I wanted to say. Have a peaceful evening,. Saturday, July 5, 2008. I don't think that I've been this down about something unknown in a long time. I suppose I just feel a little lost in some way. Not in the, wow I'm totally alone and will never be happy again way, but the what is it I really think, what do I do next, kind of thing. Why me Lord,.

randomthoughtsbrokenmind.blogspot.com randomthoughtsbrokenmind.blogspot.com

Random Thoughts From A Broken Mind

The bizarre, hilarious and perverted views of one Mark McElligott, a 50 year old man with the libido of a 13 year old watching scrambled porn. Laugh out loud funny, insightful and touching at times. Just don't touch yourself while visiting this site. Friday, February 17, 2012. Doubt It Publishing @The Buffalo Small Press Book Fair. The show must go on! Mind) and David Waters ( 12 Priests and 3 Gnomes. And Poke The Scorpion With A Sharp Stick. Buy our books already! Links to this post. Will be available f...

randomthoughtsbyandrea.blogspot.com randomthoughtsbyandrea.blogspot.com

Andrea's Random Thoughts

Wednesday, December 7, 2011. In some strange way, I also felt it was true. The turn of events caused her to avoid certain activities and careers and partake in others and to really appreciate the basic needs that we all have. It caused her to see life differently and to slow down—perhaps in a way that her family’s guidance could never have done. Events do seem to shape us. Of course, I haven’t mentioned the various world news events that made 2011 stand out. Friday, December 17, 2010. What did you gain?

randomthoughtsbybecca.blogspot.com randomthoughtsbybecca.blogspot.com

Random Thoughts

A place to house my silly thoughts and daily happenings. Tuesday, June 19, 2012. Being A Mama Is Exhausting. This whole 'being a parent' thing is keeping me BUSY. I always have great intentions to post an update, but soccer games and dance lessons and trips to Target always get in the way. I started this weblog to remember the little details in our lives so even with the months and months between posts, I shall carry on. He's getting so tall and skinny- and much more sure-footed. Check out my little dude...

randomthoughtsbybloggerette.blogspot.com randomthoughtsbybloggerette.blogspot.com

Do One Thing Every Day That Scares You

Do One Thing Every Day That Scares You. November Thanks Challenge 2011. Saturday, December 31, 2011. Day 365 - The End. As 2011 comes to a close, I hope you all had a great 2011. My 2011, as you may have read, was not without it's ups and downs, and wins and losses but being the hopeless optimistic that I am, I believe the best is yet to come! In 2011, I wore things I thought I shouldn't. I tried new foods and well, enjoyed some of them (am I the only human that does. My view leaving work. It's even incl...

randomthoughtsbycarla.blogspot.com randomthoughtsbycarla.blogspot.com

Undertaking Grace

A simple woman's journey into the depths of God's grace. Friday, August 7, 2015. Politics, Media and Perspective.oh my! Instead of 'what's in it for us. Or I wonder if because of the instant access via social media to every idea and opinion that I now realize just how depraved we humans really are? And you know what? We aren't guaranteed our next breath much less 16 months. So, what's my plan? Until that time.I've got more important things to do. Friday, August 07, 2015. Thursday, July 2, 2015. Sometimes...

randomthoughtsbychris.blogspot.com randomthoughtsbychris.blogspot.com

Unseen Eternity

May 12, 2015. Staying grounded is an ongoing discipline, but it’s worth it. It means you’ll serve your church community better. It means you’ll be available to your family (whatever that looks like). It means you yourself will grow more into the image of Jesus. It means that, instead of being a liability, you’ll be part of advancing the Kingdom of God. Links to this post. April 2, 2015. In Which I Avoid Sleeping Through Holy Week. 8220;This week is kind of like your superbowl, right? 8221;

. For our gue...

randomthoughtsbychristie.blogspot.com randomthoughtsbychristie.blogspot.com

Random Thoughts by Christie

Random Thoughts by Christie. Thursday, July 5, 2012. The Fourth of July 2012. After breakfast, Matt and I went back to Grandma's so we could continue visiting with the out-of-towners. We were there for a few hours and then determined that we should head home so I could make something to take to the BBQ we had later in the day. And a special thank you to all of our military men and women that fight for us to keep our freedoms. I am so grateful for your sacrifices. Thursday, April 12, 2012. I heard somethi...

randomthoughtsbyconnie.blogspot.com randomthoughtsbyconnie.blogspot.com

Connie Says...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010. On our recent trip to the Bahamas (pronounced Buh-jam-uhs), we met Connie. Connie is a simple gal from Colorado. Sent to impart wisdom on misguided travelers like ourselves. Connie spoke.we listened.and we are better for it. So this is for you Connie.wherever you are. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). View my complete profile. Picture Window template. Template images by konradlew.

randomthoughtsbydidi.blogspot.com randomthoughtsbydidi.blogspot.com

Random Thoughts

Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). View my complete profile. Ethereal template. Powered by Blogger.

randomthoughtsbyeric.blogspot.com randomthoughtsbyeric.blogspot.com

Dad To 2

Sunday, December 15, 2013. My Last Post on Blogger. I wanted to thank everyone who has read and followed this blog, who has stuck with me even when I didn't post for days and weeks on end. I have enjoyed using blogger and have had this blog since 1996, but it is time for me to move on to another blog. I am moving to using my own website on my own domain, EricDickey.Com. Links to this post. Monday, February 25, 2013. Form Follows Fitness 5K. Part of our 11 member team. I am on the far left. It was 34 degr...