rantingmyarseoff.blogspot.com rantingmyarseoff.blogspot.com



The Misuse of Rhyme. Monday, June 7, 2010. I want to sleep. But I'd rather make you weep. And read my messy rhyme. Because I want to kill time. Painlessly, while I am at it. Me back with it's best shot. While you stand there smoking pot. Laughing at my misery. Offering me a cup of tea. And tipping over the pot of milk,. Staining my expensive silk. But that is what you always do. So it wouldn't hurt if I were to. Put you through this painful ordeal. And make a sumptuous meal. Because you secretly grinned.














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Me. | rantingmyarseoff.blogspot.com Reviews
The Misuse of Rhyme. Monday, June 7, 2010. I want to sleep. But I'd rather make you weep. And read my messy rhyme. Because I want to kill time. Painlessly, while I am at it. Me back with it's best shot. While you stand there smoking pot. Laughing at my misery. Offering me a cup of tea. And tipping over the pot of milk,. Staining my expensive silk. But that is what you always do. So it wouldn't hurt if I were to. Put you through this painful ordeal. And make a sumptuous meal. Because you secretly grinned.
1 ir a principal
2 ir a lateral
3 lest karma hit
4 dissimilar words together
5 0 shut the hell ups
6 if only
7 you could see
8 when we meet
9 1 shut the hell ups
10 bedroom window does
Page content here
ir a principal,ir a lateral,lest karma hit,dissimilar words together,0 shut the hell ups,if only,you could see,when we meet,1 shut the hell ups,bedroom window does,only to write,papers and,make rhymes,to compliment,winter madness,while you crawl,to wait

Me. | rantingmyarseoff.blogspot.com Reviews


The Misuse of Rhyme. Monday, June 7, 2010. I want to sleep. But I'd rather make you weep. And read my messy rhyme. Because I want to kill time. Painlessly, while I am at it. Me back with it's best shot. While you stand there smoking pot. Laughing at my misery. Offering me a cup of tea. And tipping over the pot of milk,. Staining my expensive silk. But that is what you always do. So it wouldn't hurt if I were to. Put you through this painful ordeal. And make a sumptuous meal. Because you secretly grinned.


rantingmyarseoff.blogspot.com rantingmyarseoff.blogspot.com

Me.: June 2010


The Misuse of Rhyme. Monday, June 7, 2010. I want to sleep. But I'd rather make you weep. And read my messy rhyme. Because I want to kill time. Painlessly, while I am at it. Me back with it's best shot. While you stand there smoking pot. Laughing at my misery. Offering me a cup of tea. And tipping over the pot of milk,. Staining my expensive silk. But that is what you always do. So it wouldn't hurt if I were to. Put you through this painful ordeal. And make a sumptuous meal. Because you secretly grinned.


Me.: Winter madness.


Monday, December 7, 2009. The guitar gently mourns. Under the strain of her small. Fingers that tap-dance on it. You aren't too sure. Of how to close in. For the final attack. And then gently retreat. After scarring her insides. While she still plasters that big happy smile. And pretends that all is fine. And you sweat because you don't have time. Or the courage to stay. And puke out those words. That you do not want to say,. That you really do care. And then the draft of cold air. That take over my skin.


Me.: Wounds.


Friday, November 20, 2009. All that is left behind. Is the faint trail of the song. That you played last night. To create a mood. That would make you feel good. About the scars that you painted. On the hands that held you so close. You, screaming like a mad man. Shrieked her lungs out. Ella Fitzgelard does to you. What fuel does to fire. And out of control. You, who wants her to. With her bleeding lips. Which you nibbled at, carelessly. To satiate that undying passion. And all that is left behind. This w...


Me.: October 2009


And I am mourning the loss of a friend. Wednesday, October 28, 2009. Because i did not know that it would hurt me so. Because i had to say goodbye and let you go. Because angels break their wings and lose flight. Because good mornings were never exchanged when the sun was bright. Because you were ticklish and defended yourself with a poke. Because i have cried so hard that i could choke. Because my rhymes were never any good at all. Because i had to write this to cushion my fall. Monday, October 12, 2009.


Me.: July 2009


Wednesday, July 29, 2009. Sometimes, i lose consciousness. And i see you slipping away. As i fall into the pool of colour drenching me. And snuffing life into me,. A charcoal sketch on a white canvas. And i look around. And i notice that i have limbs. I am human, perhaps,. But far from it. A song without words. Sitting a few light years away,. At the edge of reason. Ready to take the plunge. To give me company,. Smell the selfsame air of sweet nothingness. That makes its way. They seem so far away.





vforvava.blogspot.com vforvava.blogspot.com

Peyara ar Jamrool: May 2009


Sunday, May 10, 2009. So, exams start on the 19th. What I have read: V for Vendetta. What I don't know: Everything else. What I don't have: Most of the material. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). Sort by Author (We use the term loosely here *ahem*). In the throes of an intense existential crisis:. Showme, Danny, Shrek. Our thirst for blood is insatiable. Oh look, a kitty! Chronicling the witticisms of three uncouth idiots: Magical Ished Tea, V-University, Bamui Prem and such things. Eta ki kore holo?

vforvava.blogspot.com vforvava.blogspot.com

Peyara ar Jamrool: because this blog is dying


Friday, July 17, 2009. Because this blog is dying. And no one seems to be reading this shit anyway. July 17, 2009 at 10:24 PM. Sheki ami porchi toh. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Sort by Author (We use the term loosely here *ahem*). In the throes of an intense existential crisis:. Showme, Danny, Shrek. Our thirst for blood is insatiable. Oh look, a kitty! Chronicling the witticisms of three uncouth idiots: Magical Ished Tea, V-University, Bamui Prem and such things. Eta ki kore holo?

vforvava.blogspot.com vforvava.blogspot.com

Peyara ar Jamrool: April 2009


Tuesday, April 28, 2009. Tumi aamake atkate parbe na. Thursday, April 23, 2009. Eyes at the back of your head? Sigh I don't know if I should be exasperated, flattered or indifferent. *start rant*. Why care about gay people when there are brothels? Actually, I think I'm going to settle for feeling amused and going back to work. *end rant* Hee haw. Wednesday, April 22, 2009. The police officers who tried to catch them dropped dead like flies on the way to the scene(s) of the crime. Aami ekhon khela dekhbo.

vforvava.blogspot.com vforvava.blogspot.com

Peyara ar Jamrool: our purpose in life.


Thursday, July 30, 2009. Our purpose in life. Lioness' ambition in life is to become a mad old spinster with 80 cats writing a book on the failed lives surrounding her. I, Showme, shall become the wasted sexoholic who ODs and dies at the age of 27 leaving behind a vast legacy of extremely bad poetry. Danny will end up as the hooker standing on kalighat bridge whose sole purpose in life is to find the 4'10" guy with a perfect nose who forgot to pay her for her services. July 30, 2009 at 11:36 AM.

vforvava.blogspot.com vforvava.blogspot.com

Peyara ar Jamrool: Panic! at the Disco


Sunday, May 10, 2009. So, exams start on the 19th. What I have read: V for Vendetta. What I don't know: Everything else. What I don't have: Most of the material. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Sort by Author (We use the term loosely here *ahem*). In the throes of an intense existential crisis:. Showme, Danny, Shrek. Our thirst for blood is insatiable. Oh look, a kitty! Chronicling the witticisms of three uncouth idiots: Magical Ished Tea, V-University, Bamui Prem and such things. Eta ki kore holo?

vforvava.blogspot.com vforvava.blogspot.com

Peyara ar Jamrool: July 2009


Thursday, July 30, 2009. Our purpose in life. Lioness' ambition in life is to become a mad old spinster with 80 cats writing a book on the failed lives surrounding her. I, Showme, shall become the wasted sexoholic who ODs and dies at the age of 27 leaving behind a vast legacy of extremely bad poetry. Danny will end up as the hooker standing on kalighat bridge whose sole purpose in life is to find the 4'10" guy with a perfect nose who forgot to pay her for her services. Friday, July 17, 2009.

vforvava.blogspot.com vforvava.blogspot.com

Peyara ar Jamrool


Monday, September 14, 2009. If only we could. Just eat and sleep and roll around in our own filth. And eat.and sleep and eat. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Sort by Author (We use the term loosely here *ahem*). In the throes of an intense existential crisis:. Showme, Danny, Shrek. Our thirst for blood is insatiable. Oh look, a kitty! Chronicling the witticisms of three uncouth idiots: Magical Ished Tea, V-University, Bamui Prem and such things. Eta ki kore holo?

vforvava.blogspot.com vforvava.blogspot.com

Peyara ar Jamrool: Eyes at the back of your head?


Thursday, April 23, 2009. Eyes at the back of your head? Sigh I don't know if I should be exasperated, flattered or indifferent. *start rant*. And as if I need a little more drama in my beautiful life, as if I DON'T have too much work to do anyway, this third guy I don't even know that well reads my every word he can lay his hands on, and then sends me long preachy emails about my irresponsibility as a writer and how I don't talk about real issues. Why do I worry about cats when real people are dying?

vforvava.blogspot.com vforvava.blogspot.com

Peyara ar Jamrool


Tuesday, April 28, 2009. Tumi aamake atkate parbe na. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Sort by Author (We use the term loosely here *ahem*). In the throes of an intense existential crisis:. Showme, Danny, Shrek. Our thirst for blood is insatiable. Oh look, a kitty! Chronicling the witticisms of three uncouth idiots: Magical Ished Tea, V-University, Bamui Prem and such things. Eta ki kore holo? Aami post korbo. tumi aamake atkate parbe na. doob. Eyes at the back of your head? This blog is active.

vforvava.blogspot.com vforvava.blogspot.com

Peyara ar Jamrool: September 2009


Monday, September 14, 2009. If only we could. Just eat and sleep and roll around in our own filth. And eat.and sleep and eat. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). Sort by Author (We use the term loosely here *ahem*). In the throes of an intense existential crisis:. Showme, Danny, Shrek. Our thirst for blood is insatiable. Oh look, a kitty! Chronicling the witticisms of three uncouth idiots: Magical Ished Tea, V-University, Bamui Prem and such things. Eta ki kore holo?





rantingmoose.com rantingmoose.com

Namecheap Parking Page

Your web space is ready to go! Your hosting account has been successfully created on the server! Your nameservers have been setup properly and DNS propagation is completed. Now you may upload the content for your future site. Please find some useful links below. Shared Hosting Getting Started.

rantingmuda.blogspot.com rantingmuda.blogspot.com

Ranting Muda

Wednesday, April 6, 2011. Minggu nih minggu review filem . so kali nih nak citer pasal filem yg digembar gemburkan sebagai sebuah filem yg ditunggu2x . filem epik pertama Malaysia abad ini . tak lain tak bukan Hikayat Merung Mahawangsa atau dlm bahsa omputehnyer "Malay Chronicles: Bloodlines" . Citer yg dikabarkan akan menerangkan serba sedikit asal usul Melayu dan Langkasuka.hmm :). Bermula dgn berita perkahwinan putera Rom dgn Puteri China yg akan diadakan di laluan emas (kedah atau lebih dikenali sbg ...

rantingmule.livejournal.com rantingmule.livejournal.com

Soapbox for the Dog's Opinions

Soapbox for the Dogs Opinions. Writer's Block: Rise and shine. Jan 8th, 2011 at 9:27 PM. What's the first thing you do when you wake up? Pre-Ember, my first awakened action would be to swear at the alarm on workdays, roll over and go back to sleep on non-workdays. Now that I have my Munchkin kitty Ember in my life.my first action when I awaken is to grin at her, pet her hello, marvel at how she sleeps so loyally right next to my pillow. then. Meme ganked from Fancy on FA. Dec 29th, 2010 at 10:24 AM.

rantingmumla.blogspot.com rantingmumla.blogspot.com


Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). View my complete profile. Simple template. Powered by Blogger.

rantingmw.blogspot.com rantingmw.blogspot.com

Ranting My Wisdom

I need to unload some crap. I thought i might do it here. Hope you don't mind. It has been a minute since i posted on this the pre. Baby blog that I once nurtured the way I now try to nurture my son. I find myself trying to work through some crap. Let's see, where should I start? My father died December. I feel like I want to claw my own skin off (not really sure what that's. Works but is ravaging. My liver ( yay. I am very restless. Several health issues diagnosed in 2010; sleep apnea, fibromyalgia.

rantingmyarseoff.blogspot.com rantingmyarseoff.blogspot.com


The Misuse of Rhyme. Monday, June 7, 2010. I want to sleep. But I'd rather make you weep. And read my messy rhyme. Because I want to kill time. Painlessly, while I am at it. Me back with it's best shot. While you stand there smoking pot. Laughing at my misery. Offering me a cup of tea. And tipping over the pot of milk,. Staining my expensive silk. But that is what you always do. So it wouldn't hurt if I were to. Put you through this painful ordeal. And make a sumptuous meal. Because you secretly grinned.

rantingmystic.com rantingmystic.com

The Ranting Mystic - Mystic Angel Blog

What Are Mystic Angels? How To Request A Reading. What People Say About My Readings. July 5, 2015. Counseling With Your Higher Self With Cards. 6 Things Just About Every Tarot Reader Wants You To Know. What Are Mystic Angels? My cats are my life…. July 16, 2015. So Zano died almost two weeks ago and the morning after even after I swore to not have another kitten, just because of mourning and my ever flowing tears of guilt and shame….went and got his adorable brothers. How could…. Read more →. Page 1 of 16.

rantingmywisdom.blogspot.com rantingmywisdom.blogspot.com


Ranting My Wisdom. Pissing the world off, one person at a time. Wednesday, September 27, 2006. How the hell is the state government finding it acceptable to ban french fries! It's not like 2nd hand smoke where non smokers are exposed. If I choose to cruise by the Krispy Kreme for a dozen of the ohhh sooo delicious glazed originals, whose damn business is it if it's going to kill me or not. Next the government will be deciding what job you are born into and how many children you can have. Laws that forbid...

rantingnerd.blogspot.com rantingnerd.blogspot.com

Ranting Nerd

A Nerd Ranting about Science, Technology, Politics, Science Fiction, and whatever other tomfoolery comes to mind. Saturday, January 03, 2015. Andrew O'Hehir on the NYPD and its Broader Implications. Andrew O'Hehir is becoming one of my favorite political commentators (he started out as a movie reviewer). This essay about the NYPD mini-"rebellion". Is a great example of why. It includes one of the best distillations of American Exceptionalism that I've yet seen:. Links to this post. Is That Even Allowed?

rantingnewyorker.com rantingnewyorker.com

Rantings of a New Yorker | If you can't handle swearing, get off the internet. People suck, including me, and these are my rantings.

Rantings of a New Yorker. If you can't handle swearing, get off the internet. People suck, including me, and these are my rantings. Thursday, August 13, 2015. This video claims God exists using poor arguments. David C. Pack uses the usual arguments. To try to prove God exists. Continue reading →. Wednesday, August 12, 2015. Wednesday, August 12, 2015. Goodwill to Few Men. Mrs Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian, exposes Goodwill Industries. Monday, August 10, 2015. 10 WTF Bible Passages.